A THE MICHWIGAN DAILY WEDNE~SDAY, JANUARY 12, 1927 I:.- wo-ows"" EXTENSIO :The f S 1idihgI helcourss tha ii11 vrious M ,ichlig"an citi semester. Only 10 iven for the ]iClt [rast to the 24crier: r"IsumMER SESSION ANNOUNCEMENT TO BAVAILABLEATCOILEEOFFICES RBeginning tomorrow, copies, of the, the professor, andi the hours of credit, °LYI v! campus edition of the abridged an- is intended a~ a preliminary announce- nouncement of the Summer session; ment of the work, and may be used PEk sen :tnr As will be available at all of the regis- by those students who plan to continue ~rofssor hae; tration offiices of the various colleges 'their studies during the summer in F~ r e of the University, according to the making their second semester elec- -- announcement of Edward 11. 'raus, tions. SU JC S dead of .the Summer session and dean It will be followed soon by are daSU ECS of the College of Pharmacy., vised edition of 60,000 copies whih Thi CCitiflwhih cntans enealwill be mailed to, all parts. of the4 eient from the inform~ation pertaining to the Sum- county, tte .earas on division gives merC session and a summnarized, state - vill be offered in: men ofd the courses offered, giving; GENEI±VA.-Switzerland and Frane ies for the secondl the nimber and name of the course, have been= especially hit by influenza., j 1courses will be ; . *, ! itrs!lrrrrr!!!r!lrrr!!!lr:s rrrrr!ltarrlatr! rl rr rrrlrrlrlr rr'!!rr!!r!!!ra!!!!rtlrlE !!r!!!*!!f3!l t: lMY T. ~. U ful- . RII.S*niffl WE*SU*Sm~HnIHIS!S*S!EUS5p.ITI.RETHT ifilitiTHI,3S.USSI Yif SpF.WI"111111" F aterntiesmSororities. We Offer for Your, Consideration : A thirte -n room. brick house in. southeast. sectio }, five blocks from campus. Sleep- ing porch ; three complete baths and a lavatory ;. large living room ; vapor steam heat. An, excellent; house for an organ- nation. Also other 4esirable. houses in the southeast. section. Let us talk. over your problems, with you. .semester in con- redl for this term, * O UTDOORSPOmRTS SKATING-T-ZOlOQQA.NIN-~-Kl INQ E reqguire an extra- Uoinift of stamina . 'Drink rich:, . prmik and betht pep " p~Jiest one in the c1row d. DIAL 410t ANN ARBOR DAIRY j"The-Home of Pure M1Vil k." '4 "' atccorinug to C. A. ihr assistaint direci~t of the division, due to the fact that both the University profe.s- sors, conducting* the courses and the pe rns attending, usually teachers, are lessi' icuded with work during the pr'E'Cent semefSter'. The ls of courses that are prac- tically assured, according to Mr. Fisher, are as follows. historical geo- 0og , Prof. R. C. Ilussey, Flint; ele- m..:ntary school curriculum, Prof. Cliord Woody, Wyandotte; elouien- : : ryv school curriculum, 1Prof. George Fyte, Grand Rapids; educational so- ciology, prof. Robert C. Angell, De- troit; pub~lic health nursing, Prof. IlararaBartlett, D)etroit; history of aesthetics, Prof. 1). lI Parker, Detroit. The othe:_Ir four courses to be offered have not~f yet been (definitely decided; upon) but the following are under con- :fcration: political- science, James K. Poilock, Battle Creek; teaching of science, Prof. Francis D. Curtis, D~e- trojt ; commnercial law, Prof. Earl S. E oiavc r, Detroit; and a course in en- g ineering by Prof. J. E. Emswiler, I~etroit. !,".tension cours6; for the secvond nester 'ill b) gid4at the same time1 t, , the regular Univeristy courses. :~i~SWill Succeed ai itHosptal Head W1R V .Sau1:AwY .. Dial 7147, Miss Carson with 11 osenberg Woolens for Spring L. D . CARR / 1927 REALTOR 17 Savings Bank Building: r " 9 a ;; A N of tions advanQe Spring showin xmporta- ., I 1 1. 1 . 9 1 1 I I I -, " , * m -, i! - .!, , , , r I in new patterns conned to this; concern. All are the product of eminent English make rs. Dr. Byiion E. Biggs, assistant memi- 'ial director of. University hospital, hs been appointed superintendent of C urley hospital, Flint, to succeed Dr. L:ouis Teffeau, accordling to an an- ,)incement today. Dr. Biggs has ac- pid the position fo(r four months ~Ahsbeen given leav: e of absencel -M ay 15. He will go immediately p~e ositioll. 'LarN DON.-Prince George is the pos- visr of his first automobile, a New sersgift from his fathelr. ROME.-Italian emigration. during 11926 decreased 40;,000 as compared Wih1925.y Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. Representative, MR. JERRY COAN at' HOTEL ALLENEL Thursday, January 1 3th. 1014+ CHAPEL: STREET- NEW HAVEN' J S*ATIACOR XTDE " II EAST 47!.!hSTREET" NEW YORK.- ®./afer5 9&5fJmdrf id Cbizse,%utV lb e-iCo/zJr(olk4 !Alen a.r.. _ n. ra MAIML Don t orget that - i{n e M1: l;! 6 i, nti n"F ! i' A_ R 11 S: ry< ". 4Y pl . .., :. :w .' . ; t4 ::5,: N <.~SC~S ~JWS.N~ " A 40 You see them on State St.., on ,. : 85outh. U. --and everywhere: on the ------------------------- w 0 0 campus* They are white -~- real. white --- and they are comfortable. They have been' laundered at the S ' -Varsity. f f Phone421.9 a i '":# s d iA t 4 . {' p J. / v i '_ Y H. ' y +f f m r + t J r " . ' u t r ?: ... . AA I I4 Corn er* liberty and Fi~fth I AT- [4 U i I