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January 20, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-20

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II 11111 M INI lY .


Agreement On Exact Language To Bt
Used In Stating Question Seen
As One Difficulty
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-Although
Secretary Kellogg has announced that
he has been giving consideration to
the application of the principle of
arbitration to the Mexican contro-
versy, it was made clear today at the
State department that no move in
that direction had been initiated by
the Washington government.
And there was no indication that
any official offer of arbitration had
been received from President Calles,
of Mexico, who, in the opinion of
some officials at least, would be ex-
pected to express a willingness to
approach the oil and land question
from that angle if it is to be under-
At the State department, Secretary
Kellogg's attitude towards arbitration,
which was proposed in a resolution
introduced yesterday by Senator Rob-
inson, Democratic leader, was said to
be one of complete willingness to have
the advice of the Senate on the sub-
ject, but without committment as to
whether he would accept an offer of
arbitration if made by the Mexican
State department 'pinoin as to what
significance should be attached to
Secretary Kellogg's statement on the
Robinson resolution probably arises
from the 'numerous difficulties ap-
proaching in the way of a mutual
agreement between the two govern-
ments on the exact language which
should be employed in submitting the
question to an arbitrator. With re-
gard to Nicaragua, it was said to be
Secretary Kellogg's opinion that with
re-establishment of peace in that
country the American forces would be
withdrawn. The United States, he
said, has been trying for years to help
Nicaragua compose her internal af-
fairs and would be glad to see an
era of tranquility there.
The only reference to the Mexican
and Nicaraguan situations in Con-
gress today was made in the House by
Representaive Burton, of Ohio, a Re-
publicn on the foreign affairs com-
The board of directors of the Na-
tional League of Women Voters sent
a statement to President Coolidge,
Secretary Kellogg, and Chairman
Borah of the foreign relations com-
mittee, askipg settlement of the Mex-
ican and Nicaraguan controversy by
The foreign relations committee at
a meeting tomorrow is expected to rd-
new its discussion of the Latin-Amer-
ican situation, and also to take up
the question of whether it should
make public a revision by Secretary
Kellogg of a statement on conditions
in Central America which he meant
to make last week.

(By Associated Press)
i BUCHAREST, Roumania, Jan.
19.--Radium to the value of 80,-
000,000 lis (approximately $4,- e
400,000) has been borrowed from 1
Belgium and will be used in the t
treatment of King Ferdinand. r
The king, who already has un- g
I dergone two preliminary surg-j
ical operations for an impersonal j
infection, technically described b
as "recto-sigmoiditin" has so f
far improved, it was announced, I
as to warrant the employment t
of more radical measures. The jt
I attending physicans, after in-
specting the relative merits of I
j the roentgen ray and radium, t
J decided in favor of the latter. n
I King Albert of the Belgiums was
' informed of the decision,. ip
H. I .'
E ! ti
Asserts That No Sport Will Ever Be'B
Condemned In America For Its t
Absorbing Interest
(By Associated Press) Iof
PROVINCE, R. I., Jan. 19.-Critic- s
ism of football which viewed the game s
too interested to be tolerated" is -

Process Of Extracting Power From Sea Depths Is Explained GLEN 'hISTLETUWAlTE IS
By Eminent French Engineer; May Change Existing Conditions NAMED COACH AT WISCONSIN
!____(By Associated Press)
MADISON, Win., Jan. 19.--
Detailed explanation of his famous the bottom would flow up the pipe a condensing chamber of one-hund- Glen Thistlethwaite, former
process, through which unlimited pow- without effort. redth of an atmospheric pressurd coach of the Northwestern foot-
er may be gained from the depths of "It is well known that water re- This is the principle of the French ball !team, was officially named
the sea, was made yesterday in Natu- quires a temperature of 212 degrees scientist's claims.-! head coach of the University of
ral Science auditorium, by Dr. Geor- F. to boil under atmospheric pressure, He then proceeded to demonstrate { Wisconsin today.
ges Claude, eminent French engineer. and that the more the pressure is re- the process by means of a De Laval
By this method, which has gained duced, the lower the b iling point be- turbine enclosed in a chamber from! DEHART HUBBARD DENIES
world notice, Dr. Claude proposes, comes. Now, if we were to opreate 1 which the air had been excluded, as TURNING PROFESSIONAL
by means of an apparatus which he with a sufficient vacuum, it becomes much as possible, with a vacuum!{__
has developed with Paul Boucherot,t possible and even easy, to cause tepid pump. Directly beneath was a second CINCINNATI, Ohio, Jan. 19.-
French electrical engineer, to utilize water to boil violently and to emit chamber filled with ice. The turbine DeHart Hubbard, Negro broad
he difference in temperature between torrents of steam. chamber was connected to a six gal-; j' jump champion and track star
he surface and the depths of tropical "You will be surprised and amazed lon bottle of tepid water. Upon open- at his home in Madisonville, to-
waters, and produce enough motive to learn that this immaterial steam ing the stop-cock in this connection, j!night denied that he had turned!
power to revolutionize conditions in can be made to furnish unlimited the water was made to boil violently, ;{professional or intended doing
ropical regions. A small working motive power." emmiting torrents of steam which so. He said recent report that
model of the apparatus from which This, explained Dr. Claude, was due rushed to the lower pr ssure conden- !lhe would tour the country with{
Dr. Claude hopes to construct a huge to the steam being caused to flow into ser at a speed of 500 mters per sec- { a professional basketball team
ower plant upheld the principles in- ond. In flowing through the connec- were without authority.!
volved in his contentions, tion, and before it reached the con-1
"In tropical regions, the difference denser, the steam operated the tur-
Sthe temperature between the sur- IVL bine which in turn lighted two elec-1
ace and the depths of the water, tric lights.
mounts to approximately 40 degrees," Dr. Claude declared that the mo-
eclared Dr. Claudein explaining theILivepower thus generated was equal -

Methods Of Selections For senior Ball,
Sophomore Prom and Frosh Frolic
Will Be Altered
As the result of a dispute as to
which class should have the chair-
manship of the Frosh Frolic this
year, the Student council, at its neet-
ing last night, adopted a plan for the
selection of the social committee of
each class which will have direct sup-
ervision over the four major social
functions of the year. Heretofore,
the committees in charge of the Senior
Ball, the Sophomore Prom, and the
Frosh Frolic have been chosen in ua
haphazard manner, the J-Hop com-
mittee having the only standard or-
The new plan provides for a com-
plete rearrangement of the senior,
sophomore and freshman social com-
mittees, affording a definite method
for their selection each year. The two
functions which will be affected by
the innovation this year are the Frosh
Frolic, in March,. and the Senior Ball
in May.

rocesses which took place. "This
s due to the hot sun shining on the
op, and the cold streams coming from
he polar regions, cooling the interior.
Both of -these temperatures are prac-
ically constant.
"It is not difficult to draw from a
[epth of 3,000 feet, this cold water,
y means of a convenient and calori-
.uged pipe of sufficiently large suction
rom which we could pump the water
ut, just as we would pump from the
ea. Due to the communicating ves-
els principle, the deep water from

Dr. C'oggeshall Illustrates Progressive
Stages Of Pre-Historic Life
With Moving Pictures
Applying the name dinosaur as the
general descriptive term for the forms
of animal life which inhabited the
earth millions of years ago, Dr. Ar-
thur S. Coggeshall, curator of educa-
tion of the Carnegie Museum, Pitts-I
burgh, spoke last night on "Hunting
Big Game In the Rocks" in Natural
Science auditorium.
Through moving pictures which
were directed and taken by himself,
Dr. Coggeshall illustrated the pro-

I answered by President W. H. P.
Saunde of Brown University in his
annual report to the Brown corpora-
tion made public tonight. -
Asserting that, "America will never
condemn any kind of work or play
because it is of absorbing interest,"
President Saunde maintained that,
"When all studies shall make appeal
to the useful love of adventure and
games shall be used not for the ex-
ploitation of a few students, but for
the training and development of all
the present artificial antagonism of
study and sport will quietly' fade!
To many alumni, he said, the great
aim of outdoor life seems to be to
make a Roman holiday and in this{
view, college sports have become the
"pride show" which "swallows up the
Restraint of this attitude has been
accomplished at Brown, President
Saunde explained, through the organi-
zation of a new athletic counsel of
the president or his representative,
four members of the corporation, four
members of the faculty, and two
alumni. This council will have charge
of fixing schedules, engagement of
coaches, and expenditures for equip-
ment and maintenance.
Pointing to the fact that four of
Brown's coaches are already members
of the faculty, he expressed the hope
that the time would not be far distant
when no man would be deemed coin-
petent to give instruction in outdoor
sport unless "he is associated in the
faculty with the principles of litera-
ture, science, and philisophy."




Student Press Club Dr. D. V. Baxter of the forestry de-
partment spoke last night before the
ears Fischer Talk Forestry club on the experimental
d ear Fisc er Iwork carried on in the Southern Ap-
ii** _e palachians in reference to the dleteri-
n l oration of the blight killed chestnut.
On Publicity Teeetcsn
- "The loss in deterioration of the
Depicting with varied and interest- dead, chestnut to the government,"
ing examples the true function of the said Dr. Baxter, "north of the Mason
publicity man, Alfred Fischer, of the and Dixon line is between 40 to 50
Michigan Committe of Public Utility per cent and south of this line the
information, addressed the Students' loss is even greater. The main propo-
Press club on the subject of "Publici- sition is one of finding means of utiliz-
ty" last night. -ing the dead standing chestnut.
"Every industry or business has This work has been undertaken by
some basic interests around which its the Department of Agriculture and
success centers," said Mr. Fisher. "It, much headway has- been made, aI-
is on this theory that the publicity though there is still much to be done.
man works. It is his problem to Dr. Baxter said that he had spent two
find and stimulate these interests. years in the employ of this depart-
The publicity man must be a student, mont.
with the public mind as his parti-
cular field of study. J-HOP CHAPERONE
The' speaker pointed out how the TICKETS WILL BE
American public has been sold on
the "Open Road" movement which has GIVEN OUT FRIDAY
so stimulated and put in motion the
automobile industry. Publicity in this J-Hop tickets for chaperones will
case brought the people to realize the be distributed from 2 to 5 o'clock
benefits to be derived from touring Friday at the Union, it was announced
and the like and the public did the yesterday by C. E. Robinson, '28E,
rest. In 'the same way, looking into chairman of the booth committee.
a possible future, any movement en- Each group occupying a booth is en-
couraging women to let their hair titled to a free ticket for a chaperone,
grow long again might become, with for that booth. At the same time
publicity, a reality, and prove of im- Friday invitations will be distributedI

r Negative Trio Leaves For Evanston; gressive stages of excavation and re-
Affirmative Faces Ohio in Hill storation of dinosaur remains discov-
Auditorium Tomorrow ered by the expedition of the museum
and its quarry work of the past 10
TO DISCUSS PROHIBITION years in the sandstone bad land areas
lof eastern Utah. Each step from the
discovery of the fossilised bones, per-
Final preparations for the Central fectly preserved in the exact position
League debates, to be held Friday at the time of the animal's death, to
night, Jan. 21, were completed last the completion of the laboratory work
night when the Michigan affirmative and final exhibitionat thedCarnegie
team met the negative trio in an inter-Mnsenmidasof t rotie and un-
team debate at University hall. romantic phases of the labor con-
In the practice debate no decision nected with the undertaking.
was given. Members of the public "We observed," he said, "that in
speaking' department were on hand to this area the long necks and tails of
criticize the discussion. This debate the reptiles are both invariably point-
completed months of intense study ed in an easterly direction, verifying
and preparation on the question: Re- the fact that the water or swamp in
solved, That the Eighteenth Amend- which the animal died flowed from the
ment Should Be Repealed Immedi- West to the East. These monsters
ately. are most frequently unearthed in
The negative team leaves this morn- regious formerly drained by streams
ing for Evanston, Ill., where they will or covered with swampy water be-
encounter the Northwestern debaters. cause of its necessity for the perpet-
Prof. H. T. Wood of the department of nation of their life., The greenish-
public speaking will accompany the grey tint of the sandstone is contrast
team on the trip. The negative trio to the brown color of the bones in-
is composed of Richard T. Savage, form us that the water must have con-
'28, Karl R. Crawford, '27, and Wil- tamed a large amount of mineral
liam N. Gall, '28. These men will matter."
speak in the order named. Through the courtesy of Maj. Her-
The affirmative team that meets bert M. Dawley, Dr. Coggeshall pre-
Ohio, tomorrow night at hill audi- sented a glimpse of these dinosaurs
I torium at 8 o'clock, will hold an extra and flesh-eating reptile in actual com-
practice session in the auditorium bat. "These reproductions made by
this afternoon, when the speakers will Major Dawley," he explained, "are in
} be given an opportunty to become ac- reality detailed miniatures moulded
quainted with the acoustics of Hill out of plastic rubber. Their lifelike
auditorium. movements are made possible by
Ohio's negative team will arrive in small bellows concealed inside, but
Detroit today and spend the evening their heads and feet have to be turned
there, coming to Ann Arbor tomorrow by hand. The difficulty of securing
morning, according to word received lifelike motion before the camera is
by G. E. Densmore, coach of the realized only when one stops to con-
teams. The Ohio team will practice in sider that each setting of position
Hill auditorium tomorrow afternoon, lasts while 16 individual film expos-
The visiting team consists of Brooks ures pass before the camera, taking
I McCracken, Alfred Cahen, Jr., and only one second. This requires, then,
Nelson Rozelle, and they will debate a countless number of adjustments to
in the order named. produce the movements necessary for
There will be no admission fee, a single lifelike battle."
charged for the debate, Mr. Densmore Dr. Coggeshall further pointed out
announced. how modern science has traced the
slow development of animals through
Society Of College the ages of the earth's history. Us-
't Cre eing the elephant and horse as exam-
Ch emistr)T Teachers pies, he showed how, through the
theory of the survival of the fittest,
i ill Meet Saturda the elephant gradually changed from
WM e aya small short-legged beast with no
trunk, to a long-legged beast with a
Holding its fifth semi-annual meet- long trunk or nose . In a similar man-
ing, the Michigan College Chemistry ner he traced the development of the
Teachers association will convene in horse, showing how its foot has been
Ann Arbor Saturday. The society will transformed from one with five toes
be the guests of the chemistry depart- to the present single toe or hoof.
ment of the University and all meet- "What you see today," lie remarked,
ings will be held in the third floor of "when you look at a horse's knee, isi
the Chemistry building, room 303. not the knee in reality, but the heelS
During the morning session of the of the original foot, and today is two
society, which will be from 10 to 12 feet from the ground.
o'clock, Profs. A. L. Fergus and F. E. Dr. Coggeshall cited the only known
Bartell of the chemistry department instance of perfect cold storage pres-
will deliver papers. Professor Fergus ervation through the ages by showing
will speak on "Our Educational Sys- views of a mammoth shaggy elephant
item of Today" and Professor Bartell which had been caught and preserved
will discuss the "Scope of Colloid in the Siberian ice fileds for over 50,-
Chemistry." During the afternoon. 000 years. The preservation was per-
discussion periods, Prof. R. J. Carney, I feet," lie concluded, "even to the find-
of the University, will speak to the ing of this hairy monster's last meal

to the same amount of energy that
was exerted by an equal amount of
water in falling 300 feet.;
"Of course," lie stated, "a part of
the power thus produced would be
used for pumping the water and for
extracting the dissolved gasds. ButI
taking all that into account, we es-
timate that aplant using 1,000 cubic
meters per second, of hot or cold
water will produce approximatelyj
4,000,000 kilowatts of electricity. Such
a plant would not cost more that the,
average hydro-electric plant.
Program At Whitney To Feature
Dances Gathered On Recent j
Journey Through Orient
The Denishawn dancers, with Ruth
St. Denis and Ten Shawn is the lead-;
ing roles, will appear at the Whitney
theater tonight' with a program large-
ly developed from their recent trip to
the Orient. The dancers haveap-
peaared here twice before, hwving
presented their program in Hill audi-
torium under the auspices of the
Women's League building fund.
Miss St. Denis and Mr. Shawn re-
turned to this country Dec. 1 from a
tour that lasted 18 months and dur- !
ing which they gathered a great dealj
of material for their program as itI
will be given here. According to re-
ports they were enthusiastically re-
ceived in all of the countries they I
visited, and foreign critics hailed their I
interpretive work in the Oriental
dances as better than that of the I
Costumes and stage settings were
made during the tour through the
East and many of them contain effects
never before brought to this country.j
Their trip carried them through
China, Japan, India, Java, the Philip-,
pines, and then back again through
Japan where they played for a month
in Tokio. This was the longest trip
ever attempted by an European or
American company through the East,
and between performances the danc-
ers spent considerable time in arrang-
ing the program for the American
tour which they are at present tak-


.xayucca~yuiu iic uu Lalluvi i No change will be made in the in-
whether Frank L. Smith, of Illinois,d-
shall even temporarily have a seat for class. The J-Hop committee in
among them and then deferred a vote the future will still consist of 15 mem-
until tomorrow.Jbers, representing the various schoIs
Unofficial polls made late in the day and colleges, who are elected each
by some leaders showed 46 senators fall by the entire class. As in the
mostly Democrats and Reublican i 1!past, the chairmanship will rotate be-
service against seating Smith penditween the literary and engineering
investigation of his seat, and 39 sen- colleges, the preference going to the
ators, including three Democrats and- latter next year, as the event next
the Republican old guard, for admia- month is headed by a student of the
istering the oath of office immediately literary college.
and investigating him afterwards. Under the new arrangement, the
The polls took into account 10 se- Senior Ball committee is to consist of
ators who are expected to be taired 15 members, distributed among the
This line-up was closer than had been schools and colleges as follows:
expected before Smith arrived here literary college, five; engineering col-
yesterday bearing credentials of ap- lege, three; law, medical, dental,
pointment by Governor Small'as suc- I business administration schools,
cessor to the late Sen. WilliamB.Mc- School of Education, architectural
kinley. It was claimed that the ma- and pharmacy colleges, one each.
jority against seating him after the Instead of the election as in the
investigation would be much larger. junior class, members of the senior
With a colorful stage set for it by ( conmittee will each be appointed by
packed galleries and crowds of sen- the class presidents of their respective
ators on the floor, the Senate began schools and colleges. Following the
what may prove a historic fight an appointments, the committee of 15 will
hour earlier than usual, but as the elect a chairman of the Ball from their
argument proceeded along broad legal own number, who will lead the grand
lines witk few flashes of repartee to march as in the past.
relieve the dullness the crowd soon In past years the chairman of the
thinnned out. I senior affair, has always been a stu-
Through it all, save for a few min- dent in the literary college. By elect-
utes devoted to election, Smtih sat in ing the chairman from the committee
a massive high back chair. Except in the future, the plan will afford op
when members of the House with portunity for a. student from any
whom he once served came up to school or college to head the senior
greet him, he followed the argument 1 dance which, the Council feels, is
closely. supposed to be more representative
Entering Athe chamber some time of the entire University than any of
before the session started, the sen- the other social functions.
ator-elect was conducted to his place I The Sophomore Prom committee
by Senator Dineen, Republican, Illi- will consist of nine members, five
nois, who opened the fight to have his from the literary college, three from
credentials accepted and the oath im- the engineering college, 'one izon
mediately administered. the architectural college. The com-
Leading the groups of senators in ''mittee members will be appointed by
opposition stood Senator Reed, Dem- their respective class presidents, as
ocrat, Missouri, - whom Smith met in the senior class, but, for the Prom,
across the narrow strip of a table last the president of the class having the
July, to assume responsibilities for theI chairmanship will designate the stu-
acceptance by the managers of his dent who is to be chairman of the
senatorial primary campaign of $150,- j committee. The chairmanship will ro-
000 from operatives of public utilities tate annually between the literary and
over which the commerce commission engineering colleges, the latter having
had control. the choice ne t year.
The Frosh 1erolic committee will be
Drama Production composed of 10 members, five from the
literary college, three from the engi-
Classes Rehearse neering college, one from the architec-
tural college, and one from the phar-
Cohan Melodrama macy college. The appointments will
be made by the various class presi-
dents, as in the case of the Sophomore
Rehearsals are being held for the Prom, the chairman to be designated
production on Thursday, Jan. 27, of from the class having the chairman-
George M. Cohen's "Seven Keys To. shin. The latter will also rotate be-
Baldpate" by play production and di-Itween the literary and engineering
rection classes. This performance colleges.
will end the activities of the depart- Any inquiries or further information
mnet for the semester. The play will regarding the new plan will be an-
be given in University Hall audito-; swered by Thomas Cavanaugh, '27L,
rium. president of the Student council, who
"Seven Keys To Baldpate" is a Amay be reached at the Union during
farce melodrama in two acts with athe afternoons.
prologue and an epilogue, written by The Council, last night, appointed a
George M. Choen from the novel by; committee, headed by Tyler Watson,
I the same name by Earl Derr Biggers. , '27, to consider the feasibility of es-
It was first presented at the Astor' tablishing a campus community chest
f theater in New York in 1913 under for the consolidation of all financial
the supervision of Cohen and Harris 'rives which take place during the
and enjoyed a long run in several year.
large cities.
The cast for the production includes N IL r s VE
Kenneth King, '27, Marion Kubik, N'i
'27Ed, Robt Wetzel, '28, Richard LECTURE TODAY
f Woellhof, '27Ed, and Samuel Bonell,I
'28Ed,and it is under the direction "Is Jesus' Ethical Teaching Valid
of David Owen head of the play pro- Today?" will be the question dis-

Unofficial Poll Made Yesterday Pointj
Out 46 Against Illinois Man
And 38 In Favor
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19.-With few
of them thinking that the answerj
would be in the negative, senators to-
day debated for five and a half hours I

Among the numbers which the com-
pany of 14 dancers, many of them
trained in the Denishawn school, will1
present tonight are "Mimiji-Geri," a
Japanese dance, "White Jade," a+
Chinese number, several sarongs I
which they discovered in Java, a I
series of Indian dances by Miss St.
Denis herself, the dance of Siva, an
Indian dance by Mr. Shawn, and a
bazaar scene which will attempt to+
reproduce a composite of the Indian
bazaars which they visited.
The scores for the performance;
have been specially composed by Clif-r
ford Vaughan and Lily Strickland
"The Biologic Law" is the subjectj
of the lecture sponsored by the Tols-I
toy league which will be given at
4:15 today in room 231, Angell hall.
Dr. J. H. Kellogg of national fame in
the medical world and head of the
Battle Creek sanitarium was original-
ly scheduled to speak, but due to in-
juries will be replaced on the pro-
gram by one of his chief assistants,
whose name has not been announced.
The Battle Creek sanitarium is well-
known for its modern ideas concern-
ing diet and vegetarianism, and the
views held by one of the staff of this

mense value7
women's hair
like, as well
keen enough

to the manufacturers of
nets, hair pins and the
as to the publicity man
to instigate the stunt.

to holders of J-Hop tickets who have
not as yet received them.
Applications for tickets to the extra
performance of the Union opera


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