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January 19, 1927 - Image 7

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-19

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WED~NESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1927 TPMCIAJf fV t YA%' *%~ t~*~ a.


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WRIClEY TO CONSIDER Wolverines.Did Not
Defeat Illinois On
H LSWIMPLANS Luck, Mather Says




"Some people around here have the
Proposals Are Now Under Advisement idea that Michigan was badly outplay-
For Second tataIina. Trial ed Monday night by Illinois and that
Exclusively For WM( naen it was nothing but luck tht brought a
win to the Wolverines when' Capt.
(By Associated Press) , "Pu" Daugherity was taken out late
LOS ANGELES, Calif., Jan. 1.-- in the game on fouls," Coach Mather
Tiaf William Wrigley, Jr., Chicago said yesterday afternoon, "but this is
manufacturer, may sponsor another far from the case."
$25,000 Catalina channel swim such as "Everybody seems to forget that:
that of last Saturday, except that the Michigan's 31-29 loss to Illinois last
contestants would be exclusively year came as a direct result of Cap-j
women, became a possibility today tain Doyle's being removed from the
following the announcement that the line-up on peesonais. Nobody said a
proposal was under advisement. woidJ about that," the Skipper contin-
The announcement was made last ued. "As for which team played thej
night by Oscar Reichow, business better ball it was just about a tossup.j
manager of the Los Angeles baseball The guarding of both teoms was ex-
club, which is owned by Wrigley. tretuely close throughout and there
Reichow, who was Wrigley's chief were few times when me:n were
lieutenant in Saturday's event, said if 'loose'."
another contest is fostered, it would Although the Michigan team had dif-
be held sometime this summer and fiR#tty in shooting baskets, the close
would provide $25,000 for three prizes. guarding of the llinois five was as
Swimmers Lose Status much responsible as any other factor,
The recent deep sea derby which according to the Skipper. It is true I
was won by 17-year-old George Young that the Illinois quintet made one
of Toronto, created a new crop of moire bas et than the Wolverines, but
professional swimmerg, for virtually several of the Illini baskets were
all of the 102 entries were amateurs sparkling long shots from the middle
before undertaking thle 'feat. E- of the floor while Michigan's points
trance in the prize competition, how- came after the ball had been worked
ever, diisqualified them for futrther down the floor and inside the 17 foot
amateur swimming. zone.
Those who wish to regain their "Daugherity is a great player, al
amateur status will have to retire good guard and has a wonderful eye
from the professional game for five had the game in his hands several
years before they again will be eligi- for the basket on either long or short
ble to compete as amateur, acording shots," said the Skipper. Lindsay who
to amateur Athletic union rulings. times and failed to make good four of
For Young, who alone of the large five free throws, played a good game
field, successfully padd1led across the at center and, according to Coach
22 mile passage, it Meant the loss of Mather, should develop into a wander-
his prized standing as a Canadian ful player in another year.
amateur. But also it meant a net Everything turned out just right as
profit of $15,000. to substitutions. Captain Chambers
Young On Vaudeville Stage was tiring rapidly under the heavy
Younghas answered the call of the barrage of the Illini when "Bo" t.eo-
vaud3eville stage and. it is said will 'lenda was substituted. Molenda fu "n- 1
realize $1,000 a night for a brief ap- fished the added weight and speed for
pearance. the Michigan attack when scoring was
Two other contestants, Miss Martha at a standstill. Then when Petrie was
Stager of Portland, Ore., and Mrs. forced out on fouls, Chambers stepped
Margaret Hauser Hof Long Beach, gave. back into the game and in adldition to
up their amateur standin.gs, but each supplying the final points that were
received in return a $2,500 prize for needed to win the game, he was the
their pluck. They swam for nearly 20 main factor in stopping the Indians'
hours and were the last to leave the offense under the basket. His close
water. guarding and work at breaking up the
Reichow further revealed that Mrs. visitors' attack was most instrumental
Charlotte Schoemmel, star New York in cinching the game for Michigan.
women's swimmer, who was forced to It was just another one of tho e Il-
drop out in the recent marathon be- linois-Michigan games," said ather.I
cause of an injured leg, planned to Xast year they won by two points, the
come tb the coast to participate in the year before was a one point affair, and
event Mr. Wrigley stages a swim for the last year the Kipke played Michi-
women. gan came within a single point of
beating the Illini out of a champion-
Gus Weitzel of Detroit established ship on the Illinois floor. It makes noj
a new world record- in the skate run- difference whether the two teams are
ping broad junp when he leaped 22 good or weak, it is always an excit-j
feet, 9 inches. L ing game."

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ThAL-Me Al.


LOST-2 handbags bween I. C. de- WANTED STUDEN'TS to know that
pot and Church St. Finder notiPy Sam pays from $5 to $25 for old
Bud Taxi, 122 So. Ashley. Dial 9504. !,rfs and overcoats.
83-4-85 121 E. ANN DIAL 4301
LOST-January 17, in or near 11 Hi' "_
Auditorium, a platinumAar lin. Re- NO(ICE
ward. 608 Oswego Si. Tel. 6172.
83-84-35 NOTICE-1Exceptional bargain in a
CoTn Tenor Saxophone. Save you
LOSrr-waI elm, Hilver Waltham on $70. Easy terms. University Music

I Tew

1r~iC W

Handicapped as we are by the Lack of
Window Display on State Street Due to
The Upstairs Location of our Shop We
Hit Upon the Idea of Two Small Windows
Recessed in the Front of The "M"Lunch
The Next Store to theLeft of our Entrance.

chind i, w ith'l M h al and penknife.
Skiing on boulevard Saturday P. M.
Phone Van Veehti' 7227. 82-83
FOR SALE-One week old Seamless
Axminster rug, 6x9. Must sell.
Dial 6581, Mr. Jacohf. After 5 p. m.
FOR SALE-Black Persia lamb coat.
In very good condition. Value $1,000
for $400. Call 9267. 82-831
FOR SALE--Ford Coupe, 1926, fine
condition, small payment down, $19
monthly. Phone 6464. 82-83-84
FOR SALE-Hoover Vacumni Cleaner,
perfect condition. Phone 4464 for
demonstration. 82-83-84

hOuse, tf
NOTICE-Expert repair work on all
musical instruments. Quick service.
University Musie Rouse. tf
NOTICE-A genuine Victrola, table
type for $17.50, a portable at $15,8
months to pay. University luslile
House. It
NOTICE-Freshman wants roomnma e
for second semester. Call 910.
83-8 -85
NOTICE-Tickets for, Armory Dance
1 for sale at (ralham's - Book Store.
i Foster Smoke Shop. City Cigar
Store. 83-84-85-80
NOTICE-Try one of our ,new Cone
Loud Speakers for $15.00. Schae-
berle and Son Music House." tf

a; tfi
.1' ..
.:. Y
7 f
; ;
{! t

FOR SALE-One Bulova 17 jewel
wrist watch, perfect condition $25.1
The Watch Shop, 1121 So. Univ.
FOR SALE--Must sacrifice set of Sel-
mer Boehm clarinets, with case, for
quick sale. Call at 1313 Oeddes be-_
tween 6:30 and 8:00 and look them
over. 82-83-84
,TYPE W11ITERS-All makes, sold,1
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. O. D. MORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf,
One of those easy riding, light upkeep
Franklin, closed cars. A-i condi-
tion. New paint and A-1 tires and
battery. Dial 8950 or evenings 5267

NOTICE--Armory Opening dance.
Every Friday and Saturday. Lund-
quist Wolverine Orchestra.
NOTICE-Dance at the Good Eats
Cafeteria Friday, Jan. ,21. Every
body welcome, gents 50c, ladies free.
Punch and waffers served. 609
East Williams. 82-83-84-85
NOTICE-Typing, thesis neatly, and
quickly typed a popular prices.
Phone 7345.t
NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N.~
University,across fromuniiiAudi-
torium. Re-opened under new
management. Cleaning, pressing
and altering. Ladies' work especi-
ally. Phone 8040. c-tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. daily-tf

for demonstration. tf
for__demonstration. _____ NOTICE-Hear Marion Talley on the
"'Orthophonic Victor Records. Schae-
FOR RENT berle and Son Music House, 110 So.
Main St. tf
FOR RENT-Single room with run-
ning water. and two furnished rooms To see best of 50 lines clothing drop
for housekeeping. Everything fur- card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
nished. 614 Monroe. Mrs. Cobb. 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tt
Our rapid turnover insures a fresh
FOR RENT-Two suites reasonable stock and you secure the best qual-
price. 623 Packard. ity at a moderate price. 0 aD. MOR-
83-84-85-86-87 RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone







A Discount of

These Windows, Well Lighted in the Day
Time and Bright at Night Will be Chang-
ed Daily And Will Show ToYou, As They
Arrive, New Idea In Clothing, Haberdash-
ery, And Others Articles of Interest to the
Conservatively Well Dressed Man, All In
Stock At

FOR RENT-Room for rent for girls,
from School of Music or, graduate
student. 707 Tappan. 83-84-85



FOR RENT-Desirable front suite.
Light, warm, plenty hot water. 529I
Walnut. 82-83

The Mans Shop

FOR RENT--For graduate students
very desirable suite on ground floor
with fireplace, also single room.
Phone 2-2244. 81-82-83
FOR RENT-Near campus desirable
furnished .house. Rent reasonable.
Phone 9274. 81-82-83
WANTED-Position as maid during
J-Hop week-end. Call 7273. ,
colored cook in fraternity. Good
city reference. Mrs. Jones. Phone
8264. 82-83-84
WANTED-Room, modern, well fur-
nished, man's, light, single room
near Hill Aud. prefer private fanily.
Box 154. 82-83-84

6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. tf
NOTICE---We carry a complete line of
the celebrated Hallton Band and
Orchestra Instruments. Schaeberle
and Son Music I-ouse. 110 So. Main
St. tf
onable prices, tailored or ready-
made. We have a wonderful vari-
ety of patterns. Repairing also a
specialty. Beautiful fabrics for your
winter overcoat.
109 E. Washington
Phone 5069
c Wed-Fri-Sat
NOTICE-wift Drug Store for Sheaf-
fer, Conklin, Moore and Wahl pens.
We do fountain pen repairing.
Trojanowski's Barber Shbp has sat-
isfied Michigan Students for 40
years. sun-wed-fri


20 per
20 cnt


Is now
in effect on
our entire
stock of

Greenwood AND Kilgore


°: ,-
r: .,.:
; '
is b

: 1



Winter Footwear.



4.) ,Y'

The Junior Hop will soon
be here. Then let' the
Mission Orange, Lemon
and Grapefruit Juices solve
your PUNCH problem.
Under all conditions and

uniformity of

Your Attention Is Respectfully Directed.
To Our Two New Windows On State Street
Watch Them For The New Things.

grade has

been a principle which' has
won for us large success in
our Bulk Coffee Business..
Your meals are not com-
plete without serving one
of our popular blends.



Our J. W. Special,
40c per lb. in 5 lb. lots
or 'more.
Our Club Blend, 45c
per lb. in 5 lb. lots or

IrThe Middle Room With"Y







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