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January 14, 1927 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVII. No. 79 ,







Declares Britain is Influeneed By Mid-
dle Ages, While America Has No
Past To Influence Her
Putting at rest the rumor that the
recent general strike In England was
supported and instigated by Russia,
Kenneth Lindsay, unofficial represen-
tative of the British Labor party, in
his address "The Labor and the Gene-
ral Strike," which he delivered last
night in Natural Science auditorium,
showed that although the background
for the general striketwas there for
a long timne, the strike was a very
sudden outburst. The reason for the
strike, he pointed out was, "Because
the political machinery of the day
wasn't functioning right."
Before getting to the exact subject
matter of his talk, Mr. Lindsay gave
a short outline of the econonic his-
tory of England, particularly of the
Labor movement.. In doing this he
constantly compared the conditions of
his homd country with the United
States. At present, lie stated, 88 per
cent of English children discontinue
their education before or at the age of
14 and only one in a 1,000 go a a uni-
versity; in this country, on the other
hand 30 per cent do not remain in
school after they are 14, while one in
ever 100 reach universities. Another
point that he brought out, was that
England is heavily influenced by past
history and the middle ages wherea
the United States has never had a
"middle ages" and at present is eco-
nomically at the station that England
was in 1880. Just as the "industial
revolution" was first carried on in
England so have the bad effects first
become evident there.
Trouble Lies In Suppression {
The main trouble lies in the fact
that the basic industries are -sup-
pressed while the industries that sup-
1y luxuries are booming, he declared.
ornparatively recent economic deve-
lopments which England could not
help as electricity taking the place
of coal and the decrease in the vol-
ume of the trade in the world have
materially contributed to the decay-
ing of the basic industries. Land is
now changing hands in England that
has been in the same possession since
the Norman invasion, he stated -in
showing the despondent conditions of
The most difficult things to, get in
England today are food, shelter and
clothing, he said, and this was the
reason for the genereal strike. It is
almost impossible for children of la-
borers to get away from the trade of
their fathers, he pointed out, and
especially is this true of South Wales
where the population has been made
up of miners for centuries. In this
connection, he showed that only three
per cent of the children of unskilled
laborers ever receive secondary edu-
Citicises Dean IngeI
Mr. Lindsay criticised Dean' Inge
and H. G. Wells fo not being ac-
quainted with the actual facts of Eng-
lish conditions, and said that those
two imen were unable to feel the
pulse of the comman people of Eng-
land from their writing degks in the
cloister and on the Riviera.
In relation to general strikes, Mr.
Lindsay explained that they can only
have three purposes, to get rid of
some odious person, as a grand get-~
sure to show strength, or, as a step

toward the taking over of powers. In-
asmuh as the recent strike achieved
none of these ends it was a filure.
What it attempted, was to bring in-
dustrial pressure on a olitical govern-
ment, Mr. Lindsay stated.
Contrary to the general belief, there
wereseveral beneficial results of the
strike, including the promotion of
good fellowship and the establish-
mnt of public concerts, he declared.!
The platform of the Labor party
is more education and compulsory ed-
ucation up to the age of 16, he de-
clared. Admitting that the path to-
word the solving of the probleml
would not be an easy one, Mr. Lindsay
said that it would have to follow a
courjc of national improvements,;
which must include a reversal of for?
cign policy, and the increase of in-
come and inheritance taxes. These
thingk he showed would simulate the
prcddLt on of the things that the
people want.
In closing his talk Mr. Lindsay ad-
vised this country, "For Heaven'sl
sahe, lbe original. Don't copy Eng-

Arnold Daly, Internationally Famous
Actor, Loses Life In Fire In New York

(By !Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 13.-Arnold Daly,
who rose from obscurity as an office
boy to international fame as an actor,
lost his life in a fire today. The flames
trapped him in his apartment in West
51st street, on the fringe of Broad-C
way, where he had recived the plaud-
its of thousands and only a few blocks
from the site of the old Herald Square
theater, where he made his New York
debut in 1895.
Firemen who hacked their way into
Daly's fourth floor quarters found his
burned body lying beside an arm chair
in which he had been seen a short
time before reading a book.
Although known to thousands, Daly
could not be identified for severalj
hours; the face that had recorded a
multitude of real and simulated emo-

tions was a charred mass. Absolute
identification was made by two bun-
ions, known to Frank Whitcomb, his
attorney, but not to others viewing
the body.
The fire in which Daly died was fea-
tured by thrilling rescues by firemen,
who carried to safety two women who
lived on the fourth floor. A father
and mother, residing on the fifth floor,E
carried three children to safety over
The fire began in the basement and
swept up the stairway, cutting off1
escape. . Daly's, window was found
open and firemen believe he had tried
to climb out of it when flames cut
off the stairway. Mr. Daly lived alone,
his daughter Blythe Daly being on a
tour. He was divorced from his wife,
who was Miss Mary Blythe, of Los
Angeles, and now Mrs. Frank Craven.

"America's Relation To World Court"I
Is Subject Of Speech Of
Prof. Dickinsen
Songs of Michigan, sung by the
Varsity Glee club, will compose more
than half of the "Michigan Night"
radio program which will be broad-
cast at g o'clock tonight through the!
Detroit News station WWJ. The rest!
I tf ll h ll' iil in ver Y..,+ t . re

Mencken Good In His Own Field But Not
Of Much Aid To Coming Writers - Munson
"Coming writers must be deeply declared, has improved much in the
versed in philosophy and a knowledge last decade. Chief among these pub-
of one's psychology," stated Gorham \ications is the "Fugitive," the Vander- 'DO'EYULOI
staed orhm tbilt periodical, which has produced
Munson, following his lecture yester- Allen Tate. However, as a .rule, Mr.
day afternoon in Natural Science au- Munson believes that the colleges are
ditorium, "and in this respect H. L. not feeding any outstanding ne wrIt INAGURATION OF CiIPAIWPWN OF
Mencken is not of much help." ers to American letter.n iPEACE IS URGED BY
Mencken is good in his field, ac- "At least," he concluded, "they do SENATOR
cording to Mr. Munson, and is very provide a more intelligent public."
popular with the college students, but i Mr. Munson will speak at 4:15 SPEECH LONG AWAITED
he hopes that the student will out- o'clock in Natural Science auditorium, -
grow him within ten years and look under the auspices of the public Sen. Lenroot Defelids Administration
for something more. I speaking department, on "A Theatre In Debate Following Address
The college literary magazine, he for Us." In Senate Meeting


Phenoimi ena]Marks Career Of
Youthful Star Who Is To Sing
At Hill Auditorium

Regulations State That Permission To Declarations Of K
Hold Parties Is Not Included ple; Soviet R]
With Signing Of Rules Denies All

_ - - _. _ _ _ _ _ I

I :Recent explanations of the J-Hop
rules as published last week, formu- I
lated by the J-Hop committee yes-
terday, stipulate that although each
fraternity or organization attending;
the Hop is required to sign the rules
and regulations, this does not grant
them the permission to give a house
party on the night following the
J-Hop. In addition to signing a copy
of the rules it is necessary that they,
obtain permission from the Dean of
Fraternities planning to give parties,
on Friday night of the J-Hop, but not
planning to attend the Hop itself, will
be required to sign a copy of the!
.J-Hop rules and regulations at the
time they apply for permission from
the Dean of Students.
Any organizations and fraternities
who neglected to turn a signed copy I
of the rules and regulations into the
J-Hop committee yesterday afternoon
are urgently requested to sign their
copy and turn it in at the office of
the Dean of Students immediately. No
booth will be assigned until the signed
rules are turned in and approved.
Owing to the fat that booth pre-
ferences must be made known at once,!
anyone who has not yet received an
invitation should see Marion Hodg-
son, '28E, chairman of the ticket com-
mittee, at 1001 E. Huron St., immed-
iately. Anyone wishing information
about the booths is requested to get
in touch with C. E. Robinson, Jr.,
'28E, of the booth committee.
Braker Fellowship1
Nominations Opened1
Announcement of the Braker Teach-
ing Fellowship has been received at'
the office of the Dean of the School of
Business Administration together,
with the request that the department
recommend to the fellowship commit-
tee any students qualified for nonina-
Through the bequest of Henry J.1
Braker, eight teaching fellowships,
each carrying an annual stipend of
one thousand dollars and free tuition
in Tufts college, have been founded.,
Of this number there will be four
vacancies for the year 1927-1928. The
fellows are required to divide their
time between study, teaching and re-
search in the department of economics'
and sociology at iTufts college.
Prof. Josephi Mayer, head of the de-
paie't nt of economics and sociology,
Tufts college, who is in charge of the
fellowship, states that qualifications
for these nominations include poten-
tial teaching ability in work as stu-
(dent assistants or otherwise, and well-
rounded personality.
Wisner Testifies In
Lake Diversion Case;
(By Associated Press)f
r WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-If the
present diversion of water from Lake
Michigan into the Illinois sanitary dis-
trict drainage system was shut off,
the result would be catastrophal to
public health, Judge N. Wisner, chief
engineer of the district from 1907 to l
1920, testified today in the lake di-I
version case, being conducted by spe-
cial master Charles E. Hughes. The
district is the chief defendant in a
suit by other Great Lakes states on



(By Asso
internal disturba:
tions with the Un
to much apprehen
country and to no
tain quarters, alt]
position apparent
make predictions
The Mexican g
has withheld comr
tion of Secretary(
garding Communi
ico and in the U]
Russia's interest
such activities is
minister to Mexi(
"It is absurd
Kellogg has infor
thing that does
marked. It was e
Russian legation t
ernment had no
Communist Interr

c; L ('d ur wrtir g v n o e o t re
ARE tfour -minute talks by members of the
ARE ILENTIfactulty.
The numbers which the Glee club
will sing include: "Laudes Atque Car-
mina," "The Victors," "Varsity," "Men
of the Maize and Blue," "College
Days," "The Friars' Song," "The Buni
celogg Disturb te, Army," "Now Let Every Tongue,"
tussia's Mlinister "Where'er You Walk," "Goddess ofI
I Accusations the Inland Seas, ""'Tis of Michiganj
We Sing," "I Want to Go Back to3
Michigan," "The Old Friars' Song (In
IN6 PLACED College Days)," and "The Yellow and
I Blue."'
cated Press) "Some Notes on What the Architect!
Jan. 13.--Mexico's Does will be the theme of a talk by
nees and her rela- Prof. Emil Lorch, head of the college
ited States give rise of architecture. He will present some
ision throughout the phases of the work that are littlel
little alarm in cer- known to the average individual, dis-I
hough those in high cussing some of the problems that
ly do not wish to confront the architect when he under-
at present. ! takes the design of a building.
overnment thus far Some of the observations gathered
ment on the declara- from research work in Geneva during
of State Kellogg, re- the summer will form the basis of the1
st activities in Mex- talk on "America's Relation to the
nited States. Soviet World Court" by Prof. Edwin D. Dick-
or participation in inson of the Law school. The speaker
denied by the Soviet will consider both the historical fac-
co, Mile. Alexandra tors that led up to the formation of
the court, and the conditions attend-
ing America's attitude toward it.
maton about some As the first of a series of talks on I
mation abt, some- the subject of internal medicine,
noteist," sathe re- James D. Bruce, director of internal
xplained also at the medicine and chief of the medical
that the Sovietov- rve at the University hospital,
relation with the will speak on "The Common Cold."
sationale and thatth

the Soviet government could not be gret numberslof tuents thtgsufe
I geatnumer ofstuens thatsgife
held responsible for the activities of fro cl uring teyes a nfet
that body. from colds during the year, and meth-
Movement of Federal troops to (ds suggested for preventing and
points of strategic importance in vari- treating the ailment.
ous parts of the republic continues,
and although bandits and revolutiou-'Senate Starts Work
ists are operating in some sections,
there is little question that the up- I In Investigatior OfI
rising which in the last week or two j
has been carried out, has been sup- Pennsylvania Fraud
pressed promptly and that the strin-
gent measures put into effect by the
government have had the result of (By Associated Press);
checking, temporarily at least, what WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-As the
might have developed into a wide- first step in its investigation of charg-
spread and more or less concerted es of wlolesale fraud in the last
movement. Pennsylvania senatorial election, the
Senate committee, directed to conduct
S Storms C ver the inquiry, decided today to seize andE
Snow So m Ctransfer to Washington, ballots 'castf
in Philadelphia and Allegheny county,
M id-W estern States of which Pittsburgh is the center. Bal-'
lots in 139 rural precincts also will
(By Associated Press) be taken over. r
CHICAGO, Jan. 13.-Swirling snow It was in Philadelphia and Alle-
storms and low temperatures prevail- I glieny county that William B. Wilson,'
'ed tonight in eight middlevestern the Democratic nominee, charged in ak
states, and forecasters predicted a petition filed with the Senate, there
continuation of snow tomorrow. were widespread irregularities which
Sharp drop in temperature were ex- benefited William S. Vare, his Re-
pected by morning in Kansas, Okla- publican opponent.
homa and Misouri. I On the other hands, Vare, who was
In Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wis- elected on the face of returns, asked
consin and Ohio a general snow fall the committee to look into the re-
genralsno ful Iturn~ from the 139 country precincts,
was reported with a section of Central in w ric he rcv 48utes
Ilinois appaigt etecne fi~n which he received 480 votes. He
Iiosappearing to be the center of wvas told to furnish the Senate ser-
a heavy drive, where reports told of easrt-at arlist the ents
depths of 17 inches at Peoria, and 16?geant-at-arms a list'of the precincts
inches at Para. About six inches fell referred to.
here. When the committee, which is head-
T ed by Senator Reed, Democrat, Mis-
The storm is moving in a north- ~ dtrii1o t oreo
easterly course but embraces much ; -011r], (-Aermined on its course of
eastrly ours butenibacesmuc Vane was present. Wilson was
of the Mississippi valley south of the actin,s
lake region. I not, but he was represented by Ry-3
Thousands of workmen clearediland B. Mahany and Miss Agues Wil-
l son, his daughter. PBoth Vare and
streets and carlines here today and
the city pressed many hundreds of Mahany agreed to seizure of the bal-
trucks into service in hauling the lots, but the former said he would in-
snow from business centers. sist on being represented by counsel
The . Capitol limited on the Balti- and might see fit to rescind his action
more and Ohio railway was lerailed of today...
nioe ad Oio ailay as lem~le IIn addition to the ballots in the
in an outlying yard due to snow, but .s
l precincts affected, registration, toll
without damage to equipment or pas- and voters check lists and return tally
sengers. One streetcar jumped from sheets will lhe examined by that coin-
its tracks into a garage, but the pas- itteesy
sengers escaped unhurt. Four work- - _
men were injured and a score of
workers were - endangered when a LITTLE, EFFINGER
snow-laden roof of a garage under GIVE TALIS AT
construction collapsed from weight
A/Wn lfi C 1(11 K;ri1tiI n President Clarence Cook Little will


Marian Talley, youthful soprano,
who made her debut a year ago as a
1prima donna with the Metropolitan
Opera company while still a girl of
19, will appear here Monday night in
I Hill auditorium on the annual Choral
Union concert series. Miss Talley is
now making a short tour of the music
centers of the nation during a leave
of a few weeks from her engagement
I with the Metropolitan Opera company
in New York, and this will be the
third concert tour that the singer has
thus far made through the country at
The rise of the former Kansas City
choir singer has been one of the most
phenomenal in the history of music.
'At 12, she was soloist in a church
choir in Kansas City, and at 15 ap-
peared as the leading soprano in a
local performance in the Missouri me-
tropolis, Shortly after she was given
an audition by the Metropolitan'Opera
company, and with funds raised from
a concert given for her in Kansas
City, she went to Italy two years later
where she studied for a year. Gatti
Casazza, general manager of the Met-
ropolitan, then signed her to a con-
tract and slightly less than a year
ago she made her debut in New York.
Since then she has sung more than
31 times in New York City, and has
taken the parts of Gilda in Rigoletto,
Lucia in Lucia di Lammermoor, Rosig-
nol in Starvinsky's Rosignol which
was given its American premier by,
her, and the Doll, in the Tales of
Hoffman. Immediately after her tour
this winter she will return east to
resume her operatic work.
In her appearance here she will be
asisted by John Corigliano, Who will
play twice on the program in violin
Albaladejo To Talk
On "Reincarnation"
Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo, of the'
Modern Language department of the
engineering school, will discuss "Re-
incarnation" in a public lecture, at
eight o'clock tonightTin the audito-
rium of Lane hall. This talk is one
'of a series of discussions held under
the auspices of the Ann Arbor lodge
of the American Theosophical Society.
When asked to define his views upon
reincarnation, which he will set forth
tonight, Professor Albaladejo stated
that he could do no better than to
quote from Sir Oliver Lodge's "Life
and Matter" in which the English
scientist, answering Haekel's "Riddle
of the Universe" defines his conception
of life.
The view set forth by Sir Oliver
Lodge quoting his work is that life is
"dependent on matter for its pheno-
menal appearance-for its manifesta-
tion to us here and now, and for all
its terrestrial activities; but other-
wise I conceive that it is independent,
that its essential existence is continu-
ous and permanent though its inter-
actions with matter are discontinu-
ous and temporary; and I conjecture
that it is subject to a law of evolu-
'tion-that a linear advance is open to
it-whether it be in its phenomenal
or in its occult state."
Committee Approves'
McNary-Haugen Bill
(B.yAssociated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-The Mc-
Nary-Haugen farm relief bill, with
its controversial equalization the fea-
ture, was approved today by the
House agricultural committee, party
iine hreaninz n in 1 1 1 toRn +,'


National collold Symposium Will
IDraw Aany Noted Authorities !PI
And Scientists Here In June
Bringing together more than 500
delegates, including the leading au-
thorities of this country and abroad,
the National Colloid symposium will
hold their fifth annual meeting at the
Uniyersity, June 22 to 24, according'
to Prof. Floyd E. Bartell, of the
chemistry department, who is chair-
man in charge of all the arrange-
The purpose of the meeting is to
discuss the recent -developments and
applications in this field of science,
and in this connection, many papers1
by the leading authorities of industry,
will be presented.
Arrangements and the program fort
the affair are in the hands of the Na-'
tional Research council and will be
completed in the near future. . I
Each year it has been the custom
of the symposium to select some noted
foreign authority as a guest of honor;
during the meeting and this year the
honor as fallen to Prof. H. F. Kruyt,
of the University of Utrecht, Holland.
He is considered a one of the leading I
European scientists in this branch of
chemistry. He will come to the United
States in May for a lecture tour be- I
fore attending the congress at the
University. He will remain here dur--
ing the summer session as a lecturer
in colloid chemistry.
Other men who have been guests of
honor at past symposiums, and who I
will also be present to attend the Ann
Arbor meeting are Dr. James M. M-'
Bain, ofmBristolruniversity, Bristol,
England, and Dr. Loenor Micaelis, a
famous figure in the colloidial chem-
istry field.
Other guests of honor who havet
been chosen at previous meetings are,
Dr. Herbert Freundlich, director of
the Colloid Institute of Berlin, Ger-,
many, and Dr. The Svedberg of Swe-
den, who recently received the Nobel'
prize, and was the guest of honor at
the first symposium held at the Uni-1
versity of Wisconsin.
The University of Minnesota, North-
western university, and the Massa-
chusetts Institute.of Technology, have '
been the scenes of previous syznposi-
Michigan is one of the first schools!
in the country to offer instruction and
courses in colloid chemistry and i
considered one of the pioneers in this
Committee chairmen for the affair
have been appointed as follows: Prof.
E. Bartell, general arrangements;
Prof. William G. Smeaton, finance;
Dr. Leigh C. Anderson, housing; Prof.
Hodges, social; Prof. Clifford C. Me-
louche, registration; and Prof. Albert
L. Ferguson, publicity.
Service Registration
Confirms Prevalent'
War Talk In Russia
(By Associated Press),
MOSCOW, Jan. 13.-The general I
prevalence of war talk in Russia co-
incides with the registration today of
all able-bodied men in the classes of
1893 to 1903 for possible military
Great Britain openly proclaims her
attitude to Soviet Poland, and certain
designs, the disquieting situation in
Lithuania, America's policy of indif-
ference to Moscow, and other adverse
signs of the Bolshevik horizon have
given rise to increasing talk of war.
While this war scare is found large-
ly among the masses, important Com-
munist officials, such as Nikolai Bu-

charin, of the Communist executive,
do not hesitate to express openly their
anxiety over Europe's intention, andI
misgivings also are reflected in the
Soviet press, which sees bellicose ten-
doi-c nvr--nho

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 13.-Inaugara-
tion of a campaign of peace with the'
abolition of the idea of force in the
dealings of the United States with
Central American countries was urged
in the Senate today by Senator Borah,
Republican, idiho, chairman of the
foreign relations committee.
As the first step in that direction,
he proposed a special election to per-
mit the people of Nicaragua to choose
their own president and the submis-
sion to arbitration of the controversy
with Mexico over its land laws.
With these suggestions, the Idaho
senator concluded in characteristical-
ly dramatic fashion an attack of an
hour and a half on the administration's
policy in dealing with the Nicaraguan
situation and in recognizing the Adolfo
Diaz government which he contended
was set up illegally.
"Inaugurate a campaign of peace,"
thundered Senator Borah, "abolisl
the idea of force; try friendly rela-
tions; seek to establish amity; seek
to get in touch with the masses, with
the people themselves, and we can
establish a policy in Central America
which will provide our interests and
respect our rights and whichwill do
that which we are entitled to do--re-
ceive special considration from those
Senate Pays Close Attention
While Senator Borah unfolded his
views both of the situation in Nicara-
gua and of the administration's policy,
practically every member of the Sen-
ate now in Washington was in his seat
and gave his remarks the closest at-
Many members of the House crowd-
ed the floor of the Senate and the gal-
leries were filled. There were few in-
terruptions from other Senators, a
rather unusual occurrence in Senate
discussions, particularly of 'a sub-
ject foremost in the public mind.
The address of the foreign relations
committee chairman, however, start-
ed a Senate debate which brought out
both sides of the controversy, includ-
ing a general defense of the admitis-
tration by Senator Lenroot, of Wiscon-
sin, a Republican member of the for-
eign relations, committee.
Elsewhere, too, the day's events saw
the Mexican-Nicaraguan imbroglio
developing in several directions.
The House foreign affairs commit-
tee, after another fruitless debat,
voted by a majority of one not 'to call
Secretary Kellogg before it, and then
suspended its sessions indefinitely.
Destroyers Ordered South
Two more American destroyers
were ordered to Nicaraglan waters,
but the navy department said they
would replace two already there.
Further outbreaks of anti-American
sentiment in Mexico brought no out-
ward yeaction from the State depart-
nient, beyond a denial of the recur-
ring report that the government is
considering withdrawal of Ambassa-
dor Sheffield.
In another statement, the depart-
met donfirmed that it had consider-
ed designating a former marine of-
ficer to organize the Nicaraguan don-
stabulary but said that his duties
x1ould not make himni a part of the
Nicaraguan army.
A ray of hope for better times in the
Central American trouble zone was
seen in an effort of the president of
Costa Rica to mediate between the
Nicaraguan factions. The state de-
partment has approved its move and
hopes for its success, but hs no ad-
vice of the progress made.
Senator Borah's address on the Mex-
ican-Nicaraguan situation had been
long awaitedl. He had maintained
silence in accordance with a tacit un-
derstanding with the administration
that his views should be withheld un-
til after the appearance yesterday of
Secretary Kellogg before the Senate
foreign relations committee to ampi-
fy the- administration statement as
given to the Congress and the country
Monday by President Coolidge.

Union Tourney First
Round Closes Thoday
Fl t r(I 7 ia vin - n - a hr[3r[


VV V11 : 1 x1I11 ,U 1.f1
E a 1 Irr rr i incr

be the principal speaker tonight at a
I mentin:r of the Americnn Assniation i

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