1111 .:FJS AY~ JANUARY 20, 1927. OI .Ipi e4 Tl i t egulatioiis I ni O il La d s h-C'e u,'t l d 1.uler DIictates j THE MICH-IGAN DAILY Skvirsky Hieads Information 'ureau DON'T WASTE TIME DOPING OUT. EXA ;-' INATIONS, ,BRED VOLD ADVISES Ofi° hierJnati(naI Law ARGUE ABOUT LEGALITY Y1txi (o ha, the better of the argu- inept iii the oil lands controversy, ac- cording; to Prof'. Arthur S. Aiton of th( history de-partnient in an inter- view yetda(z'. Our southern neigh- boris wvel. wvithin her rights, in the Opiino f Irofessor Aiton, 0on the (;uesti~on of -,vetier her recent regu- l 'ia ;ion ii~rejs tlfed under the, dictates ofinternational law and of whether th1! tits I Mates is being unfairly c ii unma~tdagainst. lo] :;hvi:;t tendencies in Mexico wer son~od by Professor Aiton, who (leclar c : ,sipchiviews xverfe absurd "eico',s government is primarily a labIor government, and, closely allied with th,1 (,American Federation of Lab- or," he poin ,ed out, "and such organi- inat iare distinctly not Bolshevis- tic." "Mxic Ao had legally framed and ad ~l~edher 'constitutijon," (declaredC~ Piel'srAit on, "and it is to be en- f :c eually ocn both citizens and for,:igners:. It is unreasonable to ex- po,: th._1 to grant rights to foreigners tba ar deiedto her own citizens." A grat dal of thie controversy cen- te red i;aound he legal aspect of the (Ils ion , according to Professor Aiton. "All own~zing 1 nd or property in Mex- ico m ust assifme the legal status o I~ieican li e explained, "and must agr tee tea .t he. understanding that the I M''eican co;urts have supreme junns- diction iin-ca se of dispute. Anwerlcan aining interests fear they cannot ob-1 tain justice in the Mexican courts.! Until these interests present adequate proofs that they cannot obtain justice, I which so far they have failed to do, I am inclined to side with Mexico." ROME. -Any seaman showing him-{ self olpposed tq the present Fascist re- gime; can be barred from the merchant imarine for five years, under a royal decree. "Students spend too much time dop-' I ing out examinations," according to .Prof. Louis I. Bredvold, of the Eng- lish department. "They study their courses with one eye on the subject matte-.- nd one on the examination. Fin that state of mind they can develop :Jotfing but a languid interest in the. subject." ciiiig Professor Bredvold, in ciiiig students on their methods of study,1 stated: "Very little consideration isj given methods of study, ,ther~efore they know very little about how to; study. commodity lie sells, while the mann- facturer spends some time on factory management or in the economics of his product. "This lack of method is clearly evi- dent in the way students attack a sub- ject," Professor Bredvold pointed out. "Very seldom, either early or late in to the subject. Students don't enter into their studies with the proper al- ertness and generally they lay aside their books without sharpening their minds to. the point of alertness." He suggested as ,a parallel to a student's preparation for study and athletic team's preparation for a con-4 test. "The team doesin t leave the "Anyone engaged in a profession or their courses, do they warm up their dinner table, talking about subjects in business usually concerns himself minds before settling down to work. .-unrelated to the game, just before with numerous methods which he Thyjsirf noterlsosfo etn hi poet.Hwvr might adopt. A salesman looks intoIThyjsdrfinoterlsnsfo!meigteropnns.Hwva the various tactics of salesmnanshipI a conversation with their room mlates procedure equally absurd is generall.y or into the diverse phases of the or from some other occupation foreign' followed by the student inbgiig STARTING TODAY They're - Coming. - Sre - Suday - January MeetlA Anthracite A oo!SueFr He'll Burn You Up! View of Mosc'ow, and, inset, B~ori S L. Skvirskly, director of ile; Russiali iiforIri~tion bureau, Washington, Good Homes Cookingl Tuttle's is preferred by the students who enjoy a well planned and prepared meal, well served, and a place with a cosy atmosphere. Hey, Men ! l ttr C ht.-k This U. U li ^ (J U 1~ 338 Maynard I 1 ml . 19CG. .lGZilYS" 1:b06rIR5:.Ytl iifipCMiY _.__._. r Subscribe for the Michigan D~aily. Patroniize ]Daily Ad ertiserc. ,. >: A ®SI 0i ABOUT TOWN AND UPSTATE TODAY'S NEWS ARCADE REVIEW rTWO REES O MONKEY U51N ESS XW1 EYNpWOOZY"1 k IE AASA . poLrd SPECIAL EXTRA! TODAY ?ICTURES OF CATALINA CHANNEL SWIM b' L 11 % SUNDAY, JAN. 23 1 Whose Beauty and Charm, Has Captivated Reyalty, and Will You ! E 14 f, I I IL: y1 I . .'I