r TUESAYJANUARY 18, 1927, FORSYTHE FOR sEEsNO INFLUNZA EIDEMI ____ ___ ____ ___ ____ ___THE MICHIGAN DAILY NW MO TOR SHIP, COMFPLE ES RIP President Summons adio Bill Leader t t I i i { s ! I i I I D~irector (% iHealtii Servie Wonli d oti :fe urpis~edAt Reciurecex Off Disease, However GlIVES PR VENTATIVES C In answer to an° inquiry as to the! i prbablty of another epidemic of in- f fluenza because of the reported spread IR, of the war-time disease in Europe, . Dr. Waren E. Forsythe of the Uni- versity Health service stated yeter- day that he saw nothing in the prs- ' t g~ieral health conditions in this country that wouldl indicate its reap- pearance here. Hie added, however, ~hat he would}.... . not be sutrpris ed if another epidemick * did hit the, country. In spite of the 87 cases of Influenza reported in New vy} York city last week and the rather ; . high percentage of cases evident in the states of Mississippi and South d he ast aw " 22 Carolina during November, D. For-,dockedsipate York o sythe expressed his opinion that this "uu~ hp h At showed nothing that wouldl indica.e African cruise. danger of an pidemi." 'fIh the advent of such an epidemic%'Ij declaied Dr. Forsythe, "and should the disease become prevalent, the nmost important thing for a person to do when he feels any aching, fever, 01r sensation of chills is to go to bed Wit im mrediately. And I w ould stress ab- > l t i , y n n b d i h p o e care the fever lasts probably three (ays; then the individual gets over it without the likihood of mch trouble.0 Not much food is necessary; mild foods such as fruit juices are of course the best." Dr.'orsythe added that it 'Thu was very important for a pationt to remini indoors for perhaps the re- maindler of a week after the three days' in bed to be sure of avoiding complications. "If everyone would do R U -thi as physician would not be neces- sary," he (declared. "This is what I would like everyone to (10 if an epi- demic should hit us."t Emphasizing that students are bet- ter oft; Yn their own rooms, rather than 'being crowded together in hospital wards, the Health service director stated that it was always their policy to keep students in their own rooms unless pneumonia or some compli- cation develops. In the w~ay of prevention, Dr. For-j sythe urged that crowds be avoided as much as possible and that everyone get out in the open air. General sani- tation needs attention at all times, he . stated, and one should be especially careful when coughing or sneezing. Ltproperiy cleaned glasses and dish-I ware shodld also be watched. Leav- Iin it up to the individual, Dr. -For- sthe declared, "If an epidemic hits Bah Ann Arbor three days from now, all we would do would be to line up our doctors to make the room calls, which I is, after all, the most important thing-- we could do.". d . + Lehigrh Universityit Receives Large Sue (By Associated Press BETH-LEHEM, Pa.. Jan. 17-A 'gift I of $1,00,000 for the erection of an electrical and mechanical engineering laboratory at Lehigh university from James Ward Packard of Warren, Ohio, , :r.::.::v ,.. r; , meh ncl e g n ei g g a u t fthe class of 1884 and originator of the I4 Packard motor car, was announced at the meetiitg of the board of trus- tees of Lehigh Saturday. The new laboratory is designed to tPilsi awl (cra be one of the finest plants of its kind I'lie fonnous 1. in the world, providing every modern facility for instruction and research in the applied sciences.@ c; A. R RI C ~7 ~Areiselling fst~r to sell this high gi FRANCES STARR In a Snmasheing C'omedy Succes~ 32 x 6 "THE SHELF" Heavy Duty with Arthur Byron_ onal Meek Cord andait Great Cast $61 NIHTS III. Bonstelle MAT1NEto 6.-8 Volt 13-plat( -PLAYHOUSE - Tuesy Thiurs., SLit. 116- Volt D. A. S We cand 75c 2a2 Hours u 'Night for 1(} )i oaapis 16-8 'Volt Buick N ewIvYork Shiook wvithla aughter 1 2- 16 Volt Dodg( "ALIAS THE DEACO N" _____ to Sock 3.TWed. .3fat. .- m ire1l1- The to $U,)a~eOead0!1.bi i O aa~sCold Th1le GREEN FRUIT . DENATUR: r 1~ DON( LAFAYErTTE jr - y- .Cailai - >ey Radiatois for Fo 5 '.- T l Tiies 13. Pr4 Corner Huron in} cIt0N .3iVAN" s and YArFIINOON, Jan. 17.-Firmly op- potied to :, government commission to regulate radio President Coolidge Sth"~ White House recently both Senator C. C. Dill, Democrat, 'ashinston, and Rep. Wallace H. \7'hife, I.ehublican, Maine, authors of the two control bills now in confer- ence. The President holds to the view that administration of such legisla- tion should be left with the Commerce Department. }Mr. Whit=-. with Frederick K. Lehl. #Bach, Republican,. New Jersey, one of =lltl~itit i1lNliltl ~tltEti1E{~I11 1i1iiWEfI-dM' the house conferees, returned, to con-Sut an O ero s fer with Secretary .Herbert Hoover. aSenator Dill declinied to discuss his # Greatly Reduciid talk with the President,, except to say ' ru=o otisal ut n vr % 1 that he" thought a satisfactory com- I= rupN.1.cntisal uisad-vr promise would be .put up to both the ' coats formerly sold up to $40. No v......Y House and the Senate. Group No. 2 contains all, Suits and Over-su ft r On the President's behalf it was ®. coats formerly sold up to $52-$56. Now.. said at the White-House, that, whilee he opposes establishment' of a new F y L( SS:1?9° tribunal, he recognizes the need for a " I R O !) y0 rr judicial board to consider contests;Btltitlltltltiltll t11[11tIll li[lttlt1Et1t111i1tit: over the right to broadcast on con- flicting wave lengths. Such a, board, he. believes,. might be. created as at111t1tI~tltlttttllltil0111lllti1tltlttltlltltlt sort of arbitrating mnechanism. w o igS n a ,Jn re, Ain 4 Y unay Jai. IO 000 tons, world,'s largest motor shin, is; shown her first. voyage to Amiericai fro i England. A rias" has been assigned to a South Amiericaii and * I~I Vhe hate )ne Night Only rsday, January 20 'you can savef $15.00, on a Suit bought at our rom or Overcoat $7.00 to 20 x°Off Sale No time have we been, able- to give you better selections in i i i I I i fabrics, patterns, stye fit at such' low prices. In. addition to, the above, have placed 25 Suit& and and 0 we 25 Overcoats in a lot to go at I&W .=mid 11 11 1%2-PRIGS K- , 'aoday and Wedinesday Only maw l-til YoUi See! I4 z h~a. . ., 9 r + ' 4 fi. + v.,* ,.SS !J l t11,fir l 2 :i i .1reaciches new heig~iits inl the most niajestic iachieve- 4 mi -Pnt of her caroe r A S/thrilling ',draimaof, a ~ 1/ otntess whose' castle was , ?(f ncr , but whiose heart r~mi~eJas pure as the Ctast Included 6{ ,rd \ t'yS x f }x .12i aI$iN , ... 'rAnd Otuhers1 ANDl IN AD-DI ION- OR CAN"* COMEDY B~ABY ECLOTHES Aef b Rbr az, " Ti(ical IToff fys f Arcade Coinlylemit c NwYIi~vew Another- of ,the Arc's Famous Mid--Week ' Laugh Specials FI p B t Y p M P ,haw~nDan~rs I Better Investigate. PR ICES : Lower Floor, $2.75 MNSTN &CHASE 211 SOUTH MAIN Sr. cony, $2.20, $1.65, $1.10 i "zWhere You May Buy pi1It Confidence,' 1! : , , 'I F Some friernds said: "By George, Harry, if Donovan can get twenty stores in five. years, t .ere must be enormous profit in the accessory business. But he was wrong. It isA' the eno-o s profit on small buying, but the small profit on enormous buying. Our, twventy stores give us the outlet. A man can make three cents a. sack. profit on 200 sacks of p ea uts and still be making only a living wage, but if he has the outlet so he .can sell ai million sacks in the same length of time, he can figure a quarter of a cent .margin, pass thie differencc on t.o his customers and still be going some. Why conitinue to pay the long prc Nvhen DON OVAN 'sells for less, and you save the difference? G. oYA every day, and the fact that our avcrage the past year was a tire every six minutes places us in a position grade statndard tire at unheard-of low prices at this time of year. T30 x 5 " H-eavy Duty Full Size Fuill Size CodCord Balloon Balloon $ ______1I$24.95 $4.5$8.65 I r C c . c 4 . _ 777 FY9 JAN. 2 Come 'cThic Worlds eFord Special Battery ..,.... . ~. Heavy Duty............. e......................... And Your Old Battery ..$8.50 ..11.95 ..13.95 ..$1x.05 IEsBATRE 45-Volt -Radio "B" Battery ............ ....... 45-VMolt Radio Heavy Duty 8....... Dry Cells at .. ..."........... ...... ...... . Special Radio Wet Battery................. . Battery Testers ................ $:.69 3.69 }29c 12.95 ,..49e Greatest Lovers v f aJ Y Iet Sets that are iadf-,, (4fSpecial 'd Steel mid are gua ran- :nd complete soAtsfac -lol1. wJx 31 x 33 x :3 x ube s 32 ...................... ........9 . 4.40...................1l.79 4 x.75 5. 1 . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 3.65' 6.0 )......... . . . . . . . . . . .47 For. real . confoxt, the, balloon ;Lire is far, supeior ta. the -reg-alar. high .presure.} And the Cost of mmaking, tne esinge is fi ialln iide.mfg the, comtfort derived. Four wheels,, 'ED ALCOHOL, 188 PROOF A Real Jagi C~'$g _.enQty (i , u 4 tires and I tvbes of l zs Y.ANry SMOTOR .qq' tOIL A Z t ord Cars, guaranteed for 18 Months ............... .............. .. $8.50 and the Old Radiator y. ,GRETTlA GARBO JOH~N GILBERT lovmer £STABLISUED IN'ALL T14E BEST TOWNS IM MIC4IAN. Corner Huron, and ON-WP