THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANT. - -- Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until 3:30 p. in. (11:30 ta. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten. Volume V Ii WEDNESDAY, JANUA1.Y 12, 1927 Number 77 ..._,. . Campus Parking d'rivileges: The 1926 parking permits Have expired. New permits should be applied for at once by all persons eligible to park on the Campus and desiring to avail themselves. of that privilege. - By the advice of the University Senate issue of parking tags will be restricted hereafter to the following classes. (a) Members of the various faculties with the rank of instructor or above. (b) Administrative officers. (c) Other members of the University staff who in the opinion of a committee consisting of Mr. S. W. Smith, Mr. H. G. 7Watkins, and Professor J. W. Glover'may "need such parking privilege for the efficient performance of University duties." Shirley W. Sith, Secretary. Freshmen of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Freshmen who have failed to arrange for consultation with their Frehman Advisers in regard to their elections for the second semester should do so at once by calling at the Recorder's office, Rooa 4, University Hall. V. A. Frayer, Chairman. Freshman Lecture: The fourth freshman lecture in hygiene for men will be given in Waterman Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 14, at 3-4 and 5 P. M. This requirement includes all freshmen in the regular physical training classes and others that have been excused from these classes. -George A. May. Public Lecture: "The Regional Ambitions of Italy" will be the subject of a lecture to be given by Professor Win. A. Prayer in Natural Science auditorium, on Wednesday, January 12, at 4:15 P. M. The lecture is in connection with the Seminar of the Michigan School of Religion on "The Mora Issues of Modern Life." The public is cordially invited. Angelyn Stevens. Public Lecture: A public talk on the subject, "Reincarnation" will be delivered by Prof. Jose M. Albaladejo, of the Modern Language Department, Engineering School, in the auditorium of Lanp Hall, Friday evening,- January 14, at eight. This lecture is under the auspices of the Ann Arbor Lodge of the American Theosophical Society. All are welcome. 1. Douglas Wild. Cerce Francais Leture: Professor M. S. Pargment win lecture Wednesday, January 12th, at 4:15, in Room 1025, Angell Hall, on "Quelques Coutumes Francaises Anciennes et Modernes." This is the second lecture on the Cercle Francais program. Tickets for the series may be procured from the secretary of tile Romance Language department, Room 104, South Wing. lRene Talamon. Men's Intercollegiate Debate Class for the Second Semester: The Men's Intercollegiate Debate Class for the Second Semester will be formed by tryouts Saturday morning, January 22, at 8:45 o'clock in Room 302 Mason Hall. The tryouts will consist of a five minute speech on either side of the following debate question: "Resolved, That Legislative Prescription, Dis- approval, or Prohibition of Specific Doctrines, Theories, or Data on the Comments of Courses Offered in Educational Institutions Are Contrary to the Public Welfare." All university men eligible to participate in campus activities during the second semester are eligible to tryouts for this class. G. E. DIensiore Debate Coach. Sophoniores of the College of Literature, Science, and the Arts: Sophomores who have failed to arrange for consultation with the Up- perclass Advisory Committee in regard to their elections for the second semester should do so at once by calling at the Recorder's Office, Room 4, University Hall. C. C. leloche, Chairman. Play Construction:? The following churse will be offered in the second semester: English 144. Play construction. Three hours, to be arranged. Mr. Haines. This course is designed for students interested in the writing of dsialogue intended for actual dramatic presentation. The work will con-- sist in the study of modern plays which have been produced and in the preparation of manuscripts. Open only to students securing permission. Students may consult with Mr. Haines on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, 2|4 P. M., in Room 306 Medical Building. Louis W. Strauss. Psychology 31: The collateral reference examination will be held on Wednesday, Jan- uary 12, during the lecture hour. Students in even numbered seats will take their examination in Newberry Hall auditorium. Students in odd numbered seats will remain in their assigned lecture places. Bring blue- books, pen and ink only. A delbert 1ord. Freslman Dents: Today is the last day class dues may l) ccepted. Payable at the Dental Building from 2 to 4. F rak JiBrunner, Treasurer. Spanish Plays: Members of all three casts will meet Wednesday at 1 o'clock in 201 S. W. F. Sanchez. Faculty Women's Club: There will be a charade party for members at the Michigan Union Thursday, January 13, at 3 o'clock. Mrs. Wilhiaam A. Frayer. Garden Section, Faculty Women's Club: Meeting scheduled for January 12 has been cancelled. The next, meet- ing will be held on February 9. I3Frs. Edwiin C. Goddard. The Poloila Literary Circle: Members of The Polonia Literary Circle will meet this afternoon (Wednesday) at 5 o'clock in Spedding's Studio to have a photo taken for the Mlichigensian. J. Miniek, President. AMen's Educatlonaal Club: The group picture of the Men's Educational Club will be taken Wednes- day noon (12:40) January 19, at Dey's Studio instead of .January 12, as planned. J. V., Cooper, President. Graduate Women's Club: There will be the regular v'eekly supper at the Green Tree Ihu on Wednesday at six P. M. Jane S. Ludgate-. Phi lpsihln Iapla: There will be a regular meeting tonight at 8 o'clock in Room 20, Water- man gymnasium. Honorary members are invited to attend. W. C. MacDougail. Classical Journal Club: Classical Journal Club will meet on Wednesday, Jan. 12, at 4:001 P. M., in Room 2016 Angell hall. Open to graduate students and faculty mem')ers. James E. Dunlap-. olug'ial ,Jomrnal Club: The club will meet in Room 436 N. S. Bldg., at 7:30 on Thursday, Janu- ary 13. Dr. Hobbs will review some of the more important papers read t the Philadelphia meeting. Dr. Cook and Dr. Scott will review some of the papers read at the Madison meeting of the G. S. A. W. A. Ver Wiebe, Secretary. Scabbard and Blade: There will be a smoker tonight at the Union at 7:30 P. M. J. W. Rickman. Delta SigmuIa Rho: Members of Delta Sigma Rho will meet at 12 o'clock noon, Thursday, January 13, at Spedding's Studio, Liberty street. Thomas V. Koykka, President. Organization Presidents: All group pictures for the Michiganensian must be taken by January 25. As soon as possible after the picture is taken the proofs should be returned with the proper identification of the members. Louis Robertson, Managing Editor. BANDITS SLAY 1,000, REPORT (By Associated Press) LONDON, Jan. 11.-A Reuter dis patch from Peking says that messages were received today from Shantung stating that all the inhabitants of Washington, numbering 1,000, have been massacred by bandits. The message adds that the villagers I of Wangchihpao, 50 miles west of the birthplace of Confucius at Chufu, actives opposed the bandits, who awaited reinforcements after which they surrounded and set fire to the village slaughtering the inhabitants irrespective of age or sex. LONDON. - Samuel Gordon, well known Jewish novelist is dead. JAPAN READY FOR LARGE ELECTION (By Associated Press) TOKYO, Jan. 11.-Political parties in Japan are building their fences in! preparation for the greatest election ever held in the empire--an election wherein more than 9,000,000 new vot- ers will have the privilege of casting their ballots for the first time under the manhood suffrage law passed by the Diet in 1924.3 If the election takes place-and it apparently is a forgone conclusion that Premier Wakatsuki will dissolve the coming Diet for that purpose- it is expected to be preeeded by an old-fashioned spell-bound campaign similar to those which have charac-1 terized many American presidential1 contests. Japanese party leaders are emulating in numerous ways the American political tactics. 1a- Coffee - Coffee - Coffee All the Good Flavor that Nature stored in the Coffee Bean, Preserx cd for Your Cup. Always insist on our J. W. Special- Five pounds or more at 40c per pound. Good Service Chicago Is In Race .__._ . a i I t i. a 3 I !) t i I I I I t i I I i i THE WAWA Nil M AE S T HE A T RE; IAS HAU N TED LET THIS OE A IWA R NING The good service we give is one of the reasons so many trade here. Of course good foods are im- portant, and customers here get the best. But the service, being served as they wish to be served- attracts many. Remember, no charge for delivery here. The Schultz Grocery Wholesale and Retail Phone for Food I J] io'll Yor S Now Chicago iiasentered the race for a still higher building. Here's a sketch of $75,000,000 seventy-story International Labor Temple, to be a center of trade union activities in the United States, planned by the ChicagoI Federation of Labor. College Presidents Give Preference To Compulsory Chapel College presidents favor compiul- sory chapel atiendan~cepecially, week-day c'hapl, acor'ding to a i- cent survey conducted by the National Student Federation of America. Pref- erince is shown for the conpulsory chapel attendamne among the I00 per- so0ns wno received (luestioaaires, largely because it is their belief that it contributes to college unity and is of religious and inspirational value. Although the principle of compul- sory attendance commonly prevails among small colleges, most editors of college papers are opposed to it. It is argued by solme that the frequent lack of an interesting program is the { cause of dissension, while others feel' that even if the students would ap- preoiate the value of an assemblxy, the practical difficulty of housin" a large group of students makes the plan un- feasible. Among Iithe ministers and speakers ouestioned during the survey, opin- ions were almost eqIually divided. The main objection to compulsory attend- ance was raised by the dificulty of speaking to an inatt e<_tive adioence, while those who favored it think that a voluntary group usually consists of those w ho do not need the message. ,:; ° ., Li 4$, -'--' ~i"~T~ f - k5 -r .QZ4jlC f'y. ,~ ( 141ce Psychology: Due to some oversight, the seminar in Race was omitted from the announcements for this year. Greek Prose Cow position (Greek 11) : Will students who plan to elect this course kindly notify me of their intentions.4 Psychology (Course 220) ihis course will be given. C. H. Griffitts. for the second semester LL good resolutions start, and often end, .... beginning tomor- row". But commence the Shredded Wheat habit tomorrow and the chances are your grandson will still be car- rying on. For Shredded Wheat is that kind of a food; rich in all the body-building, mind- stimulating whole wheat elements you need - and rich In captivating flavor, too. - Try Shredded Wheat today with hot milk or cold, or enjoy it with your favdrite fruit for areal cerealfeast. (.9 You can expenses by bringing decrease your bundle of laundry! to our Press Building sta- tion and getting a 15 discount. It's only an extra going step when you're to the "Maj." For your convenience your we remain open even- I a. ing~g until 8 o'clock. James E. Dunlap. Freshman Groups Organized by Dean Bursley: Due to conflicts with classes, it has been found necessary to postpone the basketball games previously announced for this afternoon. The whole basketball schedule will be moved forward one week, and the first garies will be played Tuesday night, January 1S, at 9 P. M. All four games will be played simultaneously. Each group is expected to furnish a time-keeper and scorer. This 'announcement does not pertain to any of the other activities that are scheduled. Carl Gx. Brandt. , Read The Daily "Classified" MANILA.-Brig.-Gen. Rafael Crame, Column SIchief of the Philippine constabulary, was buried here. I SPECIAL SALE MICHIGAN STATIO"NOERY 48c the BOX~ Dial 21816 White Swan Laundry i