W WVETDN$SDAY, JANUARY 19, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY Sflt~..-ar fr -- - maa .taciwns2a mown" ' P . K ,, r r . ' - - . PREDJUDICES' IS TOPIC OF V DW, C. Ai PROGRAM " loward MeClusky Says Opiions (O The Indihidual Are Grounded On Emotional Reflexes ANGELL IS NEXT SPEAKER "Most of our fears, prejudices and antagonisms are not the result of care- ful thinking but are riather emotional reflexes due to disappointed attempts! to get satisfaction from every act in life," said Mr. Howard McClusky, in- structor in educational psychology, at the Association day discussion Mon- day, at Newberry hall. In opening the discussion on "Pre- I judices,' Mr. McClusky brought out three points: first, that most people lead such a hurried, abstruse life that they have no opportunity to get a per- spective on what they are actually do-I ing all of the time; second, everyone isj actuated by a desire for satisfaction; and third, most people are inherently sensitive about the whole thing re- gardless of their sophisticated and blase exterior. The point to be remembered in considering these, three factors of human behavior is that the hurry of life prevents an intelligent direction of the restless drive after satisfaction ,and consequently the majority of ef- forts are not fully successful. A sense of antagonism toward these unsatisfac- tory contacts with life is the result and we come through each day and each week with a mixture of antagonisms, fears, and prejudices born of these em- tional reflexes of disappointments. In view of these facts, that is, the unscientific method by which we get most of our opinions, Mr. McClusky averred, we should take time to get a real perspective and think through our problems rather than follow our na-I tumrai 4rejudices. It is purely a per- sonal matter and a problem which faces the individual. These remarks furnished a basis for an interesting discussion which was enthusiastically supported by all those present at the meeting Monday. The next discussion will be led by Prof. Robert Angell and will occur next Monday at the same time. Purposes To Apply Theories To China Plans To Take New TO HONOR PRESIDENTS Superio r Strength M estern Knowledge All OF HOUSES AT DINNER Golfers Than W All presidents of dormitories, league. houses, and sororities will meet at a honor which is That men have superior physical dinner in their hnrwihi being given by the office of advisers to strength which enables them to play women at 5:30 o'clock tomorrow in better golf than women was the o;in- Barbour gymnasium. ion expressed by both Mrs. Steward The function will be entirely social, Hanley and Miss Malge Miller of Do- the occasion being mainly to acquaint troit when interviewed yesterday at- the presidents with one another and ternoon at Barbour gymnasium where with the advisers. Evelyn Murray, they instructed University women in- '27, president of the Women's league, terested in golf. will act as toastmistress and both Miss "A woman has to put her whole Beatrice Johnson, of the advisory of- weight behind her shots in order to flee, and Marjorie Miller, '27, vice- et distance because she dles not president of the League, are scheduled have the powerful muscles that a man to speak. The members of the physi- does," stated Mrs. Hanley. "The cal education department have also! average woman has to use the up- been invited to attend. right swing; only a large, well-builtt Although an attempt was made to woman golfer can obtain satisfactory, get in touch with every house presi- results with a flat swing. Another dent, in some cases this was not pos- difficulty that women have to meet sible. If any house president has not is that they must play on links built been reached personally, she is re- for men, and an obstacle which is quested to be present at the dinner. merely mental for a man often proves _a real one for a woman." rNTA IDA A P Miss Miller, in giving her v-ews on INTR AMUR AL GAMES i "le'" '" " """ the comparison of men a women Iskm s golfers said, "Women can develop into r' Intramural basketball games sched-I uled for today are as follows: 4 o'clock, Zone 6 vs. Martha Cook, Pi S - Phet'- Beta Phi vs. Alpha Epsilon, Phi; 5 o'clock, Alpha Gamma Delta vs. Sigma PRKINING - Miss Ian-mi - f Kappa, Helen Newberry Residence vs. Planning to take her knowledge and Alpha Xi Delta; 7 o'clock, Couzens NOT DON theorisngf th kewe hasenofg aon- hall vs. Gamma Phi Beta, Zone 15 vs. theories of the newest prase of socio-~I Couzens hall.-A logy back to her home in China, Miss l NOT Lan-hni Hsieh is in this country, tak- ern Reserve University, Cleveland ing a course in group service in West- Ohio. Anything from a akes Men Better men, Say Instructors as accurate players as men, but the latt lhi v tw1r d U fltLa O es First. "su cit number have shown marl ability to form teams for intercl tournaments which are beifg, con ered for spring. As Mrs. Hanley leaves in a iweeks for the south, being schedu to play at Palm Beach Veb. 14, won I ,f r r Fa i i 1' 1 a er nave to a van ages . 1 L , are urged to take advantage of nen have greater physical strength, :jfew remaining opportunities for not only in the arma andl shoulder mus- Istruction, before her departure. cles, but particularly in the hands.. Women lack the iron grip that you notice in a man's grasp on his club. On the theory that it will makee Secondly, many men by playing bil- -.ashos longer and thicker, every oi liards have 'thus gained an accurate eyelash is being pulled out in L eye for putting. In the match be- don. tween Miss Glenna Orcutt and Bobby Jones," continued Miss Miller, "the latter declared he was actuallygasham- I ed of his drives, which, although they were much longer than his opponent's' possessed thorough knowledge of the fine points of golf and excellent con- trol, so that competition hardly seem- edMrs. Hanley has now under her di-iN." rection six women whom she believes could easily make drives of 180 yards, being considered a good distance since 200 yards is an excellent drive for a woman. From among the 60 women As welcome interested in the indoor golf classes a Spring are t rk NO'T ICES si-| Mummers will not meet until after final examinations. ued i Munmmers'x'Ensian pictures will be ' I taken at 12 o'clock, Tuesday, Jan. 25, men I at the Spedding studio. No one who the hias not paid her dues may be in the in- picture. Junior Girls' play rehearsals for to- day are: At 4 o'clock, chorus 4 in eye- Sarah Caswell Angell hall, chorus 10 then in parlor; at 5 o'clock, chorus 9 in Lon- Sarah Caswell Angell hall, chorus 3 in parlor. ring i as the first tese new arrivals in for women and misses. Spring styles f E WRONG ND LATE Card to a Book. ... specially Priced INST RU MENTS Complete Assortment for the 1"a;e or Sr all ,Orchestra 11 4' ve eorge ouej Noretters vpessons" 711 North University Ave. Over George Moe's Phone 8805 rt They are the harbinger of Spring and' bring with them the first style message of the year. What are the styles, what are the favored colors and combinations, are the coats long, are skirts shorter -these and other questions pertain- ing to style are all answered in this first presentation of styles for Spring. Come and see them! Main nt Liberty III II VIOLIN OUTFITS Priced 1 IT,1 froi xlwards You ( an save Money in Buying Your Violin Outfit here! Believeing that it is the duty of people like herself to take back to China western ideas, so that that country can ptofit by American ex- periences. Miss Lan-hui Isieh, of Pek- ing, is attending Western Research University in Cleveland, studying one of the newest phases of sociology. Miss Hsieh, whose picture appears on this page, expects to establish a settlement house when she returns to China so that she may practice her knowledge and theories. "It will be a hard thing to do," she says, "as the idea is so new. I will have to in- troduce it slowly, until I can build up the right backing of influence. Probably when I first go home I shall teach." The course which Miss Hsieh is studying involves social service work with groups rather than with indivi- dual case work. 1Her family has been Christian for years and her father is influential in China. Miss Hsieh has enjoyed much the same advantages1 that come to an American girl of good. family. She went to mission school, then high school, attended Yen Chen' University in Peking and then came to Oberlin College, Ohio. .She started her course in Cleveland in September. One of the features of the W. C. T. U. conference to be held in Washing- ton, D. C., Jan. 25-27, will be a ser'v- ice at the base of the Frances Willard statue in the capitol Statuary hall. Miss Willard was the founder of the! W. C .T. U. Miss G. Wilbrink is chief director of the goyernmental control station 'at Cheribon, Java. The Bolcro, the Blouse and the Belt Acclaim the Spring Froc The bolero, the blouse and the belted line enter as the trium- virate of the Spring (Iress mode. Skirts are tiered, pleated or cir- cular and the compose theme plays importantly. Afternoon dresses of crepe satin, crepe do chine and prints, cleverly tucked and stitched, answer the demand for spring smartness in black, beige, hydrangea and navy blue, green and gray. $25 to $39.50 - ..v j__ \t _ - _ rr, . _ ' * ' ,, - ? F ,Y ; r ; f r r I "The Store of Individuality" @' SAXOPHONE E-flat Alto "Wolverine" Silver plated. Gold Bell Case and six Reeds 1 included.......... J C MELODY Same finish ...........$115 CLARINET Fine imported Albert system. 15 keys, 4 rings and rollers. Complete with Case, six heeds $32.50 et c. . .......... . CLARINET, Albert system. 15 keys, 2 rings. Excellent for beginners ........ $22.50 CELLO Good -uality. Nicely shaded brown color. Full, three-quar- teris "Ind one-hl~l' sizes. Coi- plee( with Bow' and lackintosh 7 cover .F.'.. . .. . 50 TRUMPET Fine imported French Trum- pet, "Cuesnon" make, in B flat with change to A. Complete with water-w$18 proof cover. Only.. TROMBONE Brass finish. Perfect slide action. Water- pr'oof cover. 1 eyseil6.00 Veyspecia .. FLUTE 8 keys, imported, complete with 1 10 good case ...1. DRUM Professional model, all metal Snare Drum com- plete with Sticks. $ U o n y . . . . . . pOt h e r D r u m s . . . . . $ 1 0 U P I LL good resolutions start, and often end, cc .... beginning tomor- row". But commence the- Shredded Wheat 121 South Main St. t I I I .Y-',.- Ring & Bueseher Band Instruments Ealsy Weekly or Monthly Payments d0 i I o mophnie Vitrolas, $3 to $300 116 South Main Street v Ilolic s :;12 -Evierything lMusical- I i r. I 11 CA January Showing Sealskin Fur Coats For the benefit of women who may want to select a Fur Coat during January, when the cold demands an adequately warm coat, we have arranged for a showing of sealskin coats in a complete range of sizes. If you are interested in a seal coat, or in any one of the other favorite pelts, we invite you to make selec- Come t Oa CRIPPEN'S If you are looking for the best in candy, or the last word in delicious fountain specialties, just drop in at our store near the campus on your way from classes. The rich, creamy chocolate syrup used in our malted milks and sun- daes add that certain taste that gives us the reputation we have. 9~T PI i i i, I i habit tomorrow and the chances are your grandson will still be car- rying on. For Shredded Wheat is that kind of a food; rich in all the body-building, mind- stimulating whole wheat elements you need- and rich in captivating flavor, too. Try Shredded Wheat today with hot milk orcold,or enjoy it with your favorite fruit fora real cereal feast. T 2 i tion now. A convenient plan of payment may be arranged. If 11