TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, ,.1027 THE MICHIGAN .DAILY PAGE THRE^9 'TXThSDAY, JANUARY 11, 1927 ?AGE THREE 1 FIXES 38OU GWEEK 3 6 !OH(By Asso ; fatd Press) p MOSCOW, Jan. 10;-The Soviet gov- ernment has instituted a 36-hour working week for office and mentalj workers and for those who work un-j derground. For junior workers over 14 years of age, the, new labor law establishes a four-hour working dlay. Children under 14 are not allowed to work. Women employes who are t about to become mothers receive two " 'month's leave of absence with pay be- fore the birth of the child as well asI R two months after, c~nfinement. tSICK STUDENT IS OUT OF DANGER Carl J. Lundquist, '28, mnember of the Opera orchestra who was stricken with pneumonia at Buffalo, during the Opera tour, was reported yesterdayf as almost out of danger aind on his way to recovery, although. minor-corn- I plicatlons have set in. IIS NEW DIRECTOR TOLSTOY GROUP HEARS SLOSSON Prof. Preston P. Slosson, of the his- of s~ome of the work of the league and tory' department, speaking on "The answered questions. Living League of Nations" before the Tolstoy league yesterday afternoon* Fall Improved, W ord. ics dicusd the refusal of the United - States and Soviet Russia to enter theOfA tn ng D co League of Nations. f "Russia," he stated, "will not enter (By Associated Press) :'.r:!:, V because of her fogri of government, fl AO C. a.1.3iiat "hie heUnte.Srts:tas:utbe have been used to increase the blood. pressure of former Secretary of the r':.4. : /"; " cause of memnori s of apoica Interior Albert B. Fall, ill of pneu-+ squabble, and bec.uetreinoed monia at his home here. H. G. Chain, r h 4 rti x} to intensive economical progress." He personal secretary to Fall, said today Swent on to state that sine neither of her reasons were permanent, the United States might find entrance "a ..convenience if not a necessity." Ac-vV oi cording to Professor Slosson, theonl other nations not in the league are, r } Turkey, Equador, and Mexico; Brazil t and Sapin have threatened to with- Central Press Photo In speaking of the league Professor,1 $N's Slosson said, "We are now confronted with an aculpliia^rnzto PrfMilo .Thre Iand not ac skeleton tstructure. It~ is 9 L New diiectl o Yae u ivesit's not a sovereign power nor an alliance1 Newdzieetr o Yae uivesit'sbut can best be considered as a con- collection. of vertebrate paleontology. federation." Professor Slosson told:i" o r v.__ _ "Y u ar" Stir'i::}:i:'i";::f.:.:} r7:ry}.hing. :'71' a. C ao immediate crisis is feared and the patient has rallied. I'. T. Safford, Mr. Fall's phy- j iissued a bulletin which said: rFall has shown a degree of ness, which could not have been ted from the comparatively mild eof pneumonia. The blood pres-. has improved somewhat in re-! ; to stimulation, but it is appar- hat convalescence will be very acted."' 1N.- Announcement Rwas made -da tbft ohnV.A. MacMurray, [can minister to China, has been! to Washington for a conference. 1111ING II rilure zn yen love! TIi You caII go f."..but you Jlmsy - Ify extra ' s new "' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t as1 O1 BGAT ~ Last Days of Our re-Inventory S __ ' w 'j t ' , t ; i f , . , ; -, " jc / r' y yy " ,ti ^ ., 4yd , S , ,i yA{sj '1i A rr. . 'M. "", ', ' i : L ,_ } -, , i II. yt rr'lct .Y hast a Few Two, Pant Sui From our regular line of models. All # in the fates and patterns. $33.50, Sacrificed at and $37 its College st colors specially out at $7.50 tailored, A few one pant suits, all tailored, priced to closec $25.00O Corduroy Cdats,. f Toques at P70 0, 1, ig I I , - N , I The Most Remarkable Engagement in the History of the Majestic Theatre! l l - . f ° o ' 4 ,. !, . , ; ., _._:... ' I OVERCOATS The Best Garments in the Shop at $30.00, and. $33.50 Think of getting a CORBETT specially long model overcoat for these prices! The Grand Old Man Of the Screen AND PARAMOUNT CHARACTER ACTOR We are closing out our stock to make room for our Spring models that are here. This is your last chance 'e a Corbctt value garment at these greatly reduced T R U ono with DORIS KENYON j Anid WARNER BAXTER. ,)A 1 .. 0o Co rb-ett s t ::" 6 ,< ;; . I (IN. PERSON),, America's Most Beloved Actor A II, C. Witwer Comedy "IlE MIDNIGHT SON"1 O11C~E STRA Collegiate Shop 1 16 EAST LIBERTY I I C.C.'r. 04-000W."A 31r. Roberts Appears in .:Verson Onl the Stage 1)ol't -Mi"'S Hum!t In Association with HARDEE KIRKLAND =Ini- WM. C. DEMILLE'S Brilliant Sketch "THE MAN HIGHER UP9" AND ON THE SCREEN By Speelal Permission Jesse L. asky j ad The Daily "Classified" Columns 1 i 5 t -.A t r S . 1zw 'a a.':. o w 1 { P -4 e 7 ugh-riot of three roltcdzngkinc-s tones - ' a , ' i , , I i I !1111 I i { "1 2020 log Pes , IL : " , -, 'I. _ i5..! Y ' KK /, T'hey were three carefrce lads in the Army of Occupation. And w~hat theta occupied themselves w'ith was nob od's business! t'Ii;) , uc j had findinig it agaill! You'll traicl (e ucAiilaaions ~road tO adventure elf'r h!"it iiiien you see 9p lsgroati %'QuIdy sevsafliI! . 111thI4a2 cast to irite hom;e abc iii ! With CONRAD NAGEL CLAIRE WINDSOR GEORGE COOPER BERT ROACHI TOM O'BRIEfi I I ~ JJPIOLANF ~PATHE REVIEW 1', I M. t