lw f 8S"NDAY, JANUARY 16, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY i PACT: SI'L'FN THE- MICH-IGAN-DAILY I- PAGE SI~VEN HUVKEY SQUAD OPENS SFASO ITI1M. C. M, YsB ' Y l.nAB l 7 r v . i J ~. '1"' k /, ~.r itcOf60 Western. Conference I AGUTY SQUASH TEAM ~ADX1FOR INVADERS W1:4133"i:.s ' THIS T HI S Gq1 ' S.,a. )l jels? '1 a i I (i esl' ~ ('ollcga Of Mille'; Will, Be Of Wolverines I First P~ractice Game i A LAME TOMORROW P ., orkey team will .:w in, :{ ~in azainst Michigan College ..s of Mn;,c, at 4 :05 tomorrow afternoon at ,LtIc C~olseuin in the first regular :::''''z::'::': -,ame of the 1927 season., The visitors at will ag in play Coach Barss' team atJ (oanch lVa I" Tc 7:30 'Thuesday night at the same place. Mielitgi baseball eo:i('ii, a1ttlradyol The College of Mines team, accord- ha.3 ins batteex' aieit, at wor1 inI ing ty, advance reports is except ion- ipreparation for tit , )A-i: r ('ai r n ia W alfly strong this year, andi they have this spring. had the advantage of practicing sincej look bright. tii early last November. The northern-f erA'Are-'making their first trip south- Y ward in a number of years and will appear, against a. Michigan team for' the, fist time on local ice. The present ~w Ni trip also includes games with Mich- D igan ;tats college at East Lansing cw et oC and. witkANotre Dame at South Bend. The College of Mines also plays the1 Side other efig" Ten hockey teams, Wiscon- sin a nclMinnesota. About q week ago the College of J at Mines Anolosed rink was totally de- stroygd; ;y fire, and all of the hockey eqtgipment was lost, consequently the; - °° visitors have had a great deal of dif- fictwlty in collecting* enough equip- i WS \a 4 ment to replace that lost in the blaze. 3V ouh a . Wlp n ,lon Arbor the visiting team will be en tertainied at various fra--- ternity houses. The Michigan lineup has not been definitely annou~nced, as Coach B3arss is undecklcd as to just which mnen will; Starti During the contest, how- ever. the following men are almost. certinlhto see service :' Captain Jones, goal, . irRoach, and Comb, cde-' fense, TTooper. Larson, MacDuff, Sib-, ilsky, Marshall, Copeland, and pbs- sibly Wellausser. Jones, Gabler, Roach, MacDuff, H~oop r'and Sibilsky are Jic I ernienz from Elie 1926 varsity, wihile Cope- land and \VTellautier are playing their fit yeai-,with the squad.. The p~lay- ers will w4~ar the new hockey jerseys for the first time in 'tomorrow's game,. ' & they are blue with a yellow band run - t' 11ing around the center and they Owting to the uncertainty of the li ueiit t fl' practices have been espe- cially spirited, yesterday's being espe- *r, cially gratifying to the coach. The'i entire squad is in excellent physical condition, in spite of the fact that the C men have had to -have numerous ktitches taken to close wounds re-' y cyived during practice. sessions N The rink at the Coliseum has been enlarged considerably by eficlosingI teetrloearaia em etr pen." Thc playing space is now about. 3o) feet longer than the one used by '*Wolverines teams in the past. This ", should speed up the game consider- ;t s ably, acco ding to Coach Barss, and t e e y ai o t e i t r s f 'h p c a o . E d e L w r , f r e poe;ir ,hokysaofOtw, ;Ontario, will referee thve matches.( Michig an played a practice game lN~l~kVi.Ii. Shit.. Ja-~ I , ,; e ltii. a- , (, 'i f,, "o,'z . n , i11 2ei i(i''a t);3t" (1 1it1 :0 u l0CIX l~; t~heingsix n al £~ on ei.., . il s mitat, o Eat Over l)errili j,,fts ('titos sbet wtieen itsa nenhlers When tv ai)j)Cu to 1lianr together. "The f0(''iI:(1 (i 0o10011)11seamis to be that' A~avil. 5 0 th Confer'encte (10 Inot nl(rl'hap~' w ~i a acasual rgamle v~ihout' another" now and then hut a y, 1 g'~i'i'a. ie2n1ber's (of the samle foi(l. Z't'Si tt (a Clfna n,. l. Pierce ior; a"L11 AlI!, lDirec0tor1'lFred Ill chr ing 110 ~ ~ an )'ie';:recert.:a in to b), tour . ; of 'the A! no asot a (ieleg atlion. 1: oo-n!tat iVOS of the facuti iy and; f (2gl1 i'a ill to be 'hr '''A, Vbut the 'ail l":t )c is that Ion. 1,'t 1. B. Sny-! dar.1" 'h arof ib a board of regenta, Wiit Ii1aSchedule hin'ldng such LE strong, earns asw ° University ('1111 t 3 PI° ri f rY ,g of i)CK I'0o'i 11(i1 the oledo Y. TA. C. A. - looin g in the i tei ' futui'c.Itle facul- t y squash 1 acquets t eam is wor'kn, _________ ____________________ out (ailly. Although hamlpored by the;, ZIf yon are a telephone subscriber call Jimmie; present lack of courts inl the g-ymna- 'the Ad-Taker. D~ial 2121 4, and your want ad sium l, the t eaiii )5 ('ipoted to make will be charged,. The MI i cigan D~aily reserves the right tot a good showing. ;classify all wants ads undler appropriate head-' Squash racquets, a7game extreme1(ly in,-,, and to revise or withhold1 objectionable popularii'II the eastern tiiiivei'sities this column cloves at 3 P. 3 d(ate preced' bothlias an int laflhlial anti a miror ing Imblication . Notice of ny error must be gi''en in time for ther ;,cond insertion. varsity sor, ns~ot \vell-knoltwnin CASH RATES the 111iddle '^t at present . How~vever, l een cents Tper reading linc (on the basis of fve averag~e uw 2 s to the lit') for one or two it has gained to such an extent In ;itst'rtjons. ])e ro t ha tiii c ty has be n ht Se i Xie cents per reading line for three or m ore insertions. for the National Championship to be ('ash classiiaeds received at the D~aily office! held in February. in' The Press Building on Maynard Street. I _________________________CONTRACT RATES jSpecial standardized rates given on applica- ion.. -Wi ]'(p1'o5nft that body. Y HOME 11 H1aving 'the satisf~actiotru of personal ownership of the place in whih you live; having your family enjoy the charms of their own fireside; giving your children the delight of their own playground; comning home at night to your own lighted windows and lying down after the day is done, under your own roof. T his is contentment. Let us help you realize thci'e ideal conditions of home life, Order an A-A-HOME. AN 'AR B 0OR HO0ME BUI LD0EMRS3In C, s LOST ILOST-.A small eleptical platiinum pin jwith filegree. Rewrartl. 1316 Ged- des-6653. 80-81-82. F"OUNDI1 F(A \ UD--Sea}'t on Williams St. Own- I Ier may have sanie by identifying 1and paying for this ad. Phone 43(5. 79-80-81~ FOR SALE FOR SALE--Fur lined coat. Excel- lent.(condlition., For medium large 'Itian. Very cheap. Call 21908. 79-80-81! TYPEWRITERS--Atll makes, sold,' jrented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ohb- jained anywhere. 0. D), MORMlLL, 17 Nickels Ar cade. Authorized deal- er. Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- ona 1'ypewrite.t, Inc. t i ITAN TED WANTED-Garage near Madison anrd Thompson. B3ox 153, Mlichligaii rDaily. 80-81-82 WANTED--Suite of rooms for 2 stu- (dents from now until beginning of scondi semrester. Mtust be near cahmpus. Phone 56lS-Welfeld. 80-81-82 WAN'rED-.Are you troubled with your, mathematics? For tutoring call 5767. Evenings. 80-81-82 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays front $5 to $25 for old suits and overcoats. 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 tt f FOUJNTAIN' PEN INK Are your recoirds important? If not why make them? If .tey are im- Sportant use a Record Ink. This is Sthe only kind of ink we sell and the' only kind which works well in your fountain 'en. Many worthless sub- stitutes are offered under the cloak of the name "Fountain Pen Ink." Ask us, we will show you the dif- ference. Rider's Pen Shop. sun-tuies-thur.' NOTICE~--Swift Drug St~ore for Sheaf- for, Conklin, Mloore a Id Vahl penis. jWMe (1( fountain pen repairing,.~ wed-fri-sun NOTICE-A small lphonog raph for your room, $1.5. Three months to pay. Univer'sity Music house. 80-81 12Zif Noilli Main Street Phone 7408 }NOW k Y '' V VA R. S FO R S A 1, E, _ i ('il OI SL r 1 r T YN beclievedl in the "double standard." W/hat ,-s good for the gander w~as good for the goose--and the sky was the limit for both. Theb fascinating? problem arilsing from the ultra- -1d..11 inuUrI1! taimar in star~Lt1 ie, am ttull (IGF -ill- fuse, ani LiIIIIyou. ,4. One of thosn easy riding, light upkeep, Franklin, closed cars. A-1. concli- tion. New paint and A-1 tires andI battery. Dial 8950 or evenings 5267 for (demonstration. tf, FOR DRENT FOR RENT-Single roomu for rent inZ p~riv~tc family, 920 Sybil. Phone 5887. 81 F+OR REN. T--For gradtvate student's very desirable suite on ground floor wVith fireplace, also single room. Phone 2-2244. 81-82-83 FOR RENT -N-ear campus desirable furnfished house. Ront reasonable. Phone 9274. 81-82-83 FOR RENT---Large singleroom near campus, for~ student, second senses- I ter. 1321 Volland. Call 5436. 80-81-82 FOR RENT-6l3 IHill, onie(door off F l'Sta(te, large warn double room. Reca-If sonab~le. Next semester. Dial 7003. 80-81-82 FOR RENT-Desirable front room near' mpuis. No other roomers in house. Dial 8233. 80-81-821I T NOTICE-I ypiug, thesis neatly and^ quickly typeOd at.popmular prices. Phone 7345. ti NOTICE-We repair all musical in- struments at Schaeberle. and Son Music House. tf NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N. University, acros§* from Hill Audi- torium. Re-opened under, new management. Cleaning, pressing and altering. Ladies' work especi- ally. Phone 8040. c-tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tf NOTICE-Complete line of Radios, and loud Speakers. Authorized Radiola dealer. Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 So. Main St. To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tt Our rapid turnover insures a fresh' stock and you secure the best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR1- RILL, .17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. 'Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona !Typewriters, Inc. t' NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for rent. Schaeberle and Son Music E House, 110 So. Mai* St. tf NOTICE ' Trojanowski's Barber Shop has sat- isfied Michigan Stud'ents for 40 years. sun-wed-fyi NOTICE-Startling offer Tuxedos Pressed-Fifty Cents. We call and deliver any time. T. B. Lyons.'1, E. Williams, Dial 5516. tues-thurs-.sun-tf FOUNTAIN PEN REtJAIRING In keeping with University customs we specialize, employ experienced penmakers who can repair your pen correctly. The only penmakers in the state: If your tooth was in trouble you would, go to a skilled dentist, not to a black~initiv or grc- cer.' Give your pen the same con- sideration, Rider Pen Shop. sun-tues-thur. I with a Battle Creek team last week ~at the Coliseum and defeated the visitors by a scor'e of 5-1. The sched- ule originally called for week-end contests with St. Thomas college of St. Paul, Min., but owing to diffi- culties that have recently developed $it is uncertain as to whether or not ¢the St. Thomas teanm will make the trip. In five event of their not coming, games wil' be arranged with anothver outside team, probably with Windsor T rechnical college of 'Windsor, Ont. G >1 t 'I , ti .. FOR fN-Roo)m in for sOcofil Ist nester. ble. 1114 Pr(. spect. p~rivate family Single or dou- Phione 9185. 80-81-82 4 ... ' WEEK SPORT EVENTS 3lO]NDAY Basketball, Illionis, Field house Ihockey-Michigan College of Minms, Coliseum, 4I:05 o'clock. W\restling - Iowa 'T'eadchers, thvere. J i +tEi~vds ri 'd :00 -:10 .A50e 1"I ie cs __________________________ -Also- A speeding, sparkling story about the younger set. Their craving for sensations. Their thirst for pleasure regardless of the cost. Of a beautiful But- terfly-girl, spun madly in the whirl of delirious parties and shallow friends. It's Twentieth. Century Limited speed with no end of life and drama. s HIGH SEAS BLES"9 ~New Aesop FaaII~e Cart ooii .'I FOR RENT--A desirable room, law, medical or dental s'tudent preferred. 521 Monroe St. Dial 2-1002. 80-81-82 ROOMS FOR RZENT-Beautiful large suite and double rooms in fine home. 5 blocks from campus. Phone 6521. 20S N. Division. 79-80-81 FOR REN T--First floor room with pirivate bath. No other roomers in house. D~ial 5046. 502 E. Ann St. 79-80-811 F.OR~ RENT-Six'room house. 825 Syl- van Ave. Available for second se- mester. Feb. 1 or 15. Box 150 or call 8641. 76-77-78-79-80-81 T IYPEFWRITER FOR RENT Sonic good machines all makes. They are in good condition. Rider's Pen 'Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur WANTED I I TUESIY IHockey-=Michvigan College of MNines, Coliseum, 7: 30 o'clock. I j, Swimming-All-campus tourn- ey, Union pool.I I FRIDAY [jockey-St. Thomas College, ColisemnvI.I n :3 Rtke ta-Iudiana, there. j Il ockey--St. Thomas College, JC oliscunm.! I Wrestling - Michigan State, jfield house., EDIEFRANKLYN "LETP DACE" , : - t : - _ , ' . _::- i t;" I , , .- '1 ; ;..: r, i . . NEXT 11'lE1K- ADIOLPHIE ME N.0' ill "BLONDE OftBU UN ETTE" READ THE WANT ADS WANTED-Theses to able prices. M. V., type. Reason- Hartsoff. Call 9337. 79-81-82 h s ,z p+.. BENFIT' OF WOMAN'S LEAGUE BUILDING T C 1 C U & E DOGA AWSON, F. Ra Sm FAMOUS POLAR EXPLORER Racing q F: of u k 9 7 .y 1 ". , E 'rr 1 .DA A "1 w FFF , "" r Antarctic blizzard MOVING 3U