/ ESTABLISHED 1890 C, 4br Alm t ti ......... MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 81 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, JANUARY 16, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTO MAWSON WILL SPEAK i-Hop Decorations Will Carry Romantic Curtis-Crisp Measure Scored In House And Colorful Scenes Of Medieval Age By Iowan For_"Price-Fixing"Tendency On"tesewilPbeIEaCEStheslildso T U l U H IN "Medieval Royal" with its lure of armored guards and spacious gran- deur, will be the theme of decoration carried out for the J-Hop of the Uni- versity of Michigan, to be given by; LECTURE ARRAN)GED BY HOBBS, the junior class of 1928 on Feb. 11. AND GEOLOGY DE PART1IENT I The knights who were hold and the OF UNIVERSITY "ladyes faire" of olden times enjoyed: no more splendor in their castlelhalls1 BARELY ESCAPES DEATH than will the juniors who participate jin this annual festival affair. Two Of hIls Coimulzons Lose Lives Armored knights, pictures of medie- Tn H I is Tbr& anns Ex eition val times, elaborate metallic effects, From 1911 To 1914 ; walls draped with crimson and gold, will furnish a brilliant background on this occasion as the setting for the By arrangement with the geology gay throng of dancers. department of the University and Standards decorated with the grif- through the efforts of Prof. W. H. fon Hobbs Sir Douglas Mawson, K. B., D. fons of bunished bronze will stand Sc., noted Antarctic explorer, has guard as the divisions between the been secured to lecture on the evening.' fraternity booths. These booths will of Tan. 22 at Hill auditorium. I be stationed entirely around the walls peaking on the subject "Racing of Waterman and Barbour gymna-, With Death In Antarctic Blizzards," siums, it being necessary to use both Sir Douglas will tell the story of his halls for the J-Hop. The back walls experiences in his three year ex-# of the booths will be hung with gold pedition to the Antarctic from 1911 to and silver meteIlic cloth, kavishly 1914. In the course of this expedition draped with folds of crimson satin. two of his companions lost their lives, e± -( , I i i " a;,. ! : 3i' + : On these will be placetheshieldsc IVU IIUL(By Associated Press) He declared the farm depression each fraternity in its respective di-! I Q WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-The Cur- was spreading and cited a resolution vision. ]Itis-Crist farm relief bill, one of the The figures of griffons will be toppedU LUmeasures brought forward as a sub- framed today by Ohio members off with spear heads, which will serve stitute for the McNary-Haugen inea- Congress that they stood unanimously as holders for ropes of crimson satin, A TI4LLEYT -rWILL APPEAR ,ure, underwent a scorching attack to- for farm relief, "because the trouble from booth to booth. IN P GRA: IN HILL cday from Rep. Dickinson, Republican, has entered that state." An expansive effect of high arch- KD EMMIIIowa. The equalization fee on agricultural ways the length of each hall will be! He characterized the Curtis-Crisp commodities in the McNary-Haugen produced by drops of rose andl gold measure as "price-fixing," as being bill to control crop surpluses was vig- satin trimmed with huge gold tassels. IS FORMER CHOIR GIRL a subsidy and as putting the govern- orously defended, Dickinson charac- Throughout the .halls, dim lights -- ment definitely into business. terizing it as a provision "for honor- shining from lanterns of burnished Oficials Of Sclho(,l Of Music Consider The speech of the Iowa representa- able repayment of a debt to the gov- bronze, modelled from an old English Pri ia. Dounni j' lbe One Of tive was made shortly after Rep. Til- ernment." pattern, will hang from the ceillZs. jFines Attractions son, the Republican leader, had de- "The only provision against loss of They will be hung by ornate bronze dlared he did not favor consideration the $250,000,000 loan in the Crisp scrolls. Marion Talley, youthful prima donna of farm relief on the floor until the bill," lie argued, "is that it shall be The most unusual and decorative of the Metropolitan Opera company, disopsition of appropriation bills. assumed by the government, and still feature will be four large transparent will appear tomorrow nightin'H "Those who say the McNary-Haugen some of those who voted for that bill paintings placed at the ends of each auditorium on the regular Choral bill provides a subsidy," Dickinson in committee voted against the HaugenI hall. These pictures which will hang Union concert series. Miss Talley, said, "have not been following the bill last spring on the ground that it from the ceiling to the lower edge of! made her debut Iess than a year ag trend of farm relief. Those who say was a subsidy." the balcony, were done by a well at the age of 19, is at present making it puts the government into business Dickinson concluded with a chal-j known artist for this special occasion. a short tour between two New York had better look carefully into the lenge to New England, that ii it The lighting for the transparent ef- engagements and is considered by of- Crisp bill in view of the fact that it' wished to retain its tariff, it must be! feet will be thrown from behind the ficials of the University school of Music is sure to be offered as a substitute in sympathetic to the demands of the paintings, carrying out the figures in as one of the finest singers that has this house." western farmer. bold Celiefn appeared here in years. This is the (Continued on Page Two) third concert tour that she has ever ..-- - , . ... ... , made, most of her work having been l i ,1 r i i DIAl 'PROPOSES PEACE. ,!ITH LIBERHALS WHILE U.S LEADERS ARGUE NICARAGUAN LEADER SUGGESTS ARBITRATION AS SOLUTION OF DIFFICULTIES BORAH OPPOSES KELLOGG Senator Believes Opinion Of State Department On Situation Should Be Made Public (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-While the ibreach between the administration a-d , 4 !4 f t its critics on the Mexican-Niciraguan I tangle continued to broaden here to- day, Adolpho Diaz, president of Nica- ragua, came forward with a peace pro- posal to the liberals, seeking tounseat hin by.force of arms. Through the Nicaraguan legation here, President Diaz suggested com- pletion of his term with the liberals represented in executive and judicial posts; a new election Yin 1928 under and he himself was barely ale to reach safety after perhaps the greatest peril out of which any explorer es- caped alive. Sir Douglas will supplement his lec- ture with six reels of moving pictures taken by Frank Hurley, photographer of the expedition, showing animal, bird, and deep-sea life as well as views of the mountainous seas and towering icebergs which they en- countered. A perfect picture was se- cured of a violent blizzard in Adelie land, where the wind is recorded as having attained a velocity of 216 miles per hour, and where the average ve- vocity for 27 months was 50 miles an hour. Describes Journey In describing the 1,000 mile sledge journey across King George VLand on which lie was accompanied by Dr. X. Mertz and Lieut. B. F. Ninnis, Sir b~ouglas shows a picture of the cre- vasses down which Ninnis plunged to his death. For days he occupied the sledge' with Dr. Mertz on scanty ra- tions, suffering intensely from the cold. After a few days Dr. Mertz suc- ccumbed from cold and hunger and Sir Douglas resumed his journey alone. Three weeks later he fortun- ately discovered a cache of provisions which enabled him to reach his win- ter quarters on the coast. On his arrival at the base camp he saw the Aurora, the ship of the expedition, on the horizon homeward bound, and he was compelled to remain in the An- tarctic another year. "My escape," says Sir Douglas, "was almost mifaculous. I was in the last stages of starvatoin when I discover- ed a food cache left by a searching party. It was 30 days after the death of my last companion before I reached the hut of the expedition on the coast, and traveling was for the most part in falling and drifting snow. Expedition Was Successful j "The expedition, however, was most successful, having completed our knowledge of the Antarctic regions and it operated in the great unknown expanse to the west of the much-fre- quented Ross-Sea area." As a lecturer he is well worth hear- ing and his fascinating story is un- forgettably impressive, in the opinions of Dean Alfred H. Lloyd and Prof. Jesse S. Reeves. "His story of the expedition as related in his two vol- umes, "The Home of the Blizzard," and as told in his lecture is thehmost thrilling story of adventure that I know," Professor Hobbs stated. Sir Douglas was born in Bradford, Yorks, and received his education at Sydney university. He is now Pro- fessor of Geology at the University of Southern Australia, Adelaide. He fol- lowed his first experience in explora- tion among the cannibals of the New Hebrides islands by accompanying Sir Ernest Shackelton on his expedition in 1909 in the capacity of phisicist and minerologist. le was one of the few who succeeded in reaching the sum- mit of Mount Erebus and in re-locat- ing the South Magnetic Pole. DEAN CALLS FOR HOP PARTY PLANS Students i charge of house parties in connection with the J-Hop must call at the office of the Dean of Stu- dents immediately and fill out appli- cation cards, it was stated yesterday. These cards must be filed in the same manner as those of any regular dance. Those in charge of parties must also file a signed copy of the J-Hop rules in the office of the Dean of Stu- dents. These were distributed with the invitations but may still be se- VERDICT W~ASbWRONG Higher Body Quashes Case By Rever. sal Of Judgment, But Supports Evolution Law BARS FURTHER APPEAL (By Associated Press) NASHVILLE, Jan. 15.-Tennessee supreme court today proclaimed the 'fundamental soundness of the state's famous law against teaching the the- ory of evolution in state supported { schools. At the same time, it reversed the verdict of "guilty" against Prof. John T. Scopes, whose case was on appeal, and then barred the course to the United States supreme court by recommending that the case be nolle prosse instead of retrial. Without a dissenting vote the court recommended to L. D. Smith, state at- torney-general, that the "peace and dignity" of the state would best be served by a nolle prosse, thus ending I what the court termed "this bizarre case" once and for all. Mr. Smith announced he would fol- low the recommendation and not seek 1 a retrial. The opinion declaring the law con- stitutional was delivered by Chief Justice Green and concurred in by two other justices, but Justice McKinney dissented on the ground that the act's I "uncertainty of meaning" rendered it invalid. The conviction of Professor Scopes, who was a science teacher, was re- versed because Judge John T. Rauls- ton, presiding, fined him $100, when the jury failed to fix a fine. The high court held that only a jury may fix a fine of more than $50 under Ten- nessee law. While obviously disappointed over the action of the court, counsel for the 'Scopes defense pointed to certain fea- tures as indicating a partial victory for the opponents of the law. Two Week Period Of Early Classification Proves Satisfactory Classifications for the second term in the literary college were virtually complete yesterday when the Record- er's office closed following the two I week period. More than 90 per cent of the literary students have classified l during the two weeks, those remain- ing who have not done so will have to wait until the second week of the final examinations. Any changes in the schedules of those who have al- ready classified can be made only on Friday and Saturday, Feb. 17 and 18, the first week of the second semester. Students transferring from other universities and colleges or entering the University from secondary schools will register and classify at the Re- corder's office during the second week of the final examinations. Officials were well satisfied yesterday at the close of the classificatio period upon I the general success of the present plan whereby the procedure, with the exception of unavoidable changes, is taken care of previous to and does not interfere with the first term final examinations. The present plan will I probably be retained next year with certain minor changes. MEETING IS HELD FOR done in New York under the pices of the Metropolitan Opera' pany. aus- coin- The rise of the former Kansas City choir girl has been the most pheno- menal in the history of music. At the age of 12 she was soloist in a church choir in Kansas City, and at 15 ap- Shntkr Instructs AspirantsTo Followpeared as the leading soprano in a General Plan Of Former Years i In Writing Booe local performance in the Missouri metropolis. Shortly after, while still ARE E 15 she was an audition by the Metro- REQUIREMENTS ARE SET politan Opera company, and two years later, with funds raised from a con- Students interested in writing books cert for her benefit in Kansas City for the 1928 Union opera were given she went to Italy with her mother to an opportunity to receive any infor- study. After she had studied there an oporuniy t reciveanyinfr- for a year, Gatti Casazza, general man- mation which they desired yesterday ager of the Metropolitan Opera cm- afternoon in a discussion group with pany, signed her to a contract. Last E. Mortimer Shuter, -at the Mimes year she made her debut in New York. theater. ' Is Youngest Artist On Stage Between 15 and 20 men, all of them Although (the youngest artist Jin planning to submit books, were pres- the concert stage today, she has al- ent at the meeting. The general re- ready appeared more than 3 times in quirements of the books submitted New York City, and has taken the are that, they are to follow the two roles of Gilda in Rigoletto, inwhich act popular in the past, containing a she madb her debut, Lucia in Lucia dl fully developed scenario of the play i Lammermoor, Rosignol in Stravin- and as much dialogue as it is possible sky's Rosignol, which' she gave its to finish before the books are called American premier, and the Doll in for by the opera book selection con- the tales of Hoffman. Immediately af- mittee. The date for turning in tre her tour this winter she will re- books has been set at March 25. turn to New York, where she will ap- Mr. Shuter is particularly anxious pear in more operatic engagements. to secure opera books this year in In neither of her previous concert which the book, music, and lyrics are tours, which were made last spring submitted together instead of work and fall, did Miss Talley appear in done separately, and without special this section of the country, having effort at unity. ; filled nearly all of her engagements As announced yesterday, all men either in the East or near Kansas City. students of the University are eligible Her program here, according to of- to submit opera books, and also eligi- ficials of the School of Music, will be ble to receive the cash prize of $200 of the type which has characterized offered by Mimes for the best com- nearly all of her work thus far. plete opera selected and accepted by Violinist Will Assist the book committee. Appearing here also with Miss Tal- Men who were not able to attend ley, who will sing three groups of the meeting yesterday and who wish numbers, will be John Corigliano, a to submit an opera book are asked to violinist, who will play twice on the see Mr. Shuter at Mimes theater as program. Corigliano, according to soon as possible in order that they critics, is a very talented musician. On may begin preparation at once. Jan. 31 Fritz Kreisler, considered by many to be the world's greatest violin- iM AC CURDY TO st will appear in Hill auditorium on 'M theChoral Union concert series. LECTURESO NsTalley will arrive in Detroit " LEC RE Stoday fron Washington, where she' - will stay at the Book Cadillac hotel O~r. George Grant MacCurdy, director and will motor out here some time to- of the American School of Prehistoric 'morrow. While here she will stay Research, a subsidy of the Archaeolog- at the Michigan Union. ical Institute of America, will deliv- er a lecture on the subject "Looking Transfer Of Ballot Backward ,with the Prehistorian" on I O the afternoon of Jan. 24, in NaturalI T t BeSou ht Science auditorium. The lecture will ss e deal with the results and findings of I the summers work in studying prehis-~ (By Associated Press) toric types and history in Europe. WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-A court Dr. MacCurdy is the author, of many order directing transfer to the Senate books on anthropological subjects that of the ballot tests in Philadelphia in is also a research associate with the the Pennsylvania senatorial election' ran%; of professor and curator of the last November, will be sought by the anthropological collections at Yale un-' Senate campaign funds commiittee, iversity. Most of his work has been l;eaecmag ud omite iverity.Mos of is wrk as ben hich is considering the election con-1 done in dealing with the problems o' Europe from whence come most of test brought by William D. Wilson, the information as to prehistoric man. the Democratic nominee, against Sen- ator-elect William S. Vare. 4 This course was decided upon to- Strachan Announces iay by the committee after Mayor Kendrick and John M. Scott. chief Elections To M imes clerk of the Philadelphia court had informed the committee that, under the state law, they regarded such an Election of honorary and active l order as unnecessary. members to Mimes, honorary dramatic It developed that the registration society, was announced yesterday by ( lists of the city and county of Phila- Frank P. Strachan, '27, newly-elected deilphia had been technically deliver- president of the organization. -d to the Senate sergeant-at-arms at President Clarence Cook Little, Philadelphia, although the sergeant- Prof. Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu- at-arms himself seemed unaware of dents, and Pi'of. Evans Holbrook, of that fact. the Law school were made honorary 'lie filed the metal cases in which members, and with James 11. Yant, the books are kept. '28, Courtland C. Smith, '2, William ' The ma'yor and Mr. Scott agreed to A. Warrick, '27, Harlan P. Cristy, '29, co-operate in securing a court order UULU IMILU IU I9fLI S;TADIUMf EXCAVATION' Process Of Pouring Concrete Will Be Begun In Spring When Frost Is Out Of Ground ITILd~fII lL U~ ll I jAmerican ,supervision ; a mixed c4l mssion to settle all revolutionary claims for damages and the purchase S-HV LIT LE W HR~jby his government of the arms to be surrendered by the liberals. A new point of disagreement be- Government Takes Over 14 More n etary Kogga n Ca- Pieces Of Catholic Property WhileE tween Secretary Kellogg and Chair- ArsCtslc roty W e man Borah, of the Senate foreign re- Arrests Continue lations committee, developed during the day after an announcement by t'(11e 1ec(' A'y oAii1ate tuat t 'e'com- WORK IS ON SCHEDULE Despite the recent cold wave and severe snow storms the work on Michigan's new million dollar stadium is on schedule. The progress of ex- cavation has not been slowed up in any degree by weather conditions, declared Coach Fielding H. Yost yes- terday afternoon. "In fact," he con- tinued, "80 per cent of the excavat- ing is completed and all the work is going along better than what has been expected." The huge shovels are digging the dirt from the bowl at the rate of 1 handreds of cubic yards a day. The snow has been cleared away from the various sections so as not to inter- fere with the work of the steam shovels. The crews of workers have concentrated all their efforts on the excavating, as the drains and other work have been completed. All the digging will be finished in consider- able advance of the time set for the cement work of laying the seats and outer structures. When the last frost leaves the ground, which will prob- ably be' around the first of April, the cementing will be started. Preparations For 'The Last Warning' Near Completion Preparations for "The Last Warn- ing," a play by Thomas Fallon which will be given next Tuesday, Wednes- day, and Thursday nights in the Mimes theater by the Comedy club are near- ing completion, according to officiers of the club. The scenery, whi h has been specially constructed fo the play, and the special effects, upon which several weeks of preparation have been spent, are ready for the opening performance, and costumes have been specially ordered from the New York Costume company in Chi- cago. The play is taken from a novel by Wadsworth Camp, "The House of Fear," and is of a mysterious nature. Charles Livingstone, '27L, will take .the leading part. Tickets for any of the three performances may be secur- ed at the Mimes theater box office be- tween the hours of 9 and 5 o'clock and seats for either the Tuesday, Wednes- day, or Thursday presentations may be reserved by phone at the Michigan E UNiSrAIN IuiTALfA 22 (By Associated Press) MEXICO CITY, Jan. 15.-While re- ports of bandits or revolutionary dis-1 turbances in different parts of the re-j public continue, the leading Mexican newspapers comment on the possible seriousness of the relations between Mexico and the United States. They make little for the moment of the disturbances.1 The Mexican government announces that it has taken over 14 more pieces + of Catholic property, alleged to have! been abandoned by priests. Bishop Pascual Diaz is reported to have i reached Guatemala city safely, but there is no official confirmation of1 this. The oil situation is uncertain, as the government's future policy has l not been announced.E The arrest of Catholics as well as1 others suspected of being implicated in revolutionary movements was on,r but the government officially denies that any Catholic priests have beent executed in Mexico City, and indicate' that those not concerned in rebellion need have no fear.c The 14 pieces of church property referred to in today's announcement i are in villages most of which are dis- i tant from railroads. The majority are described as "annexes" of churches, but several are listed as houses of priests oil religious orders. These will be converted into government, schools, hospitals and municipal offices.1 Selection Of Purple Coach IsPostponedi (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 15.-Selection of1 the head football coach at Northwest-; ern university to succeed Glen ! Thistlethwaite has been deferred { pending consideration of additional1 candidates. Kenneth L. Wilson, director of ath-f letics, said tonight, a decision will not I be reached for at least two weeks. Milton Orander, an assistant to Bobi Zuppke at the University of Illinois, is understood to be in line for the position. Ohio State Defeats Tl. . 10- the Secretary of State that the com- mittee could make public a "corrected" copy of the transcript of his state- ment to it last Wednesday. Asserting that the transcript had been "rewritten," with parts of the original eliminated, Senator Borah said he was not so certain that his committee would want to stand spon- sor for it going to the public. "The secretary can make the tran- script public if he desires," the sena- 'tor said. "It is his statement, not ours. It is not the statement he made to the committee. He has rewritten it;' eliminated parts of it and cut it up." State department officials said they had assumed that Secretary Kellogg would be expected to make such re- vision as would permit him to incor- porate additional information and to eliminate such things as it would not be in the public interest to publish. The foreign relations committee chairman took the position that the veil of secrecy on the ,committee pro- ceedings was called for by Mr. Rel- logg andthat only he could lift it. Announcing that he always had fav- ored public hearings by his committee, Senator Borah said the public ought to have the full statement on the Mex- ican-Nicaraguan situation. Griffin Hits French Policy Of Excluding American-Made Cars France is planning to exclude American automobiles in an endeavor to aid , French manufacturers, their policy will be unwise but not unna- tural, is the opinion of Prof. Clare E. Griffin of the School of Business Ad- ministration, commenting yesterday on a recent news article concerning French fear of the invasion of Amer- ican cars. "The United States has no right to criticize the French attitude for it.is comparable to the American policy of a high protective tariff to exclude foreign products." The American automobile industry has invested more than $5,000 per workman which is more than any other country has invested. The ad- vantages of larger capital, better equipment, quantity production, and possibly, more effective management enables American manufacturers to pay transportation and the tariff and Union. 111ni .UhI1e, YL O 1 still undersell the French, stated Pro- fessor Griffin. Moreover this fact Youthful Swimmers (By Associated Press) proves the American principle that COLUMBUS, Jan. 15.--University of high wages and low prices are not Lead In Prize Race Illinois basketball championship's as- inconsistent," he said. The low scale piration received a setback tonight of wages in France combined with when the Illinois quintet fell before small production cannot compete with ABOARD T H1 E ASSOCIATED the Ohio State university backetball the Americans. PRESS TUG OFF SANTIAGO, By team 29 to 28. Six times during the "France could put her labor to a Wireless to Bloomington, California, game the teams played on even better use in making products that re= Jan. 15.-Judge Young, 17-year-old grounds and at the end of the half, quire personal service," declared Pro- swimming streak from Toronto, On- the score was tied at 16 even. ( fessor Griflin. The United States ig tario, appeared to have the most fav- ---------------____-k not accustomed to handwork. The orable position of the leaders in the 1Echeapness of labor could enable the Wrigley ocean marathon, as twi- 11 BIG TEN STANDING I French to produce fine hand-laces, light settled over the roughened wat- I1I;Paris gowns, works of art, and other ers of San Pedro Channel with only W. L. Pct. commodities needing skilled handi- about one-third of the 22-mile water- j MICHIGAN .....2 0 1.000 j craft. way behind him and the $25,000 prize ( Indiana .........2 0 1.000 "The American automobiles need still more than a dozen miles away. Iowa ...........2 1 .667j! no protection as only 800 foreign cars Close behind, Norman Ross, J. l. I Illinois .........2 1 .667 were imported last year. What the Kruger from Chicago. and former De- j 'Purdue .........2 1 .667 j manufacturers need is an entrance to r A _1+ .,1.7.+i, 1-1 I+ ... AI-A _ -IT_,..-, -_ .l -1 , " f Fma,.nufac ters i..san.. o U,... ,. __. t and Carl T1' -Wn. cfQr '29 eonlT-,*risP t1lF, ! ! fn,- rOtvnnv-11 of flio nlnofinna narnnlhnr_ 4 I