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January 12, 1927 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-12

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Published every morning except Monday'
during the University year by the Board in
Control of Student Publications.
Meipbers of Western Conference Editorial

on three cruisers now being built
is to be erLic ply que stioned -vlhet11
or not the chief execuire hs o~ed
his policy Of (Moomy tween io
tional security. j
Thoug the xx1:71 w ue) t on ef oar SWLlFa)r_-
p, liey hi bUa cloud( "IJ i, . i djn. ult hE Nall ES

The Associated Press is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all news
dispatches credited to *it or not otherwise
credited in this paper and the local news pub-
lished therein.
Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate
of postage granted by Third Assistant Post-
mnaster General.
Sulsciption by carrier, $3.75; by mail,
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 4925; business 21214.
Telephone 4925
Editor .W..........,....W. Calvin Patterson
City Editor................Irwin A. Olian
News ditor.......... Frederick Shilhit
NewsEditrs..........Philip C. Brooks
Women's Editor..............Marion Kubik
Sports Editor.............Wilton A. Simpson
Telegraph Edit-or..........Morris Zwerdliln
Miusic and Drama....... Vincent C. Wall, Jr.
Night Editors
Charles Behyr net Ellis Merry
Carlton Chatn pe StanfordN. Phelps
Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith
James Herald Ci.ssam A. Wilson
Assistant City Editors
Carl Burger Henry Thurnau
Joseph Brunswick


to understand now 01 -ct!e sidet de-
sired to abandan construction on the
three cruisers authorized two yearsE
ago and yet approves congressional
sanction for ten new ones, provided
no money is appropriated...... Cer-;

Marion Anderson Paul Kern
Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball
Jean f imipbell iMilton Kirshiam
Chester E. Clark Riclard Kurvink.
Clarence Edelson G. Thomas McKean f
Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick
William Emerv Morris Quinn
Alfred Le- Poster James Sheehan
Robert E. Finch Nelson J Smith, Jr.
John Friend Sylvia Stone
Robert Gessner William 'hurnau
Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik
Coleman J. Glencer Herbert E. Vedder
Harvey Gunderson Marian Welles
Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski}
Morton 1B. 1c,)v(. Sherwood Winslow l
Telephone 21214
Advertising..............William C. Pusch
Advertising.....Thomas Sunderland
Advrtsig......... George 1-1. Annal:;le, Jr.
dertising. .... ..Lurnce J. Van Tyl
Circulation...............T. Kenneth Haven
Publication............. ..John H-. Bobrink
Accounts................FIancis A. Norquist
George Ahn Jr. Ray Wachterj
Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood
D. M. BrownF sther Booze
Florence Cooper lilda Binzer
Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel
A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg
E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson
R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr!
Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading
William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith }
Harvey Talcott Nance Sol.mon
Harold Utley Florence Widmaier

tainly completion of the three ships
could not be interpreted by foreign
powers as the beginning of a newt
building program but only as a neces-
sary measure to keep the navy effi-
cient. Yet pointing to the proposed
arms limitation conference, the ad-
ministration does not think comple-
tion of them appropriate.-
Everyone will agree that this coun-
try should be the last to usher in a
new era of naval rivalry. It is to be
hoped at least that the time for this
has passed. On the other hand com-
pletion of the three cruisers would
be but a sensible measure to assure
national security. Reasonable naval
protection should not be sacrificed to
the furtherance of a conference which
has not yet taken form, however
worthy it may be.
Alarmed at the decreasing birth I
rate and the increasing immigration,
the French press has initiated a cam-.I
paign to establish immigration and
alien control measures, modeled after
those of the United States. And ap--
parently the French newspapers are
justified in their position.
When it is pointed out that the
aliens who are concentrated in the
large French cities rarely engage An
agricultural pursuits but compete
with the citizens themselves for em-
ployment, that the cities are already1
crowded with those who have aban-
doned farms in the provinces, and
that but forty per cent of the war
widows have remarried, an economic
crisis is at once apparent and the ad-
vantages of some reasure of alien
control is obvious.
An immigration ministry to estab-
lish examinations for immigrants and
to control their movements after they
have been admitted is being seriously
advocated. Such would ofter manyf
difficulties but would be the most
practical way of solving an exceed-
ingly complex economic problem.-
Mussolini has made another regula-
tion, it seems, and the unusual part
b i

The new stadium, by special ar-
iangemeut with the Horse Marines,
will be open for public inspection to-
da. No admission will be charged,
and no banners will be carried around
advertising stadium bonds.
4~ * *
The B. and G. boys anllouji ce th lia
the seats are made of California red-j
wood. Why didn't they leave them
red? Any color would have been bet-
ter than white.
The big test will come when the'
green paint again is brought forth to
orate the diagonal. We don't see how
they are going to pass up an oppor-
tunity like those white benches.
* * *
The reporter who wrote the story
about the new benches for page one
yesterday assures us that the B. and
'. plan for the stadium calls it the
"State Street Pedestrian Entrance to
the Campus Diagonal."
* * *
Maybe they have another drawing'
somewhere for an automobile en-
trance to the diagonal. There was
an automobile over on the stadium
field yesterday. They should put up
signs warning people that the thing
isn't a public park.
* * * '

Our East University store is often referred to as the Engineers' store
In addition to the service given engineers, we are prepared to meet the
-..--- .. -- demands of students from all colleges.
TRS .' AFTERN'.)07l: Til wOrgain Complete Stocke - - Efficient Service
Itaeital ill 11111i li(orman l at 4:1)
The announcement of the organiza -Both Ends of the Diagonal.
tion of a distinctively new movement
in campus dramatics has been the _________________f_____111111IIII_____l____ lI___i____11U11111111111111U1111111111U11IUIUII Il1 II !#1 1111111111 1 11111 111l
cause of some rather cynical criticism
on the part of many who have watched HOLIDAY
for the past few years the evolution
-or devolution-of play productions
upon the musty stage of UniversityA
hall auditorium. Such criticism might We are closing out all HATS at I
logically have been expected to be!Reereto m a
forthcoming from all except the ab- Reduced Prices to make ready for
normally hopeful. -f owever there is Spring Stock. Every hat is fine in
in the plan which Mr. Owen has under ; quality and right up-to-date.
consideration certain factors which, ri
Bring your hiat in and have it;
if carried through, will bring to cam-
pus dramatics something long lacking, Cleaned and Blocked. We do satis-and ever
namely--organized work in the pro- factory work. No odor, no gloss,
duction, direction and technique of no burned sweats.ed- 10
the drama. W ~ e~ y5 -
Acting courses have in the past been F
carelessly designated and tossed into aCtory a ore 9 1
a pile under the general heading of 1617 Packard St. Phone 7415


pubhlic speaking-a heading which
brings visions of five-minte talks
and debates, and is hardly conductive
to one who is seeking developmnent
along the lines of the modern stage.
True, thei e have been Miimes, the


MaEXICO aout t is t at no one is thrc atenedU
or coerced or intinmidatedl and no war
To say that the political-religious-r r md
is in immediate prospect. Thi; time
commercial struggle which has reach-I it is the night clubs aindlamzusemlenti
ed a critical stage in Mexico is a sit- placs tha geing toslandclosemin
uation with many factors involved, places that are going to be closed, in
with arguments on both sides, andorder that Italians may have a mini-
mum of amusenient and diversion.
with no immediate prospects of peace-m However worthy te project isone
able solution, is to put it mildly. Is- cH o te lpr bthy oner wett e
sues have been clouded with propa- regulation will achieve the desired
ganda and personality until the actual end. Will the prohibition induce more
state of things is difficult to under- productive labor, or will it merely
stand. foster less legitimate means'of
Yet there are certain admitted facts ss
in the present situation whose weight amusement? Prohibition rarely suc-
ceedswhen it opposes a natural tend-
t'must be judged if any conception of!.h.a
the struggle is to be gained. The
prohibition, and the desire for diver-
most powerful forces in Mexico are .io sem ob aua oteh
the Catholic church, and the old land-i
grabbing aristocracy, and the Amer- man race.
While conserving man-power and
ican oil interests. These are definite- . . .i.h
ly opposed to the Calles government. re bo sderl e utini of
reasonably consider a reduction of
They would hardly resist any move ...
This disproportionate army. Shooting
ment to overthhrow or circumvent it, Albaian. may be a productive in-
being as it is, hostile to the church' . .i. . e o
dustrial activity in the fyesi of the
for~ .nterference with its religious dictator, but the rest of tile world
laws; to the oil interests for non-co- would hardly agree.
operation; and to the aristocracy fori
their opposition to the breaking up BENEFITS OF THE STRIiE
of their large estates, by legal meth- B
ods, into smaller plots for poorer Apparently the recent British strike
classes. The Calles government was not without its compensations.
claims, and not without some measure Though the knowledge was gained at
of justification, that it is trying to the expense of everyone in England,
establish better living conditions for British capitalists and labor leaders
the long neglected Indians or common have learned that class conflict
people. doesn't pay, and that American arbi-
On the other side it must be remem- tration methods in industrial disputes
bered that only too often have the oil are partially responsible for our
interests been bled for money in one present prosperity.
way or another that they might con- This fact is exemrplified by the re-
tinue in business. It is easy enough jcent secret meeting of capitalists and
to become a bit non-co-operative labor leaders in London at which
S when harmed too often. The old po- various policies are reported to have
litical and land-grabbing aristocracy been agreed upon by those in control
who usually gained their power and of men and money. in shorts, inldu-
property from those unable to pro- trial arbitration is expected to usher
tect themselves ought to take care of in a new era of peace in British trade.
themselves. Those who live in glass Of considerable effect in establisn-
houses....... As to 'the church, it ing the new order of things were the
must be granted that for centuries impressions taken home by the vari-
it did valiant work in Mexico, estalx ous delegations sent to America to

G j
r ,

We have been asked why the Ma- Comcey Cu, and Masques, but these
rines didn't build a stadium of the: have been more in lii order of stu-
bowl type. Well, in the first place dent organizations and as such have
they say there has been too much existed for themsives alone, not for
digging on the campus already, and the training of the individual Mr.
then, too, there is always enough Owen and these supportog him seen
wvater resting on the walks to provide to have in mind sornething along t no
lines of Professor Blisc' s at
skating facilities without digging le. o otstakeXllsse of
down to some wells for it. Vale, no,rhe outstanding xampNe ofl
m l f serious dramatic study in the cur-
Alumni will be giveni seats in the ricular manner.
end stands. TIut's whiy there aren't Such a plan is at best but ephe-
ymeral and before its reahizmion there
* * * will be a long perod of grief for all
The fountain in the center of the c0ncern1d. However its establish-
. ..merit wou ld seem] to be worth thie
stadmhim will be used just as soon as
soiobody finds a use for it. Abut effort.
all its good for now is to teach chem At the beginning (f the semeste;
istry classes the action of rust on the classs in flay produtn were
bew;un in the usuial manuel, tlhe only
water. Taste it someday.
* * change being the introduction of new
blood in the prvofesso i al en. One
public production, "The Tor hbe u-re-s,"
Njwas attemipted and was rather suc-
ROLLS offers a wonderful I
Ro dcersful, bucking as it did the natural
prize for the best name submit- advantages in the form of University
' ted for the new stadium ol the halati in n t ~ ii-
diagonal. Send your suggestions terest of the camlpus. It e:am e vi-
l to the Press building today. THE. dent from this, though. that the per-
PRIZE WILL BE TWO BOX I sonnel of the classes was insufficient
SLAT TICKETS TO EVERY 7 f r the casting of most produactiOns,
-SPORT EVENT IN THE NEW aind resulted in the present move. Be-
TADIUM. ginning this next semester the cast-
ing of all plays produced by the de-
* * * pactment will bue made from the whol
SUGGESTED NAMES campus, and any one interested may
"Hobbs Stadium" ........t'Ar agalu apply. The work of direction and
"Will Rogers Stadium" ......T. Hay scenery building, lighting, and other
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITES technical details will be taken care
* * * of by the classes. The play produc-
And Allmli CAN'T tion course itself has been remodeled
Dear Timothy-You can't call it the to a more technical outline. The
Tillotsoni Stadium, because students whole effect would see.m to be a
can "got seats there. diminution of the number of plays to
The Army Mule. the improvement of a few in highly
* * , different circumstances and with
It's A hifiure Greenland, Anyway more benefit to all concerned.
Dear Timmy-Why not perpetuate -By Knneth(i. Patrick.
* * *
the name of the man who has achiev-
ed a name as the greatest publicity "O' L.
hound in the University, and who A liti, by 'homnias J. d1on1alr
and WnIll M. Lewis, Jr.
could use the new bowl to expoundteo"
. With the production of "Oh, Klay,
his theories' on the emancipation of
emaciptioi Ithe producers of "Tip Toes' and 'LadyI
weather from Greenland. I propose,Ite Grod"(Trseof oesd and thyady -
dar' Timothy, "Hobbs Stadium." Be CGood" hae found a worthy a di-
' y taium . tion to these previous successes and
* A*aa a perfect vehicle for the charming1
talents of Gertrude Law rece. They
Our suggestion for a name would have trimmed the show with the senti-
be "Will Rogers Stadium. He has I
been honored before. They elected M ot for IBoton, the e sucopseof
him mayor of Beverly, Cal., and he stiis of the ascendant Mr. Cerak-
heard Cal. Coolidge talk. win the smart lyrics of Eroter fra,
* * * the singing. of Oscar Sha the sili-
H SUCH HIGh PRICES? ness of Victor Moore, and the stepping
Dear Timothy:-Methinks that the
co-eds are going to spend a cold and twins; ietty C mpson; Janette Gil-
lonely winter this year. What with all more, and a gorgeously gowned and
the boys getting round shouldered from Iamore Ln atgrgedorus gwean
carrying their own newly purchased TeSalbnky Lee trained chorus.
book hoe fom he tors, t sems The 1)0k concerns the coanis ades
books hoe from the stores, it sof Miss Lawrence as Kay, a titled and
that the fellows for the time being r'arunn ~veturswo i
iuml-running adveturs, Vwh10 s
are growing interlactual. Also think
chased ashore by an a sthmat iro
that the movies had better think of btion agent and forced to seek[
something fast to offset the losses ibtinagendf c orel
shelter in the much miaried alim S oz
that they will incur because the boys s tr ,n mharre ard wil
will be staying home reading. How lg New Yoker. The lines are
would it be for the movies to have li N soketicTe ihmstae
bargain rates too? Something like this I the Illetoserat-eswit s to
ough to o oer bg. eatue 2ethliapung t obseravances aw< iged to
ought to go over big. Feature 23c' Victorf loore who, when asked if he
comedy 7c, act fe, news reel 3c, and
knowti h le maing of true ove,, r--
about 1c for any supposed to be wise I that he does ant oly too well-
o k(z hnlxa 0Tnia of Di lo: le ht1ido n nytowl-i

I Lihe largest setting
qur iy pencil
17e ~tB1t
degrees Superlative in quality:
the world-famous
At all
dcalers ENU
BJ y give best service and
a longest wear.
dozen Plain ends, per doz. $1.00
American Pencil Co., 215 Fifth Ave., N.Y.
Makers of UNIQUE Thin Lead
Colored Pencils in 12 color -$1.OO per doz.

Quality and Service
Give us that next order of
and we will get it out when
promised, and tli cduality of our work
cannot be surpassed.
Give us a trial.
ZJ ette S

Saturday 9-2



Granger's Academy


711 North University Ave.

Phone 8805


f I:3

It's up to you/


' .

As you turn aside from college days to
enter the world of business, every avenue
should be thoughtfully considered.
With your eye upon success-experience,
progress, recognition, financial indepen-
dence-the S. S. Kresge Company can
lead the way. It is not a short road.
It is no smooth path. But it is a sure
way for those who have the necessary
qualifications and the determination to
It a mercantile career appeals to you, we
believe you will be interested in oppor-
tunities in the Kresge chain of stores.
If you are interested in such a career,
write today to our Personnel Depart-
ment for a formal application blank.
We will then arrange to have one of our
representatives, who has earned a respon-
sible position in the Kresge organization,
meet you. He will tell you all about our
business and will discuss the proposition
with you from every angle.
Personnel Dept

from farmer, miner a
college .mant to
District Superintendent 18 Stores
"While I realized that I had some
hard work ahead of ere when 1bega
as a stockman in the Krese store at
Louisville, it appealed to me very
"I learned that promotions were
given only on merit and that 6cre
were always better positions for the
fellow who could qualify.
"My frst few months work bzoueht
enthusiastic letters hcme regardmg
my progress and very soon thosec
had advised me against it becerme as
interested as I was. This was leven
years ago. Now I am just as inter-
ested and fully convinced th t I
made a very wise choice. In ghat ¢
time, I have managed two stores and
for the past six years have been dis-
trict superintendent of several stores.
"Promotions have come just as fast
as I have been able to handla iem.
"Az present the opportunities are
better than at any time in the past.
The reason for this is the rapid ex-
pansion of the company in new
fields. My §mbition today is just as
great as it was the day I left college.
Every man wants to get ahead and

lishing schools, introducing certain study industrial methods. They were
moral customs, and inculcating re- of value to the manufacturing ass- I
spect for civil authority. Yet the ciations and trade unions alike, If
priests have often meddled with poli- the plan of arbitrating industrial dis-
tics and brought pressure to bear on putes is iaintained in the future,
those who would stand it. perhaps the strike will have had
All three of these groups have erred some benefits after all.1
considerably in the past. At the=----
present time it is impossible to deter- ASSEMBLING THIS WEEKI
mine exactly which side is in the Following a precedent established
right, but a good case could be made 24 years ago, thirty-five thousand;
for the Calles government. One thing road builders and experts are gather- f
is certain, it is Mexico's problem and I ing this week at the American road


cr7.c- ssuc as ics or the uay."" h iA 1c!kd 1'1ya"aaS~
Cl .~AN0 OUJII a i UaII0gYworxeti twvo years a-i a stew-
Ever yours For Efficiency
EAbyu F r E OCi nC j ard on the Albany night boat.
* * aa ococo ut this and numerous other sallies
i m~are obscuir(d and forgotten amnid M
Now we'll have to paint the Law I ,a ,
d Gershwin's wantotn rhythms and se-
building a nice clean white to match uctive melodies, which are en-
{the stadium. ;
h shT H hanced by superb instrumentation at
_ _ _ _ _o__yRay.__ the hands of an almost symphonic or-
new road building machinery and chestra headed by Victor Arden and I
equipment will be exhibited, ideas re- Phil Olihian. "Do Do Do," "someone
gardling more eficient construction to Wt+ch Over Me," and "Clap Yo'
will be exchangbd, and co-operation nd:" along Nith "Fidgcty feet," I


w 4to 40 Is 4 STOIXE2 4 .A 41Si.T STOtI%.EW
Kresge Building


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