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January 14, 1927 - Image 7

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-14

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FIjpI)AY, JANUARZY 11, 1!)27




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M ATM[ . ILL LEAY[ t,)8 poe oe, and Mixc iau is Wei for-titi A r n ~
t d~ i t1F3i t'£1w ab kic1er andm d yCeanin'' ovvaru_ raueu
iiT Donz z-hoe. The I .L~aorecteBmCrimsin ex-ex By IYankees j & u
-r;Inrrurrr N Acc lein, condition, accordin;; to Coach;--
Kenaf c lgh wiku ystrdy Although the I;arvard Athletic as (3y Associated Press)
whichL-wasLtIe finalirate rth sociation has remained silent on CHICAGO, Jan. 13.-Charles A.
whichefwas the Cornel Imeat.ntrfatrntrbsktblhgae
Michigani Wrestlers Will Sleet CarvlmnbfoeteCrell met:fitecleit Comiskey, owner of the Chicago White Itrrtriy bsebl ae
On Saturday And Iowa State Use Speciial Food Sx, today negotiated a trade with played Wednesday eveing gave the;
Teaers nMna ihgnmeritns to aheissnetebekwt rne he New York Yankees for the serv- following results: Tau Kappa Epsilon
make extensive experiments with a; ton, a positive stand was taken re- ices of Aaron Ward, infelding star, 7 Theta Kappa Psi 12; Gamma Eta!
NIN T MAE RI wel now ban ofcocenraedcently i the editorial columnsofth as a move to fi1 the gap caused by the Gamma 6, Alpha Chi Sigma 21; Delta i<
( oed on the trip, and1 expects it to'1-Harvard Athletic Association News loss of Eddie Collins at second base., Sigma Pi 27, Delta Phi 6; Phi Delta
proeve highly successful. The food is wihdcae htcleaheis The White Sx gave Johhny Ga-I Theta 12, Phi Delta Epsilon 5
,Michigan's wr etling team cn inuhafrmtattisaiyd- are in need of a thorough house-clean- bowsky, a youthful catcher, andRa ITu piln ho2PiKpaPs
ing, and favored an ivsiainb a pio h ap s
Ing of eight Varsity niatmen and se hrl ftrbiglkn inineigio byMorehart, an infielder, in exchange for , imaN2,1. elahigma Dehrlyafeltigaaknino
Coach Clifford Keen wl enrtra at l oy loigtemn~ aealumni and colleges into "commercial-;Wad(0;EpsioNu Phi 10,talphga DKlapa
2:26 this afternoon for Mt. Vernon, Ia.,'the benefit of it before the meet which j ismri"of athletics. Organized scouting 4;T.
whrghywl etteCrclcl ae lc iehusatrIewih n cg football was strongly fa-1 Kappa 3; Gamma Sigma 7, Alpha Tau
wh ret am Sa u da ig tngI'l inii l i n. n lThe rationss are arr anged ig1 o1IfJU~l ( dl3 l 1l M ANAGER TRYOUTS iI Om ega 16; Phi M u Alpha 6, Delta ,
i meet of the 1927 season. From Mt. ast cnanxnuusa mon ; The ethics of scouting, the influence KapEslo_6_Teti-,Tht
Vernon the Wdolve i'ines jouirney to body heat which is considered veryI of alumnnatlicndhego- Sp mrsad scnd -ii Chi 12.-
cedar Falls, Ia., and on Monday night + helpful in strenuous activities. ing commercialism countenanced by mnester freshmen interested in Alh Det Pi3,Sg ,DlaJ
the enageth agregtin rpre ;Following the team'srtr~ri h college officials arc the three points;{ trying out .for hockey manager Kappa 4; Theta Kappa Nu 11, Phi
seating the Iowa State Teachers col- ;t4p, they have three days in which of interest that college football has
aeye, arriving in Anin Arbor onl Tues- to prepare for the invasion of the held, the editorial states, and these 7anedreqestedlo ryeportngethise Phi Seta i15;Kapa "Nu 26,mAacia25;
day.day. shold hand8v'clckanmeedigihitPheSgmaDeta7,Heritge2.
Michigan State outfit on atra. sou hv imeaeatnin.week at the Coliseum. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 4, Phi Epsilon_
iIn the 115 pound class Coach K~een State isrpuHEo aea uhi F. Wilmot, Manager. j Kappa 12; Phi Gamma Delta 13, Phi1
is pinnIi oe nMcia'' ~ ta bsya hnFs. ~ A A TA S i_________________I Sigma Kappa 4.
1926 captain, Baker, who is undefeat- s
ed after two successive seasons of
Conference' wrestling. In the absence
of Solomon, who alccording to Coach °
Keen, is the best prospect in the :125 -
pond( division in the Rig Tecnthis
year, Naglekir k, his uniderstudy, will-
fill the vacancy. Naglekirk hais been , n i i u lz d S a t 7 u ns i~
showing good formi in practice and is-
expected to turn in a credible per---
Watson, a letterman from last year,j
will r epres t Michigan ini the 135' on ls.SuradGlsee, l1iiltiltit1l~P1ltll[ll ~1111illliilldllillllllllf6ll~illlB1l1£9~ll
who are continuingr last year's battle-
for the 145 pound berth, will bth =-
make the trip, the extra mal being
carried in the capacity of' trainer. :.
Saner, all-campus champion, will-
wrestle against Cornell college, while=.R6
Galesterer, letter man from last year,wilseato agntIwaSte=.
Teachers college.
I13oiialioe ILeads Tea n .,
Captain Donahoe, Michigan's stellar'
18pounder will lead his team in the
first meet ctf the year, and the battle°
between the Wolverine star and Ap--
pleton, Cornell captain, is expected to-
be one of the best of the meet. -
It remained undecided until yester-'-
day afternoon vwhether H~ager or Greil- , I®®
ing should make the trips as the 175 -
pound representative. To decide the -
issue Coach Keen held a five minute -
bout between the two men yesterday-
afternoon and Greiling gained a de- °
cision over Hager to win the honor of =;
making the tripl. Prescott, all-campus f
heavyweight champion, will be the e
Michigan entry in the unlimited di-
Bohcoaches regard the first meet - :f/sii';
of the season as extremely important
to the later success of the teams. De'=r-;,z
spite the loss of Solomon, who looked
like a certain Winner this year, be-
cause ef internal poisoning, and the. :4
failure of Rich, letterman from the fi%::i(
1926 team to report this season, Coach _ ri ":.s rL'
Keen feels confident that the Wolver--
ines will make a good showing. Vic- =
tories in these first meets will go far _ -
toward insuring a successful season
for the team. k
Barker's strongest bets are Grey,

AT 3 p. a



.; j 77-w
.7' r..f.: r

If you are telephone subsc. ime call Jinunic A), r
theA~-ike. ~i~1'2 j, zn your want a
will l.>c eiarge
ire l1;ii P ils creserves the right to WA", i'1lj -Iniieiac'y; len iul
< l ssiiy all w«:'tsadosTnuder apporopriate £headC-
inns and to rkie lwithhold obj ectionale! roo:m1. n ar campu,byt,uio.D-
This coluitaclo-,cs at 3 IP. M. (late lpreced- vts aml prere. Air;'
ing iinhheatjen. Notice of arty, error nitst be M'ich''. Daily fox 152. 7-
given in tinge for the second insertion.
T(-n cenlts peC~r rrr line {oi tThC 'ssOf W NID-oicil room mt
fve 2 e l. cord; ,to e isle e) for ou'2 or tv, o h1 :;e fronlt sulty in gi rhleau
N ine cents h~er r acting line' for three ot more ; h3OSC Dal57;.7 .l1
F in crIi On s.
(C- 1i c assif edc; ec ued at the Daily o ffce
in Tile Press ilardlding on i ?,a rd Street. a .\ M D-Students (lesire a fulr-
CONT ZACT RATES ni<ihA partinen't near campus.
iSpecial standardized rates givers on appdica- ; dd~trwes Nhich. Daily, Box 151.


/ i y l.


key folder.j

k~ysin backleater dam pays fromii$5 to $145 for old
ke* , i bla k l atll i" uim ts and overcoats.
Finider .call 9236. 1!)0 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306



FOUYND '~Scarf on, Williamns St. Own -';' __________________
er may hav-e same by identifyingI DANCING Every Saturday night, Dix-
and paying for this adI. Phone 4359. hebra. 5 miles out Broadway on
79-8081 iew Plymouth paved road. fri-sat-tf


FOR SALT:---Shecpherd p11 lpy, two
monthsD ol, intelligent, comnp<<nlii-j
able. Call 3452. 79-80-811
FOR SALE-Fuer lined coat. Excel-,
lent conditioni. For inedium la t9c
mant. Very cheap). Call 21 908. j
FOR SALE-$2. cash glmy Rmi
ington, Portable Standard keyboard.j
Phone Stev ens 3453 today. 77
TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold,I
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be ob-
tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized (heal-
er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-J
ona Typewriter, Inc. . tr)
One of those easy riding, light upkeep
Franklin, closed cars. A-i condi-
tion. New paint and A-1 tires and
battery. Dial 3950 or evenings 5267
for demonstration. tf

IWE (carry a full line of Johnston
Candies. City Pharmacy.
l 78-79-80
'ra, nivski:r's Barber Shop h das s<< -
isfi d Michigan Students for -i0
; Eilrsull-wedl-tri
iNOTICE-We repair all musical 'in-
struncuyts at Ahlaeberle and Sogn
Music House. tf
N'TICE--Student Tailor Shop, 721 N.
rUniversity, across from Hlill Audi-
torium. Re-opened under newv
management. Cleaning, pressing
and altering. Ladies' work espe~ci-
ally. Phone 8040. c-tf
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
S6513. daily-tf
INOTICE-Complete line of Radio,
and Loud Speakers. Authorized
tRadiola dealer. >Schaeberle and
Son Music House, 110 So. Main St.
To see best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tt
fOur rapid turnover insures a fresh
-stock and' you secure the best qual-
ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, , Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. tf
NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for
r'ent. Schacerle and Son Music
House, 110 Se. Main St. tf
o nble prices, tailored or ready-
made. We have a wonderful vari-
ety of patterns. Repairing also a
specialty. Beautiful :fabrics for your
.winter overcoat.
109 E. Washington
Phone 5069
c Wed-Fri-§at
NOTICE-Satisfaction guaranteed on
all our printing and developing. 24
hour service. Swift's Drug Store,
340 S. State. wed-fri-sun

ROOMS FOR RENT-Beautiful large
suite and double rooms in fine hoine.
5 blocks from campus. Phone 6521.
208 N. Division. 79-80-81I


t+ K KNT1-Attractive suite on first
floor, two or three men, four blocks1
west of campius, for second semester.
325 E. Jefferson St. 78-79-80 1
FOR RENT-First floor room with
private bath. No other roomers in
house. Dial 5046. 502 E. Ann St.
FOR RENT-Room in private family.
312 East Ann St. 77-78-79


"Buck" Weaveri
Star third baseman of the Chicago
"Black Sex" of the 1919 World Series
scandal and who recently made for-
mal application with Commissioner ,
Kenesaw Mrountain Landis in an effort
t o be reinstated into the ranks of or-
ganized baseball.
'Weaver hias always protested his
innocence since the gambling coup
was exposed in 1920. --
CHICAGO.-Ski jumipers from fourl
countries, including Nels Nelsen,
world's champion of British Columbia,
will compete in a meet here Sunday.

* pecial 0= N.n
Of.1Tis Season 's Overcoats-
- in the Latest Plodels-
and Fabrics-
That formerly Sold Tor
$55 and $45
- mm NOWr
2i3,2n7,3n8 in9 i4
r I U -or tU"
I r

[OR RENT-Six room house. 825 Sy -
van Ave. Available for second se-
mester. Feb. 1 or 15. Box 150 or call
8641. 76-77-78-79-80-81

FOR RENT-A desirable room near
campus, for instructor or graduate
student. Call 8804. 77-78-79
FOR RENT-Second semester, at,
311. Thompson, a warm, pleasant
suite for two men, $3.75 each, or
$6 for one. Hot water all the time.
WANTED-Theses to type. Reason-
able prices. M. V. Hartsoff.' Call
9387. 79-81-82


cashier work.

student for part time
Campus Lunch, 338

So. State. 79







in the Paramount Comedy
"cLO VE 'EM and

Whietlher you love 'em and leave 'em or
just don't bother about 'em at all (Lord
forbid!), this is the picture for you!

y' -
cd \
4,:- i
L ;,
r'" +'
I r
X." ,_
{ .
.j .'
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Y ,

-On the Stage-





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