I TI -IF-MTI GAN DAkLY FRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1927 , ......wmwbo . Publication' in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of y. the University. Copy rece:ived by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. n. Satrdays). Copy must be typewritten. Volume VII I't'.6Y ANA~Y 14, 127 'Nuiner 79 1M1. Georges Claude, Chevalier of 3the Legion of Honor and memnber., of the French Academy of Sine the d(i-tinguished French engineer, will de- liver a University lecture fin English) at 4:15 P. Al., Wednesday, January 19, on his experience in ,scientific and industrial research work. The public is cordially invited. 1 F. E.lobbyins. Nell's IztcrcoillCgia4e rUl: ;ie C',:4s or the Secowl Selnester: The Men's Intercollegiate D)ebate Class for the second sere ester will be formed by tryouts Saturday morning, January 22, at 8:45 o'clock in Room 302 Mason Hall. The tryouts will consist of a five-minute speech on either side of the following debate question: "Resolved, That Legislative Prescription, Dis- approval, or Prohibition of Special D~octrines, Theories, or Data on the Comments of Courses Offered in Educational Institutions Are Contrary to the Public Welfare." All university men eligible to participate in campus activities during the second semester are eligible to tryout for this class. G. E., l~enisniore, Debate C'oach. Social Psychiatry 24-5: Make-up examination, Saturday, January 15, 1927, at 9 A. M. Psycho- pathis Hospital. T. Rahelc. Actuarial Soeiely Exaialiois: All students intercsted in these examinations will please meet~at 4:10 today in Room 3017 Angell fll. Jamtes W. Glyer. Geology 31:r Make-up laboratory sections in Geology 31 will be conducted Friday, January 14, and Wednesday, January 19, from 2 to 4 in Room 325 N. S. These will be the only regular make-up sections given. W. RI. Hobbs. Mr. D~ow's Freshnian Group iI eel ug : My Fresman group -will meet Friday evening at 7:15 in the Union, Room 302. 1 demand, will be given in the second semester, M. W. F. at 1-1:00 o'clock by Professor Pargment. Room to be announced miter. ! ~11. P. Thleme. Theatre fand lthe DUrania: Mr. Gorham B. Munson, critic and interpreter of the modern arts, will speak in University I-lal auditorium on Friday, 4:1.5 P. M., on " A Theatre For Us," under the auspices of the Public Speak.ing -Department. Theatre arts andI play p~roduction students , aliso students of the drama in the Department of Rhetoric, and of English Literature are particularly invited. English: I will not meet imy cla-,ses in English Friday, Janu ary 14. 1. I.1.Hanfoird. I('o"'mouloitan Club: The Cosmopolitan Club will have its, picture taken Sunday, January 16, 3 P. M., at the Sp:edding Studio, 6119 East Liberty. A full andl prompt attend- ante of all members, including; those who were initiated this semester, is requested. Niir 31. Malik, President. I Vniersitv Club: 1 Club night tonight. at 3 P. M. Professor Dobbs will show moving pictures of his Greenland expedition. T'he Entertainineat ConintIttee, A. S. Afton. To All Organizations: In connection with the Michiganensian's plan of furnishing a copy to each organization, it has been found that the following shall receive a free book: Delta Phi Phi Kappa Tau Triangles Delta Sigma Delta Kappa Kappa Gammia Phi Delta Chi Phi Gamma Delta Martha Cook Alpha Kappa Lambda Chi Omnega Kappa Delta Rho Chinese Students' Club Theta Phi Alpha Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Sigma Pi Beta 'Phi Delta Chi If any other organization believes it has the necessary 30 points, please call at the business office within the next week, as the above was based only on reports from each,. J. A. Cun ingilaw, Sales -M1anager. Alpha Nu: Alpha Nu debating society will have its group picture taken next Wednesday noon instead of this noon as previously announced. Robt. E. 11inieh, President. 1Giidirnte Wonii's Club: There will be a tea for fall members of the club at 3:30 on Saturday afternoon at the Psycopathic Hospital. Mrs. Mallory will tell of her work there.Jane S. Ludgate,. W omen's Educational Club: Dues may be paid today in Tapp i a 1 'Ill f rm5 'A. :,i. until P. 1I. If, our picture is to appear in the 'Esixn, tede utb ad Phi Delta lkappauns: A special business meeting of the organiza tion vwi h A1today, fol- lowing the noon, luncheon at the Lanltern Shop. It k iw( 1-8 y that all members attend if possible, as final action must be takn ' itIirfeeneto election of officers, initiation and group lpicture forte'ui. -Negro-Caue.as1ian (la: The club memlb,,rs ave initiied to atten l a gree p :ls ;on with M~r. G Corham ? Munson at the hiomic of Prof. and 31 rs. Cakicy 21ln on P Church jSt.. Friday evening, January 11, S P. -Al. 1 t }i r I' # ,t r r I , + I' #, . { r I LITERARY MUST COLE7,GJ lC.,,M AON BE CO ;PLETE',D CORW All classification procedure in the the pr esent plnw41 "cntinued literary college must be completed byi next yeaqr ,it Ps~llcags noon tomorrow although appoint- Castctoto iaet transfer- ments with the upperclass advisory! ring from othe clegs-n univer- committee and the freshman advise y sities w-ll be 4,e~ reC fter the committee will be made until 5 o'clock,: end of the re'f a psi ~1 ening to- iwas stated by officials of the Re- mon ow s P i}ie t o cases corder's office yesterday. All schedl-, they axe ualetIepr eoear- ules must be dleposited in the Rie-: rival at thehIeiuig of the second corder's .office by that time as the term. two week classification period whichF It -was uIrged b Y Ais:; i0c: C Mohr, ends tomorrow will not be ext ended. ; re('or , l, that smay 'OdeIts as With a large percentage of literary possible (l'jl el. students properly classified for the secondl semester officiais were con- L[1 f .I)chnett Pc c< o eestinm- fident that the remainder would take ' td that }0 'gei idi rly 200 care of the classification today anld baronetcies i re t Brita,1in may be- tomorrow. Te new plan of having a come extinct on the death of the'pres- two weer: period previous to the he- cuet fit leholders: ginning of the second term for classi-- ---- fication has been found successful by IPO.---ilbta of Coimbra the members of the upperciass ad- and smaller towns ins Beira province visory committee, the freshman ,ad- fi fled front their hoines ;yesterday as visory committee, andL the Classitica- ;trhe result of an earthciuake lasting tions committee. It is expected that three secon,&s. r.. _.. ::.,w _.. * .,,uu..,a .uxunaati 4w L . F. I1ova. D115 and D145, Teachers' (Curse: D115 and D145, Tjeachers' Course in French and Spanish, given in the first semester and not announced in thesecond semester, owing to the large Kiep Is Named As Embassy Councillor SPECIAL who has been assigned as councillo T ..At R 1ie 0..: 1..lN rsra Tr.eOt o i hief of thApes secteon of th e erm ntforin I e of he asinligt(on ebsy.Sccs ATTHE TSI HEFT wihArthu~i hbo, i o 1,11eek anlat)est (lndiSt.Has ' Bon st l ln Al - LY OUS e r-eas.,value. , Sat Based on Inci e n u the fife hou r a ng h er ltl "ALIA SHELECO" andbarGreatCaytt tVii a d 70 c 2!/z Hoursa 'ightrfor 1 os. New Yo reSeno wthLuhe " ~AIAS tTHE DAON"jic 0 11 ICHIGiAN STATIONERY REGULAR PRICE 75c- 250 y V r F OR 0 X ,F "1, 1 1 1 I'll .F l 1 VAHR"s WTMT u IN ITT: IT BOOKSTORE ------' "4 fational Institut ion afo ~ost to CaSt" EARL SP11;1' JUST RECEIVED Collegiate Shops in Principal Cities. A ale Will all Le put into 3jUR .4IGis:aE ITH yi OTHER STIYLE S-A vry unusual opportunity. _ ....._...All Women s ._. _.: S1tplcs, grccdlD rcdluccd, 7 I i1 I' fi S 1 Iti ti ti ti !fi ti I ti rhe Mimes Theatre Is Haunted! THIS ISI Tti .S'i A Melodrama PRESENTED BY Comedy. Club Mimes Theatre Jan. 18 -19-20 BOX OFFICE Open To-Day -cr ti 4 i ' k 1 '. 1 S A.ND OVERCOATS lions except awnng-King dress clothes. Every suit represents an unusual quality. Style and fabrics as always-just' right. s and Hosieroy Specials weaters and Gloves Reduced )FF All colored shirts, collar attached and neckband style. Attractive merchandise at very attractive prices. OUFF All our $2.00, $2.50 and $3.50 fancy woolen Hose, Sweaters and Golf Stockings .... 20%,COff i A III rr I 1 11 I I