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January 20, 1927 - Image 4

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-20

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. .. ..

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Members of Western Conference Editorial

born residents of the city since 1917.
Non-partisan, non-religious, and non-
racial, the organization has done val-
uable work and deserves high credit.

, /I

1 News)a ers

report, t hat in New

The Associated Press is, exclusively en- York there is much feeling against At last debating has been raised
titled to the use for republication of all newst
dis patches credited to it or not otherwise thep~frnilsipn uewih o the ll of football. The Daily is
credited in this paper and the local news pub- became effective on January 1 and g to e a rt along
lished therein. o
swhich, so American interests say, will cover the Northwestern match.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, cause much loss of trade to American * * *
Michigan, Etrdas s tencasmtt. ecarte .
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- shippers. Shippers are to demand a If evolution is what Shull says it is,
miaster ,General.Siprai
Subsciption by carrier, $3.75 by mail, change, and if necessary, retaliation, we can expect to see Daily "extras"
$4.y. tBut after all it is a question which and "say by say" accounts of the de-
ies: et.Ann Arbor Press Building, May- British policy must settle and which bates.
Hard fiStreet.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. will be settled in their own best in- * * *
terests and not ours. An angry feel- And the papers will run pictures
EDITORIAL STAFF ing and spirit on the part of American headed: "GOOD-LINE MAN WHO
Telephone 4925 interests is not going to help matters TALKS 60 WORDS IN LAST SECOND
,MANAGING EDITORany. Neither is it justified, becausI OF PLAY TO PUT ACROSS WIN-
SMITh H. CADY, JR. of the fact that it is hard to call to NING POINT."
memory any time when the United! * * *
Editor............,.W, Calvin Patterso States played the good Samaritan at The stories will begin: "A beauti-
City Editor. ........Irwin A. Olian
SEditor.............P C the expense of her own interests. The ful Northwestern premise, refuted in
Women's Editor. .............Marion Kubik most natural thing in the world is a the last minute of rebuttal by Mich-
Sports Editor............Wilton A. Simnpson settlement in one's own favor at first gan's star end, decided the debate,
Telegraph Editor...........Morris Zwcr<l ))
Music and Drama,.......Vincent C. Wall, Ir and a readjustment if consequent tx.o .had this point gotten across North-
Night Editors claims are upheld. It is logical to western........"
Charles Behymet Ellis Merry suppose that the British intend to
Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith follow this plan of amicably settling THIS IS NOT THE ALL-CAMPUS
James Herald Cs.ssam A. Wilson
with the United States after the LLECTION- VOTE !

ern in thIe Whitney theatera8o'clock. I, For Your Convenience--Two Stores Completely Stocked
T1O NIGHT: Comedy Clam !resents-
"The Last Warnin " in the Miies I"
theater at 8:30 o'clock. I L 1 A / JIP IiT.
"1THE.LST WARNIN" At Both Ends of the Diagonal
A reyiew, by Kenneth Patrick
Missiles first and flowers afterwards. _: _____ll__l__________l___ll_ l 001!01!0!!1106!!110liT0 ! 0 l 1 l 0 1 0i11 1 1 1 1li 0111:41Bl f ,l
It woul; seem that the melo-;-
drama were a thing better left alone R A E
by Comedy Club, whose two or threeAO A iILAJ1{R PRE-INVENTORY SALES
productions a year should to many --
minds be a bit different from the ordi- Kid Finish - Linen Lawn
nary flim-flam of the stock company. Satuirday
But therein lies the chief abjection E'A NOVAK Old Style Quartered Oak Chiffon
to "The Last Warning"--an objection 'AFU.ARE)D"
formed before the rise of the curtain, I
... It's New Un,1l ou fee I
and one which dinimshes with the (This ad. with cBc
progress of the shots and screams.1admits y)u> 60e Box
The Fallon vehicle has to distinguish
it a few novel features such as the - ----
use of the customers and the whole YTEA Yl i - nAI1ERix O,.
theater instead of the mere stage and STATIONERS, PRINTERS, BINDERS
the paid performers. But that is H A T SALE OFFICE OUTFITTERS
about all. It is not O'Neill, nor Hol- PHAonFI 451TERS
berg, nor even Jesse Lynch Williams. We are closing out all ATS at112So I St.
After all we lore our actors. In Reduced Prices to miake ready for__
them we trust. Charles Livingstone I Spring Stock. Every hat is fine in
starts slow but like the rolling stone quality and right up-to-date.
develops as he goes, and in his role Bring your hat in and have it
of the square-toed former detective Cleaned and Blocked. We do sati-
he gives what is nearly the most factory wor. No odor, no gloss,g
creditable performance of the even- no orn N)oo, Fslems.
ing. His creation is not un w--even
to the Mimes' stage-but it is exacting Factory Hat Store
and lases nothing through him. Vie-E
ing with his brogue for honors is 617 Packard St. Phone 7415
Ruth McCann, a slangy blonde with a H
"negligee" look in her eye, who ---- ---Hyacinths, - u ps, Freesias
loathes "abdominal air" and who acts
as nurse to a "full-blooded monrel."NarcissusVioletsetc; Wi
Melodrama has its compensations,
and these are hilarious. Last in spot
light order comes Kenneth King, than brighten dark January days.
whom the campus has no bet er as
I far as stae presence is concerned.


Assistant City Editors VV .11 - -- A . i .1.u[vv wv
Carl Burgers C Henry Thurnau claims have been proven. But hasty
Joseph Brunswick actions and rough, hard words from
Reporters Americans will not help the question,
Marion Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball and will only result in trade war, for1
Jean Cam pbeK t
Rrr lrin the precipitation of which we aonef

Chester .Clark Ricnarct .u.rn.
Clarence Edelson G. Thomas MeKean
Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick
William Emery Morris Quinn
Alfred Le; Foster James Sheehan
Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
John Friend Sylvia Stone
Robert (essner William Thurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vaiiik
Coleman J, Glencer Herbert E. Vedder
Harvey . Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski.
Morton B. lcove Sherwood Winslow
Telephone 21214
Advertising...............William C. Pusch
Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland
Advertising............George H. Annable, Jr.
Advertisng...........Laurence J. Van Tuyl
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication................John IL. Bobrink
Accounts...... ,......Francis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Ray Wachter
Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood
I}. M. Brown Esther Booze
Florence Cooper hlilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Mrrion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion, Kerr
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C." Smith
Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon
Harold Utley Florence Widmaier


Night Editor-JAMES T. HERALD
Advocated as a measure to secure
or enforce the peace of the world, the,
formation of an English-speaking al-
liance between the United States and
the British Empire has been proposed
recently by able men, and as a peace
measure has been both condemned
and praised. A written agreement or
an unwritten "understanding" have
been suggested to cement closer rela-
tions, and to form a British-American
alliance . . . . against the rest of the,
For that 10 exaciy what it would
lie. While the two commonwealths
have common ideals, have an edge on,
the world's natural resources, are
bound together by language, by racial
ties, and by mutual respect, the at-,
tempted enforcement of peace by Brit-
ish and American policemen would
undoubtedly meet with opposition and;
derision because of the intimated su-'
periority. The assumption that our
ideas and ideals should be adopted by
France, Germany, Italy, and the rest,;
and that we have a keener sense of
justice is certain to be disagreeable
to them. We have been in just about
as many wars as anyone else and will;
probobaly continue to be. All of1
which is rather devasting when one
comes to think of it.
If the alliance were to be effective;
it would have to be a writtep, binding
agreement. Whatever the Empire did.
the United States would of necessity;
support, and vice versa. That is;
where the real danger lies. Thp United
States is faced by no prospects of a,
first class war. Great Britain is, per-
haps with China, perhaps with Russia.a
We should have nothing to gain in,
foreign relationships and much to;
lose. Then, too, if the entanglements
of a written agreement are to be1
avoided, as suggested by Premier
Bruce of Australia, by engaging in an
unwritten "understanding," the Brit-;
ish and American peace policemen'
would be clubless, powerless to act.
W\hile the idea sounds well and the(
ideals involved are impressive, anI
English-speaking alliance would be
valueless to us, might conceivably in-7
volve the counry in foreign disputes,
in which we have no rational interest,
and would merely be another obliga-c
tion, more useless and dangerous than
any we now have. Anyway one fig-;
ures it, we would lose.c

would be responsible and in which
we would probably be the losers.
Forming a cabinet in Germany;
seems to be every bit as difficult as
settling the Tacna-Arica dispute.-
Anonymous communications will be
disregarded. The names of communm-
Cants will, however, be regarded as
confidential upon request.
To The Editor:
My quarrel is half with the well-
named writer of yesterday's anti-vivi-
section outburst, and half with the
Michigan Daily for allowing such a
display of ignorance to appear on its
pages, to be read by ten thousand peo-
ple who are supposed to have at least
a smattering of scientific methods and
Yesterday's writer, like all anti-
vivisectionists, has never visited an
experimental laboratory at all, or else
he has peeped into one without the
slightest idea of what was going on.
More likely, he has passed the medical
school and heard several dogs howl-
ing within. They howl because they
tre hungry and haven't anything else
to do, as they are treated like other
surgical patients and deprived of food
for a short time before operation.l
When the actual cutting is done, the
so-called vivisection which usually
consists of opening a vein or an art-
ery, they are silent in a deep ether
anaesthesia. The experiment com-
pleted, they die a painless death with
more ether. Or, if it is a bacteri-
ological experiment, they may con-
tract a disease and be sick for a few
days, usually with no actual pain,
after which they are killed and the
diseased tissues examined with a
microscope. That, briefly, is the sum
of the horrors vaguely alluded to yes- I
Rather than torture the aninals
(dogs, rats, mice, rabbits, guinea
pigs) he recommends that we endure
uncomplainingly the diseases (which
he says) we ourselves have created. I
Fine! I wish he had lived a few years
ago and could have watched the real
horrors of decimating epidemics of
bubonic plague, yellow fever (con-
quered at the cost of human experi-
mental animals), typhus fever and
typhoid, diphtheria when the only
treatment was to slit open the wind-'
pipe of the victim so he could breathe
a day or so longer, and the Great Pox
(syphilis) of the middle ages that
made life in Europe a living hell. All
those and many more have been
largely conquered by the microscope
working in conjunction with animal
experiments, for no disease germ has
its identity proven until it reproduces
the disease in another animal.
Or let him live only ten years agp
when old diabetics died miserably
with gangrene and young diabetics
knew their doom was sealed almost
within the year. Now they live to
ripe old age in comfort, for Banting
and many others let dogs solve the
problem. The dog becomes a hero
under these circumstances, not a vic-

Contrary to rumors, no voting booth
will be set up in the diagonal sta-
dium for the big election. There will
be no cigars passed out, and abso-
lutely no politics . It will be as clean
as the freshman lit elections.
* * *
Not since the last campaign to find
something for the Student Council to
do has there been such an important
issue before the University as the
naming of that stadium. VOTE TO-
* * *
( ) "Clippy Stadium"
( ) ":,Dutch Gardens"
( ) "I See Stadium"
( ) "Romeo Stadium"
( ) "Michigan Alumnus Stadium"
( ) "Useless Stadium"
( ) "The White Elephant"
( ) "Pedestrian Shelf"
( ) "Hobb Stadium"
( ) "Will Rogers Stadium"
( ) "The Little Stadium"
( ) "The Rodeo"
( ) "Doc Lovell's Stadium"
your pseudonym ...................j
class: .........School: ...........
Editor, Toasted Rolls,
Dear Sir,
The writer has read with interest
and keen appreciation your reference
to your cutter ride in Sunday's pa-
per. As the owner of the Kentucky
Riding Academy, I want to extend
to you an invitation to ride behind
real horses with my compliments.
* * *
Which is very kind of the gentle-
man, and we called him up to make
the appointment yesterday. And it's
all set: we ride behind one of the
Blue-Grass-fed ponies of this Friday
* * *
The reason we have to have snow
3s that the horses will probably get
too frisky and throw us into the ditch,
and we prefer to land a la Alaska
rather than a la Venice.
You know, that's just the trouble
with the whole thing. It is all a
question of whether you'd rather go
riding behind a nice ruminating sort
of horse and come home slowly, or
drive a fast ruinating animal and
come home 60 miles an hour-in an
We never drove a horse until last
Friday, and wouldn't know what to
pull or even what to yell if he got the
idea there was a race on with some
Ypsilanti bootlegger's car.
* * ,
Perhaps some Ann Arbor cop would
come along on his motorcycle and
shoot some tear gas at the colt if it
got going too fast.
* s .
The way the weather bureau is
dishing out weather now-since we
left to tackle a bigger job, the League
fund-we won't be able to take the
ride at all, unless we make it a buggy
One thing certain, we won't try to
ride a saddle horse: we could hardly
manage to stay on a motorcycle-even
in the side car.
And ineidelitly we weren't surprisedI
when that boy won the Catalina swim.
Anyone who could ride a motor-
cycle across the cotinet ought to be
able to swim the Atlantic
* * r

. .

His work was a highlight of the show.
He completes the trio which alone
made the perfomance worth listening
to and helped to relieve the famous
hokum tension.
Of the others there is comparatively
little to say inasmuch as they did
not carry the burdens. Marion Leland
was a trifle too ready to jumpat
falling pictures and to go into hyster-
ics over prowling cats. Perhaps it
was the author's fault. The lady in
back of us took her screaming cues
from her in between the details of
the latest faculty gossip. Robert
Wetzel--well you have seen him be-
fore. Thurston Thieme as the ill-
fated hero was a bit disappointing,
but he didn't last long. The rest
were conventional.
The crowd enjoyed ever bit of it
and so did we. But tomorrow or the
next day as we stand in the rush at
the Maj or waiting at the corner lunch
for our coffee and rolls, we might
hear some one say "Beggarman" orl
"Great Catherine" but "The Last
Warning" will be forgotten.
* * *
A review, by Smith H. Cady, Jr.
If one agrees with George Kelly
that women such as Mrs. Craig do
exist-women whose homes are their
gods, who marry for security and not
for love, who exclude all friends from
the house because they do not fit ini
with their narrow selfishness, who
love their petty ornaments more than
anything else in the world, and who
are totally unfit to play the game of
life-then "Craig's Wife," the Pulitzer
prize play of the season 1925-26, is
an excellent drama. If one finds it,
impossible to understand the mental
workings of such a woman , theni
"Craig's Wife" is a very, clever, ex-
tremely well-written play-but noti-
ing more.
But which ever attitude George Kel-j
ly's play may evoke, the cast which ish
presenting it at the New Detroit this
week is sure to win approval. Chrys-
tal Herne and Charles Trowbridge,
as thme wife and husband whose home
is destroyed by the wife's passion for
her own security and her idolatry of
her possessions, give excellent portray-
als of their parts. Trowbridge, in his
brief but heroic rebellion in the sec-
ond act, when lie deliberately crashes
one of the treasured ornaments,!
scatters cigarette ashes over the sac-
red rugs, and recklessly leans against
the polished piano, is perfect. Miss
Herne, in the very effective ending of I
the play, when she stands in tire
midst of Ier cherished kingdom, de-
serted by her husband and her
friends because of her inherent self-
ishness, and slowly scatters the petals,
of the roses that she despised over
her spotless floor, does one of the
best bits of work seen this season.
And the supporting cast is far, far
above the average.
The ndvertisements n vie thosp

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"Flowers by Wire"


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IN ANY group of regular fellows, you'll find
Prnce Albert. It belongs. It speaks the Ian-
guage. You get what we mean the minute you
tamp a load of this wonderful tobacco into the
bowl of your jimmy-pipe and make fire with
at match.
Cool as a northeast bedroom. Sweet as a
note from the Girl of Girls. Fragrant as a wood-
land trail. Prince Albert never bites your tongue
or parches your throat, no matter how fast you
feed it. You'll smoke pipe-load on pipe-load
with never a regret.
Buy a tidy red tin of P. A. today. Throw
back the hinged lid and breathe deeply of that
real tobacco aroma. Then . . . tuck a neat
wad into the business-end of your jimmy-pipe
and light up. Now you have it . . . that
taste! That's Prince Albert, Fellows!
;ULIA IFaif@T 1 KIf*

P. A.'is sold everywhere i
tidy red tins, pound and half-
pound tin humidars, and
pound crystal-glass humidors
with sponge-moistener top.
And always with every bit
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the Prince Albert process.


On second reading, yesterday's art-
icle becomes even more preposterous.
It truly savors of "medieval darkness"
when the author exposes his fatalistic
theory of disease as an immutable

cause and effect process, an outgrowth The latest sport, "A Lover of
of man's own creation. When we con- Horses" reports, is ski-kjoring on the
sider W. J. Bryan, H. D. Wild and campus walks with the aid of a cou-
others of their ilk, we are forced to ple freshmen . It must have been to
the realization that man has not real- ston that that the B. and G. boys



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