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January 11, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-11

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mom V", xxwaweons

"1 A AN-AL Yk N L./"LL BJ s



All seniors and graduate students who would like to have the privilege
of observing the teaching in their horne towns or elsewhere during the,
week of the University Spring Vacation (April 8-18) please notify mee in
Iwritihg at once. Sespecifically the following facts: N;amie; homne town;
major sub.jec t; City or Town preferred.

Publication in the Bullet in is constructive not ice to :ill mnembers of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the Presidnt until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. m. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
Volume VII '1' 111I):i4, J 4 ° 1rill i 1197 ~7 ~i'I [1)7
University Lecture:
Professor Dr. rnst Jackh, foundr and p xrient of ia' 1 ntt.t ie of
Political Sciences, lBerlin, ad i: lrofIthe C :rmn )dl;',at ion-wV.,
saillies, Genoa, Locarno, Geneva, °ill lecture on theo subject "Te Nv;
Europe" in the N'atural aSiene!Aniditorii at 4:15 P. N. Tuesduay, .an. 11.
Department of ibrary Science:
The following courses, not sch(edled. in lb eAiinomi eicie t of the
Department of Library Science issued la=t fall, are to be ofered teO second
124. Circulation and Extenrsion Work in Public Libraries. A study of
the policy and practice of the cirrulation and ~ranch (esirteindlts of p~bilc
libraries, including -adult duication, e.t ei= on asd publici. \yh'neslay,
3, Room 110, Library. Professor Mitchell One hour credit.
126. Special Collections. A pro sexiary in the develoing o a r-
versity library, including a stuady (of the Jwlbliography of sone subjects and
the met'hods of gathering a collection in that field, especially through Action
sales and the antiquar ian and f'oreg;nike!1 t'Yd a. Probles cu dlsuc Son.
Monday, 4 to 6, Room 303, Library. Mrr. Goodrich. Two hours credit.
The hlours for Course 202, Natioial and Rtegioal Bibliography, have
been changed from Tuesday, 2 to 4, to'Nlonday, 3 to 5.
Wil. 1I.. ishop1, Lirarian.
CvlEgneigSuet.Professor John S. Worley wll letre in Room 411, W'iest En ineering
Lulding at 11:00 A. Al. Monday, January 10th, and 11:00 A. AT. Tuesday,
January 11th. Ils leture on Monday wil be on Early Prime M~overs and
his Tuesday lecture on Canals o1f the World. All members of the senior
Civil Engineering class are requesed to attend. Classes in all civil Engi-
neering 'ibnct scheduled t these hours will be dismissed. Studnts tak-
ing worm~ in other deparin'ts a t these hours musi~t a range for ex use h,
the usual manner, if they desire to attend. y
Freshman Leture:
The fourth freshman lecture in hygiene for mnen will be given in
Waternan Gymnasium, Thursday and Friday, January 13 and 1, at 34
and 5 P. M. This reqnrinient imeludes all frshiffcn in the regular physical
training classes and others that have beeni excused from the (, classes.
George A. May.
Soploinores of the ('olcge of Jiteatre , Ntwence, and tde Ars:
Sophomores who have failed to arn age for consultation with the Up-~
perclass Advisory Committer. in regard to their elections for the secon
semester should do so t once by ;uliing at tle Recorde°'s Office, Room
4, University Hall.
C. C. )Alcoh, (h~~aairii.
Cerce Francais Le~ture:
Professor Al. S. P arginent will lecture Wedesday, Jamiary 12th, a
4:15, ins Room 1025, Angell Ill, on "'Quelques Cot une -s Era n aiM(
Anciennes et Modernes."
This is the second lecture oin the Cicrec Fr ncais program. Ti(.1-(t
for the series may be procured from the( ; e rtary of t he Romance Language
department, Room 104, South Wing.
Rene T lainion,
University Women:
There will be no swimmin u t the Union 1po0l this mnorning for the
eight or nine oclock cia sses. The ten o'clock class will meet as usal.
El lo1thoi'.
Freshmzan Group:
The group meeting scheduled for tonight wil not be held on account
of the athletic competitions. Mlebers of the bowling teamn will meet at
7:30 tonight at the Union. 'The asktball squad plays a game Wedesday
at 2:30 in Waterman gym.
It. C. Angell.
'D114 and D145, Teaers' Course:
D115 and D145, Teachers' Course in F-ench and Spanish, gien in the
first semester and not, announced in the second semester, owing to the large
demand, will be giveni in the second emester, M. W. F. at 11:00 o'clock
by Professor Pargment. Room to be announced later.
11. P. '~Thliie.
Fpeshinan Group Meeting:
My freshman group will meet at my home on Tuesday evening, January
11, at 8:00.
W1ado AWo.
f sr ra wm.h



All e ,E nli6 tc enrolled w,*th the Bureau of Appointmnents whos ,n:ames
begin w',ith tl_, it or S are requested to call at the office, Rooin1.02 Ta ppan
flap, for inter-views this week oftne]hours for this purpose wvilbe held
f e)-ae.I:3 to 12:009 A AL., r) d 3:00 to 4:00 13. IAi, January 1H, 12, 13, 11.
I °. ents who did not take Russian Literal nrc 121, can e nter ilis coi rse
en ly b ici e t, I {.r1porisi ion of11C'. Meadleror Mrs. Par g.." °: ,. ( Ofnsl a Oio
h1o1i"S: iTuesdayi, AWCdutesd~y and Thursday from 1.0 to 1.4, Rom 20{)G A. 11.
C. i. Meader.

('r« *,icelther's ('liristmtas-Assenibly, School of Eduicailon :
Crowfeather's Christmas, a historical play given by the University Iligh
School, will be repeated for the students in the School of Education and
others interested, Wednesday afterneon at four o'clock in the University
High School auditorium.
PlA.y!r. 'V('limb :
There will be a meetijig of Players' Club 7:30 Tuesiday, fourth floor,
{TUniversity hall.
T', c s co.nri cueof teSociety Curewill be g '1e Tueday,
,rn ontv~y -11, at 7:30 P. 1V., in Room 2.5 Angel] HallI. T'his %vil b,;,a~ illusra ted
lectur e by Sr. G. L. Michaud on "Twenty Years in (ot ie,
YCharles7.I' ''idn
A meeting of the Prescott Club will be held this evening at 7:30 o'clock
in Room 303 Chemistry Building. Dr. Charles W. Edmond will address the
club on the work of revilsing the United States Pharmacopoeia. All stu-
dents enrolled in the College of Pharmacy are urged to be present. Any
others who are interested are cordially invited.
A. C. Ludingtoni, President.
L~e Cercle Franceais:
All mnembers are urged to attend the meeting Tuesday evening;, Janluary
11, at 7:30 in the Cercle Room, South Wing.
Dorothy B. Ti4ch, lbh'sdlant
Mathiematical Club:
Regular meeting wil be held in Room 3201 Angell hfall, on Tuesday,
January 11, at 8 P. M. Professor It. L. Wilder wil present, "Some Recent
iDiscoveries in -the Theory of Point Sets." All persons interested are cor-
Idially invited to attend the meetings of the club.AvITDetn

j r. 'e tx11li aa rreI ' of a 1I advanced course stets rl5a!,Imy home,
1823 1Y. _. rood (1 Bld., at 3:00 P. i:l. tonight, Tuesday. Ja"nuary 11.
George I'. Dun1n1, Jr.
Tb irstld:' ccfor hC :e c t 1),ttin ;survey ngt fr C ourse 5 will be
''Lmcsda aftrno cn, Janua.,y 11, at 3:00 P. ,t
G. W. DunnrI.
l iirs ; t r 3ltm 1 '! _:C' ls: -
t All~1 first year -tudents v.'ho plan to take R. 0. T. C. courses for the irst
tiebeginning the second semester may now fill out enrollmn'mt cards at
the It. 0. T. C. office . Enrollment may be made in the Infantry, Coast
At tCillry Corps, Signal Corps or" Ordiinance Units.
Reimmold )Iellterg.
SS lin~arore Engineaer's:
r Pay your clasis dues any afternoon this week at tablIe near library on
5('doud floor cf ,,W Eingineering Building.
D~onald S. Sm ithi, Treasurer.
i organ lIfeital1:
1'alnter Cllri _ian, Unix er'sity organist, will give a very interesting pro-
grami'ni the Twilight[ Org=an Recital Sne on Wednesday afternoon at 4:15
o'clock. The general iubbie, wiit the exception of small children, is cor-
Idiarly invited to attend.
The prog-rm in fzll is as follows: Fintasie Tniemphale (Dubois);
! Reveiea (Debussy) ; Intermezzo (Bonnet) ; Sonata Tripartite (Nevin)
j FU't~sla fom heSymphonic Suite "Shereazade" (Rimsky-Korsakoff);
I itdtation (d'Evry) ; Toccata "Thou Art the Rock" (MNulct).
Charles A. Shik, Se. ear y.
j urterkaaaternrriy Council:
' ~here wrillbe a r eet ng of the Interfraternity Council today in Room
;304 of theUion at 4 :15 P. i 1. All fraternities in the Council are urged to
b= represented.
.Johnu IR. Boland, .Jr., President.
Vicshoan roups Or,mnixed by Deant Burslcy:
f Bo-"link; matche s schedlu(4 for 7:30 o'clock this evening at tihe Union:
lilt. Ait en's ()roop xvs. Air. Atxvood's ; Alr. Angell's vs. IMr. Brandt's ;M.
tatlk's, vs. M~r. Mlorris' ; Mr. Dow' Cs. Mr. Ohalstead's.
IL. C. Angell.
lhe 1923 .1 --hojin coininiftee will meet at 7 o'elock tonight in Rooml 30a
of the union.
t 'Thomas C'. Winter.
I am unable to have a t ch ing of those who have indicated thecir desire
to Bassi t in these special sI udic s until next week. Please watch the Bul-
1Ldi for further announcemecnt.

Porti a Liflerry Soictr:
The Portia-Athena Debate will b~e
held Tuesday, January 11, at 7:30i P.
Ml., in the Athena rooms.
Subject: Resolved that this Hous;:e
v iews with alarmn the entrancm(e of
1women into the leairned prosess-ions
and statecr'aft. Visitlon-rsar vl on-,(
Portia members killiiimecet in thrir
town room at 7:15 P. Ml. for a hr
business meeting~.
r ,l iiiai 141. Olden, Peiem,
Wacek Quill:
There will be a meeting of Black
Quill on Tuesday, January 11, ina
Rooni 204 S. W. at 7:30 P. ..
11ary Elizabeth Kibbe, ,es
Faculty 'Women's Club:
The Tuesday Play Reading sect(ion
will meet at 2:30 P. M., January 11.,
at 1019 South University avenue.
(I .Sudal
There will be, a meeting ofth
Society Tuesday evening, January 11,
at eight o'clock, in Room 1006'l. 'H.
D.,. C. E. Whitmore will discuss "'1b.~
1Significance of John Grote."
C. De Bdoer.
Aulha Nit:
Alpha Nu debating society will hold
its regular weekly meeting at 7':30,
in the chapter room on the fourth
floor of Angell Hall.
Robt. E. 31innich, Pr'esidenit.
Swimmers Will Vie
For Catalina SwHi
( Continued from Page Seven)
(leorge Creegan, of Patterson, N. J.
Still others who have signified thieir
intention of competing for the biggestrr
prnize ever offered swimmers are Mrs.
Lottie H1. Schoemell, of New Yor k;
Joe Sawyer, of Enterprise, Ala.; Hlow-
ard D). Chaffee, of Ventura, Calif'.;
ICharles Zimim, legless swimmer of
Oakland, Calif., and numerous other
distance performers.
Acquatic authorities who have beeni
wvatching the training activities favor
Leo Purcell, of the San Francisco
Olymphic club, to win the event of he
can keep warm in negotiating the dif-
ficult course. Purcell's greatest
handicap is his lack of fat an abunmd-
h ance of which makes some of the other
swimmers almost impervious to cold.
Purcell is a fast swimmer and has
previously covered long distances in
competition in Pacific coast waters,
Men like Charles Toth and Henry F.-
Sullivan, it is believed, will have no
difficulty in completing the swim.
They are slower swimmers, but both
are heavyweights and far better atle
to swim for a long period in water of"
low temperature than swvimmers of
lighter physique.

Physics Colloquium:
The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. M., Tuesday, January
in Room 1041, Nexv Physics Building. Mr. Chas. Thomas will speak
j "Soft X-Rays." All interested are cordially invited to attend.
~IV. 1",Colby.


Adeiphi Ho~use of Representatives:
!The regular meeting of Adeln hi will be held Tucsday evening at 7:30
in the society roomn in Angell Hail. Visitors ave welcome.
N.B osn prhr
IA. S. C. F., Student Branch :
The regular dinner meeting will be hold at' the Union tonight, January
S11, at 6:00 P. M.
R~alph I . Ehlers.
Quarterdeck :
There will be a meeting of the Quarterdeck Society on Tuesday, January
11, 1927, at 7:30 P. M., in the Union.
Nl. G. Forrest.
Phi Et; Sigma:
'The Phi Eta Sigma group picture for the Michiganensian will be taken
at 5:00 P. M., Trhursday, January 13, in the Rentschler Studio, 319 E.
Huron Street. It is imperative that all members be present.
Win. R. Palmer, President.
IAthena Literary Society:
fhme Portia-Athena Debate will take place Tuesday, January 11, in the
Athena room, at 7:30 P. M. The Athena team, composed (of Ithmer Coffman,
Mlaurine Jones and Pauline Zoller will up~hold the affirmative of the ques-
tion: "Resolved, That this house views with alarm the entrance of xwomen
into the learned professions and state craft."
fThe Athena picture for the Michi- anensian wvil be taken at Rentsehler's
Studio on Sunday morning, January 16th, at eleven o'clock.
+ ~Florence A. IPollock, tPrels<dent.

t i?-4 l Ip

R<ead The Daily "Classified" Columns







I le time for or ganizations
to hav e pictures for the
yearbook is at h-and and
should be taken; care of
ininedia tely.

Y fnftW$WiSflOf.314l. 'flsnflrs,'axwavlrV-r n,,rnxr r~svn~rtw. ,,YraiM.in.. ___________________________________


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