SA Tl;RDAY, JANUARY 15, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY TH-F. u! AMI lT-ITCAlM f1^lATYVl-- ''.,. ;,.. n . 1 .. I °.Il. /. WILSON FOUNDATION Interest is Shown in Picture Display INDSA POINTS OUTS O~ifl~r~A nnir' On Exhibition In Rome By Prof. Kelsev 1 _ _ PRECIOUS STONESt, ARE ON DISPLAY ' I - - - - ------------------ UI I LIIU 1L-0 NII 1IilLL Two Awards 0if $25,000 Each Will I] Gtiver 7 zr 11'e4 Article Of 2,00 Words (Oi Woo00lrow Wilconl SE~T UITATION ON AGE3 Woodrow Wilson aw ards of $25,00, each for the' two best articles of 2,00+ woids on "What Woodrow Wilso3 Means to Me," have been offered b, the Woodlrow Wilson foundation. Eac] award will be given for the artiel which most inteili gent ly carries oui the title chosen for 'Moth awards: "What Woodrow Wilson Means tb )To." The article is to be strictly con- fined to an exposition of Mr. Wilson'E ideals Wand principles aiid what they mean to write r. One award(i, Ito be made to a young man who is more than 20 years ohd but who has not passed his thirty- fifth birthday, whose -article, within the. limits Dndicated shall be consid- ered thebet The other award will be presented to the woman who is within the same age limit, and whose article, within the limits indicated shall bie considered the best. The purpose of the awards is said to be to brinig the younger peop~le of the United States a closer knowledge of the ideals and principles of Wood- rowt Wilson, and the ideals which he sought to express to the people of his O r-n country and the /world. 71,ach article intended for these awards moist seek to appraise the ideals, standards and principles of Wood row Wilson according to the per- sonal stand~point of the writer.. The article slictld ~be devoted to an ex- position of Mr. 'Wilson's precepts- and principles as he himself sets them forth in his own written and spoken words,-notably, in his books "An Old Master,"' "When a Main Comes to Him- self," "Mertz Literature," and in his public papers and addresses. The total number of words of any article must not exceed 2,000. The article must be typewritten, and must be received at the office of the founda- tion, in New York city, on or before Oct. 1, 1927, according to the an- nouncemenit. Further information may be had from the Woodrow Wilson Foundation award, 17, East Forty-second Street,1 New York; city. SMITE[ REPORTIED ILL I Ira M. Smith, University registrar, is reported seriously ill at his home. It is expected that he will be confined for several dlays. BORDEAU.-Prince Jaime of Spain, second ''son of King Alfonso, is here for a 10-day, treatment at the hands of Prof. Portmann,, specialist. L Remarkable interest is being shown show 'her being presented with a I LEIUL 61UL ,Ii LAL D Uf sytenthetic rubies and saphires, taken ! in the paintings, copies of those in a sacred cake and cup of wine and frcl otycolle o xhbtion intemieaoi- ;,e 'Dionysian, cult villa nearPo ei, listening to the lyre p~layed by a satyr. (Continued from Page One) caldilaayae n ehibitiyon ine , which are now being exhibited in, She is beset on her journey b tile In Mr. Lindsay's opinion, since the second floor' of the Natural Science E Rome by Prof. Francis W. Kelsey, of: angels of evil and seeks refuge with uieste aespotdtebulig h olcino hc the Latin department, director of the the high wpriestessrswherehshe oupparned theyaredanpaTeisllton of hemosex U n v r iy of M ichigan N ear East re-'i com fort a d p t ciandnd fn ll y Labor party, w hich is partly the re- tensive ones to be found in . any u sac , a c r i g t o d ,uni-dm a s o y t c d nc s p n e f, s l f t e ex a s o f t e b s s o e sty o h o n r , a c r i g t by Dr. F. E. Robbins, assistant to the all earthly desires apdis 15 velcoz_.d the party in 1918 to include "workers Edward H. Rraus, dean of the Summer , 04 President. ' into the circle of the spiritually good, with the brain" into their fold. In session and dean 'of the College o. 0 The paintings are nine-tenths sizefIThe paintings ar.,~ undamraged with j wo i countryof'th n reproductions of murals in a villa to-' the exception of 0113 figure which has J -zcunr, however, labor clubs at Pharnmacy, wh""drctro h T ctedjus otsie Pmpei wichwas ben prtl ,.t nniversities during the past few years mineralogical laboratory. d ae utotiePmeiwihwsbe aty(estroyed. It is :ot knownAm gthpicsoaaeond- hi used in ancient times by members. of whether the colors will !-rnain , g.avec dececasedi decidedly. The Master Aogtepee f.aeo s C h uto inssa ertme hyae orwlfae f ialiol college, one of the most im- E play are several bowls, some pieces It ing place where the rites and ceremo-! Carouising Ritachies cabs 1portailt ones at Oxford, is a sympa- ta aebe ooeadabne nies of the order took place Profes-; The rites of the Dionysi an colt as thetL ;suppo rter of the labor move-f agate necklace taken from Frederick ~~~~~~ mo esy nteitrs fteUi epeetdi h uaswr ocrtieat. Stearns' collection. The necklace was sor Kelsey in the iterest oftWhennaskepreteneereasone whyrLaborerfound tInoad tomb nearnea thensnsandd - versity expedition, has secured a paint-f the excessive drinking an 1 d splayof Whn sk e gereas n inhytsafoldir ae rmth ~l ei ser of some repute to make the copies, depravation by the initiates andl :Ief1- hassofw zetmniisfldnaesrmthery >io. this counr tte ieettmM The process, including some of the SinrnIai aoswohsbesadtecruiga h at Lindsay replied that although comn- I apparatus, whereby synthetic rubiesj been employed by the Italian govern-I reaching such extreme points that the i bewnthtocutrsadsphr rem eisiltae, ;'went for similar work.I Government of Romre was: forced to r IfteprisolfteIaingv obdntol t etvl u u arc very' difficult because of their past and stones in the various stages be- If te prmisionof he talin gv- orbi no ony it fetivls hlistories, he thought that Gov. Albert ifore they are cut are shown. erment is forthcoming, several or cult of Dionysus itself and later por- Sih fNwYr n h aeITeei looecs otii~ all of the copies will be shipped to secuted it. Being considered members' - 'Ann Arbor upon completion, although of a scandalous sect and b~anished by Rbr aFhet ol ecni-1qat e aitesoigro I ; - ~~~~~~~~~~ered great labor leaders in hisnoncrsaeticangmndan- restrictions of the present administra- Roman law the cult liad to meet in con rsal irn, amgr, nrae tion render this uncertain. out of._the way places to perform itr y.Ilan. Find Beautiful Villa mysteries, initiate new members and y______________________________________ IThe villa,-named "The Villa of the jPropagate the order. Thus it was that SMysteries," is said to be one of thejI the villa was located outsido the city most beautiful of those in aind near of Pompeii where the DionzysiansI Pompeii. Sixteen years ago a Suisse cou~ld pursue their 'ritesi unhindered I , named Item, who conducts a hotel in and unobserved.l the neighborhood, thought he discov- Professor Kelsey will return to Ann Ti ny Tet ered on the estate of Signora Eliza- Arbor, according to reports, within.Il l e beth Garguilo some~ antique remain. four morfths. He obtained her permission to beginj Sdigging and uncovered some port- IIWAI , Nigh Lion ofthe ill. Th Itliangovrn- n N ght Only ment hearing of the discovery pur-1 SA TRD¢AYIb chased the: site at 'a high price, built 70 .N a custodian's shiack, erectfd a high 70 :T Te Presbyterian church Th rd y an a y2' fence about it, employed a watc~a invites all interested to go on baT u s a , a u r and then did nosleigh ride. Refreshments will b Ad the.ild ideafumther or f lserved. Meet at the church.! As he ila les mle ort 07:00 P. 3f. "Amios, The Fearless the Herculaneum gate in Pompeii, in Prpe, wilb dscsd by the open country, few tourists at lbast PFathet,"eninlthe dupedomba 'know of its existence, and little worki LanhrIe i per oma! R U hal if any has been done in revealing its} beauties. ,SUNDAY As yet, but one chamnber of the villa 9:45 A. 31. Prof. A. IL Morris of the has been uncovered, although there rhetoric -department will lead the S u DN S15' H A W N1 are doubtless, other rooms l4eadin'g discussion on the topic, "Is It Safe' from it which will be revealed by ex- To Be a Christian in a Dollar Civili- ;' cavation. This one chamber is the( zation?" at the Presbyterian church.' one in which ther remarkable murals, 12:00 Prof. Edivin D. D~ickenson of I a lId which run around three walls of it, the ' law school will speak on j are located. Although. archeologists "AmericasR'lto othLege . are yet debating just what the .true at the'Pa'sbyReaintchr Legue purops~ of the. paintings were, it is E:) .Oil Asueitfrm ilb generally considered that they repine- conducted at Wesley Hall by Rev. ,e~ I etthe initiation ofa neophyte into( Reinold Neibulir, pastor of Bethel( M the Dionysian cult and their purpose E nei~ hrho eri.Rv is religious. Neibuhr was an outstanding member IP IE Contains Life-Size Figures of .the Milwaukee Atudent confer- PRC S The murals are approximately 48 ance program. by 9 feet in size and contain 30 life- Pr. SiL rsdn f~J)nLower Floor,$27 size: figures, the figures representing college, Wisconsin, will speak onjI stages in the initiation ceremonies., "Christian Education" at the regular I acn,$.0,$.5 11 The first panel represents the rites of'mrigsrvc fte rsye i1 the cult as Meing read by Dionysus to church. He has had extensive ex- the neophyte, a woman. Other panels perience in educational work. __________________________________ i i j ' . i LAST TIMES TODAY More'Than Merely a Show-A World Document of Tremendous Scope and Significance a' ;' . . .K iii. ;. ; s Ki Fa ;,, s: , v,.; _1,, . ,' .a r : +' d i ;' s i : t ; ; } "y. l r a })r' f ',' , F} q ,, ' y Y 1. '13 Produced With tle .Spe- cial Co-per tion o time Unaited SjI'es Navy - Amid Woven Yivr' ly and Powerfully Againmst a Spectacular 13a c k. - grtr c oi £amml 11 411 5.J Submunarinos ;,and, Sea- planes, AMONG THEM T~IREGIGANTIC PN-9a r ALSO A CCMEDY-NEWS-ORCHESTRA 16 .STAIRTING SUNDAY A.BIGSOUBLE FEATURE { ( 4 .p ~1 ;>, . '. ;r a "'7-t *iy r: i_ , F ss a ' ' ::.;. :xii d a, ;. x, 3' ".Ais 6h w"r° eR! 7 ,' d' -'R41 :Sa C 1 Ii: BAST TIMES'TODAY C hoca11111IIIiI~fIIn1late - ~f111111111111111[111i1i111111"t. r r ---o _ - r- rr w r - Ib t. = - - I 'r thrfaorMha urptrn ms enjoy. Order it now and save your- ='°" .;self the worry and time that would - lI be necessary in preparing a dessert. _1 DIAL 410 i ' -I-RDIR . r r________________________________________________________ S '. s : tM1Y a" ' '6 . y t sa . a (!~" , i t A- IraI '4" fn4'f 22 - F,-'carhThe QualityToMeats ou, za dCF ~ez, t iHard for Shirley! A John Fancis 'Production \ i t r,'4 r n ~ Ie Moon Turned Green with Envy! / 3 N LEWIS STONE Co-Starring And SHIRLEY MASbN, NE a LOAL +DH ''[ RTU .,. U G 2iGJ* 11 7 I