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January 15, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-15

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nirm r rr n r r N i .--.1* r -- - -* - - - - .,_.:- -- - I-

MLIT 11UH IUlftttort Uof curtius
A8-I UIII IJ-i-UFFails To Form New
ARCHITECTS AI FOR Bourgeoise Cabinet'
BEAIUTV-PRO LORCH (BvAssociated Pre~s
[fl f. U~bI ERLIN, Jan. 14-Strenuous effoi t.
BtoWformfa.abourgeoise ministryemb~ody-
]DICKINSON GIVES RDO TL ing all the parties of the right, GVSRDO TLf having
ICKION ' Ebeen of no avail, Dr. Julius Curtius
OX 'RELDATION gave up the task today. He reported
TO O CURThis failure to Presidient von Hindn-
burg, who reserved decision on the'
GLEE CLUB ENTERTAINS next step to constitute a cabinet to
take the place of that healed b
.Bruce States 23 Per Cent Of Students Chancellor Marx which resigned in
Investigated Had Four Or More mid-December after an adverse vote s
Colds During Winter by the Jeichstag.
It is possible that President von
Sincere architectural effort aims to Hindenberg may commission Dr. Cur-
attain beauty as well as perfect adap- tius, who is a. member of thePeople's
tation to use, and it is this dual effort party, to try to form a cabinet which
that makes architecture the most diff-.! will be a middle or left coalition but
cult 'of the arts, particularly in a it is believed to be more likely that!
country whose people come from all the president will select another lead-
ends of the earth, declared Prof. Emil er.
Lorch, head of the architectural col-i
lege, in his talk on "Some Notes On
What the Architect Does" delivered ( }IHI
over the radio on the Michigan Night FIf U Illul
program broadcast last night. 1
"A new civilization cannot over- I
night create a new style any more ILL
than it can create a new language,"
he continued. "The adaptation ofj
foreign architectural style to our Mimes Will Give Prize To Writer Ofj
needs has grown out of the underlying The Production Accepte By jt
conditions of our society. The in- Committeer
cr.easing army of trained technical=
architects is generally credited with CASH AWARD IS $200 I
the best work that has been done in 1
this country during the past 50 years,1r
and in view of what has alreadyb een With an incentive of a cash prize of
accomplished, it appears that Amer- ( $200 to be given by Mimes for the'
ican architecture cannot, historically best opera book selected and accept-
speaking, fail ,to make a great con- ed by the book committee, all men in- I
tribution." tending to submit books for the 1928




Gasoline Explosion
On Br*is Steamer
LAI~Ii~TAMPICO, Mexico, Jan. 14.-Twen-
tII~U lL J y-three Mexican longshoremen are
dead as the result of an explosion of
4,000 DEMONSTIIAT'E AGAINST gasoline yesterday while they were
UNITED STATES' ACTION loading the British steamer Essex
A NTEleven men were burned to, death
g ; T T I ! nside the boat, and 29 were removed
ADY1NISTRAT ION SILENT "t a hospital where 12 of them(died
today. The director of the hospital)
Outlook Brighter In Official Wexicain said only two of the 29 were likely
Circles, Regarding Both Internal to survive and they would be left
And International Relations blind.
The disaster occurred while the
BULLETIN ; workmen were transferring gasoline
(By Associated Press) to the Essex Isles. Two beams which
SAN SALVADOR, Jan. 14.-More were being removed at the time fromj
than 4,0 persons, Inost'y tudents the pier struck together, sending off!
and laborers, took part in a demon- a spark which reached the gasoline
stration today in protest against the and set off a terrific explosion blow-t
policy of the United States in Nica- ing some men into the air and inflict-
ragna. ing terrible wounds on others.


Randall, of Browin University, Pleas
For Higher Pay For Physical
Education Men
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 14.-The "evils ofI
professionalism" in college athletics
may be cured by morn professional--
ism, Dean J. F. Nollen of Griinnell col-
lege told the annual conference of the
Association of American Colleges here
tonight. He advocated the greater de-
gree of professionalism of coaches,)
to function as expert educators rather
than as strategists bent only upon the
winning of athletic contests.
Dean Nollen is chairman of the as-
sociation's commission on athletics.
"It is only when the confidence, and New
character of the athletic official and of the


The manifestants marched through
the principal streets of the city and
listened to addresses praising the at-
tit-ide of President Calles of Mexicol
and denouncing "American imperial-,
ism." There were no disorders.


Alejandro Cesar
minister to the United States
Nicaraguan conservative goy-

Judgment Required opera are asked to report at 4 o'clock
Because the architect must coordi- today, in the office of Mimes' theater,
nate so many activities in the con- it was announced yesterday by E.
struction of a building, and must con- Mortimer Shuter, opera director.
duct the construction work until the The purpose of the meeting today is
occupancy of the structure, Professor to enable contestants to secure infor-
Lorch suggested that he must have mation concerning the nature of opera
special knowledge, highly developed book material, and for a general dis-
skill and taste, integrity and good cusion of rules. All men students of
judgment. the University may submit opera books
From the time of the first interna- and are eligible to compete for the
tional peace conference at The Hague, cash prize.
in 1899, until the outbreak of the 'The opera book this year was a
World war, America was the out- great improvement over others previ-
standing aggressive leader among the ously submitted,". declared Mr. Shut-
nations of the world for the creation er, "but it is hoped this year to in-
of an international court of justice, crease the quality and number of
asserted Prof. Edwin D. Dickinson of opera books submitted.
the Law school in prefacing his re- "It is with this in mind that Mimes
marks on "America's Relation to the is offering the cash prize, with the
World Court." And although there idea and intention of bringing out
were times when it seemed that some more men capable of writing and of
plan might be evolved, the project inspiring them to better efforts."
always failed because there could be It is urged that men desiring to
no agreement on a plan for the selec- turn in an opera book begin prepara-
tion of judges. tion immediately, in order to complete
It was largely due to the genius of as much of the work as possible be-
Elihu Root that finally a method of fore the books are called in by the
organizing the League of Nations was opera book committee of selection.
devised so that a World court might The time limit for completion of books
be constituted, the speaker explained.has not been fixed as yet, but will
It was established under a separate probably be set for some time in'
treaty or statute forming no part of March.
the league covenant or of the treaties!
of peace. Yet it has certain definite I rre'ie
contacts with the league; the judges Effinger
are selected by the league council and Hard sr
assembly, the expenses are paid from WorK Cure
the league budget, and the court may U v s
be called upon from time to time to For University Evils
adjudicate questions arising under the
league covenant and controversies be- "Experience has shown that more
tween league members. students fall because they do not work
Court Is America's Work than for any other single reason. In-'
"Out of these contacts between vestigation also has shown that the
court and league arose America's diffi- average student who satisfies mirim-
culty," Prbtessor Dickinson said in un requirements has time to waste,"I
analysizing the situation. "The court declared Dean John R. Effinger in his
was in a substantial sense an Ameri- presidental address before the Associ-
can achievement, the fruition of an ation of American Colleges, Thursday
American policy, the child of Amer- night at the Congress hotel in Chica-
ica's labor. In America, however, the go.
whole questioh of our relationship to Dean Effinger went on to deplore the
the rest of the world as organized in fact that in modern secondary schools
the League of Nations had become too much time is spent on extra-curri-
hopelessly involved In bitter partisan cular activities, such as newspapers
controversy. Could we accept the and debating teams, and work of thisf
court without becoming a member of eort is expected in lieu of correctly
the league?" prepared scholastic work, Then when
Referring to President Coolidge's these editors and debaters reach col-
Armistice address, the speaker said le' tVey begin their tasks and find
that the President had intimated that them distasteful and uninteresting.
there was nothing to clarify, no oc- The dean went on to explain that!
casion for further negotiation, and colleges as an institution have not
that it is a case of "take it or leave kept pace with the changes in na-
it." This, however, would be a dan- tional life, but added that it was not
gerous slogan for our diplomacy, Pro- the only institution at fault. He sug-
fessor Dickinson believes, for "no gested that as the general problems
kind of political relations, least of all are solved the college problem will be!
international, can be conducted in that solved along with them.
way. Such an attitude would make "Too much standardization is a men-
impossible a constructive foreign ace, and the American colleges of the
policy." future will probably be more highly
Since the World court is too well differentiated and less standardized
established to suffer irreparable in- I than they are today" he concluded.
jury, only America will suffer with "In our eagerness t advance, let us
further delays, he said in concluding. do the right thing in the right place
Dr. James D. Bruce, director of in- and withstand the temptation to do a
ternal medicine and chief of the med- thing because somebody else is doing
ical service at the University hospital, it, without regard to the possiblities of
in Ids talk on "The Common Cold," of the possibilities of the situation."
revealed the fact that of a group of TT
students. with whom the investigation TOKIO.-The vernacular newspap-
was conducted, of per cent had four i ers are viewing the contemplated in!
or more attacks of colds during the crease in the number of American
winter, 60 per cent had two or three r with anxiety fearing it means
attacks, and only 17 per cent had one another naval armament race.


1 :

the dignity of . his calling shall be ernment, arrives and arranges con-
recognized as entitling him to a place sultation with President Coolidge on
of full equality with his colleagues, the tense situation in Nicaragua.
that we will approach the real solu-
tion of our athletic problems," Dean -iu
Nollen declared. THE LASAIADnIIP'N
Visions ilrienini IL ii! iH IIl
"When we produce physical direcr-
:ors who are first-class cducatibnal ,EI
exserts whowould count it u nmora w 1 fIGNT UR~ y
practice to turn out a student with
an overtrained heart, and would scorn
o take victory by sharp practiccs, Play Is Second Performance Of Com-
hen athletic millenium will be mleas- edy Club This Year; Thenie
urably nearer." Taken From Navel Of Camp
Describing the salaries paid the
verage college professor and instruc- TO USE SPECIAL LIGHTS
or as "physically inadequate," Dean (__
)pin E. 'Randall, of Brown university, "ry
Providence, R. I., voiced a plea for The Last Warning, a play by
higher pay for the men who teach the- Thomas F. Falln, will be presented
youth of tlhe nation, by the Comedy club next week on
"Few of our colleges are making Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday
the calling of teaching an attractive nghts in Mimes theater. This is the
>ne,' said Dean Randall, "and unless second performance given by the Com-
something is done about it we shall edy club this year, the group having
be faced with a dearth of able people presented "Tea for Three" last fall.!


iI1111 JLULV lI'1I ILI'I1IL13
WASHINGTON, Jan. 14.-Discussion!
in Congress of the Mexican-Nicara-
guan question ran all the way today f Cites O'Neill As Writer Who Combines
from a possible break with Mgxico Both Theatrical And Dramatic
over its oil and land laws to renewed Elements In His Workj
attack on the government. for its
policy in Nicaragua and its concern IS LITERARY EDITOR
over Communistic aims in Latin-
America. I Emphasizing the fact that in toof
Administration officials maintained many instances do modern play-
silence, but the Nicaraguan minister wrights compose their works with,
isued a statement saying the proposal one eye on the stage,' Gorham Munson,
yesterday by Senator Borah, of the!New York critic, followed through his
fpreign relations committee, that a remarks as an observer of the drama
new presidential election be held in with notations on newer impulses in
Nicaragua at once is impossible of the theater, in his .appearance yester-
execution because of constitutional day arternoon in University Hall au-
provision. ditorium. Mr. Munson, who is editor
Sditorium. Mr. MunsonDwho is edI


Wolver inrs Score IS Goals From
Floor, Iowais Fal To Work Ral
Under Basket For Shots
(Special to The Daily)
By Sport< Editor, Daily Iowan
IOWA CITY, Jan. 14.--"We have hit
our stride this season in but one game
Po far--Syracuse-but we're going to
hit it again tonight," with this state-
ment this afternoon Coach Mather
established his reputation as a pro-
phet; with his team's defeat of Iowa
41 to 22 he showed his abilities as a
basketball coach and the Wolverine
aggregation displayed a form that, it
it was anything but a flash in the pan,
should make them more of a favorite
than ever in Western Conference
championship scramble honors.
Petrie, the boy who wasn't good
enough to rate the Wolverine first
string last year, got enough baskets
.this evening to tie for high scoring
honors with his team-mate Harrigan.
Each man counting five times from
the field. McConnell was high for
Iowa with seven counters.
Michigan, both on defense and of-
fense, out-distanced the Hawkeye ag-
gregation so far that it was pitiful.
Iowa had chances for short shots less
than a dozen times and their long
shots landed outside the iron hoop
a great many more times than they
swished the netting, falling through.
The Ann Arbor men had their bas-
ket eye working to perfection. All
kinds of shots-long, short, overhand,
and one hand push--dropped through
the magic circle with regularity. At
half time the invaders led 19 to 7.
The famed Iowa defense seemed to
be a lacking quantity of the evening.
As for the short pass offense-it was
"under cover" too, mostly because it
was of no use against the Wolverines.
Iowa's new half-million dollar field
house was dedicated tonight in conT
nection with the basketball game.
Before six thousand persons, the lar-
gest number ever to witness an indoor
sporting event here, five speakers,
including Governor Hammill, Maj.
John L. Griffith, Big Ten commis-
sioner, and Pres. Walt'er A. Jessup
gave short addresses. "I" sweaters
were presented to old graduates who
had earned them in the years when
they were not given.
The lineup and summary:
Twogood, rf ...1........ 1 3 2
Phillips, rf.............0 0 1
Van Deusen, if.......... 2 0 0
Harfison, if.............1 0 2
Wilcox, c.............1 2 2
McConnell, rg. .......3 1 1
Hogan (C)lg ...........0 0 1
Totals................8 6 9
Oosterbaan, rf..........3 0 3
Chambers (C), if........ 3 2 2
McCoy, c............... 1 1 4
Molenda, c .............1 2 "1
Petrie, rg...............S5 0 0
Harrigan, lg............ 5 0. 2


on the faculties of our institutions of
learning. Cooks and chauffeurs are
usually better paid than college in-
Coaches' Pay Small
The survey completed by the asso-
ciation shows that the average pay of
the college instructor is only from
$1,100 to $1,500 a year; of assistantf
and associate professors from $2,000
to $3,500 a year; and a full professors
from $2,300 to $4,000 a year, Dean
Randall reported.

The play is taken from "The House
of Fear," a novel by Wadsworth Camp,
and will be more elaborately staged
than any production given thus far
in the Mimes theater, it is said. Spe-1
cial lighting equipment, to supplement
that already installed in the theater,
has been secured from Kliegle
brothers, the Universal Stage Light-
ing company, of New York city. Cost-
umes, for a costume play that takes
place within the main dramatic action
of the play, have been acquired from a

come of t e emocr ats of the Renate
I added their protest to that voiced by
Senator Borah against the American
policy in Nicaragua, Senators Dill of
Washington and Haflin of Alabama,
speaking briefly.
LaFollette Attacks Kellogg
While characterizing the Nicaraguan
policy as unjustified and unconscion-
able Senator Lafollette, Republican,j
Wis., made a direct attack upon Sec-
retary Kellogg for giving to the coun-
try after his appearance before the
foreign relations committee Wednes-
day, what was termed "a vicious piece
of propaganda" designed to show that,
Russian Soviets are seeking to make
Mexico a base for attack against the
United States.
Representative Huddleston, Demo-
crat, Alabama, in reply, read an edi-I
torial describing Secretary Kellogg's
Bolshevist statement as "an indecent
intellectual exposure."
Renewing the discussion later,
Representative , Gilbert, Democrat,
Kentucy, accused President Coolidge
of listening to the "call of the dollars,",



of the literary publication, "Secession,"
was speaking under the auspices of
the public speaking department on
the subject "A Theater For Us."
The speaker deprecated the tendencyI
on the part of dramatists to work:
with the theatrical element rather than
the dramatic, and pointed out in such
cases the lack of motivation or ex-
planation. He said that there should
be some coincidence between thesej
elements and mentioned O'Neill as an
example of outstanding playwrights,
who is doing this and at the same,
time contributing to the art in a new
Mr. Munson spoke of the recent im-
portations from Russia, Autria, and
other countries as being instrumental
in creating a place in the public de-
niands for the scenic effect, and men-1

A review of Mr. Munson's lec-
ture will be found in the Music
and Drama column on page four.

company of Chicago.
Dundee FightsH ard Charles Livingstone, '27L, who was
Du e frmerly president of Mimes and also

To Defeat Roberts
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 14.-Johnny Dun
dee, Baltimore welterweight, won the
decision over Eddie Roberts of Taco-
ma, Washington, tonight in a ten-
round match at Madison Square Gar-
dens after being himself close to a:
knockout in the fourth round. A cap-4
acity crowd of more than 18,000 saw1
Dundee gain revenge for his one-round'
knockout at the hands of Roberts near-}
ly a year ago.
Classification Must
Be Completed Today
For the purpose of taking care of I
the classification in the literary col-.
lege, the recorder's office will be open'
until 5 o'clock today. Appointments
with the upper class advisory com-
mittee and the freshman advisory com-
mitte will also be made until 5 o'clock.I

of Comedy club and who has taken
part in two Michigan Union operas
will have thoe leadin . artin ihp . nro-

' W III ;Ulu jd L pr- anasked when the UnitedStates had tioned this display as being the
duction. become a "bill collector" for Europe. "hero" of the productions. As an ex-
The play, when produced for the ample of pure dramatic art to his
first tine in New York, was one of MEXICO CITY, Jan. 14.-In the view mind he told of a group of dancers
the biggest successes in years, accord-1 of official Mexican circles the outlook whom he had seen presenting a series
ing to officers of the club, having run ' was brighter today, as regards both of dances and religious ceremonials
two years there. Tickets for all per- the disturbances within the country of the East. These were described
formances are now on sale and will Iand international relations. Notwith- as having intellectual value without
be on sale every day from 9 to 5, standing this, however, some other ob-' a trace of literary content, and it was
o'clock at the box office of the Mimes, servers continued to regard the situa- this prin'ciple which he, would like
theater. Patrons may reserve tickets tion as still dubious, if not fraught to see more involved in the dramatic
by calling the Union, and tickets thus with dangerous possibilities, art of today. As it is now, he said,
saved will be available at, the box The speech before the United States the actors are victimized by their own
office of the theater until 8 o'clock the pforeign relations coimittee of Senator emotional complexes and by their ad-
nicht of the performance. Seats are W lliam B. Borah, denials of Boishe- diction to the star system.
_ri__da ____and ____ts (vist influence by Ricardo Trevino, sec-i
TOURNAMETS PROGRESS retary-general of the regional federa- Ne CensorOf
TOURNAMENT S P. " ROCRESS tion of labor, and the Mexican foreign'Ne
C t n Ur secretary, Aaron Saenz, and the war ded
I department's insistence that bandits Germany Is Derie
chess and checker tournaments must and rebels will be suppressed, all com-:
complete all second round playing by bined to cause government 'officials to BERLIN, Jan. 14.-Ridicule and
tomorrow night, the committee tin think the situation was easier. At the derision continue to fall upon Ger-
charge has announced. First round same time, however, reports were re-1 many's new censorship law aimed at
playing ended last night, at which ceived in the capital of uprisings in trashy and indecent literature.
time only two teams had defaulted. the interior of the country. Writers, artists and actors are con-
The whereabouts of Bishop Diaz, tinuing their campaign against the
DIVERGENCE secretary of the Catholic episcopate, 'measure, although their protests were
IN still remains a mystery. The bishop unheeded when it was enacted by the
AN LABOR BODIESi was reported to have been ordered reichstag.


1 CC
i 'I



18 5 12

Officials-'Referee-Schommer, Chi--
cago; umpire-Moloney, Notre Dame.


Stressing the fact that evolution
and reincarnation are siupplementary,
1 Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo, of the engi-
neering college in his lecture on "Re-
incarnation" last night in Lane hall,
declared the p~hysical bodv is nothinz


I'more than an instrument of the soul,
1 thouz whih te soid ndet hees ex-


- -9 -- - --~sent out of the country after he was!
arrested on Monday, and since that' b
Primarily, the difference between pile did resulted in the bringing to- time nothing definite as to his position r
organized labor in this country and in getl'er of the union and politics, he or his whereabouts has become known. Ih
England lies in the size of the two said, adding that since that time the Episcopate Is Blamed
institutions and what trades they in-' tendency had been toward a closer Cathblic leaders, concerned ovecr o
elude, Kenneth Lindsay, unofficial uniting of the two. the bishop, expressed the fear that I
representative of the British Labor, Asked why it should be necessary many Mexican priests may be banish-
party, declared in an interview yes- for labor to have political connections, ed from their native land on charges lI
terday afternoon. i Mr. Lindsay ansewered that it is pos- of rebellion against the government,
Whereas nearly every man occupied sible for the House of Commons to it having been charged that the epis-
in manual labor is in an organized change the laws that bind the union- copate was responsible for the recent
union in England, only a small per- ists down, and labor must be repre- series of risings against the authori-I
centage of American laborers are af- seated there to foil any attempts to 'ties.
filiated with trade unions, Mr. Lind- deprive them of their privileges. Some- American business interests 1
say pointed out. The union organiza- Another principle difference be- iregard with apprehension the pro-
tions in Englamnd are not hinmited' for tween the two organizations is in the posals by Latin-Amercian societies in
unskilled workingmen but include objects that they set out to accomp- Mexico City for a boycott throughout
teachers and clerks as contrasted with lish. In America, Mr. Lindsay pointed I Spanish-America on goods from the I
this dountry where the only men that Iout, the trades unions want to get (United States, as a protest against the
have connections with the national their sham of the increased productiv- policy of the United States in Nica-
federation. generally speaking, are the '. .. en . - ma j n . 1n.Tnc far *iarp nn +ar.nm I

The law will operate through the
oards of censorship of nine members, priences which by evolution.load to
epresenting authors, artists, pub-, hence nmeaperfection.
ishers, teachers and the youth. Existence on earth encased in the
If six members vote against a book physical body of man, is only one of
the planes in which the soul lives in
r periodical its sale and circulation ;itssrgl o efcin rfso
will become illegal. Newspapers andits struggle for perfection, Professor
agazines of the type of political and; Albaladejo continued. The astral
iterary reviews are exempted. Iworld follows the physical world, ad
I it is here that physical life is judged,
the soul suffering for the evil done
DAILY J-HOP EXTRA on earth or living a short happy exis-
tence before passing into the next
Organizations giving house world if/the physical life was good. In
parties in connection with the the mental world, the heavenly world,
1928 Junior Ilop are requested experiences of the previous worlds are
to mail lists of their chaperones assimilated, and if the soul has not
and guests to the J-Hop editor I completed its work, it passes again to
of The Daily as soon as possible. the physical world iitme form of a
These lists should include the new human being.
names and home towns of the
chaperones. the names and home I ISMITH CONFERS WITH

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