Fill PAY, JANUARY 21, 1927
. "
Fliscopal IProfessor
fluelice OfJeuI
Of iMag Of
(By Associat+
"Men 'of religion a
ligion are 'becoing~
T A LK D CTO AI R TIN DISCUSSES FATIGUE ot of an affected region in thei
Or~ ~ ~~~~r JX14ialter F. ?Martin, who for Z5liberates lactic acid, which 1?eIX- bsa ( ha neesr
ueis has lbeen associated with Dr.1 to sttedtha. uw,'.,,.y
Kellogg ini the IBati el Creek SaIta- ' C pd Z1.1 ';(110 ,~l>iywatc of clenyreslts in Ithe average REM
Point-, Oijj In. riuml, sp~oke yestcrday at a meeting !tiredniess from nT1S~inscu Er .''? t1011. lOSS O 6$2400,000,0' 0 a year to the'
JUp()n MortIality or the 'Folstoy league ill Angell h!.ll! Exhaustion is accompanied b;1a de- t il to States. BER
t 'fodlay, on ''Why That Tired Feeclig.'' 11 crease in the size of the n1 t "c (0.lS, :- _ ----- I ,_____
-~classed fatigue into three dovisionls, and if they beconme comlely c <~ t 11IADU) Advises from Portugal S
)DEN IEA normal fatiguie from physical exertion, out, resistance power agtiinst. ;(0 sca
)DR exasIDEftgeo erosdpe em spacial o ~ , n rene{w l of political agitation by
ted Press) Lionj, and pat hological or to.;ii faigi~ powerful cause or fat igue, Dr. _Nh pa. haentary leaders against the pre- 1! U
nd me i ot no r£ Inl he iil :7t typ (I tC, ~'.,!i ,.! ction 'tin declared, is due to the 3aC'Inmoil -r of In:nent hars resulted in de-I .
m iore, ad <l'd inoac VO it ' rin te 1~ a - on f .ie ti o n of poisonous Inatevials aw lt 11 ]w i trif c ll of the chief spirits inl the ac- 6f t
Iiv #?ln ?±:t- 4r t t -3 t"17tv 1 r '
Of ACom edy!
~.' ai-e a~or vii~tri~ t
interested in the moral and religious z
teachings of Jesus," stated, Noriian f m
Nash, professor of Clirianii soc"a
ethics and instructor in the New evT,_--
tament at the Episcopal Theological
school 'at Cambridge, Ma?., i 7i t '
speech discussing the question "1
Jesus' Ethical Teaching Vaid 'iodar, .
Professor Nash stated thal:in
teachings of Jesus had had a ;'va
influence upon the morality of mr A
throughout the ages anid that certain
doubts as to the worth and~ value of
the teaching of Jesus in regard to
- property andl the field of1 ceoRon<,:
were based upon the improper int< r-I
pretation of his ac ;.al statemients,
The charge that the etihics of Jesa:
were interim ethics, to 1)e the guide.
until the world should con-) to ani
end as was the prevalent belief oxf
that(lay, is also entirely without
ground, stated the speaker. Properlyl
interpreted, Jesus solid that his fol- f
lowers, the men who should spr-ead;
the gospel throughout the world,
should give up their economic pur-
suits and live upon the charity of the'
p~eople so 'that they could have the
time to teach. However, lie 0(1 1not01
say that all people should renounce!
wealth in order "to be saved" but that
they should continue in their (--ononi-
ic pursuits.
AcOrding to Professor Nash, Jesus
merely said that to renounce richies
and live in poverty was one of the
steps to perfectness, and the people
who did take this step would have
the power to ''save-'' those who >t i±Ii
continued on the average course of:
lif e . _____________________________
LOND)ON. - For the first tue in
years, says a Cairo dispatch, Egypt
had an adverse balance last year be.- I
cause of the jlnnip in cotton. Imports 1
dropped 6,000,000 pounds and ex-'
norts dropped 17,500,000 pounds.
gly;(genl, w ii i(-hi so apii e,; ite ce i-, ,1;UA li
proaucou t)-,r ,.t! c act crii i
tIs'it .
N ;-
W . .d 4 .
/a 1k
r. '
Black 'or ian
Scotch Grains
at $10.09
v~t tg ,1 '
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Former price
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Former Price $765
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IB&Uoon tires now standard on all models. -
All prices fCo. b. Flint. Mich
f 5'..is -.. ..-. '~', ' - T .r .e