.. v ESTABLISHED 1890 pr 4r 4hp MEL. fiRtAWK t TI MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 83 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 19, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS INM~DEAN HOPES TO REPORTS OFRIOTS DAID GRADUATES FOOCKO C ONFIRME;w0War. Says Lower Cots Will Temt A R C Post-Graduate Dentists AI/RICANS NOT HURT By lowering the cost of the first part of the course, the recent change made in the course for dental stu- FOREW N POPULATION TO BIEI EVACUATED FROM CITY dents will encourage students to re- TO SAFE PLACES main in school for graduate work, ac- TO SFE PACEScording to Dean Marcus L. Ward, of the School of Dentistry. NAVY READY FOR ACTION The recent action taken by the Regents is the reward of ten years' Secretary Wilbur And Rear Admiral work on the part of officials in its McVey Confer With Secretary efforts to have the course altered, he Of State Kellogg said. _ K g .The principal aim toward which (By Associated Press) the dental faculty has been working WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-Official re- is ,the development of regular grad- ports, confirming press accounts of uate study. According to Dean Ward, Chinese anit-foreign rioting and loot- the School of Dentistry, is the only ing of missionary establishments, in one in the country in which there is Foociow, reached the state depart- specialty work being carried on by ment late today but gave no indication graduate students. that any American had been injured. In prolonging the requisite for ad- The foreign popul'ation, including mission into the School of Dentistry\ American missionaries, however, it a year, and decreasing the work in the is anticipated, will be evacuated from professional school, the Regents have that city to places of safety. enabled students to save money, in- Navy Is Watch Dog asmuch as the tuition for the literary The navy, it was revealed, is acting college is much less, he declared. as a watch dog in the situation by holding marines at Guam and San Diego, together with the cruiser Hur-T eventualities. lI I Just before the reports were receiv- ed, Secretary Wilbur of the navy de- D O partment and Rear Admiral Charles D. McVey, Jr., formerly commander Arthur S. Coggeshall, Paleontologist, of the Asiatic squadron, and familiar Will Illustrate Lecture With with the situation from a naval view- -Wil is To t point, were called into conference by Secretary Kellogg. It was said the conference did not signify any im- TO TELL OF EXPEDITION mediate action by the Washington government, but the secretary of state Speaking under the auspices of the had been anxious to inform himself geology and zoology departments on fully of the aspects of the Chinese the subject, "Turning Back the Clock situation. Ten Million Years," Arthur S. Cog- In a general way, the Washington geshall of the Carnegie Museum, at government probably does not anti-. Pittsburgh, will give an illustrated cipate developments in China which lecture on recent American excava- might compel armed protection for I tions of the remains of prehistoric American nationals there unless a i animals . at 8 'cock tonight in situation developed in Shanghai which Natural Science auditorium. made such intervention no longer, Mr. Coggeshall, who is curator of avoidable. The evacuation of Amer- education and preparator-in-chief for ican, nationals from interior points I the Carnegie Museum, will tell the where they have been effected at the story of the work of excavation, find- anti-foreign rioting, although It is not stgyandthaborktoy eavatin f aimed particularly at them, indicates ing, and laboratory restoratpn of that th Wahintonadministration' dincosar remains which' have been that the Washington dn stain discovered by the expedition of the would resort to military protection nbseuhederegit onof the for its nationals only when no other museum during' its work of the past for ts atinal ony wen o oher10 years near the Unitah mountains in means of averting bloodshed was yeaser the available.! eastern Utah. Should the dangers of similar out- By arrangement with Wattersn breaks at Shanghai, indicated in re- Rothacker and the First National Plc- cent press dispatches but not yet con- ture corporation, Mr. Coggeshall will firmed by official advices actually de- supplement his lecture with four reels velop decision could not be avoided. ofmoving pictures which were taken Protection could be granted at Shang- for the movie, "The Lost World," ha but might be difficult at ports up showing these forms of prehistoric the Chinese rivers, far in the interior: animal life as they appeared in action In the meantime, many messages fmin their natural surroundings. These have been exchanged by the state de- i moving pictures were made under the partment with Minister MacMurray in supervision of scientists from the Peking and it is indicated that ways American Museum of Natural History,! and means of meeting the serious sit- New York city, the United States uation that has developed are under Natural History Museum, Washington, discussion although no official of the D. C., and the Carnegie Museum of department has been willing to dis- l Pittsburgh, and present an accurate cuss what steps may be contemplated. reproduction of the best scientific Mr. MacMurray left Peking today knowledge of these giant dinosaurs en route here for conferences with ; which have been proved to exist on Secretary Kellogg. this continent millions of years ago. Mac~iurray To Resume Post Mr. Coggeshall entered the depart- Secretary Kellogg has given no re- ment of paleontology of the Ameri- cent indication as to whether he can Museum of Natural History in would make public his contemplated 1895, then under the direction of Prof. reply to the recently published British Henry Fairfield Osborn. In 1899 Ile memorandum on China before he has became chief of the laboratories of had opportunity to talk with the mnn- the section of paleontology at Car- ister. He has said positively, how- 'negie Museum. His research work in ever, that MacMurray would return to both field and laboratory has taken his post in Peking at the conclusion him over North America and South of his conference in Washington. America as well as a great part of The secretary's memorandum is ex- Europe. For his distinguished work pected to set out American policies as in paleonotology he has been hon- to China and to stress the desire of ored with many decorations. the Washington government to follow' a line of action with relation to 'ENSIAN CONDUCTS China's development of nationalist CNDUCTS aspirations that would be sympathe- F A R CONTEST tic and helpful towards the establish-, ment of stabilized government in To secure material for its feature China. section which will appeal to the stu- dents, the 'Ensian staff is conducting R. 0. T. C. MEMBERS a prize picture contest, according to a statement yesterday by the editors. SEE WAR MOVIES For the best two collections of pictures, which must be of campus Members of the R. O. T. C and their interest and of informal student life, friends were entertained last night copies of the 1927 Michiganensian will in Natural Science auditorium, by five be awarded. The collection may con- reels of World war motion pictures. t any number of pictures, and the The pictures were taken in 1918,I photographs may be of any size. En- and showed some of the principal#tries should be made at the 'Ensian movements and battles of this period. editorial office in the Press building Included in this were many scenes of any afternoon. 1ARM Y FLIERS END ATE P P E LEG OF TR FINAL OPERA SHOWING ABTAEIS PUSHEDl' (BVsoitedPrss TO BE WITNESSED BY Qa, i aun All ninni,iri FRANCLE FIELD. Panama Canal ' Il~un tera 1ni u nnn WILL DEDICATE INSTITUTE SOON Feb. 11 Is Set As Probable Date For Official Opening Ceermonies IN LRPIU-UIL uiVu I L I EXICAN - NICARAGUAN POLICY CAUSES NEW OUTBREAK IN SENATE SENATOR HEFLIN SCORED President Maintains Former Opinion Of Compensation For Confiscated American Property (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-Out of a! cross-fire of renew criticism and de- fense of the administration's policy! towards Latin-America, there devel- oped today a move towards arbitra- tion of the oil and land disputes with Mexico. Senator Robinson, the Democratic leader, proposed such an adjustment in a resolution which was referred to, the foreign relations committee. He said he had the support of Chairman Borah,,of that committee, and Senator Swanson, of Virginia, the ranking Democratic member. Cites Monroe Doctrine The Robinson proposal was offered after the Mexican-Nicaraguan ques- tion had flared up again in both Sen- ate and House debates, and after it had been restated at the White House that President Coolidge's concern with regard to Mexico was whether' holdings would be confiscated. As to Nicaragua, he believes the American government has been. adhering strict- ly to the Monroe" doctrine. In the Senate, the discussion, pre- cipitated by Senator Heflin, Democrat,, Alabama, turned into a fiery religious debate, while in the House the ad- y ministration charges of Bolshevic scheming in Latin-America carried the brunt of a sustained attack on the policy of the aresident. Senator Helmi became a target for a hammering attack by five 'of his Zone,.Jan. 18 -The three PanrAer1HLr WE 1/N IM ; Official dedication and opening of ican airplanes arrived here at 5:30 th~ e Simpson Memorial Institute will o'clock this afternoon from Puntare- -p__F,_n nasCosa Ria. ONCU~iN P~FQRM~~E~ .take place about Feb. 11, according to nas, Costa Rica. CONCLUDING PKRFORHANCE OF Dr. James D. Bruce, director of the When the "San Antonio," "San "FRONT PAGE STUFF" TO department of internal medicine at 'Franico," and "The Detroit" alighted, TAKE PLACE FEB. 12 thenUniversityhospital, in a state- the squadron had concluded the first_ ___ ment made yesterday, although the division of the momentous United T Statesarmy Pan-American flight t PRAISE SHOW ON TOUR exact date has not been decided upon. South America. --- " Dr.Bruce has been acting as tempo- Sout Amrica - rary head of the institute since its The "good will" aviators reported Extraordinary Success Is Given As completion. Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, as- that the journey was made without Trincipal Reason For Extra sistant professor in the Harvard nedi- incident. They had stopped off at Peetto n n n y s p ttresenttiocal school, has accepted the invitation resumed the trip of the board of regents to act as per- As a conclusion to the series of manent head of the foundation and as Union opera performances presented professor of' internal medicine. He C during Christmas vacation, and be- will arrive in Ann Arbor Thursday cause of the success of the Opera ini for a preliminary conference with the !-!hospital officials. its presentations on the itinerary of , Dr. Sturgis has received degrees S 13 cities of the Middle West and East from Washington university and from during that time, an additional and Johns Hopkins medical school, and final performancq of "Front Page since 1920 has been associated with Leaders Of Both Parties Forecast Stuff" will be given Saturday Feb. the Harvard school. He is also an IReecioii Of Credentials Of ' attending physician at the Peter Illinois Appointee 12, at the Whitney theater, for the Brent Brigham hospital in Boston. benefit of juniors and their J-Hop EXPECT VAR TO LOSE ategests,it was announced yesterday IAIIII at the office of the Opera treasurer. SA .a PApplications are being sent out at ;(By Associated Press) -the present time to all those who have WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.-Exclusion had applications accepted for ticketsI of Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, from to the J-Hop itself. These applica-N UHIHts iESTERNf OHIO the Scnate both at this session as jtions will have first preference for Senator-designate, and at the next as tickets to the performance and will Contest At Evanston Will Be Thirtieth Senator-elect, was forecast today by be filed in the order of their recep- Meeting Betwe Michigan tion at the Union. And That University Repubcans as well as Democratie General Sale Feb. _ On Saturday, Jan. 29, applications RY Free expression to their views was will be available at the main desk in RiVAL BEGUN IN 1894 given after the arrival here today of the Union for all Union members. All- Colonel Smith to present his creden- applications mst be returned to the When Michigan meets Northwestern tials at 11 o'clock tomorrow, as the Union by Saturday, Feb. 5, when a I Friday night at Evanston, Ill., in a appointee of Governor Small to fill general sale of tickets will begin. debating contest, it will be the out the unexpired term of the late Although Mimes has presented a thirtieth clash that the two universi- -Senator William D. McKinley. special performance of the Opera the ties have had since they established In the opinion of these leaders a afternoon following the junior dance ' debating relations in 1894. Michigan's like fate awaits Senator-elect William for the past few years, the extra show- affirmative team will meet Ohio State S. Vare of Pennsylvania, when he ing of the production this year has in Ann Arbor simultaneously. seeks, after March 4, to take the seat been principally occasioned by the ex- The second intercollegiate debate over which a contest has been brought traordinary sucess of "Front Page held in the United States was when by dais Democratic opponent, Willliam Stuff" both on the road and in Ann Michigan debated Wisconsin in 1893. D. Wilson, secretary of labor in the 'Arbor previous to the vacation tour. The contest was also the first western Wilson administration. Critics in every city in which the intercollegiate debate, as the Harvard- Immediately after his arrival from 1927 musical comedy was shown ex- Yale debate of 1892 was the first Chicago, Colonel Smith conferred with pressed exceedingly favorable com- American collegiate forensic contest. Senator Deneen, Republican, Illinois, ment in regard to the excellence of Following the Wisconsin debate, who is to lead the fight to seat him, the Opera this year, particularly the Michigan met Northwestern during and afterwards Senate leaders com- New York Times. Alumni in every the next three years. However, in pleted plans for the first round of city, with few exceptions, displayed 1898 the Central Debating league was the battle, which will be on the ques- their interest in the annual offering of organized. It was composed of Mich- tion of whether Smith ,s to be given Mimes and the Union by an unprece- a seat before the election committee dented demand for seats. Standing holds a public hearing on his case. room was sold for performances of the Complete accounts of the Cen- Opera in Detroit, where the produc- tral League debates Friday night COMEDY CLUB TO tion was shown three times, as well at Hill auditorium, Evanston, ledo d i Sanaw. The and Columbus, will be included GIVE TWOtEXTRA 'otal number of persons which wit- jIin The Daily Saturday morning. PERFORMANCESjnessed the run in Ann Arbor sur- In addition to covering the Mich-~ passed that which saw "Tambourine"' igan-Ohio State debate here, a Two extra performances of "The and fully equalled the average of irepresentative of The Daily will Tw xrap rmans"Tn Stock ' for the samenum-i accompany the Michigan team I Last Warning," a play by Thomas F. Cotton ings to Evanston and wire a full re- Fallon, will be presented by the Com- ber of performances port of the Michigan-Northwest- edy club Friday and Saturday nights. Othersdesmay See ShowpMth t The laywasoriinaly cheule to In addition to being presented as an er cn debate-the first time that, The play was originally scheduled to attraction for guests who will attend The Daily has covered, directly,! be given only in three performances, t -Hop, "Front Page Stuff" will f an out-of-town intercollegiate starting last night, but due to the the J-Hop, contest in any field other than large sale for the presentations to- be given at this time for te fit athletics. The Ohio State Lan- night and tomorrow officers of the club of those unable o o ain tern will furnish the returns of previous ctions.begiven in its the Northwestern-Ohio State The production is toes ited here and match at Columbus.I A review of "The Last Warn- entirety as it w esente here and ing" as presented at the Mimes on the road, with the same cast and theater last night will be found choruses. igan, Chicago, Northwestern, and Mm- on page four in the Music and (j nesota. This remained a quadrangular Drama column. Fischer league unitl 1905 when Minnesota with- Fi rToAddress drew and it became a triangular league . Student Press Club with Michigan, Chicago, and North- have decided to add the extra show- estern as its members. In 1923 ings. Tickets for both of the extra I(Chicago withdrew and Ohio becaame performances, as well as a few for ) Alfred Fischer, director of the! a member. the regularly scheduled ones, are on Michigan committee on public utility Out of the 29 debates with North- inomtowl.drs h t-wsentrewr ulees o PROMINENT SCIENTIST TO DISCUSS RESEARCH AND DISCOVERY TODAY +8 GEORGES CLAUDE, INVENTOR OF OXYGEN LIQUEFYING PRO- CESS, TO TALK SERVED FRANCE IN WAR Chemist Is Now Trying To Work Out Means To Develop Power In Tropical Colonies Georges Claude, member of the French Academy of Science, and fa- mous for his scientific research, will lecture at 4:15 this afternoon in Natural Science auditorium, on some phase of his engineering research and discoveries. The inventor of the Claude Process for Synthetic Am- inonia, which operates at pressures one thousand atmospheres, Dr. Claude also discovered the Claude liquefaction process for the manu- facture of oxygen, which furnishes over half of the oxygen used in this country. Recently Dr. Claude demonstrated an experiment before the French Academy of Science illustrating his theory to force the tro.pical oceamp to develop limitless energy that would free imdustry from the cumbersome geeation of energy fromh fuel. By boilig the tepid water on the surface of tropical seas, continuously and automatically in a great vacuum, then passing the steam on into turbines where frigid water, which is easily siphoned from the depths of the seas, will condense the steam, Dr.. Claude claims that limitless energy can be produced. Would Irrigate Sahara Dr. Claude is working with Paul Boucherot, professor in the Haut Ecole d'electricite, in the interest of the development of power in remote tropical colonies of France. He has maintained that, the irrigation of the Sahara desert is possible by the gen- eration of cheap electrical power on the coasts, with which to pump the water from wells far under the great expanse of sandl. Born in Paris in 1870, Dr. Claude received his education there, graduat- ing from the Ecole de Physique at Chimie Industrielles in 1889. After important contributions to the means of increasing safety in the. distribu- tion of Alternating currents of high tension, Fus a member of the research bureau of the municipal electric works of Paris, Dr. Claude was made head of the department of scientific research of the Thomson-Houston company. Here he contributed great- ly to the advance of the acetylene in- dustry with the discovery of the fact that the solubility of acetylene in ace- tone decreased. greatly the danger of its use. He also improved the oxy- acetylene blow-pipe. During the World war Dr. Claude j was of great service to his country in research work which resulted in the invention of several high explosives having as their basis liquid oxygen, and a method for the production of chlor- ine gas which was used by the French army. An invention of an apparatus to detect the location of hostile bat- teries by sound and a trench cannon based on the viscosity of tar, were 'among his accomplishments which at the end of the war prompted the French government to award. Dr. Claude with one of the high degrees in the Legion of Honor. Ihas Written Books Among the numerous books which he has written is "Electricity in Reach of All" which has been translated into many languages. Awards for his scientific research includethe Hebert prize, presented by the Academy in 1904, in 1098 the Montejon prize, and electedto the academy in 1924,suc- e ceeding the late Maurice Leblanc. The lecture will be in English, and the public is cordially invited. MIMES ANNOUNCES Democratic colleagues, Senators Bruce of Maryland, Reed of Missourt, Walsh of Massachusetts, Ramsdell of Louisi- ana and Ashurst of Arizona, in turn assailing him for his repeated attacks upon the attitude of Roman Catholics towards Mexico. In the House, Representative Lo- zier, Democrat, Missouri, charged President Coolidge and Secretary Kel-I logg with using the Bolshevist bug- bear to cover their imperialistic pro- gram of conquest. In offering his resolution, Senator Robinson said the Senate should ac- cept responsibility for proposing sub- I mission of the Mexican controversy to! arbitration. He further declared that it was not beyond the bounds of rea-I sonable possibility that the adminis- tration would be happy to have an expression from the Senate. He was certain, he added, that the attitudel embodied in the resolution represent-j ed the thoughtful attitude of four- fifths of the American people. "A Doniestic Question" 1 At the White House it was said that President Coolidge feels that the ques- tion of mediation of the controversy between the two Nicaraguan factions is largely a domestic question. . His chief concern is for restoration of tranquility in that country as soon asj possible. Every step taken thus far by the administration with regard to Mexico, in the President's opinion, has been with the thought in 'mind that property of American citizens is not to be confiscated ' on taken without being paid for. RESHMEN BEGINC TO PLAN FROLIC ,, 1 1(( t 41 I i F I Initial plans for the Frosh Frolic -were made at the first joint meeting of the committee held last night at the Union. Sub-committees were appointed and the tentative date was set for March sale now at the Mimes theater boxj office.- The first presentation of the play was given last night in the Mimes, theater before a large audience. Tick-f ets may be reserved for any of the remaining performances, by phone,I at the Union, and seats thus reserved will be held until 8 o'clock the nights of the play. Tickets are priced at 501 dnr 75 cetntq_ information, will address the Stu- dent's Press club tonight in the edi- torial room of the journalism depart- memt at 7:30 o'clock. Mr. Fischer will speak on publicity work, giving a general idea as to just what it is, and its relation to business and indus- try. Mr. Fischer has served as director of this committee since 1921, having nnrvincl n bnn ' cn A cnitnfrd Prl c western three were judgeless; fro"m the 26 judged contests Michigan has { won 14, which Northwestern has 12 victories. In oratory Northwestern has the edge, having won 12 first hon- ors in the Northern Oratorical league, I while the University has taken 10 first places. Michigan has only met Ohio in one f Central league debate and was the victor. r t 1 x i i I 14 I f 7 { i 18. .au aprev ousl een an ssoc e ress 18.______writer for two years. He also work- TIF~s.Rusia nd urky sgn- NEW HAVEN, Conn.- The advance ' ed on the staff of the Detroit Free Biology S e ils ed a treatey for mutual use of rivers of the Canton army in China has clos-pres for sistyears,tadlaer itedBi o y on the boundary between the two ed the doors of the academic depart- the Michigan Manufacturer, a busi- To Address Lea ue countries. ments of Yale-in-China. ness weekly published in Detroit. nrAt the next lecture to be held under. SENATE REFUSES TO RE-ESTABLISH RE LATIONS WITH 1the auspices of the Tolstoy league at TURKEY BY REJECTING VOTE ON LAUSANNE TREATY' 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in room 231 ____________________________________________________________ Angell hall, "biologic Living" will be discussed by a specialist from Battle (By Associated Press) Senator Swanson, of Virginia, rank- Just how the situation will be met, # Creek sanitarium. The speaker, whose WASHINGTON, Jan. 18.--After sev- ing Democrat on the committee, aided state department officials do not name has not yet been announced, eral weeks of intermittent discussion rby Senator King, Democrat,Utah, know as they have no precedent to will come in place of Dr. J. H. Kel tm Seaeletoa reetdtm[bore the brunt of the opposition. logg, head of the Battle Creek saul- The vote was taken behind closed guide them. Native and naturalized tarium, who will be unable to spealr Lausanne treaty to re-establishd dip- doors and the roll-call was not made Americans, entitled to diplomatic pro- because of injuries sustained in am lomatic and commercial relations with public. tection by their government are scat- accident. Turkey. Defeat of the treaty leaves the tered far and wide i Turkey and The lecturer will treat of the vari The vote, 50 for ratification to 34 United States without any formal re- there is considerable American invest- ous phases of vegetarianism, and will against, or six less than the neces- lations whatever with Turkey after ment in that country. Yet there re-4 accompany his talk with" slides and sary two-thirds, showed the Repub- Feb. 20, next. The modus vivendi, un- mains no official channel of communi- drawings illustrating some of the icans solid for time treaty and the der which relationships are now cation between the two governments. more recent ideas on this theory. This 'e l i -I? 1- le IV NEW PRODUCTIONS Today, between 4 and 5 o'clock, will mark the last opportunity for those men wishing to try out for the annual Mimes series of plays to do so. All men who have had experience in sing- ing, dancing, or stage work, or are desirous of submitting skits or vaude- ville numbers, are asked to report to thme Mimes theater at this time. The plays which will be given dur- ing the second semester, are "The Man of Destiny," by 'Shaw; "R. U. R.," a Theater Guild production; "Hell Bent For Heaven," a Pulitzer prize play, and a comedy of Holberg's translated by Prof. Oscar J. Campbell of the English department. Tn . Argil1 +1', . nnnal ,1 Mimen54 n .. a to actual battle, troop formations, air maneuvers, the shooting downof men, and the crashing of wrecked airplanes. At a recent initiation, Paul Arnold, '27E, was made a member of Vulcans, senior honorary engineering society, it was announced yesterday by J. Lawrence Buell, '27E, secretary of the Green Will Discuss I Topic Of Education Letters were sent to two state boards and to the Michigan College of I Mines requesting them to send rep- resentatives to be present at a con- :I