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WILL II1I11 II ! fIla piosbi Met1I[Hi ( IU UDIJNUL T3PMA'3E '
CON oxr Go dwn, Lenlon, And AXXuiie1I-',f
n IIti AIil'pcaLV i l0 lul;~BB,t+5 -;,; r 'ratin :-ar~(yA- ~~iClPt~
suF1;6 'dl ,1 i la ( 1'(~vnis ry ,<, ins 111Cli 2'I ID ('ri: M as., J a. 1 0________________________________
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At F lt) I tU8'i t' 1ci5ill) , ' )~i 0.HI youa areEgi (a td rleleto honedli I yuubesetlehin ebsrier al 3 mele
;.' (lay to continue i] udehuitely est anged the Ad-aker, Dial 21214, and your want ad
Wh r L t 0 ; , , 2 Iltly, I i( 4 will be charged.
(1 ( Siimtiteousy wt the announce- classify ill wns ads unier appropriate had-
kC OB ! O IE ochI1eIic -'-l'~berd lastnihtthatithenotatoadcohpiyia, ~al eere h gtt
(By Associated Press) irst'f an cb1amnlpiowhi t )1C tW1'1,ch 5, oarntrolast esde e noha to avard hiseolumn cloes at 3 P. X1. date preced- I
NEW YORK, Jan. 12.-An initial ' W ~' y .e t, rI ri' IlI ; at e ,naherepor ~ t fa special committee mriepubLcaion. Notic of any error must be
gik'n in time for the second insertion.I
test of strengoth for the American op- P.r-; ~ ~ ftCd th tdie the sittation with a T [en cents peCraSHlRATESnth aisoI
)Ogitlivegounve{rger adingtheline (ron te obasis of
°v fo r a t o s u g s t n g p o s blrw r d i s e tinprh a a a i s E d i n W i emreu d t .ti ' c a r ne' O f rw o r t)-o a l n e l c m w via eso d s t o thti n)oo r oesr.w
Sw dssunn e stin, w l e I!.tr'ty t! ,), t1S ; l :)!; ine ants per rading line for three or more[
S wk e n S h t u r u n n i n g a s e s a i o n , w i R l i b e l t r e I j 1 v -y"' ; w v Td b - .t a t P ' c eoyh d~U ) t j i td0a er1n0 7i o s
te aura naspca(o-1eitrTe.~tr( ,,Dire e for Harvard on. is ba- Cash cassiiels received at the I)aily office
Toly " '~ -~in The Press Buding on Maynard Street.
race at Fordhant university in(ioe r As ! ] rifI ,nketall senedule. OTAC AE
In the starting field w ill be t hr]eeI -o ti a~ ( iy . (Xzat h i >n b- be rm k k mor T e d s ioarply t oemp se e cs a s i pci al sa d rdz d r tei.e o
of the east's fleetest distance runners! frced t) sen1d 1a1M +1,±ti t er hn wholt},c, cane on the heels of an expression,
--Bill Co- of Pernn State, inter-colic-; hure been ; 0""ln , c1 v-Ih 'he vii r'- 'V .from Daub Bartholomew, chairman LOST
giate cr oss-country champion, Wilie shy cand(,ates a1fL le.iId hoelse )back II 4.2. '? 4/ l othe jicoing board of the Yale
Goodwin of the New York A. C, and; to () aicattn. (ctrl II s-ix ofthe eIri- Daly 4XKws, in which he voiced the I
Leo Lermond of the Boston A. A.; ipts wo homb( osdr ':eog r on hta gemn eve h LOST -A PATENTILEATER IIAT
Lending a touch of international color' advanced to pu ot ht c13lx:,.oetl cuNewv Jersey and asacusetts irst- Bx otanig woot~fis of skates
to the event, Ove Anderson, inter-col-, work being given to the , n)rr~us of t. }-------------------tt ions would not e far distant. j attached to white buckskin shoes,
legiate distance titleholder of Finland, I the Varsity squad. These tcit will Bartholomew's statement was made aloaset.Tudyevng
who adehisindor ebu inthi, frnis th oposiionfort, , rgulr;,on the previous night at W4allingford between Cliseum rink and acard
country last week with a brilliant two-! and Coach Ken(an d(evot e all of hiss Con., after a conference attended by St777rdofee979a13,)n
mile victory at games of the Knights alttention to the arsty candidlateOs. 1i-,epresentatives of the News, the Ilar-7-8-1
of Columbus, also will race. The man who will remin at the (nA/- r ard Crimson, the Pricetonan an
Cox, Goodwin, Lloyd Hahn and Vil-hfield house are T'homnas. 115, Qtirriii.I.rq.L1 the Dartmouh
lie Ritola, the Finnish-American flyer, 12, Dhel, i, 1oga-ito, 158, La- if~) 4r64 LOST-Small black leather bag Lol
have been looked upon as likely to met, 175, and olfte, heavyweigaht. The t I , eta Press Photo aing several dresses between
_t___ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ __ _yT R I U R L RdU T T hom pson and State. F inder abaset
furnish the keenest rivalry for Wide; rest of the yearlings, nuturn; imore I _- INcalA4770AorMrs. WithEnU852 3
on the boards this winter. Ritola lhae! than. 40 in niiumlev vill conmic.. to Play incthe interfraternity basket- 77-tf
iniae e may not compete during wrkou t atr a n masium. The state of Indiana, long the hotbed of basketball ,s havitng another 1bal leagte Tuesday at Waterman
the indoor season, however, while Among the leading 115 pounders ~ra esn7h aet hilgvntefn ashne u eetyb
Hah i eteedSaurayina al- owreorin t lotb ae ewttgrevat svesn Teltemtcohrlgiednb Jhfns M s. h newomreentoyby gymnasium resulted as follows :Tau LOST-Moore foutain pen o Jan.
mai enrace. atrdyina al lienreit ring tild~eian .e iest s(I~iool. college ta, cahdbyJh .Harmn,neomrt the Delta Phi 17, Alpamen 16; Pi Lamb - 8th. Initial: fiula, valued as friend-
milerace klen, lc~iriotr ad 3ita~~m. hes schol.Wabash college, with victories over Northwestern, aowa, and oth- (a Phi 35, Al1pha Kappa Lambda 12; ship. Reward, 1 dollar. Dial 21003.
~lha Amricn dstane sarswil men ese'-Lily I ewd, sow e o o erful lears sought to take Evansville into camp and was trounced ApaOea1,DlaCi ;Dla7-77
haeplenty ofopruiytotr h riiie (c):llg t h oc.n two straight games. The win puts Evansville in the running for na-j Taa Delta 1, Delta Upsilon 9; Theta
speed of the Swedish schoolmaster is;"C'CrSSnam, Eiiot, andl Solin alpear,,ona collegiate1 honors. ? Delta Chi 18, Triangle 5; kappa Delta LOST-Airdale (og, black anl tan.2
conveyed in Wide 's application to the to be the outstanding candidate.,;inIi Rho 7, Phi Epsilon Pi 3; Beta Theta Washtenaw County license No. 4362.
A. A. U. foreign relations committee) the 125 pound class. dhe edge over the oher 15 pounders, in the early part of December. In1 Pi 27, Pi Kappa Alpha 10; Sigma Phi Answers to name of Tin. Reward.I
for permission to copipete here over With five good mene fighting for the) pt ftefc httemjrt da .Dre.12 a t
a s r e t h o " f u r r i v e m o n h s . 1 3 p u n d b e r h , h a t c t s s ~ ~ x v h l e i m , w o r c e n l y e p r t e ~ p i t o f thif a t t a tyh eoaj r i tEo f s i l o nl n 6 ,1e l t A l halp s l o n 2.ld gah a. D trpes i1 26n a yS t
His stay will overlap the outdoor sea- be rhe best fortified onl bie freshmanr from the football squad, is another Ith addtshv a iteo o Ote crswr:Poe48.7-77
son and spokesmen say he likely will ftears. Carpenter, Rix, Couche. Kiass,- strong possibility. Ekholm, Casper, feeliostatexene Caeprogresng0Si lpha 11u, Pi Omeap1;p hiOaAL
compete at the University of Pennsyl- santd Beach are the best i this division, and Freeman are the best 175 pound- weell n that a m st rng roteam ig w i Pa sigma1, NP siOmga 1u0 (o- ________Phi______________
vania relays in Philadelphia next I Flajole, Burgett, and Robare have the ! ers who have been working out regu-1 developed before the close of te 'felt) ; Sigha Pi5, Phi getsa Rem-Ir
spring.i edge over the remaining 145 poiitdet-s larly, while Bovard, Church, Rode--fi).ga 1 A~ FOR SAL--25 cash insmyRm
Observers have been puzzled "by rThe squad has beeni noticeably weak ric, Nolting, Siminan, and Fishm ,esn .______Bet____ ambDalappa, 12,maTrion5; PZeta i PSteveSt3a daKyoa77
Wide's system of training, which ap- in the heavier divisions up until re-; of the football team], are expected to LabaKpa12 TioI;Zt hone Sees35 oa.7
pears to vary daily. One day he limits cently when a number if the lfresh- develop into good mren in the 175 and QUEBEC. ,The Canadian indoor Beta Tan 10, Sigma Phi 6; Lambda ____________________
his runto a mle, th next ay liemay! mn footall nnn repotedpeed frokatingwightadvisioh.pspracestiChihaAlphaip2aesSigmaAlZeta5,12.maFORa SALE-LatestE-Lmodelmo Reminmngton'
hoie rund mlthe next nday tlie. ayhmanufooballOicIreothes l, and roheeyoeighedivison.TomsDeopen to the world, for ~ic various Three one point margin victories, ) Portables. A few used machines
"Hle just runs until' he feels like develop mten fr tro 175 anid the1 hide, and Dougavito, have already won tophies and prizes have been offered, only one fretadSgaApa~as.PoeLni 49
stpin, si oecrtcate ath: evyegh ivson.their numerals in the all-carpus will be held at the Arena in Quebec, M's amazing 29-0 win were the fea- tu es-thur-sat-tf
ing the conqueror of Nurmi in action. Winslow and 'Lincoln seemn to have championship meet which was held February 4 and 5. I I FORoSALEe-eSlingerI-and-MayiBellI
aDuluth Hornets the Chicago Cardinals struction of a four story gymnasium this week only. Brand new instru-
Sevened the hockey series, to cost $539,000. ments, and wodrful bargains at
-'- Ithese special prices. 1 i University
--4 IMusic House. Tus.,Thurs.,Sa.
WANTED-Students (desire a fur-
nished apartment near campus.
Address Mich. Daily, Box 151.
WANTED STUDENTS to know that
Sam pays from $5 to $ for old
suits and overcoats. n -
121 E. ANN ;l04L,4306
Are your records important? If- not
why' make them? If -they at-c im-
portant use a Record Ink. This is
the only kind of ink we sell and the
only kind which works well in your
fountain pen. Many worthess sub-
stitutes are offeredI under the cloak
of the name "Fountain Pen Ink"
Ask us, we will show you the dif-
ference. Rider's Pen Shop.
VVE carry a full line of Johnston
Candies. City Pharmacy.
TilWO records by Barre Hill, Just re-
lensed'-"hear them ii our record de-
partmnent. University Music Iouse
Tues., Thurs., Sat.
Ann Arbor Mmeogra-phing shop-z1-
Detroit St. Let us do your pdmeo-
graphing and typewriting. First-
class work. Quick service. Lowest
prices. Dial 3683
NOTICE-Big discount oii all Framed
Pictures. andl mirrors. Sae of remn-
iant frames. J. B. Saunders. Ex-
ceptional Framing. 306 So. State.
(HEALTH- Begins when you phone
l8428. C. M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35
Wuerth Arcade. tues-thurs-sat-tf
NOTICE-Hlats cleaned and blocked.
All kinds. of shoes cleaned, dyed and
repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed.
ANN ARBOR SHOP, 62 E. Liberty.
j c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat.
NOTICE-Startling offer Tuxedos
Pressed-Fifty Cents. We call and
deliver any time. T. B. Lyons 515
E. Williams, Dial 5016.
1DE VILBIS Atomizers work best,
longest. We have them. City Phar.
NOTICE-We repair all musical in-
strum ents at Schaeberle and Son
music House. tf
NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N.
University, across from Hill Audi-
Storium. Re-opened under new
management. Cleaning, pressing
I and altering. Ladies' work especi-
ally. Phone 8040. c-f
Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone
6513. dalIy-tf
1NOTICE-Complete line of Radios,
and Loud Speakers. Authorized
Radiola dealer. Schaberle and
Son Music House, 110 So. Main St.
To see best of 50 lines clothing drop
card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone
6365 evenings. $22 to $30. t
Our rapid turnover insures a fresh
stock and you secure the best qul-
ity at a -moderate price. 0. D. MOR-
RILL 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone
6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona
Typewriters, Inc. tf
NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for
rent. Schaeberle and Son Music
House, 110 So. Main St. tf
In keeping with University customs
we specialize, employ experienced
penmakers who can repair your pen
correctly. The only penmnakers in
the state. If your tooth was in
trouble you would 'go to a skilled;
dentist, not. to a blacksmith or gro-
cer. Give your pen the same con-
sideration. Rider -Pen Shop.
"-F= t
We are offering to our customers outstanding values in high grade
=furnishings, overcoats and hats. Coyne in and look them over.
-$1.95 -$3.95 - $4.95 -$5.95
, lFCAP S9,"$1.95
On vercoats Suit
-~ Value Up to $65.00 Tw,\eeds and Cheviots -
- $45.00 Values
cSpecial Lots Special Lots
Plain White Oxford Plain Colors
- Variety of Stripes Also Stripes and Checks-
603 East Liberty St.
- ifltl l~l1tti 11 0t1 t l~t3 de8 6B ~ lii 1 6'°- r " :"ua d6 g I $ I $III R l @HII[BllI I96tIdI 116IIIIIl!ia690d6 i8I " I
Ef~i ' ~ ~ 'I
For the "J-Hop"
AN excellent Tuxedo that is right in
style, in fabric, and in tailoring.
A Tuxedo that gives that comfortable
feeling of being correctly attired. We
are featuring theme at
The Conlin Company
118 East Washington
FOR SALE-Tuxedo in good condition.,
Price reasonable. Dial 4932 or callI
at 1021 Church.- 76 77-78
E TYPEWRITERS-All makes, s-old,
rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair-
ed. Largest and best stock to be 0o)--
tamned anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL,
17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal-
Ler: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor-
ona Typewriters, Inc. tf
1 One o4 those easy riding, light upkeep
Franklin, closed cars. A-1 condi-
tion. New paint and A-i tires and
battery. Dial 8950 or evenings 5267
for demonstration. tf
jFOR REN'P-Attt'active suite on first
-' floor, two or three meon, four blocks
west of campus, for second semester.j
j325 E. Jefferson St. 77-78-79
VFOR RENT--First floor room with
private bath. No other roomers .in
house. Dial 50-46. 205 E. Ann St.
FOR RENT-Room in -private family.
312 East Ann St. 77-78-79
F"OR RENT-Six room house. 825 Syl-
van Ave. Available for second se-
mester. Feb. 1 or 15. Box 150 or call
8641. 76-77-78-79-80-81t
FOR RENT-A desirable room: ' near
campus, for instructor or graduate
--student. Call 8804. 77-78-79
FOR RENT-One nice double room,
S and one single room. Four blocks
from campus. Inquire, 957 Green-
wood Ave. 76-77-78
VERY' desirable single or double room
in private faumily-sleeping quarters
separate if desired. 1101 Church St.,
Phone 7941. 76-77-78
FOR RENT-Second semester, at
311 Thompson, a warm, pleasant
suite for two men, $3.75 each, or
$6 for one. Hot water all the time.
TWENTY PER CET'l)IjC(Tit'T' r1U}yji' N T l: ( t ° I (}('1'() f: ' ''
Is now in effect on our entire
stock of Winter Footwear.4
A i" -'o
cent -
Sonic good machines all makes. TheyI
are in good condition. Rider's Pen
Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur
WANTED-Congenial room mate in
large front suite in girls league
house. Dial 5776. 77-78
WANTED-Two students to take or-
dcens for my Pure Maple Syrup, good
pay. Call in person or write H.
M.: Chieriry, 1608 Woodmnere Ave.'
Detroit, Michigan. 77
oil @~ii