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January 18, 1927 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-18

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}? ROU T F f iN;MARCH Jii 0 u OO i Uf TENA7S COURTS FOR INDOOR D zq~ / }}"' e RLSY

ronn rgtir unn riirtlT


Iowa ii' 4coi'e Oler i*(",ch".%iin Team1
BY Narrow C4ghi (ite
IUoii, L, 1 to I

JVIj~' AOhN ~i~ilfli >.........PUBA RWINS HANDILY
Michigan's hockey squad 'started vT ENN oa-Crclci
MT ENN oa-Crelclthe season with a victory yesterday at
lge defeated the ichigan wcstiing
the. Coliseum, when she triumphed
over the Michigan College of Mines by ' team he r Sat ray night+ in the iji4
a 0score. MacDuff made the only meet of t he season 101' tin \,jy- Qc
counter of the game in the last 15 .::::~:~~team by the narrow mr , of t
tseconds of the second period, and - ..s gle point, 12 to 11. he vyy: ,nto oa
fmtht1ieonthe Wolverines nsbat- {: : :; . ::": the lead in poiit s by W1!n7L;W t e
ffrst threetoutsme onhe.eet .._:.:
1tled desperaely to hold their slender. ..... arkr-oaedus ftam prove4 t#n,
lead. fBre-oce
Captain Jone^.,at gol and Larson I } 'strong frteWovrnsinth e
were the out stanzding players, the for- heavier weights, cat frin.; O. La
m e r e . p e c i a l l y s h o w i n g b r i l l i a n t l y t : - 'f o r b o u t s b y d ( i i io n s.nw etdr r~ t h l a t p i o . A t m e r - c i g v n a z i iy o
a o ac wtcrse the "Hines teaml became des- Bkrwnhniyi'~ e.h
lerate, and Jones was iven morel ......i Cornell veteran, by a time ada , .g
tan his share of work during the last of nearly four minutes. 'the 192i
dive inuts. F":z " iMichigan captain thus exltended is
The first lperiod was very slow, with I: r.j rcor'd of coniseCl iVe vitcr'iC"; ~t1-
only flashes of fast skating. Michigan1 three easons.ih ibgi' one
found herself onl the defensive imm NgikikMihga's12 p2ne
diately afiter the opening gun, and( added three points to his team's total
throughout the period played more to by gaining a decision from Scott of t
keep the northern school from scor- Bolbby CricikshakE Cornel with a time advantage of two!'
ing, than to show any ofensive work Veean New Yrk chub 5swingr, and a half minutes. Watson, Wover-Ic
of their own. who won the Los Angeles $1,000 opent in 15 pound representative, scoredt
The second period opened with both" golf championship recently. Wit. a five points by throwing J1ones, Cr-z
teams determined to score, and con- sensational 1-oe climax, the New ell star, with a half nelson body lock
seqluently the few spectators were Yr ofrfnse h 2hlswt in one and a half mints in the fist
given thrill after thrill as the puck an aggregate score of 282, six srokesj extrapro fterbu.Ti a
underr for the Los Angeles cuse. th, erido hi of'I
traveled back and forth on the ice. par he only fal gained lby et her team nI
Freqluent penlties were called, and ( h meet.
soon after Sibiliscy -was set from Knutte Rockne, Notre Dame foot- McGrath, Cornell, wvon by a decision
the ice near the end of the period, " lball coach has returned to South Bend from Sauer, Michigan, in the 145 pound
Maclluff drew a cheer by putting the after refereeing a Christmas football division by the narrow margin of one
puck into 'tle net from the center of, game at Honolulu. minute and 20 seconds. In the 158
the rink. Fifteen seconds later the ________________________ pound class, Captain Appleton of the
gun was fired. Cornell team gained a decision over1
The third period started much like TilE IEEKK'S apai Donoho of Michigan in the1
the first, and it was not; until the final SPORT CALEM)AR feature bout of the evening. Neither
five minutes of the game that action lI man was a~ to gain a time adan-f
kept the spectators on their feet. Time ( TODAY ( tage in the regular 10 minute perio,
after time Jones stopped the puck Hockey-Michigan College of ut th e Cornell leader managed to win
from traveling into the Michigan net, -Mines, Coliseum, 7:30 o'clock. in the extra periods. c
and undoubtedly it was his brilliant WEDNESDAY Cornell continued its winning ways
work that brought victory to Michigan;I Swimmning-All-campus totr-( by taking the last two bouts by de- I1
in the first game of the year. ey, Union -pool. csos isn onlwnfo
The Wolevrines showed only flashes FRIDAY Greiling, ichin,ongai wn fointi
of brilliant play. Perhaps this was Hockey-St. Thomas College,I the 175 pound division, and ,Midkaff,
due to the illness of Hlooper, who has CoiemCaelgndadcsonvrTe-I
been counted on to furnish the neces- I (SATURDAY coat 11,chganinh d eoavyegPros-
sary punch. The defensive play of II Basketball-Indiana, there. class.
the team was superb, but onl the of-# Hockey-St. Thomas College, The Michigan-Cornell meet was the
=unse they failed to display any1 Coliseum. first with a Big Ten team on the local1
marked teamwork. Other faw.s ap- ( Wrestling - Michigan State, Imt lhug twsteteodcn
perd lo u oc as scn ield house., test for the Purple against a Confer-t
fident that with more practice they jee poet
will be ironed out. j neopoet
Marshall showed up well, as ai i litl91[ lilll 111lg ilt11ldo illll itlitllliii111E0 1i016 j
Sibilisky, andI abler. Thle latter Is w
one of the most sensational skaters Drl=an ~. ~a
ever seen on a Michigan rink, ..and , I 2fJ~ J ~ pE
clearly showed his worth at defense a -ry
in yesterday's game. D1EL PRETl!E'S
The teams will meet again tonightI
at the Coliseum at 7:30 o'clock. -
The line-uip:
id°¢hitg'31101l. Col. of~ liallies
Jones.............................esin -
Gabler .........RD.......Crawford i
Roach .......... LD..... .... Latava =2.
Larson ...... ....C.......Kolemane -
MacDuff .......R W ............ ROY v
Sibili 'ky ... ....Lit.....Tessen a,
Substitutes -Michigan* Marshiall,]
Copeland, VWetlaulfer; I~icligan Col- I= =
loge of Mines: Mason, Gillis, Nelson. Offering Cur Entire Stocks of Fine
(}Hilo. penalties- Michigan : Mac--
Dluff, Copeland, i Sibilisky;. Michigan i DLEI R SU ITS -i
College of Mines: Crawford, Ray. .-~
Goal-MacDu ff, 1.;e-
S(By Associated Press)
NEW. YORK, Jan 17 r-'ieNew~
York Ciants today received the gedl
contracts for the 1927 Baseball sea -
son of infielders Travis Jackson rindl=I
Fred Lindstrom, outfielder George; omryPie ht
Harper, recently obtained from the $60r.0l Pic_ p
Philadelphia Nationals, an sutbs tittem
infielder Andrew Corn._.
Backward seasons for others always means forward -
Istrides for Del Prete's. XWhen dollars come easy everybody M
MICHIGAN PINS sells, but when "lay-off time" comes 'round, when folks look
FOU TA N P NSsharly and compare before they purchase that's the time -i
Del Prete values strike home like an old-time tune. SizesI
ALARM CLOCKS 34 to 46. We can fit everybody.
- f

State Street Jewelers -_
I."sorr rrmda~~m rrmo I-
j=Z f ,$40Fii1YYPIY S3YYY3ZP YY'YNYYVtY 9 o.®3.5O
'oOf course you can go to Values to $60
E U R O0 P E : This may seem too good to be true-but just forget th.
S14 splendid student tours un- tprice ltong enough to see the overcoats.° You wi'ti save at
Sder the expert management of anodetbihdaee . 44 least $15 to $25-or money back._
toldetalsho uedualled nte-44
es i to 64 a of unequalld inter- K*

1 <A / 11.Ah U V a. Efforts are being madle to secure time! be (determined by the 1 rguar chmi-
a b N ~ U LWLI' use of the city indloor tennis courts' nation method of totimnalent ie;. A
in Detroit for practice to finish ofd silver cup will be awarded to theIn-
yltai Fps Woverine As One Of' reate t' preparations for the First Annual In- ners and runner~s-up inl both,,vsingles
Collegiate Si mmers; AlsoWhi tercollegiate Indoor rTennis Tourmna- amnd doubles.
Afl-aL'oI1ii4tl IhpiIllli)nmont Feb. 11 and 12, at Ithaca, N. Y.,f For determining the college xin-
j{In which Michigan will- have two rep- nngth eamtrohya .ye m of
' lHGNPXU7~~IWIAresentatives in singles who wviil alsoTn h a rpy IHGNTKE EA lyi'h obe points has been arranged ammd .a silver
-- Play will be in the Cornell univer- - - cup will be awarded to the college
s + Capt. Paul "Buck" Samson of the city (drill ;hall wh~ich contains six, whose team wins the greatest number
Wolverinle tank team, by swimming standard courts of smooth maple floor. of points while individual' gold, 'sil--
< the 220 yard free style event in thme I The wood flooring will be spread with ver, nd bronze medals will be awaOrd-
;h , a preparation vvKich will give excel- ed to thme members of the team finishl-
amaingtim of2 inues,22 ecodslent footing, andI lighting facilities: ing first, second, and third', respect-
':tTusayngta tm eri will be of time hest with bo0thnaul ively. The following system of seer-
1Athie ti ' club 11n a regulation A. A. U.! and artificial light, time latter beengI ng will be used: VicGtories in time first
{ jmetshateedallexstngstate roe- I furnished by Calmill projectors. rotund twill count onme poinit each; sec-
or01dsfo the event by nmne full sec~onds Entries froum any one college will be e nd round, two points; third round,
and camre within two-fifths of one limited to fouir metaiin time sinigles and thr'ee points; fourith round, four
?..' e { '(l of equlallin~g thme iational in-I two pairs in doubes. Too umeet with 1 points; fifth rounid, five points.
I ecehegm' mak ~f 2:2.6 eldbythe situ ation of schools whoe merely Play will beginm at 1 o'clock Friday-
Bronson, of Yale. enter individual competitors as well aft ernoon, Feb. 11, con tinuingunt il
Besides stamnping himself as one of as those entering full teams, both in-f Satutrday afternoon, when tle fnals
tlhe great~est of all collegiate swinm- Ii vidual and teaum conmpetition , will, will be playedl. Time courts will 1)e
mers by his remmarkable feat in the be afforded amnd the champions will available for practice Friday morning.
whio willj 220 thie Michigan loader wolm first hon-.
in neone or ofth oetstlins athe nchrei1.11 1111e..e...sw...n....as......mch.......,...............................e..et

Light-1loa r w ,'t boxer",
mleet dimll Alloliev Il n a 11


'rx icha rd's eim intion1 bouts lead- man on the victorious relay quartet,I
ing to the theavywei ht title nnmatclm armndi was awardedl third place in thme
with Gene Tun icy, prerent king of open diving competiton.
tim heavyweight di vision. Thme ierlen- Batter, WVatson, Darnall, anmd Sant-
bacb-Malonmey bout xil 1betimeir first ! son coumposed time relay tean. which
e',f te several id o fi~ is to chooseI decisively defeated the Detroit Yacht.
te opp~onenmt who will eventually club and severa1l other teamms. Others T e na ntgmtt et(wo rk notesoigclm
Septenmber.f for time University were Batter, who
pressed Samson for first honors in the
i all-around event, and Darnall, who
YA KE~ L~AA trailed the Michigan pilot 1i is ree-
i TA oi 12 ord-breaking performance in the 220.
Competition for the unofficial state
chaumipionship of time A. A. LY. is rap-
, Ps Associated Preis) teldly drawing to a close with time ap-
NEW YORK, Jan. 17.--Thme club that I proaching inauguration 'of time Coi -
smashed its way to the 1926 AmericanI ference swinm seasonm. One of the last

league pennant, upsetting pro-season
jlpredictions, probab~ly will take time
field intact for the 1927 campaign.
Seasoned b~y their victory as well as
by a world's series light that was lost
only by a narrow nnargin, the New
York Yankees, most critics biveV,
have a well-baiante cominnationm of
youth and experiencee, speed and hit-
ting power that will be difficult to
Wh ile manymvof their rivals face re-
organization thmis sprinmg--five of them
having acquired new managers-the
Yankees hmave the advantage of keep-
ing their ranmas solid. They went
through a. drastic shake-np a year ago
but: packed sieJlcent puncim to offset
any weaknesses developed in mould-
ing a nmewx 'kid infield.''

of these meets will be held Saturday
in time pooi oftime Detroit Athletic
club. Coach Mann has alyready an-
iounced his entries for tihe moot, as
Senior 100 yard swim-Samson,
Darnall, Seager, Walaitas, Watson,
and Walker; junior 100 yard free
style-. batter, -Bemenmt, Reif, and Hlos-
I umer; 100 yard back stroke-Spindle,
IHubbell, ammd J. Halsted; 100 yardG
brieast - Shiorr, R. Halsted, a mm d
Coachm Matt Mann's aggregationis
undoubtedly time strongest team in the
I state and one of time best balanced
organizations in the Confer'ence, but
strength exhibited by the champion-
ship Gophers and other teamms inidi-
cates nmuch competition for the W\ol-
vernes in their importanit meets.

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a ® he Joglec Tencfo, Srin
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