7 PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY W!,.I)N~lSDA', JANUARY 19, 1927 ...,,..<,-.w. ... ..... FLORIDA CONVENTION ATiTE OLED BY FISHER; Discuss Plans For Peace In Nicaragua ! HIGH COST OF CLEANLINESS PUTS HEAVY EXPENSE BURDEN ON UNION V ;a:.' ."? a~a; massdustless tabletops, fiom $22000 to 25000 a ear Tis ? ' ' Idirtias morer adglsteing floors !includes the w~ages ot the 1"l1mU e ,;_,. t t 3 : i i okU in the. U'r*** ****1--bA4tlme a1 t J. fCnd aLt4 fumr'- n, ;lJ rz. . ,'w.~w, "" . ": war' . y le lftav i n' eiProfcs;or Finds lhi lnki Comtipletely3' Recoere'd From Ifluricane CONDITIONS UNCERTAIN I Prof. E. M. Fisher, of the Realty Management department of the School of Business Administration, returnedl this week from Miami, Fla., where he attended the mid-winter meeting of the National Association of Real Estate Boards, as an official delegate from Ann Arbor, and a member of the edu-. cational committee of the a'ssociation. Special stress was given the educa, - tjonal program of the association in the inaugural, address of C. C. lHieatt,I newly elected president of the organi- zation./ The University of Michigan is thei only university to have a full time teacher in the field of real estate. This post is held by Professor Fisher, who for three years prior to 1927 was the association's educational director. SNumerous other institutions through- i out the country, however, have part- time teachers and some plan to fol- low Michigan's lead. The condition of real estate in Florida, following the greatest specu-I lation boom in hitstory, Professor Fisher characterized ase totally uncer- tain. In dlefense of this statement he! pointed; to the presence of some soeC'ii lntion inl a periodl of reactionary dIo- T1he inost striking impression which Professor Fisher received oil his trip, was the sight of Miami is completely rocovered from the devastating hurni- cane of last September. All of the \VT ckage is cleared away andl many , niew buildings have spring up. Only a few reminders of the disaster are to be found. 3HILIPPINE CLUB WILL SE FILMS One set of tle Alumni association's motion pictures films will be sent to the Philippines soon, as the first leg on an itinerary to University of Mich- igan clubs in dependencies and for- cgn countries, it was announced yes- 1 caday by T. Hawley Tapping, field ,ecretary of the association,. After its use in the Philippines, the film will be sent to Tokio, Pekin, and -uenos Aires.C ) I. t onily th oug~h considerable expense to, plies which must be given them. the man7a.ement. Dusting, shining, scrubbing and Cleailiness, the pride of the house- cleaning-up a litter of candy wrep- men, is ailntained at a cost,. accord- pers, cigarettes and trash keep bu y iug to t he organization's books, off this force of men, who, fIgure .sliov:, consumed more than ,C0 xortta or ~ soap arid cleaning powder alone dui- ~ A I IR ing particularly bad weeks when al ____________________excessive amount of muddy footprint.s,' FRA-CES STARR I are left at the entranceways. ;Ia a %smashng Comedy SUccess_______ 9TE'HE F Subscribe for Tire Michigan DaillT I S E FY. with A rthiur By ront Donald )Leek 'imd aa( Great OCa;t ' ' ; !. 'J u-, caei :t ±.-.Ai .f:widi\ (oe, an(1d cone promptly~ 6A&k , l'iwl=AU C.If T '' i 'l' . :SES 'iP, ,. Hl-UI1 rRY " Phone 4744 i 't , I 14'end 1"he D211IN7 "Classified" Columns I s. II NIGHIT S -PLAYHOUSE - TIiwes., 'Thi rs., wSl. 0~c and 45c ??/7 1mrs aNight for 1)llout p, i"wYork Shlook 'With Laughter "ALIAS THE DEACON" A I I , An Austrian General Lommand!: The state departmenit is reported to have approved! a move io br ing; opposing Nicaraguan factions togeth er. Photo shows Aie andrco (CEsa-, envoy trove the Diaz government in Nicaragua, in conference with Secre- tary of Sgtate Frank B. Kellogg, right. 'IlAT SIR, it, I I SPIII >S, APPE AR AT MIDNIUM (CLOTHIED)ONLY ARMY OFFICERS, Alumni In, Florida WILL CONVENE' Organize New Club- Su nnerall, Careen And Others WXill !With the recent organizatio o the Ad(re~s Detroit Ateeting Palm Beach University of Michiga l club, the Alumni association has DETROIT, Jan. 18.-Arrangements :establishedl its first active connectijon are practically completed for the en- with the University's graduates in tertaining oof more than 500 Reserve!Foia officers of Michigan who will convene W ~hen the club wvasoi'ganizcd. 19; for 'their annual winter meeting' Feb. ! alumni, including graduates from theo 12 and 13 at the Hotel Tuller. classes of 171. to 1924, wtre li'eselt Leading the list of distinguished at the meeting.j officers who will address the confer- Since Florida has been added to thc. once is the name of Maj. Gen. Chai les! territory .active in alumni work, the P. Summerall, chief of staff of the Uasoatond hree foita counwtris, S. army. Other speakers will be Gentatsadtrefrincutis Fred W. Green, governor of the state; besides the District of Columbia, the Col. John S. Bursey, adjutant general HawNaijaifislands, and the Philippines.j offiher'stasatBin ofn.tHenitdy hvebenarstdasarsut Reilly, first president of the Reserve LONDON-A number of Commun- States,' and Maj. Gen. Guy M. Wilson, discovery of a plot against the govern- commanding general of the 32nd di- } et, v ision of F lin t. __________________________________ General Reilly has just returned _____ _______ from a nine months' visit to China, Tribune.1 The committee in charge of the en-, tertainment has planned many novel alleeh rpeetd th hc ~ features, which will be given at theT o a l m n, - banquet Feb. 12 and the luncheon inm e v CA.SS 'Nighlt $1.040 to I'l 11THE$3.00I 161'l EA'iRE Wedt. Mat. DETROITl7acwto $1.30 'IO. tcne il Oni tr Inimitable MITZI IIa 'New Musical Play GREEN FRUIT SUJERT L&WAVETTE )eft-oit - Cadillac 8705 IAtst Twelve Tlimes WiARN R BROS. Present JOHN BARRYMORE i"910'JUAN" -And- VITA PH ONE Mlatinees, 5,0c to $1.00, E miiigs, d~c to $1.50 Plus Tax See TO-DAY U', With All Star (a ,, {(of len Hlur Famie) s' ly, . ,..._._. 1 0 %%W Mit- Policy 3"wA Adultrs 2C' ... . L~O BA(Our Gag) TOPICS 4- NWS- LOCALS ~ A1~1 "B~fY CLO'CHE" IF iI vho make a f£ pipes Comedy You'1 Hostesses fought for him, acti-Week 11l Talk About 3ART S THURS. I She Craved a Kiss 'Em, Crush '.Em and Crip pie 'Emn lIDi)SHE G(T I.T. F7 t LANSING.-A constitutional amend- anent, to restrict pardon and parole1 PORT' HURON.- The Owen Sound sowers, will be brought before the Board of Trade is behindl a move - Legislature. ( ment to have a bridge constructed p ~~I across the St. Clair rive rmPt Patronize Daily Advertisers. Huron. to Sarnia. <;fomPr -111i111I111111U1f11t111111itt141iI1fl P e rh as1; ° -r "TheHme of ureit Milk."ca hobby 0 ) frienid , en vie'dbipV, anid life 4ei l Iw Vdelights for 1h111to o;'r. e Is crude alin ~ems w~ere A$'ri1)uatc(Ito lair gehills, hi4 I woman ite m ii. Then, like at. hwn efbolt. cainie the re'vela. lion lit e was only a Coal ",I X2 4G:": J ' \ 0 \ '.;' 1 !:S . ---"' n K wp r t 1 ' ", ,: s -' . , ' , _ x I; I J4A . ____ J . ° . a 4 .1., xv ,. l M.A YDE you've spent half your life and Ion tune on this old hobby--collecting everyt''hin,-g from peace-pipes down to the latest "L and Maria" underslung. Maybe yo,,, know the pipe encyclopedia from amL er Americanuis to Zula zuago. I" -it if yo ' ire a pipe smoker, you learned long ago thatL no matter how much a man may Iknow about trick pipes and pipe tricks what he gets out of any pipe depends on what he puts in it. And if you know your tobaccos, you know that any pipe's a sweeter smoke when packed with grand and glorious old Granger Rough Cut... The finest Burley that grows, mellowed WelIlman's way, and specially cut for pipes.. A man may have a hundred pipes but he needs only one tobacco... and that's Granger. For whether you put. it in a. meerschaum or a corn-cob, Granger is al- ways the same cool, sweet tobacco... worthy of any pipe uSf the world. 1 w 'I. r . V~'V 'Y - r 4 f Rtlll \ U 11 i\\ ' f , C'I' F raternities-Sororitties We have listed for sale a large brick house which, without alterations, would accommo- date an organization. There are nine bed- rooms and dormitory space ; three baths; large hall and livi'ng room; hot water heat. II 11 And Excellent Surrounding Cast v d Tee ,, a A G:. co [INO, II is 'p I Awl An unusually well-built house, worthy of your consideration. Terms are offered. Other desirable houses. Let us show them to you. 4 ; OUGH CUT TheSunday Jan. -23 TeWorld's Greatest Lovers United to Brieg You to the Ultimate Realm of Affection AND HN G RE TTA GARBO 1, " 11 1111121131112 Dial 7147. Miss Carson with y r- '"1A Yru T'- Oi A_ _ _ _ _I]