TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SVE~N .. S MMERS ILL se lights in the aquatic realms are flocking to Los Angeles to battle for VIE FOR CA LI the $40,000 prize money in the Catalina CH ANNEL AWARDS channel ocean marathon, the greatest ocean swim on record, to be held' E January 15. LO S ANGELES, Calif.-Responding Many noted swimmers have been to the lure of fame and fortune, many training at the various beaches near of the continent's most famous long Los Angles and at Catalina Island distance swimmers and scores of les- for many weeks, becoming accustomed - _ WHERE WORLD FAMOUS STARS WILL CO..!PETE ALOSESD RGA ' 3 P.A ADVERTIlSING J3J FOUNI) IVA"NT 1D SPECIAL OFFER DURING OUR SALE Besides the 20". reduc-- tion on all regular cloth- ing, we have selected 25 Suits and 25 Overcoats ($Q5 to$40 VTen"IS) ?::}. " ::"!":: J::'::: ^:::.::":::: r. ': X.:r ": t:?":"%?r%'}; I.:? :.r' . i"J-ffr", "" !v:+J/ AtL,4 . tr. .Y - y " "N::{".'"lr.: , 1 %:}F"i} iiv::::.r.". A.. . xv. ::::::.?%{ r r.....:. :-.v } ?"}N A.. . "."l.".v.". r v{ {":}", '; " w: :": Yr' rh. $ .,v.Ati NCEttl! 'sul .Y 't%' ".1. Xrbl... N "}x" .%x. ------------ .Cr"".{?. K4}'r'1.%Y: _ tiiv:%i:%ii>°.v?:'{<=:S<":"{ !ivj;i:; ": ^.v : ",vv:." gqyy p ,,,, .....,...:. i:'v:{v:;:;::$-"'.<%i YV :i}r :i. : }%. r{., ..°.x !04..; ...Y:::; ...... ;.:};:?:.:};:::{:":v.%:}" ..r..:. ":?w::.v:.:: .::......:::: w:: : ":'i Y.4:{{}}:vim ": "};, f r . rhxr."Tr..1.1??r" .ry.; .r. :;~}}:::. fir,:::::"::>:? ?"}<%s:":xT: :e.. };.?.:};:y;.%;:i:; I ":'%l;:;i:":.:. . ,r, .... :.v{ {:::'ri: r.?".^:: r::::? : r' :i %::::rr .. .. r:.. r...:.v ".}: .:} ;: . ¢jri}:??{{vr:n %}:} "' :fsgr, Ff;C{" n1"t.f.:i:?i'r,"; .'"'-:S% :"" [;?{:$ {j{[}:..,;:.:::.r "} ?"}}N'.%i7%Iv:.... ?i:61.%:%' rIf:} ""'''':}}: "' 'ry111" L'}r.{"T}f%"}i'}} "; .?"t}:":r{C! :11 "V. 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M. tOST-Moore fountain pen on Jan.: 8th, Initial: Bula, valued as friend- WANTED - Student and family wash- ship. Reward, 1 dollar. Dial 21003. ings. Call 8794. 76-76-77 76-77-781 WANTED--Young men not in school LOST -White gold diamond ring, to work full time behind counter in Lcst between .J15 Huron St. and restaurant. Must be fast and neat. Wueith theater, Saturday iight. Re- 1108 South University. 74-75-76 turn to P15 Hirron St. REWARD.! 76-77-78 WANTED STUDENTS to know that San pays from $, ti )$2, 5)ior v WILL lady who took the kid gloves suits and oiercoafs. from table in Tappan Hall corridor 121 E. ANN DIAL 4306 I kindly return to 930 Forest. 76 r LOST-Aidale dog, black and tan. Washtenaw County license No. 4362. 1TNT 1,N I; Answers to name of Tim. Reward. Are your records lit) rt? If e)t Edgar M. Durfee. 1926 Day St. why make them? If they are Pu- Phmon~ 72 67-8 - ut ..j i 9 i t'I I . 1 i i + I lI I LOST-Pair glasses and Parker pen and pencil on Ann Arbor golf links. Dial 8519. 76 wich are from broken poiiant use a Record Ink. This is the only kind of ink we sell and the only kind which works well in your fountain pen. Many worthlesx;osub- stitutes are offered under the cloak of the name "Fountain P'en Ink." Ask us, we will*snow you thecdif rence. Rider's Pen Shop. sun-tues-thur. lots, and placed them at LOST-Gray silk scarf initial "R". Reward. Phone 21336. with black Call Roth. 76-76-7' while they last. A won- derful saving if we have your size. to the cold ch tidal movemen more than any to prove the W of the marath( Entries rec record number are internation already establi starters. T he start wi noon of Janua at the northw Island. The anywhere on t United States, area being pro The starter; four squads,, marked sectict lina Island. C by Cady the, the water to I the mainland. accompanying M ASTN CHASE 211 SOUTH MAIN ST. "Where You May Buy with Confidence." annel currents and the the bow of the boat will be the swim- Mrs. Lottie Schoemell of New York. ats. These two factors, mer's number, illuminated throughout Miss Barrett is figured by the dopest- y tthers, are calculated the night. Four tugboats, acting as ers as having the best chance to win ateloo of the less hardy "mother ships," will follow the swim- in the women's division. on swimmers. mers to carry relief observers, pick Among the contestants who have orded indicate that a up any contestants who give up the been training for many weeks in r of aquatic stars who task, and meet any emergencies that Pacific waters are Henry L. Sullivan, ally famous for records might develop. of Boston, first American to swim the ished will be among the Will Actuayll Swim 3l Mies. English channel, whose (time from The shortest distance from Catalina Dover to Calais August 5 and 6, 1923, il be made on the after- Island to the mainland is 22 miles, ac- was 26 hours, 50 minutes; Charles ry 15 from the isthmus cording to a recent survey. In order Toth, also of Boston, who swam the estern end of Catalina to reach the mainland, however, the English channel from France to Eng- contestants may finish entrants are expected to cover a dis- land on Sept. 8 and 9, 1923, in 16 hours, the Pacific coast of the tance of at least 30 miles in their bat- 56 minutes; Leo Pucell, of the San. no restricted finishing; tle with the tides. Francisco Olymphic club, winner of vided. The prizes have been put up for the the Golden Gate swin; Baird Hicks, s will be divided into record ocean swim by William Wrig- of Fostoria, O.; Mrs. Myrtle Huddles- allocated to as many ley, Jr. The first prize, winner take tone, of Mattoon# Ill;' Carl F. Ruoff, 'is on the beach at Cata- all, is $25,000. In the event a man of St. Joe, Mo.; Mrs. Lee Fourier, of On the first signal fired wins the gruelling contest the first Santa Barbara, Calif.; Hartley Cald- swimmers will take to woman to finish will receive $15,000. well and Charles Rose, of Long Beach, begin the long grind to If a woman wins the marathon the Calif. On a second signal the $15,000 prize will be withdrawn. Other entrants include T. W. "Old boats will be shoved 1 Prominent among the women who' Bill" Burgess, second man to swim he contestants. In this' will compete in the vent are Mrs. Mil- the English channel; Norman Ross, that might result by lie Gade Corson, recent conqueror of former Olympic champion; Mrs. Delia mers and boats togethert the English channel; Clarabell Bar- Sullivan, of Holyoke, Mass.; Mrs. Anna d. rett, who established an endurance E. Van Skike, 66-year-old endurance ner will be accompanied record in attempting to swim the champion of the Santa Monica bay harrying the swimmers' channel, being forced to give up when district, near Los Angeles, and n official observer. On she became lost in the dense fog, and ' (Continued on Page Eight) l I i ,, E'. t i a r 1 ........ . . - oil to 1U11ow ti way confusion 'rjjI.. Wlllell o illiiiiitlllll I iiiu starting swimn will be avoided Each swimm .3by a ro.wboat own s Talking About hr DEL PRET E'S- . E"I-NNV"AL l Offering Our En lire Stockes of Fine -At- IFormerly Priced Up to $60.00 - OE This is not a sale to clean up old dead stock-. - -everysii w a r INeM Smodel. The most popular model on the campus-hundreds - --- Sso . an you resst suc an ofer ell your friends. OVERCOATS t Every winter coat must go, in accordance with our policyto Scarry no merchandise from one season to the next. We- have reduced our entire stock from prices already radically cut, -making values irresistible while coats are still in demand. - - $3.50 Heavy English Wool Hose at $1.65 -, Compare." - _ _, --- .. .., . e The Mans Shop LOST-A small black leather note- book, somewhere on the campus. Contains valuable notes. Call AL- FRED KRELL, 3540. 74-75-76 LOST-Gold leather change purse, containing bills and some change. Lost on east side campus. Call Mary Alice Moore, 7117. Reward. j 74-75-76 FOR SALE FOR SALE--Flute-new sterling sil- ver. Cundy-Bettoney-Boehm-system. Will sell for less than half price. Call 21260 after six. 76-77 FOR SALE-Tuxedo in good condition. Price reasonable. Dial 4932 or call at 1021 Church. 76 7-78 FOR SALE-Radio, nine tube super- heterodyne. $45. Call 7710. 76-77 FOR SALT. - Slingerland-May Bell tenor banjo. 15 per cent discount for this week o.nly. Brand new instru- ments, and wonderful bargains at these special prices. University Music House. Tues., Thurs., Sat. FOR SALE-Latest model -Remington- Portables. A few used machines also. Phone 3489. TuThSatTF TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sdfd, rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- er: Phone 6615, .L. C. Smith & Cor- ona Typewriters, Inc. tf CARS FOR SALE One of those easy riding, light upkeep Franklin, closed cars. A-1 condi- tion. New paint and A-1 tires and battery. Dial 8950 or evenings 5267 for demonstration. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-One nice double room, and one single room. Four blocks from campus. Inquire, 957 Green- wood Ave. 76277-78 VERY desirable single or double room in private family-sleeping quarters separate if desired. 1101 Church St., Phone 7941. 76-77-78 1 FOR RENT-Six room house. 825 Syl- van Ave. Available for second se- mester. Feb. 1 or 15. Box 150 or call 8641. 76-77-78-79-80-81 FOR RENT-Large front room for two or three boys. Single desks, real beds, shower2baths,-plenty of heat and light. 523 Packard St.' 76 FOR RENT -. Strictly modern six room furnished house for rent, available Feb. 10th. Phone 21248. 75-76-77 FOR RENT-Five room heated apart- ment on corner of Detroit and Kingsley. $50 a month. Phone 7595. 74-75-76 FURNISHED HOUSE for rent. One block from campus. Occupancy February 15. Address Box 149. 74-75-76 FOR RENT-Suite. Warm and light. 612 Hill St. Phone 6637. 74-75-76 FOR RENT-Large, newly furnished room for girl. Phone 7595. 74-75-76 TYPEWRITER FOR RENT Some good machines all makes. They are in good condition. Rider's Pen Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur 0NTICE i'VO records by Barre Hill,. just re- leased-hear them in our record de- partment. University Music louse. Tues., Thurs., Sat. DE VILBIS Atomizers work bsf, longest. We have thei. City lPar. 76-77 NOTICI -We repair all musical in- struments at Schaeberle and Son Music house. tf NOTICE-Startling offer Tuxedos Pressed-Fifty Cent. We call and deliver any time. T. B. Lyons 515 E. Williams, Dial 5516. tues-thurs-sun-tf NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N. University, across from Hill Audi- torium. Re-opened under new management. Cleaning, pressing and altering. Ladies' work especi- ally. Phone 80J0. c-tf ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tf N0TICE-Coniplete line of Radios, and Loizd Speakers. Authorized Radiola dealer. Schaeberle and Son Music House,' 110 So. Main St. tf e a We wish to announce that f II we will have no sale on clothing in advance of the coming season. Neckwear and Hats At Reduced Prices To. se4 best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf Our rapid turnover insures a fresh stock and you secure:'the best qual- ity at a moderate price. O. D. MO - RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tf NOTICE Ann Arbor Mimeographing shop-z14 Detroit St. Let us do your mimeo- graphing and typewriting. First- class work. Quick service. Lowest prices. Dial 8,683. A c-ties-thui-Sat NOTICE-Big discount on all Framed Pictures and mirrors. Sale of remn- ant frames. J. B. Saunders. Ex- ceptional Framing. 306 So. State. tues-thurs-sat HEALTH Begins when you phone 8428. C M. Gibson, Chiropractor, 35 Wuerth ,rcade. tCes-thurs-sat-tf NOTICE-Hats cleaned and blocked. All kinds of shoes cleaned, dyed and repaired. Satisfaction guaranteed. ANN ARBOR SHOP, 625 E.. Liberty. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sa NOTICE--Pianos- and Victrolas for rent. Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf FOUNTAIN PEN REIPAIRING In keeping with University customs we specialize, employ experienced penmakers who can repair your pen correctly. The only penmakers in theustate. If your tooth was in trouble you would go to a skilled dentist, not to a blacksmith or grocer. Give your pen the same considera- tion. sun-tues-thug 9 4 4 7 Hats Formerly Sold at Seven and Eight Dollars Now at $4.50 Neckwear Priced at Two to Three-fifty Now $1.25 and $1.95 _-from- READ THE WANT ADS Suits and Overcoats Ill