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January 18, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-18

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} ,

Published every morning except Monday
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications,
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches cr-edited to it or not otherwise
credited in this papertand the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan,eas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Pont-
master General.
Subscription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices:eAnn Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones. Editorial, 4925; gusiness 21214.1
Telephone 4925
Editor............ .... W. Calvin PattersonJ
City Editor...............Irwin A. Olian
Fredcrick Shillito
News Editors............1 Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Editor..........Morris Zwerd li il
Music and Drama......incent C. Wall, Jr
Night Editors
Charles Behymnet Ellis Merry
Carton Champe Stanford N. Phelps
jCo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
ames Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City EditorsI
Carl Burger . Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswickj
Marion Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
Jean Canmpbell Milton l,,irsborr nr
Chester E. Clark Richard Kurvink.
Clarence Edelson G. TIhonmas McltrstI,
Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick
William Emery Morris Quinn
Alfred Le a Foster James Sheehan
Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr.
4 oh n friend Syliaj Stone
obert Gessner WilliarnThurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. (lencer Herbert E. Vedder
Harvey J. Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart II ooker Thraddeus Wasielewski
Mor n-I 1tn I fc'vwe Sherwood Winsi we

!the campus white wooden benches,
which look bad already and they are
still clean! We have nothing against
white wooden benches painted to imi-;
tate marble, except that these benches
are woefully out of place. 'From the
standpoint of form, color, and loca-
tion they are eyesores-outside of
that there is nothing that can be said
against them.
Professor Tealdi can tear ,hts hair
in vain, for Michigan does not be-
liove in auplying knowledge to prac-
tical affairs.
If debaters have had in the past a
reputation for acuta intelligence, a
brief examination of the subject
which will be used for tryouts for the
debate class next week would dispel
any such illusion. It seems that uni-
versity students are invited to try
out for the class from which will be
chosen Michigan's varsity debate
team next semester, and supposedly
sane adults are expected to give five-
minute speeches on the subject as-
signed. Briefly stated, the proposi-
tion is "Resolved; that the legislative
prescription, disapproval, or prohibi-
tion of special doctrines, theories, or
data on the comments of courses of-
fered in educational institutions are
contrary to the public welfare."
The odd part of it is that the sub-
ject is actually ambiguous in state-
ment. For instance, it is perfectly
impospible to tell whether the,author
imjeans "doctrines, theories, or data
on the comments of courses" or
whither it means merely "data on the
('onmo nt:; of courses." Of course the
herarti(ed "befuddlers" whoestry outfor
these teams will gain their places for
"hefiiddling" more successfully than,

the respective sides must come to ani 7
agreement upon just what constitu tcs;= I
isolation and the breaking point beU S1 C
yond which no nation can go in its 1 M U
policy. Until this agreement is reach-
ed, debate is futile and little or noth- D R A M A .
ing will be accomplished. 13_____
One finds it hard to believe that the
United States is as hard hearted andI I (RHI .:-Coiuedy ('bbpreeni -
as foolish in her policy as the ex- "The Last Warning" I the MimeS the For Your Convenience--T wo Stores Completely Stocked
ponents of co-operation would hav ater at 8:30 o'clock.
us believe. Also one finds it hard to*-
believe that the nation is right, with- MARION TALLEY
out the shadow of a doubt. The ques- C A review, by Vincent Wall
tion must find a middle ground and the You and I were both wrong: Talley At Both Ends of the Diagonal
battle must be in the near future is a great ardist. And all the old
!'while we still have the power of a-!n1111ilflII[llflI~l[l]l1111111111111[iilllllIlf[mak[-___________________________[______________________________________
ing the decision alone. meanies at the Metropolitan who try- -----
____the __ecsiona__ne. _to tell you that she is a youngster whoDR SERVICE
Detroit is soon to have a $34,000,000 has no business trying to break into o0
trial. The government is sure to win; their game have the most apocryphal
ifsuccessful it can afford to pay the foundation for such professional jeal-
judges and if it loses the other slde ousy. The whole point is that they
will have paid them adequately any- resent her virginity. Most of them
Ilhad double chins and twins before they
-sang to the golden horeshoe; and the
CAMPUS OPiNION I sight o an American of less than
Anonymous communcations will be twenty achieving the purple i a night
cants will, however, be regarded as was an insult to artistic temperament.
confidential upon request.
For Marion Talley certainly pos--
OUR MEDI1CAL SCIENCE sesses a voice that has startling quali- Made and serviced right here in Ann Arbor by the maker himself is
ties. More, she has her .own appeal- undoubtedly ideal. It holds more ink-6 to 12 times as much-is a better-
To The Editor: ing simplicity: funny bobbing browndd
Will you permit a passing comment curls, the tiniest feet and a dress that writer and most durable of all pens.
o on Dr. Mayo's attack on the anti- Mother made for her. Youth, a charm-
vivisection, reported in your issue of
December 11?
Admitting our advance beyond the 315 State St.
practice of blood-letting and our still
furthey removal from the dance of the
tribal medicine man, we of today must
confess ourselves still somewhat
short of unassailability in our science RIDER SERVICE
of disease prevention. Scientifically
,and philosophically considered, a re-°s '"nnm0--ri


Telephone 21214

Ad vertisn .
Publiation - --
George A b i
Melvis 11. Baer
D).M. Brown'
Fioren e Cooper
IDaniel Finley
A. Ml. Hinkley
E. L. Ilulse
R. A. Meyer
Harvey Rosenbl
William F. Sp
Harvey Talcott
Harold Utley

.\\'jWiim C. P'usch
T homas Sunderland
...... G orge 11. Annai,le, j -..
.... ...I',Kenneth EHa r'(
.John I .lobrink
,.. ... l anis :1, N rqu-ist
( y Wachter
J. 11, Wood
E~sthrer Booze
r Ililda Binzer
Marion ek. Daniel
Beatrice Greenberg
Se'lma M. Janson
Marion Kerr
um :Marion L. Reading
encer Harriet C. Smith
Nance Solamon
Florence Widmaier

Scarcely a year goes by which does
not see the formation -of at least a
half dozen new organizations, clubs,
or societies on Michigan's campus. It
is high time an inventory was taken'
to investigate need, or desirability, of
so many betty organizations .which
have questionable reason for exist-
The latest acquisition to the campusI
was Phi Eta Sigma, which classes it-
self as a "freshman honorary scholas-
tic fraternity." If the students require
such recognition o. their work, scho-
lastic or otherwise, after one year in
attendance at the University, they
ought to be given salaries during their
senior year instead of only a Phi Beta
Kappa key!
There are honorary clubs here inI
every ffeld of academic work, ranging
from chemistry to music, for women
as well as men. The campus is bless-
ed with no less than six literary so-I
cieties which might easily be con-
solidated into one organization. We
have such outfits as Crop and Saddle
whose membership is composed ofI
women students who escape gymnasi-

the anticipated "befuddlers" of other sort to septic blood contamination is
universities, but as far as being ra- a subterfuge which verges too close
timal i- oncerned, there is no at- on superstition to allow of much solid
tempt at it. and enduring comfort.
The lowest classes of society will The medical attempt to interrupt or
classify the subject as a remarkable elude the law of cause and effect con-
indication of intellectual acumen. In- stitutes a point of resemblance be--
telligent people will know that it is tween the vivisectionist and the social
intellectual snobbishness. and univer- criminal, however far asunder the
sv prof'e sors will think it is brilliant two may be in other respects. Perhaps
and claim to understand it. The prac- the chief cause of crime is the belief
"icel dvan'age of such a statement of that one may escape the consequences I
the case is very clear, for it will keep of his acts. Thinking that the uni-1
self respecting persons from trying verse stops with human courts, and is1
out for the team. easily evaded, the infatuated mortal
______Ileaps over a cliff in the dark without
SECONOMIC CHANGES heed to the result, which is as in-
evitable in the moral world as in the
Since the native riots in Hankow physical. And "vice," if we may be-
started, the economic aspect of the lieve Voltaire, "is as unnatural as do
situation involving China with Eng- formity or disease."
land, Japan, and other world powers .
has become decidedly more complex. ease is a world of results-results of
To make effective their demands broken laws, which the vivisectionist
that the British concessions in Han-
attempts to cure by more disease and 1
kow be returned, British merchants pain, more broken law, in the form of
have placed an economic boycott injustice to animal life. As well try
against the Cantonese government, to jump off the planet as to get out
With the British banks in Shanghai of the circle of cause and effect by1
and Hongkong closed, the Chinese are this scientific crime of artifically bal-t
unable to conduct.business, since the
I anced poisons obtained at the cost of
paper of the native banks is worthlesssd
suffering. Better endure our own dis-
when unsupported by the English iii- eases, the consequences we have our-
stitutions. In addition to the local selves created, than temporarily
measures, British merchants are urg- escape at the expense of a still
gthatthe British steamship linesIeaperadthpeofenioal till
ing greater hardship ofanimals. I

Marion Talley

lug face and manner and those gor-
geous treble tones are going to keep
her singing to good business when myM
grandchildren hear her golden Jubilee
Her program wa"S h ar dly exceptional
in itself. Ater the "Una Voce Poco
Fa" aria with (e most enceptional
vocalizmng I have ever heard, she de-
scended tear thly sentiment for nos t
j :) the rest of her numbers an,? all
the encores. Eut all of' them were
E goo songs, and somehow they had a
newvn ss that kept tho audiece~c in
their seats; occasional tones, trick
notes, a sincerity. . . . . .
And "The Pangs of hell are Rag-
ing" from "The Magic Flute" at least
proved one thing: the critics who un_
kindly intimated after her Gilda in
Rigoletto "that she was a good girl
with a pr'etty voice, who !nighlt sonic
day, after she had learned to sing be-
come a great diva," have made their
big mistake. She may not have the j

We're Hoping to See You
'We are c Ilosing out all 11AN TS at
Ite duced Prices to inike 1 ready forSI
'spring Stock. Evetry hat is fine in W ednOsday g i ht 8 _1
ruality and ri&7ht up-to-date. V
ng yO hat ill ald have it
cleo aes and Iocked. We do satis- You'll enjoy a little dancing in the mid-
iacory work. No odor, no gloss, dle of the week because it is not enough
to interfere with your class work and
F actory I at Store -Istill just enough to give a little needed
7 UharJS. Phone MII5 recreation.
yay --~ranger s 'A cademyn3
, 'I ." KV+s .t ~ d+vs' a w F 'a + ".p' °. ' n '~.. . eys "~

be required to withdraw their steam-
ers from the Yang-tse river. At the
present time, Chinese shipping is al-
most completely tied up, and so this 3
move would virtually blockade all the
ports in the territory near Hankow.
If the British government supports
the boycott, it is believed that the I
Cantonese government will be unable
to stand for more than two weeks.
Of course, such a policy is not all
sweetness and light for the British
commercial interests. The recent
publication of Chinese custom returns
from foreign trade shows a continued
slump in British trade, with Japan the
chief gainer. Until the recent imposi-

universe of absolute law no one can
get away with anything. It can't be
done. We, as causes of suffering,
will reap the corresponding moral

and physical result with inexorable I strength of voice to have essayed the
precision. The one preventive method role--it is the most difficult thing even
is sane and natural pure living: pur- a dramatic soprano may may do, and'
ity in food and thought and act. When she is essentially a coloratura-but
in the happy future this has been at- at least she interpreted the bombast
tained, historians will look back on and bravura of the tempo with a per-

nganna n Gerald Mark'sDOrches
ta9 to I. No cover charge with sapper
n E r;a E

Scranton, Pocahontas
Kentucky and West Virginia Coal
Solvay and Gas Coke
This business has been growing ever
since it was established. The secret'
giving absolute satisfaction to our
customers." We believe it pays to do
business in a friendly way. If you
think so too, let's get together.
Phones, Office: 4x51-4552 Yard Office: -5152'
-- -- -

tion of surtaxes by the Pekin

govern I

our enlightened age as we do upon feet under
medieval darkness, and will designate from alls
it as an age of gas bombs and vivisec- concert pr
tion. greatest s
-H. Douglas Wild. 1
To The Editor: I The Uni
You compare unfavorable, advanced presented
work for a doctor's degree, where the Faculty C
student "finds so many things re- noon at1
quired of him in his chosen depart- the same
ment that he must forget everything composers
but the things in a small field," with occasions.
the really liberal edcination one it delssohn's

rstalding tlhat absolves her
such calumny. In a lyrical
rogranm I believe slie is the
inger I have ever heard.f
* * *
view, by Uerle R{aiu*e
versity Symphony orchestra
its sixth concert in the
loncert Series Sunday after-
Hill auditorium, displayi}g
selection of distinguished
as was divulged on former
The first selection, Aen-
Overture, "Ruy Blas," de-


um work by riding a horse two or
three hours each week. And then
there are the thriving municipal asso-
ciations, such as the Saginaw club and
the Mount Clemens club!
Over-organization is the keynote to
the situation. How many of the
clubs, societies and so-called fraterni-
ties listed in the Michiganensian meet;
regularly every week or two, and how,
many further actually accomplish
anything during the year even if their
attendance figures are satisfactory?
There are only two methods of im-
proving the present situation besides
discouraging the establishment of
new organizations which cannot ful-
fill a real purpose. One method is
consolidation of clubs or societies
which have similar interests; tle'
other is voluntary extinction, such as
was the commendable course taken
last year when Pi Delta Epsilon, hon-
orary journalistic fraternity, conclud-
ed its purpose here was negligible.
Michigan runs to dignified and
stately things. Massive marble pil-
lars representing the austere majesty
of knowledge, loom on every side. Our

ment, the latter has steadily profited
by the struggle between the Chinese ;
and the British.-
The collection of these revenues, as
well as the advance of the Cantonese,'
however, has added obstacles to com-
merce which promise to affect the ,
Japanese attitude toward the Nation-j
alist forces. Business men have asked
the Japanese government to extend
recognition to the Cantonese, and,
with that move supported by a large
section of the House of Peers, it is
imminent at any time.
These variations in trade relations1
with China have become so serious
that some observers have predicted1
an international crisis between Eng-
land and Japan. Though an open
break is very dq btful, it is probable,
however, that important and interest-
ing changes in the commercial situa-
tion of the Near East will continue. t
Dr. Nicholas Murray Butler spoke
strongly last week in New York
against the American policy of isola-
tio'n which he compared to a derelict
lying across the path of world accord.
His statements that the United States,

first four years of college life wherein
the students elect courses "as their
inclinations and pleasures lead them."
I suppose no one would disagree
with you in your contention that
greater breadth is desirable in grad-
uate students. The purpose of this
letter is to answer, that a certain pre-
valent overemphasis on "breadth" mayI
be blinding us to certain desirable
phases of "old fashioned" education,
which at least entailed a rigor in
mental discipline and a thoroughness
and continunty in curriculum, un-
heard of where education by inclina-
tion and pleasure necessitates such a
catalogue regulation as "at least
two-thirds of the work taken in resi-
dence beyond the sophomore year,
must be in courses not open to first
year students."
No, I am still in my early twentjes.
Perhaps you know Railroad Jack,
who has spent decades ecquiring such
a) 1iro c~ia nc],ttii tha~t fo-v'r, ifftzri,',

Luc aGCLla J' &I "VI C41 cu UtIcLL1V11. V1 Ulm i

picted a striking variation between
wind and string instruments, melod-
ically beautiful, expressing an imner
theme-something beyond and far
'omance," by Wagner-Wilhelmj,
was less ponderous-a lovely melody
in which Miss Emily Mutter, violinist,
displayed her excellent techniquee id
genuine musical feeling as soloist.
The third selection, Schubert's "Sym-
phony" in B minor, was beautifully
presented, it which the inspirational
lyric sense of this (as Listz described
him) 'the most poetic of musicians"
was eminent and well exI ited - 1,
eight violineellos carrying. underiy ig,
rhythmic tones in splendid, syncopaled
unison. The "Concerto" in D minor.
by the distinguished "master of Sal-
zburg concerts," Mozart, had 'a pleas-
ing effect-the gusto notes breaking
off suddenly to permit of the delicate,
trippling notes of the pianist, Mrs.
Maier. The string accompaniment wa's

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Vrtermt es-Sororities
A ' -ta-e rif400n room house with dormitory.
Loctedl am nes walk from Campus. Pos-
S 1 27. Price $25,000.00 Very
DHi I Street,
F f e 1n r ms tre111 baths, garage, with
ro10 for P'l?. ciim fleet, oil burner, large
C- 2 re1s -. 3;Lr e corner lot. Possession
mne 1, 1L '. Price and terms right.
xIr Hospital
r eri ty Iouse for sale. Accom-
f;, _ e n. Large lot. Price

For Sale
Geddes Section (private home) eight rooms,
two bath rooms, study and large living room. with
fIreplaoe. Steam heat, electric refrigeration,-two-
car garage, large lot, fine trees, wonderful view.
Price $25,000.00. Terms.
New, six rooms and sun parlor, water soft-
ener, shower bath, trim and appearance that of
house costing twice as much. Garage. Price,
$9,50.00. Terms.
For Rent
Apartments with and without heat. S eral
six or seven room houses.



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