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January 12, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-12

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NICARAGUAN OIESTIONIParamount Moi ing Picture Star Believes Spoken Stage Will Come Bank
n tAzIn r ~ mmRa *un uinr ,- - - - _., ~1

I [New ovements In Literature Is licliigan Songs By Varsity Glee Club
Subject Of Tomorrow's Talk And Three Speeches On Program
"Newer Movements in American Three. four-minute talks together

Student's Club And Labor Unions Plan
Public Manifestation Against
"Attitude Of Violence"
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Another
attack upon President Coolidge's Nica-
raguan policy was made in the House
today by Representative Huddleston,
Democrat, Alabama, who termed it a
"plain affront to Mexico."
Representative Lozier, Democrat,,
Missouri, also delivered a verbal
broadcast, but apart from these, and,
an incidental thrust by Senator Borah,
Republican, Idaho, on the floor of the
Senate, little was heard from the ad-
ministration opposition. .
On the other hand, Representative
Wood, Republican, Indiana; rose to
the defense of the President's message1
yesterday as an "admonition to the
two countries,' but not the "big
While silence on the subject was
maintained in quarters where con-1
ment was looked for, it was said
at the White House that President
Coolidge had nothing to add to what
hie had saidl in yesterday's message to1
Congress further than to stress the
determination to afford protection to
American life and property in any
part of the world; and that the gov-
ernment would do everything in its
power to that end.
With interest centered on the ex-
pected appearance tomorrow of Sec-
retary Kellogg, before the Senate for-
eign relations committee, to discuss
the Nicaraguan situation, most sena-
tors continued to withold comment.,
Senator Borah's remarks wei'e promt-
ed by a request by Senator Bingham'
Republican, Connecticut, that he be
permitted to straighten out in the
Congressional Record some confusion
over his reference to President Diaz,
of Nicaragua in a speech yesterday.
Representative Huddleston, in at-
tacking the President's policy, re-
iterated that America is "deliberately i
and consciously drifting into war with
Mexico." He asserted that President
Coolidge had brought Mexico into his 1
message for lipother purpose than "tog
put her in a ad light."
(By Associated Press)
SANTIAGO, Chile, Jan. 11.-A com-
mittee met today under the auspices
of the Student's club to plan a public
manifestation against the "attitude ofx
violence adopted by the United States
in Nicarague." Labor unions, co-
operating with the movement, appoint-
ed delegates to the committee and the
Student's club has sent a message to
the convention of professors urging,
them to join the plan.
Committee Named
To Study Deferred
Rushing Problems{
Appointment of a committee for the
consideration of the problems of de-
(erred rushing on the Michigan cam-
pus was made by John R. Boland, Jr.,
'27, president of the Interfraternity,
council at a meeting of that body
yesterday afternoon at the Union.
The committee consists of Frederick
S. Glover, Jr., '27, chairman; W. Cal-
vin Patterson, '27, Nathan P. Fein-
singer, grad., Henry T. Lathrop, '27,
and Henry Maentz, '27. Meetings of
this committee and a record of its
work will be delivered to the coun-
cil in the near future.
Other considerations of the meeting
were a review of some of the work
done at the convention of the National
Interfraternity council held recently

in New York, and the statement of a
plan for the invitation of faculty mem-
bers to visit the various houses andt
become acqquainted with the men in
the fraternities and with the ideals
that actuate them.

Stronger Than Before Die To F
Prophesying the theatrical death of!
large traveling combinations, Theo- s
dore Roberts, Paramount moving pic-
ture star now appearing at the Majes-
tic theater, in an interview with a
representative of The Daily last night,t
declared that, although it may take az
generation or so, the spoken dramaa
will come back to popularity stronger
than ever before because of thet
Recalling the siutation 20 years 1
ago, Mr. Roberts pointed out that ap-t
proximately only 20 per cent of the f
people ever attended the legitimatef
stage productions in those days,'
while a safe estimate of numbers ofk
the present day movie-goers would be
between 50 and 60 percent of the
population. This difference, he saidt
can be laid to diverse reasons, most I
prominent of which is the proximityl
of neighborhood movie houses to thet
homes of the people; the comparative
cheapnefs, especially in the !earlyl
days when a man could take his wholeI
family to the pictures for 50 cents;t
the fact that, contrary to the stage,
the best productions may be seen evenf
in the most remote localities; anda

Favorable Influence Of Cinema
ing that he believed the future of the
spoken stage to be in production§ with
individual stars supported by local
stock companies.
When questioned as to the possibili-
ties for new stars to break into the
movies,. Mr. Roberts answered that it
is all a matter of chance. There is a
decided demand for new material due
to the constantly changing personnel
of the large film producing companies,
he continued, and the advise he gives
to all movie aspirants is "to be readyI
for your chance when it conies." He,
further advised that tryouts should'
not go to'Hollywood expecting to be'
supported by their movie earnings.
"The tendency in the movie industry
is toward comedy," he stated, "and
this tendency, a decided one,, is due
to the fact" that audiences want to
laugh. Movies aren't constructed with
the idea of educating the public be-
cause the industry is conducted on
purely a mercenary basis," he added
with a smile. "The public doesn't
want to be educated anyway."
Mr. Roberts was very warm in his
feeling about college town audiences,
and said.that they are very enthusi-

Charges Brought By Wilson Are Basis
Of Senatorial Investigation
Into November Election
(By Associated Press){
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-Another
inquiry into Pennsylvania politics was
ordered today by the Seniate.
It will be conducted by the specialf
committee headed by Senator Reed,
Democrat, Missouri, which uncovered
expenditures of $3,000,000 in the Re-
publican primary in that state last
spring, and will go directly.to the sen-
atorial election last November.
Fraud Charges Are Basis
The basis for the investigation will
be the charges of fraud in registra-
tion and voting brought by William

Letters; What Do They Mean and with a number of Michigan songs
What May We Hope from Them?" is sung by the Varsity Glee club wit
the topic of a University lecture to be sung sy theVaityiGeeNcgubRwill
delivered by Gorham Munson, writer 'comprise the Michigan Night Radio
and critic, at 4:15 o'clock tomorrow in program to be broadcast at 8 o'clock
Natural Science auditorium. Mr. Mun- Friday from station WWJ, the Detroit

son will also speak at the same time {
Friday in University Hall under ther
auspices of the public speaking de-j
partment on "A Theater for Art."
Besides being an authority on some
of the most recent experimental
movements in literature, such as post-
impressionism, cubism, futurism and
other new theories, the speaker has
contributed much to the magazine1
field. He is the founder of "Seces-I
sion," a periodical which produced its {
first issue, in 1922, in Vienna, and has
contributed to The Dial, the Little Re-
view; the Double Dealer, and other
Mr. Munson will be the lecturers
in American literature at the New
School of Social Research in New
York city for the second term. This
institution is a liberal one and num-
bers such men as Prof. Charles Beard1
in its faculty.
Ima'n rimm dill' i *Error

News, is the announcement by Waldo
M. Abbot of the rhetoric department,
program manager. The greater part,
of the hour will be given to the Glee
The first of the speeches will be
given by Prof. Emil Lorch, head of
the college of architecture, who will
talk on the making of architecture.
He will be followed by Prof. Edwin
D. Dickinson of the Law school,
speflking on the "Relation of the
Uied States to the World Court."
The speaker was in Geneva during
the summer engaged in research
James D. Bruce, director of internal
medicine and chief of the medical
service at the University hospital, will
treat some phase of the subject of
internal medicine. This is the first of
a series of talks dealing with the gen-
eral topic.

whereas, plays are usually designed astic, very expressive, very appreci- B. Wilson, Democrat, in his effort to
to be understood only by adults, the l ative and very delicate, explaining obtain the Senate seat which Rep.
cinema has appeal to children and that by "delicate" he meant quick toW
their elders alike. "Movies are but a show their pleasure or displeasure and William S. Vare, Republican, was
step toward the stage," lie said, add- quick to "catch on." elected on the face of the rc'turns from
the November elections. ITII DICAL GROUPS
Senator Reed is expected to call an _
early meeting of his committee to
make arrangements for impounding Plats For UniversityC Work Will Be
,Uf f nrn ITIrnI the ballots, registrations lists, and Considered By t o Ounc n
other documents used in the elections,
as required under the resolution ofj
inquiry offered by Senator Robinson, WILL ADD COURSE HERE M
--: the Democratic leader, and adopted D
Members Of Present Reserve Band To Fernand Bonisson Wins 'On Third today by the Senate, unanimously, ;Dr. A. S. Warthinprofessor of
Be Given First Choice For Var- Ballot, In French' Election, Over after only brief discussion.
sity Positions ,Former War Minister The threatened fight to keep the Pathology in the Medical school, will
____ E i inquiry out of the hands of the Reed attend the meeting of the Council on
NEW PLANS ARE MADE IS MODERA'TE LEADER i committee and have it conducted by Physical Therapy of the American'
tthe elections committee, as is usually Medical association which will be held
----'done, failed to 'materialize. Senator i
Tryouts for the Varsity band will be (By Associated Press' Reed, Republican, Pennsylvania, stat- next Friday in Chicago. The council,
held shortly after examinations, dur- PARIS, Jan. 11.-The French chain-! ing that he had no objection to the is ond of the important committees off
b er of deputies began its regular ses- subject being handled by the special the association and the work of this
ing which time about 10 new members si17tcommittee which alreadyihas inquired meeting will be directed largely with
will be taken into the Varsity organi- Sion of 1927 today by electin a So- into Vare's primary campaign. regard to plans for physical therapy
zation. First choice in making the cialist, Fernand Bouisson, as its pres~ The resolutin ordering the inquiry courses to be offered in the leading
selections will be given to mebers ident. e won on the third ballot, by carried an appropriation of $15,000 medical schools of the country. At
slcinwilbgie tomm rsidenvt. e w4 o1ontilethrdM.balot, b h eouin reigteiq i crsstoobe ofrd the lenty.An
of the present reserve band who will a vote of 284 to 186, over M. Maginot, for expenses in addition to the $50,000 present there is but one university in
be eligible for the Varsity organiza- I fre mitr of war. s voted to the Reed committee when he the United States, the University of
tion next semester. Listarted in his primary inquiry. ,Pennsylvania, which has such a
It is the plan of those in charge cI tached to te action of the chamber Conflicting Credentials course in its medical school.
the Varsity andto require not o in establishing a new precedent by Finally, considering the Vare case, According to Dr. Warthin, plans for
eligibility and skill in playing, in tie electing a Socialist, for M. Bouisson the Senate undoubtedly will have two I work in this new field will be develop-
future, but also at least one semester is leoked upom as one of the most sets of credentials before it, one by ed here within a short time and it is I
in the reserve band, for men who moderate leaders of his party. e is Governor Pinchot stating that he did certain that 'courses will be provided.1
enter the University as freshmen. It considered an expert presiding officer, i not believe Vare was legally elected Physical therapy came into itsl
' havinig established a good record in ohrfo oenrFse
will require unusual skill on the part th n chabe a vc prertfi and the other from Governor Fisher legitimate place in medicine during
of the upperclassmen, entering from v the chamber as vice-president who takes office on Jan. 17, certify- the World war and today it is grad-
another school, and trying out for the iseveral years. ed ing that Vare received a majority of ually taking its place with the usual l
band to secue membership i te Var- His election, however, mar da r-the votes cast. medical and surgical procedures. Its
bandto ecue mmbeshi intheVa~- imolding of the left =group of RadicalsC
sity over a previous inember of theg Senator Reed, of Pennsylvania, was use is extending, though it is still
Reserve organization, if this ruir- and Socialists, and in some quarters in Harrisburg tonight to address the violently condemned by some physi-
ment is adopted, it was stated.q is interpreted as a possible menace to League of Women Voters on Pennsyl- cians, and it is through the encourage-
Several schools of the Big Ten have the Poincare, cabinet. vania politics, and he planned before I ment of the Council of Physical The-
reserve bands, which act as a direct Conveming after its adjournment for returning here to urge Fisher to issue rapy that it is definitely to be offered
z the holiday season, the chamber is =
supply for the Var ity, and from which aed h a p o imorta acertificate to Vare in the usual form to students of medicine.
ly he is iauguratedI The phy'sical therapy council will
all vacancies in the Varsity band arefoegandmstcqsinspm-
filled. With the second semester, all ? reign amd domestic questions pronmi- endeavor to point out to the medical
members are eligible, and the reserve g the franc on a sound basis. FPremierrraternity Alumni va ;gsofpohysadvantagesandso ta
organizations replace the Varsity atvantoincare hassnotlyetedisylosedhtime
sonic of the basketball aunh baseball ! details. A ssembly its abuses may be reduced to a nilni-:
ganmes, and give pul~ic concerts, all Organize b nmum,yand its scientific possibilities
of which the reserve band of the Uni- I may be appreciated.
versity has anong its plans, for the Frayer Will Close In Detroit M eetingI _
following semester. Wisconsin be- EUROPEAN AERIAL
lieves in this arrangement to the ex- Series Of Lectures enAS an outcome of President Clar- ROUTE ARRANGE
tent of supporting two reserve bands. ___ence Cook Little's invitation to the R U ESA RA G D
In closing the series of lectures on fraternity alumni to establish a more
Pternational relations for the first direct contact with the Uiniveristy (By Associated Press)
PORTUGALnFEELStconglthelstioiesfo leurst
semester in conjunction with the I and its problems, the Inter-Fraternity ROME, Jan. 11. - Arrangements
EAR TH TREMORS Ica School of Religionwseinar Alumni assembly was organized in! have been concluded between Ger-
I"The Moral Issues of Modern Detroit last week. The organization many and Italy for aerial routes be-
yAssociated Press) Prof. W. A. Frayer of the history took place at a meeting of delegates 1#tween the two countries -to be in-
..Brfrom the alumni associations of 14 augurated next spring. The first visit
- LISBON, Portugal, Janm. 11.--Tme jdeipartmient will speak this afternoon frtriiso h aps il ebtenBri n oe o
ppltooftectofCoimnbra and' at 4 :15 o'clock in Natural Science an- fraternities on.- the campus. will be between Berlin and Rome, to
population of the city of m Cpoi dito4:1 k N aThe present group is expected to be followed soon by another from
smaller towns in the province of (ditorium. .a fr ulu o agrognz-Mnc oVrn n ia.
Beira today fled into the streets and i The lecture, which will be on "The forn a ucleus for a larger organize- Munich to Verona and Milan.
Ileds, panic-stricken by an earth- Regional Ambitions of Italy, will take metionswhich will nclude anid invite to
c n and subterrammean rumb~lesI the form of a discussioni of time ItalianI membership anmy alumni organization PARIS.- Briand is determined to
, Vl antd ut for three seconds. I mnperamistc policy under Mussolini. of a campus fraternity which owns force a showdown in the French cabi-
: _ ____'_d___________sec __ds. __ mpera__ st________yunder__uss____. of leases a fraternity house. Several Inet on "foreign policy."
nfraternity ahunmni associations, ot
LORD KELVIN'S MEMORY LAUDED BY represented at the meeting have been'
LITTLE ATNLAYINGTON Ei restOrted to intending to join and the
LITTLE ATL YIrt regular meeting has been set for OF ALCOHOL, ME!
Feb. 26.I
"Lord Kelvin, a Scot, spent and iin physics and biology which have The association elected M. Hubert
gave to humanity such a wealth of manifested themselves in the two de- O'Brien, '98L, president. (By Associated Press)
ideas,energy ,and ethusiasn in.a cades since the death of Lord Kelvin.,I WASHINGTON, - Jan. 1l.-Congress
"We can no longer look for the single R eturnTo Former has required the use of poison dena-
search for truth that in order to pre- mind in science alone and unaided to
o"-ll hn"rli T.r t- Itui'ants for industrial alcohol, Secre-

Tryouts For Productions By Michigan
Union Organization Will Be Held
Next Week
Announcement of a series of dra-
matic presentations to be given during
the coming semester by Mimes, as!
has been the custom. in the past, wasf
made yesterday. Tryouts for all menI
interested in dramatic work will be
held starting next week.
The days for tryouts have been set.
for Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday,
from 4 to 5 o'clock at Mimes' theatre.
All men who have had experience in
singing, acting, dancing, or .tage-
work, or are desirous of submitting
one-act skits, or vaudeville numbers,
are asked to report at the theatre
during this time.
The first production of the seriesI
to be given will be "The Man of Des-
tiny," by Shaw. Following this will
come "R. U. R.," a -Theatre Guild pro-I
duction; a Pulitzer prize play, "HellI
Bent For Heaven"; and a comedy of
Holberg's, translated by Prof. 0. J.
Campbell of the English department.
In April, the annual Mimes Gaieties
will be presented. The announced
plays represent only part of the com-
plete series to be produced under the
direction of this dramatic organiza-
tion next semester.
Another feature of Mimes activities
this year will be the organization of a
Mimes orchestra which will practice
once a week and will play for allf
Mimes productions to fornm a nucleus
for future Opera orchestras. All menl
playing instruments are asked to re-
port at the Mimes theatre along with
tryout contestants Monday, Tuesday,
or Wednesday.:
I Norther Threatens
To Isolate Capital

Cites Dawes Plan, League Of Nations,
Briand-Stresemann Meeting, And
Locarno, As Proofs
Speaking on "The New Europe,"
Dr Ernst Jackh, founder and pres-
ident of the. Institute of Political Sci-
ences, Berlin, and German delegate
to Versailles, Locarno, Genoa, and
Geneva, told a large audiece yester-
day afternoon in Natural Science
auditorium that Europe's leading
statesmen are paving a way for per-
manent peace by their frequent meet-
ings to smooth over difficulties before
they grow into serious problems. He
stated that if the atmosphere of
friendliness and the endeavor for mu-
tual welfare now existing in Europe
had been present in 1914 therewould
have been no World war.
Dr. Jackh asked the question, "Is
there a new Europe?" and ansered
it by a brief survey of the changing
relationships between nations during
the past 15 years. "Old Europe, that
is the Europe before the war, was di-
vided into two camps, the Triple En-
tente and the Triple Alliance, each
pitted against the other in a diplo-
matic struggle which culminatd in
the Great war. The nations emerging
from this conflict immediately pre-
pared to enlarge their armies and ex-
tend their boundaries, and sunk temp-
orarily into a more chaotic state than
iNew Europe Born
The speaker answered his question
in the affirmative by saying, "After
five years following the World war,
the real new Europe began to grow."
There are four proofs, he said, of this
statement-the Dawes scheme, the
Locarno conference, the League of
Nations, and the recent meeting be-
tween Briand and Stresemann.
Dr. Jackh charaterized the Dawes
scheme as the basis of new Europe,
''a traffic sign directing economics to
keep to the right.' "Its greatest wi-
dom lies in its flexibility which en-
hances its value. The only definite
thing about the Dawes plan is that it
is indefinite."
Turning more specifically to his
I own country, the German lcturer
claimed that the problems of Germany
are at the center of European prob-
lems. le reminded the audience of
I Germany's central location. "There
is no other nation with as open boun
daries as Germany, none. other with
as many neighbors-and each of Ger-
many's neighbors has an army and
armaments superior to hers; and no
other nation has so dispersed a pop-
ulation." Thus, explained the lec-
turer, that nation is made by fate and
not by choice the center and chief
reason for European interdependence.
1.This interdependence which is find-
ing expression in art, sences, and in
other fields as well as in the political
is a new movement which can become
Seither an order or disorder and which-
1 may either kill or cure, he continued.
The result will be either alliances
I and armaments, which lead toward
conflict, or agreement and arbitration,
which, said Dr. Jackh, are steps to-
ward future peace and prosperity.
"All we are concerned with in tile
League of Nations is the atmosphere
and the machinery," declared the
speaker. The underlying purpose of the
league has been to avoid war and this
it is accomplishing by the atmosphere
t of friendliness, and of co-operation
between nations which are steadily
growing. He went on to explain that
this new atmosphere amd understand-
u ing is being developed primarily by
the frequent meetings of representa-
tives from the various governments.
"Perfect Efficiency"
The machinery of the league, 'he
stated, has not, of course, reached
perfection, but is improving steadily,
I "To gain time was the purpose of the

old system; to lose time, the purpose
. of the present system. Wasting time
. in the intervention of war," the speak-
- er added, "is 100 per cent efficiency."
In enumerating the leading prob-
lems of Europe today, Dr. Jackh cited
- in particular the Balkan question, the
ai Italian, and the Russian. "The prob-
lem presented by Soviet Russia," he
e concluded, "is the greatest confront-
f ing Europe today."
- The lecturer considers Mussolini
- too sound a man to cause the other
e nations, organized as they now are,
e any serious trouble.


(By Associated Press)
PLYMOUTH, Mass., Jan. 11.-A
storm described as the worst since
1898 threatened to isolate the ancient
capital of the Massachusetts Colony.
Under the lash of a 50-mile norther
waves 20 feet high were breaking
over roads skirting the sea front.
Wayne B. Wheeler, general counsel
of the Anti-Saloon league, regarding
- the use of poisoned denaturants, Mr.
- Mellon advised that there was none.
- The only Anti-Saloon league corres-
pondence on file in this connection, he
said, was a recent telegram from Atti-
cus Webb, Texas superintendent, pro-
o testing against the removal of poison
- from industrial alcohol.
s While the Senate was receiving th
e report of Mr. Mellon, one of his chief
- lieutenants, Assistant Secretary An
drews, in charge of prohibition en
-I forcement, was explaining to the
s House ways and means committee th
d administration's proposal for the pur
g" chase and manufacture of medicina
s whiskey. The plan immediately drew

.LEONJiX RDJ T0 'WALK ;vent the race from oing . UDanru i make the most of his opportunites. 1
all at once all the others since his There has been a new environment
AT CLUB MEETING time have had to save as much as thrown around humanity even in tie
they could," said President Clarence brief period since the death of Lord
George 0. Leonard, of the Campbell- Cook Little in his address yesterday Kelvin. Already chance has formied,
Ewald Advertising agency of the Geie- at the ceremony of the laying of te and enius has preserved, a group of
Erald Aotorbiling, Dgetryoith l be- cornerstone of the large Kelvinator research workers in the field of biology
the prcildpeakert, r lar plant near Detroit. at Columbia university -- Morgan,
meeting of the Business Adinistra- ' This huge plant, which will house Sturtevant, Bridges, and others, who'
tion club at 7:30 o'clock tonights n the manufacturing of electric refriger- have driven the problem of the phys-
,ooms 316, 318, and 320 of the Union.' ators, will bear the name of one of ical basis of heredity to a point where'
A short business meeting will be the world's great scientists--Williarn it can begin to be approached from
held immediately after Mr. Leonard's I Thompson, Lord Klevin. "His life," said what Lord Kelvin described as "a
address. y.the President, "was an excellent ex- superlatively grand question -the in-
ample of the principle that progress ner mechanism of the atom."

ates Is Approved'
(By Associated Press)I
WASHINGTON, Jan. 11.-A return
to the 1920 rates of second class mail
matter and the restoration of the one-
cent postage for private postal cards,
were approved today by the Senate
post office committee which is re-
writing the act so as to provide funds
to meet the increases for postal em-
Reduction of the 1920 second class
rates, proposed by Senator McKeller,

tary Mellon today informed the Sen-
ate in a reply to his request for infor-
mation on the subject.
! "The treasury does not wish to
use dangerous substances as denatur-
ants," Mr. Mellon said, "but Congress
has imposed upon the treasury the
duty of specifying an effective dena-
turant readily available to industry."
Wood alcohol is "the simplest de-
naturant," meeting the requirements
of the law, the secretary said, and
while the treasury has been searching
for years for, a substitute, none has

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