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October 05, 1926 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1926-10-05

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TT AY,CDTDEW 5, 192w'.


Published every morning except Mondayj
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.]
Members of Western Conference Editorial
The Associated Pis is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to it or nOt otherwise
creditecd in this 'paper and the local news pub-
ished therein.
Entered at the postotee at Ann Arbor,
Mrichiganas second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
waster General.
Subsription by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Ofices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 492
Editor ..... .. . Calvin Patterson
City Editor.................Irwin A. Olian
News Eitors~ Frederick Shillito
News Editrs......... Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor........Maron Kubik
Sports Edito . ...Wilton A. Simpson
' T~'ele~raph Edlitor ..,.........Morris Zwerdling
Music and Drama.......Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behymer Ellis Merry
Carlton Chanpe Stanford N. Phelps
>o Chamberlin Courtand C. Smith
James Herald Cassam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Douglas Doubleday Carl Burger
- Assistants
Alex Bochnowski Dorothy Morehouse
Jean Campbell Kingsley Moore
EmanUel Caplan Henry Marymot
Martin J. Con Martin Mol
WVindsr Davies Adeline O'Brien
Clarence ldelson .Kenneth Patrick
William Emery Morris Quinn
John Friend Sylvia Stone
Robert Cessner James Sheehan
Elaine Gruber Henry Thrnau
Morton B. Icove William Thurnau
Miles imball Milford Vanik
Paul Kern Herbert Vedder
Milton Kirshaum Marian Welles
Garland Kellogg Thaddeus Wasielewski
}larriet Levy Sherwood Winslow
G. Thomas McKean Thomas Winter
Telephone 21214
,Advrtising... ..;..... Paul W. Arnold
Advertising... . William C. Pusch
Advertising............Thomas Sunderland
Advertisiig..........George H. Annable, Jr.
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Publication................John H. Bobrink
Accounts................Francis A. Norquist
G. B. Ahn, Jr. T. T. Greil Jr.
U. kl. Brown A. M. -linley
M. 11. Caipr E. L. Hulse
Ilarvey Ca I S. Kerbaury
Dorothy Carpenter R. A. Meyer
Marion Daniels H. W. Rosenblum
This. year, In connection with the
football game with the Naval academy
at BtitIne on Qct 30, there is an.
>1nilusta1 ortttnilty for an organiza-
tion that i eies seant credit for its
Work to perform a great service for
the: Univesity. The Michigan Band
has received invitations to play at the
Sesquicentenial exposition at Phila-
delphia, the Michigan alumni reunion,
and elsewhere in the East, as well as
to Compete, with the famous Navy
band on the football field. Yet for
financial reasons the band may not
be able to go.
It I s seldom that Michigan teams
play in the East. When they do, the
University* ought to transport to the
East " the "trimmings" that make
games in Ann Arbor truly "Michigan."
No football game can represent the
Unversity that does not open with
the strains of "The Victors"-played
by Michigan's own band.
Publicity. of the wrong kind spreads
easily; publicity of the right kind is
hard to get. The only Michigan or-
ganization now appearing regularly in

the East is the Union opera, and the
good work that it is doing for the
University will be greatly augmented
by the appearance at Baltimore and
Philadelphia of the "fighting band."
Alumni of the East have an oppor-
tunity to do the University a concrete
service by giving the necessary funds
to insure the band's appearance. To
a true Michigan graduate,-"The Vic-
tors" played by the Varsity band at
the Navy classic should be worth
every dollar entailed. The University
would benefit greatly; alumni in the
East should assist in making the trip
a possibility.
In many respects the formation of
the European iron and steel trust be-
tween Germany, France, Belgium, and
Luxemburg is one of the most prom-
ising and significant signs in the econ-
omical and political recovery of the
Coming significantly after the mu-
tual pledge of friendship between
France and Germany by Premier Bri-
and and' Foreign Minister Stresemann,j
the completion of this consortium is
of great political importance In'
coupling these two hereditary enemies
into a large and influential business
combination. The very fact that Ger-
many was willing to reduce her pro-
duction from 70 to 75 per cent of theI
present figures, and that Belgium wass

method of alleviating the economicI
dangers which would result from the
competition of rival concerns flooding
the European market at impossibleI
prices. Undue price raising, an evil
of some combinations, is practically
impossible by this consortium because
of the potential as well as already;
established competition of the Eng-
lish and American producers in the
European market.1
In the latter connection, the forma-
tion of this steel merger seems toi
reveal a German policy of combining1
her own industries with similar en-
terprises in, other continental coun-
tries, with the view of meeting Eng-;
lish and American competition, and
of re-establishing her pre-war indus-
trial position. Already, a billion dol-
lar dye trust and a host of other com-
binations in various fields have been
Because of their present relative
weakness and their greater interest
in the continental markets, British
manufacturers will undoubtedly bear
the brunt of the competition from
these mergers. American steel lead-
ers, notably Judge Gary of the United
States Steel corporation, have indi-
cated little fear of the steel merger
just'formed. With the total steel pro-
duction of the United States more
than three times that of the European
nations, their stand is obviously more
than mere bravado. In the 'other in-
dustixies, however, both American
domestic and foreign trade may suffer.
Nevertheless, the increased world
prosperity dependent upon the im-
provement of European conditions
twill compensate any partial or temp-
orary loss.
Opinions differ on the practicability
of Ford's new five-day working week
plan. Harvard economists differ as
to its feasibility. Prof. William Rip-
ley declared that "Mr. Ford is a prac-
tical man, and if people are offered
an incentive, it stands to reason that
they will work all the harder." Prof.
Thomas Carver believes the plan an
excellent way to cut down production
-an end directly opposite from that
desired by Mr. Ford. Prof. Arthur
Monroe pointed out that the Ford in-
dustries are not typical, and hence
he did not take a definite stand one
way or the other..
The essence of the Ford plan lies
in the fact that such workmen as are
deserving will receive as much for the
five days as they formerly did for six.
Naturally this will stimulate all em-
ployees at first, but it is only a question
of time before a large number will be
satisfied with five days' pay. A great
-many men are not diligent and they
are the ones who will pay dearly for
the "holiday." If Ford' can get six
days' work turned out in five, it will
be greatly to his advantage, but hu-
man nature must be taken into con-
sideration. Men, as a class, who have
been doing a certain amount of work
a day for a number of years, will con-
tinue to do the same amount. Some,
of course, will be energetic enough to'
strive for an increase-but not all,
Ford is concerned with this matter
from an economic point of view only,
and its success depends on the num-
her of men who will work harder for
more pay. This entails ,selection--
some men will probably be dismissed
while others take their places. There
is not the least element of "big heart-
edness" in the whole project, as some
sentimentalists would have us believe.
An extra holiday will be used to ad-
vantage by some-undoubtedly a min-
ority. But Ford is not concerned
with that. He hopes to promote effi-

ciency, and a five-day week is worth
giving a trial.
On Saturday a courageous and
sturdy group of football players came
to Ferry Field to play what is gener-
ally conceded to be one of the strong-
est university teams in the country.
They came from a small school, which
doesn't afford them the privilege of
a large coaching staff, an immense in-
door gridiron, and a studentbody of
thousands from which to choose their
team and they met a squad that was
picked from one of the half dozen
largest student bodies in the country.
Opposing them were at least two-all-
American players and several more
who have obtained mention on mythi-
cal elevens throughout the country.
The result was inevitable; the score
alone attests to their game fight in
the face of tremendous odds.
This team from the South gave
Michigan one of the best practice
games for an opener that, it has had
in years. It gained nothing from the
contest but the possible satisfaction
of holding Michigan to a lower score
than some of her other opponents may
be able to do. There-is little glory for
a team from a practice game, and
there is little for the Oklahoma men
but the satisfaction of having played
the best game of which they were

heartbreaking struggle with Harvard
in which Maulbetsch gained more
yards than the entire Harvard team,
and at the end of the game was forced'
to admit defeat. He is a Michigan
man, the spirit of the scrappy south-
erners was something very close to
a Michigan spirit, let us hope; a spirit
that never admits defeat until the final
whistle and that is not ashamed to be
beaten by a better team. The spirit
of the weaker team from Oklahom A
and M. was a tribute to intercollegiate'
football and the educational system
which it represents. Michigan is
proud to have had these men for her
Last year, through the efforts of
our local state representative, the leg-
islature at Lansing passed a law mak-
ing it an offense to fly over the Uni-
versity of Michigan stadium at an al-
titude of less than 1,500 feet. Satur-
day at Ferry field, with more than
20,000 people in the stands, an air-
plane did the usual circling and steep
banking at 500 feet above the grid-
iron. The question is, nov that we
have the law, what are we going to
do with it? The logical thing to do, of
course, is to enforce it.
The offender Saturday was kind
enough to let the authorities know
who he was by having his name paint-
ed on the bottom of his plane. That
will not prevent other aviators, under
the present conditions, from coming
long distances with unindentified
planes, and flying over the stadium at
a low altitude with the state police
unable to do anything except sit on
their sideline seats and look on.
We have the law, now we need the
enforcement, and by that is meant the
appointment of an airplane policeman
or "flying cop" to keep the lives of
football enthusiasts from being en-
dangered every Saturday afternoon.
After Henry Ford voluntarily re-
duces the working week for his em
ployees to five days a week, the
American Federation of Labor splur-
ges forth with the announcement that
it has scored another victory for the
working man.
Why Poincare chose the disabled
veterans as the audience for his fiery
speech is a mystery. Most of them
couldn't fight i they had to.
"It requires ingrained optimism to
convince one's self that the world is
not standing still."-Ernest Marshall.
"Michigan Union Locates Rooms
For Students." After years of prac-
tice they .have at last succeeded.
"Everytbing 'in ths world should
be done by machinery and measure-
ments."-Thomas A. Edison.
"U. S. Hospital *Here Pushed."
Well, t le headline writer might have
said: U S. hospital pushed here.
"West Shivers; Cold Hits East." Is
it s sympathetic shiverT

Comedy Club will meet at 4 o'clock
Wednesday afternoon in Room 203
University hall. The plans for a pro- #
duction scheduled for November 5 and
6 will be discussed. It is important
that all members be present since
notices will not be sent concerning k
the business transacted.
The dates of. the Eugene O'Neill
cycle of sea plays which was to initi-
ate the campus dramatic season in the
University have been changed from
October 12, 13 and 14 to October 19, 20
and 21. The latter dates were neces-
sitated because of an unavoidable con-
flice with the Elsie Janis recital in
Hill auditorium on Wednesday, Octo-
ber 14.
Rehearsals for the show will con-
tinue as usual and the only result will
be the one week's delay of the official
opening of the Mimes theater, since
it is Mimes tradition that a produc-
tion by that organization should in-
augurate the season in that theater.
* *s

Two &Complet
College Stores


Both Ends of
The Diagonal Walk


The American Crook Coinedly.with a
*ilion Laughs





(!rauan al
Schol ofDancing ,,
Starting Wed., October 1
Wednesday, October 13, a mixed class of begin-
ners will be organized at Grangers Academy .
This class will meet from 7:00 to 7:45 Wednes-
days and Fridays. Tuition for a term of ten les- '
sons is five dollars. Enrollment now open.
Dancing every Wednesday, Friday, Saturday


Like Wall street, Broadway subsists
on rumor. In the spring, from out of
the way one night stands in Jersey
and Connecticut come hints of the
coming season; and the street buzzes
with gossip. How did "The Bedroom
Slipper" look when it opened in
Rockville Center? Did "The New Sa-
lome" get across in Asbury Park?
"Hester's Affairs" will never be aired
in New York; "The Delight That
Failed" looks like big money.
The rush for a play that is rumored
to be a hit is a complete analogue to
the flurry that takes place downtown
when General Motors jumps. And the
play that caused the most heart fail-
ui'e to date and which in the argot
of the profession "clicked" unmis-
takeably is the George Abbott and
Philip Dunning "Broadway," which
showed anything but promise in the
script; and the rather frantic bidding
indicates something like the attitude
that preceded the "Able's Irish Rose"
premier. As it is Crosby Gaige and
Jed Harris will produce the show.
The settling indicates something
novel: the scenes are in a night club
and the entire action takes place dur-
ing the performance of a midnight re-
vue. The play is a curious mixture of
the romantic and the sinister and the
characters are gun-men and babes in
the wood. One of the most ludicrous
scenes is that between an ambitious
young dancer in the cabaret uproar-
ously played-so the, Atlantic City
critics thought-by Lee Tracy and the
girl who works with him done by
Sylvia Field. The scene takes place
in their dressing room during a cost-
ume change and the sight of a young
man making love on a lofty plane
while in his underwear and the prili-
sophical reflections of a young lady in
her teddy caused a commotion in the
Atlantic City showing. There is some-
thing peculiarly appealing in Ladies
lingerie anyway.


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Rider's ]Pen Shop
302 South State Street
We propose to give you A-i service.

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WHAT $100,000 BUYS
(The Grand Rapids Herald)
Yesterday's news announced that
Robert Patterson Lamont of Lake
Forest, Illinois, has contributed $100,-
000 to the million dollar fund to build
the "Women's League Building" at the
University of Michigan. That an-
nouncement carried an indescribable
thrill to thousands of loyal "Michigan"
women up and down America. With
a fidelity to their Alma Mater that
puts "mere males" in the shade, these
"Michigan" women have been strug-
gling for two years to raise the "mil-
lion" that shall crown Ann Arbor's
campus with a central focus for
women comparable with the great
"Michigan Union" for men. Its need
is an indisputable challenge if "equal
rights", in education shall be ade-
quately served at the premier State
University in America. Its need is a
social, a moral, a physical and a
scholastic necessity. "Michigan's"
women-the graduates of yesterday,
the undergraduates of today-know
the realities of this challenge. They
have answered it with yeoman faith
and labor. They have worked-as
only women will-to raise the neces-
sary "million" by a painful process
of slow accretion. They have had a
modest mete of friendly outside aid,
but no previous "big gifts" of size.
By implacable toil, they have piled
their totals well on toward the three-
quarters mark. They must finish, un-
der the rules of the Regents, within
another year. The impetus-the cheer
-contributed by Robert Patterson La-
mont's $100,000 is beyond calculation.
It is one of the worthiest benefactions
ever announced. It is more than a
richly deserved stimulus to a rare
crusade; it is a vivid benediction-
(and this particularly appeals to us)

Sir Henry Wood, the famous Eng-
lish orchestra leader doesn't think so
much of American conductors-except
his dear friend Walter Damrosch, and
he is a paragon. Back from fresh
triumphs in the Hollywood Bowl, Sir
Henry recently gave his none too fa-
vorable opinion of our orchestra lead-
ers: they are sensation lovers and
have a weakness for stunts; we flock
to see the new antics of a conductor
and to see the first viloins. "Always
excepting my friend Walter Dam-
rosch," Sir Henry says. "He gives
the New York Symphony a sound
well-balanced menu, and that is the
very reason he doesn't get the credit
he should."
Sir Henry's recommendation is that
Mr. Gabrilowitsch, Mr. Stock, Mr.
Stokowski, and the others must avoid
repeating their programs. They should
do Cesar Franck's "Les Djinns," De
F'alla's "Three-Cornered Hat" and
Honeger's "Pacific 231;" avoid all
trite possibilities in choice of num-
As for his own programs Sir Hen-
ry's audiences follow them with un-
questioning devotion. There accept-
ance of some of his "novelties" is more
polite than cordial-they certainly
were not above hissing the. cacaphony
of Schoenberg, but they know that Sir
Henry behind the brass rail in Queen's
Hall means new territory to be ex-
plored before the evening ends.
But Sir Henry likes jazz; he dotes
on it. However it is a retrogression.
"Syncopation is nothing new and itsf


*Watch Ann Arbor Brow1I
,ernities -'Ox onriti
Are Considering a New Location?
(Near Campus)
We are pleased to offer a 15-room house on Hill Street for sale. Oak
throughout, two large fireplaces, spacious living room, music room and
, three complete baths, large sleeping porch, automatic gas heater,
heat with Oil-o-matic oil burner, two-car garage with servants rooms
House includes full screens, awnings, curtains and drapes, stairway
and large living room rug. Possession on or before June Ist, 1927.
area offered.
Size 115x300. Close to campus. Terms are offered.
Call MR. NEWTON with

finis4 t






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