THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 THE MICHIG AN D \l~i'i' £FAUN F! A i 44'1 f ¢ r"l! i r.. .s.. tl ~ ' ,3 K fl 'V I?'' - ~/~iL~TN7 WPLT PA Fr " No NC LE{FR astern Presidents Give Emphasis To L N OTICES Sentiment increases CLVB BANEIT DANSavs WC.T.U.Leader Proceeds From Affair To Be i'ed For Financing Annual Concerts j At Ohio Colleges TO START AT 9 O'CLOCK Preparations have been completed for the campus dance which is being given froi 9 to 1 o'clock tomorrow, night at the Masonic temple by thxej University Gi'rs' Glee club. The affair is a benefit dance, proceeds from which will be used to finance thel club in its year's activities.{ Members of the organization have made all efforts possible to assure the success of the affair. Arnet's Masonc orchestra has been engaged, and re- freshments will be supplied without extracharge. Mary Kent-Miller, '27. president of the Glee club is general chairman of the dance, tickets for which may be secured from members or at Wahr's bookstore.i The patrons and patronesses for the affair have been announced as fol- lows: Mrs. Kent-Miller; Miss Grace' Richards, adviser of women; Thcod)re' Harrison, director of the University Glee club, and Mrs. Harrison; Mis l Nora Crane Hunt, directress of the University Girls' Glee club; and James Harrison and Otto Stahl of the School of Music. This benefit affair is part of the an- nual program of the club. Last year it took the form of a benefit movie. The proceeds will be used to finance the trip which will be taken to Ohio in the spring of the year, during which concerts will be given at Ohio State university and" at Ohio Wesleyan. An- other attempt to make money for this venture will take the form of a rum- mage sale which is being planned the first week end after finals. ~ Next week Friday the Glee club will broadcast from the Detroit station WWJ in a Michigan night program. Members of the organization will mce!, at the School of Music at 4 o'clock for the drive into Detroit. Plants are be~- ing made for dinner at the Book-Cad- '"illac. and, at 8 o'clock the party will sing fromthe broadcasting room. CLUB SPONSORS PARTY TO HELPLEAGUE FUNDS Plans are being made for the annu- al card party to be given by the Ann! Arbor Women's club for the benefit ~' of the Women's league, Wednesday, Feb. 9 at 2:30 o'clock in the afternoon and 8 o'clock at night. The lists of those entertaining will be published, later but reservations may now be made by calling Mrs. W. D. Hender- son at the office of the Alumnae coun- cil. Most of the parties will be held in the afternoon. Subscribe for the Michigan Dally. inte ectuaSpece I Members of Mortar Board will meet at Dey's studio at 12:40 o'clock to- AS PAVday. The next meeting of the society Women who go to college for the right relation to such a direct aim and will be at the Green Tree inn Sunday -- enjoyment of social activities rather not be merely or pleasantly appropri- morning. Chorus and cast rehearsals of the than for advancement of intellectual ate to desultory intellectual interests Designs for Junior Girls' play post- Junior Girls' play in preparation for pursuits are regarded with disfavor or to a purpose frankly amusement ers and program covers must be turn- its presentation in March will begin by some of the leading women's col- seeking." ed in by 5 o'clock tomorrow at the today. At a meeting yesterday of all leges of the East, according to the Pres. Ellen F. Pendleton, of Welles- League office. women who will take part in the play, Indiana Daily Student. While recog- ley, said: "I presume that there are Members of Senior society will meet definite chorus assignments were nizing that there is a definite place no colleges of first rank which are at 12:15 o'clock today at Dey's stu- inmade. In order to utilize the ,great for social affairs in college, the heads not seeking means to impress on the dio for the Michiganensian picture. amount of material which tryouts dis_ of five institutions claimed that study- students that colleges are priniarily_ closed, the entire cast will numberjIng should be of first importance. for the prosecution of scholarship and Subscribe for The Michigan Daily. about 135. Announcement of rehears- In general, the heads of women's that they are not designed for students als will appear each day in The Daily.I colleges agree with )r es. William Al- students who wish to make them head- In order that choruses may be ado-; Ian Neilson, of Smitli college, who re- quarters for taking piart in the social quately and efficiently adopted: It is cently told the students that Smith activities which naturally cluster Service All compulso rythat girls in the play college was not going to be turned in- about an academic community." Ad- come to every rehearsal of their part.i to a "center of engaging social life mitting that it would be difficult "toAEA0H Attendance will be taken by a leader with a few duties to give a kind of divide in hours and minutes the time AL in each chorus at every rehearsal and relish to a perpetual holiday" and as- which should be spent in scholastic reported immediately to the assistant serted he was going to insist that the and social pursuits," Pres. Mary EW "intellectual life here shall be the Woolley, of Mt. Holyoke, agreed with With All chairman's committee. Rehearsals jmainlieeenfweavtodsne Dr. Neilson's attitude.On will begin promptly at the hour an- a life, even if we have to dispenseDOne nounced in The Daily and fines will be with a large number of admirable and Dean Virginia C. Gildersleeve, of collected for tardiness as well as abs_ effective persons." Barnard college, said her college faces once. A sum of $2 will be collected ' :te response of Pres. Marion Ed- a rather different problem from that COOPER'S K] as soon as possible at rehearsals from wards Park, of Byrn Mawr, was in of Smith college. "As our students each girl in the play and fines will be the form of an excerpt from her open- are already in New York," she said, ,on Up. It's a deducted from this. Refunds will be ing address to the students when she we are not confronted with the dif- made after the play to anyone desir- said: "That Bryn Mawr believes fully ficulty of their going away over the S h a f ing them. in the importance of out-of--the class- week ends. For the most part, ourI 3 outhtate ft. The following fines and penalties room hours is shown by its insistence students are fairly serious and do pret- will be imposed: Fifty cents for ev_ on residence away from the world." ty good work." - ery unexcused absence from play re- "The college," she explained, "regards( 'iIIIIII iliiiIlilIIII1llliilii IlilII hearsals, the validity of the excuse itself first of all a place for instruc- PI Beta Phi announces the pledg- to be determined by either the director tion and the life here must bear the Ing of Lorinda McAndrews, '30. or the assistant chairman. Twenty- five cents for any tardiness at rehears- 3 8 cruse I ova You als. The director will be privileged to Inventory Prices on Mercy Percy drop from the play any woman hav- ing more than three absences. Three icturesaquesay Miller an tardinesses will be reported to the di- rector immediately. Fines will be i doubled for dress rehearsals. Jewelry 3349 All Alone Monday Below Cost prices on Wooden Whisper-Sh! OUTDOOR CLUB BEGINS Picture Frames. ser Esther Walker t SEASON WITH SKATING' The Mary Louise Shop Sat"rdymorning at 10 o'lock__ thearcade 3396 The Little White Hous track will leave Barbour gymnasiumI th A d 3 6 T L t0 ak f9t he Wi ironrf r1.-,c to ---I-IHal~f aM on I i r d Afternoon ME-COOKED IDINNER the Fixin's Dollar ITCHENETTE Good Place to Eat. Over Derrill Pratt's His Orchestra vith Male Quartet Se With Vocal Chorus 1 Iebecta Riodes Just back from a year in the Or- ient, Miss Rebecca Rhodes declares prohibition sentiment is steadily grow- ing in Japan. Miss Rhodes, who is national director of the soldiers' and sailors' welfare department of the W. C. 'T. U. said there was shown in that country a great interest in the prohi- bition issue, especially among the ser- ious minded young people._ Athena Takes First Debate From Portiaj Athena Li tary society was victor- ious i'y vote of two against one in the debate with Portia held Tuesday might in the Athena room. p'his de- Late is the first of three, in competi- tidn for a cup, which was given by :is. IHoustan Whipple, a former pres- dent of Athena. The conditions for the contest are: That there shall be three debates a year between Portia and Athena. One of these shall be on a question of local importance, one of national and the other internat ional concern. The teams of one of these debates shall be composed entirely of freshmen. The teams for the other two debates may be of any members except those who have taken part in Varsity debates. At the end of the year the cup will go to the society which has won two of the three debates. At the end of three years, it shall go permanently to the society which has won it the great- Le vv rL s asso L Barton Hills dam for skating. An ice hockey team will be organized if the skating weather continues. This class is being organizedl in connection with the Outdoor club and will be in charge of Miss Ruth Figge of the physical education department. This meeting will be the first meet- ing of the Outdoor club and officers for the club will be elected at this time. All women who are interested in skating or skiing or hiking are asked to sign on the bulletin board in Barbour gymnasium. est number of times. Due to inaccur- acies in complying with the rules of the contest, the cup at present belongs to neither of teh societies. gm M=Iffam , I I Flowers That Never Wilt- They are her in an infinite variety of colors and styles! llere are ii-e w woolly ones w;Itng to snuggle in a co-ed's fur There are d iflO boautiful gardenias waiting to complete her new silk dress There are apelirte I trapar ni P ny ones eager to blossom on a fair shoulder at the J- op- And there are the v j latt ones which will adorn dainty coiffures at the lop. They are all 'at-- The Rubley Shoppe "liIhu lhe Arde" Ben Bernie and His Orchestr 3159 Medley of College Songs Bells of St. Mary's University of Wisconsin Glee Club SNTOFF r~m1L ET'S&-S7 616 East Liberty St. l il-illl lillill 1 1i E10111111111111111111111141111NI I , - - . - I sG E1El lll lltll~ttlllEll tttt11tt111111.tltttt6tttllttl lm ittlll tltiltlilttlil~ iltltl: "THE GREEN TREE INN Luncheon, 1:30---1:30 Dinner, 5:30-7:00 Special Parties '1y AyArrangement. Phone 946 205 South State St. ummu munmmuummm :uummumunuunmm Spring-^ In all its glory, is reflected in the new styles, the new Fab- rics and the new Shades -In- Frocks at $14.95 %o Is PETITE FROCKE SHOPPE "Out of the Way, But Less to Pay" 308 Maynard St. Near the "Maj" a e jR1 1 I r f . ~ w ..a n M ~ f ~ r ~ ',ar:-nxrarr-,w.,ss !!"'SRta"T.r w3t:^s6ltZftt _- ".. , 1 T -+...IISE'!." t 7 . _,. __._.__ti_... _._ __. . ._ i e' E a, i I i VOW IN I i i Q: d t Af I y q3 u ti66 v "?, f,' F s Y r iii , t s ter ii' ' w.,h % t k ',r 1r Lrf ;} n ,. IL --, "T -I TV An Opportunity That Beats ALL! Splendid Values and Splendid Saving The keen woman and miss will realize that this e-ent is a most spectacular one for real savings. It is Riddance Time with us and represents the crean of our stock. Double duty for every dollar you spend if you are wise -'--7- enough to share in these economies. : " ',",,." s".'O/.O"O=O..'d6'a.O "J«" '.'°r'."/."/.I.."/"i . .,"/ "0.",P.+,P .'. .'.."I .'"0.«e "s« ° do'/o.I -Lmhe a .r "W Ir uom c t Reason For Choosing A Spicy Collection- New Spring Dresses ALLS attention to the two general classifications of Long Distance Telephone Service and rates: 1--Particular Person Calls-To be used when you must talk to a particular person. Rates on Particular Person calls are the same, day and night. 2-Anyone Calls-To be used when you can talk with anyone who answers your call. There are Day, Evening and Night rates on Anyone calls, as follows: Day Rate, 4:30 a. rn. to 7 p. m.-This rate is con- siderably lower than the Particular Person rate. Evening Rate, 7 p. rn. to 8:30 p. m.-Approxi- matelv 25 ner cent lower than the Day rate. *.50 PRICE A'ORITERLY $ a .75 PRICED1 FORMERLY $5~o9.50 FORMIERLY "6J.50 COATS PRICED FORMERLY $s9.0; A small but very spicy collection of Spring Dresses is already here-enough to forecast what will be the outstanding style notes for spring. You'll be interested in, seeing them. Then should you care to be first with the latest again this season, you may choose a frock or two flaunting new quirks of the mode. $16.50 to $39.50 pp NN [ V l 1; _ ;i / jr -" / t I(- , 1 F ~ =.s.k. ,.5 Y ; ' f; ;I r ,^l r S (i_' a." .ry . '. s FORMERLY $3 m- @. All Sizes-All Colors All Materials-All Furred All -' 0 r i