TT~SDAY, JANTTAIIY 11, 1 27 ; y c . : . ., i ' x%, '° r THil.MICHIGAN DAILYr P'AGE FTVR y _ . UIUf :v rWins In kPROMINENT NURSE]QaiisNcu ~Th3 LIIULM ~ i't L~age GmeIS A. N. A. LEADERFrClbcdrhi FhI~ ~fl I~t IM ~i~U -~-- Ir vuii vb1 . k s ELU U U , L ,-4 1.. Betsy Bar'bour «? 4' "" ,. : t 0,1CV ofte Betsy Bar-# :.:::}. I,';. I t I:Oi ~ I a;2ta ai: !,rIl gamewhich "Q! Urgiic 1 uaro " ~yafternoon in " ' S~I '4 $ 2 'awi. 'his game was; be tI Bellarice J 1i s ,.. a l> >baketbal tour-;1 ing - -- ,>h illcontim~e through- oftt 31K, SI UD' TTA I ~S ~ t~aio fth indoor sea- ; **:.r;;:::">.h t7 1w sxoe s'o3wer than it other- gray Few students realize the social 4 :' wei haeben'oevr hee ..., p vantages 0 uh uopaiI )8W3 010v. t ,. c ' :tit ?: ..irten' of suc a L1"Ot ,li1 t~1'i ".. J good l 1vt shooting i i :.*"<::.. ' «ee that plannedl by the OP(,,itoad (1.Lu This ivei'Sity of Micsh1 in mxa~~ iTrti° '25. Playing forward .I:bI oC;te t ;:ua zG?.r team was with- ::x : : ?: ?b iu~ h urn.'O 11 010 ti out1wst Ir of thze game. 'With r.vh eiieintei (1tC.1 Xinui cuayshe was able to *x:.': fl.. . . .. r, "L:: posi' ialy 1 only hav e t bev1)rj,_, ., 14Tbaskets fromI the floor and .~,~e oe ig astudent jU p unde 1 cntdfr 31 points made by her ? *";::;:":.::::.A au'1ce. :.4'{" 'lj of v o tisgme is as .r r. :diaBeatrice Xohnson, (advisr (if s~y pros ,. osn,\ho took fth3.tour last -jdwl .u- ~ ~ (~~ el~ ea u 'c' n7il copn hewmns:. ~ ....M I-owardt group in 1927 acetta te "~ 1'~n....I.....Iute c cnatweeoeothmot au eL.( ..........C.......1. Currie t Mrs phases of the trip, and one wh.ich ,te r 2 .. ownsn § avera1ge European nsight- seer" antI~ ~anD yn o ....... ... ... .. D Ly ns inte3 obanP ~ a~o.....(.. ,.... . Reading If LIast summer," Miss Johnson ne- Ab nO is 'on Pi forfeitedc to Zone.................... obta, lated, "it was great fun to visit for- ~'~ te ansshdldt lyI~ r1PesPoo91 eign colleges andl eat and 1)e enteirtain- .;] s+: cple later. The exact date edl in the very halls where the students w ill be an-nou1ncedl. Jnt ~e themselves liver An oppor~ztunzity was ----.. __- R(_ -_____ also thereby given to Inake real friend-_ For the first time in the history of ships and observe and discuss pr)b- ! It is now owned b~y an American wid- the American Nurses' association a .leins which we usually found closikl,- western woman has been chosen as reembled our own. (I neCU'll"'I' >: to the students director. She is Janet Geister of El- i aso met and were entertained x~ h ii oteUiest fLy gin, Il1. She took charge of her newL ii9 )otaut jpersonages rang-ing i' 4 Ih''toyrsloznte pis os a. 1. Her headquarters will beYo upir ity professors to nmembers of10[i (S P'mema~lbers of the un- in New York City. palAet. Leade Irs of .educatio)} n t1 t, ] WO no relegated for Miss Geister has been prominentIam the various count~ies visited are 5f) doxa-wings ' u r misbehavior. The in investigations of a national scope vr eager to meet our. official : , it val eecvre ihdaig Id conducted by the Society for the Pre- baby groups because they feel that . ei _.\i igs and,221e and there stoodl vention of Infant Mortality and otlher bt tional understandling anid U oo,;er sudents aw rait their calls ; and recreational director. e land, Germanyr, and France, t1",- cusoalexm W hose w ho pass these _____________________________ was epresed iterntiona ~ ~a~' et unoethe room and write on ___ wsepesdthat nt n ai." Announcement has been made of the dent friendships would help in y"-' ?' z£lbtno nvan vetn as" NO one who fails is allowed this privil.. engegement of Emmalou Rca, '27, of I ventng wrsAnn Arbor to Harold Pine, '27A. of Miss Johnson went on to tell of L i 50 Detroit. Miss Rea is a member of Del- more outstanding experiences of t' °A- to Zeta while Pine is a member of Del-f eight week:s ojourn. Te1 c iciudeTTENDE-D S a tea on the terrace of Parkia e, i Y EL EN TE R pha Rho Chi. - l with Lady Astor, the on ly wo'axL___________Y___ member of Parliament- and an A.:e. - --- ican by birth-as hos;tess.a n T nt (By Associated Press) Mr.,.\~ ae i on land, too, they were give , azt,<<' j CLONDON, Jan. 10.-Dame Ellen Ter-(M .Caei gin punting on the river at Oxfor(, the i -, oef(S the English stage, ven- abroad again this coming sum-I pun~t being poled by a we'ber o«the tued ro her close retirement of the mer, and' will be glad to meet crew. This event was enliv ened i+;y. t las tfe monits to take a seat in the (any oung women interested in a an American attcmpt at t he_ poling,!Rya bxat flelIlaymarket theater. which led to her being fished out o)f h sat. with her face and snow white personally conducted, educational thie trvv nshrly fterward. La ,;t'ir azme: t bidden by a wide black !tour. FIRST CLASS. If you I No tours n nln wudfilt a .Se is7< years old.; prefer to travel in Europe inde- E ; visit Stratford-on-Avoni, of 1Sha ,::- ' ethr'o Rperian rcknown; buit the mrica IjLay { ',y, formerly a London mil- pendently, hepy plan yo tdents were particularly for-tuntei liner, finds rabbit farming profitable. itinerary. Phone 3597. dining at Hall's Croft, the be-autiful -- _________________________ h old homeo of Shakespeare's dagtr' sciefrTe -Michigan Dally. - -_ - - alities for Club L.easlersil" will' the topic of discis 'elan at 11s'i0: which will bheild tonlis i ase thw Club1)I1. ( :1 ie,, s1'11) 10 at a7,.. ock at the ci;ty Y. W. (". 1A. M nret G. lHaisl-sy will load the p- mi which 11 in he olpillien 1C S , ve very valuablie to all women in1- ,stetl in becoming; ch1b lead rs. scourse is one of'fer-ed vs' the Y. W. C. A. <, ter tihe coe :'h a certi fica to is a warded v> 11 is, able to the oxv-1-wr in a 'tm jg1 ,ion on play grounfls or nslaA of similar groups. .conding to MrsI-,Harriet R oe the city Y. TN. C. A. there, is at RIALLITERARY TEAMS WILL DEBATE TONIGHT Evers one is cordially invited to at-1 tood the Athena-Portia debate, whichl Nviil be, hold at 7:30 o'clock tonight inI meAthena, rooms which are located on i ho fourth floor of Angell hall. The subjiect of degate is: "Resolved, thatj Irifs houise .views with alarm the en- ice of women into the learned pro- fessions and statescraft." Athena will defend on the affirmative side, whilej Portia will take the negative view. The judges for the debate have not as yet been selected, but one of them will he a faculty member, and the oth- er two will be members of Delta Sig- :ma Rho. On the Portia team are: Miriam Mit chel, '28, who has taken Ruth Lam- berg's place, Laura Soule, '28, and ;Aunna Laura Baird, '27Ed. On the Athena team are: Pauline Zoller, '28 sent a group of ( ri bo 1'' A vI auinie Jones, '28, a a leader. The girls are -from 12 ('off~nan, '28. 14 years of' age anmd will nleed a ______________ lpoi'ary leader for about one month. ; %lF r ~ I.AIr~ Moses is very aUflz115to filue i VIA h FtINAIL VII i iye"ity x70Th)il wiu a 1w 'ELECTIONS 1ThA crested in acting his aai arnation abeau. ti ...- Ins'sbeI ands Ithiner DRUS nORROW NO0T IC ES J Outdoor club will hold it: nmeet- ing tomorrow afternoon azt , o'clock: ! !~in the parlors of D irbour gymnasiumn. Members of the University Girls'; Anyone who is inter ^, 1 > p "*Y T A 5 a> .120(1lik sat fa 1) ics, rn~at inLaoei~l:l~lina~es hlsan eIdvanl- drift along without any definite aim. With our aid and With quality assured, there could be no better time for unusual coat values than the January sales. All dress advice you can make it the most prosperous year of your life. Make an effort to save at least 10%;, of your income. coats and sport models are being c~earcid. he cltit of fabrics, colors and Styles is comyprel 0ecnciht satisfy everyone. All coats are grouped t one of the'e two prices and each is an outstanding value at .ts,;pluce!. s I The ; 11