lw TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, JANUARY 11, 1927 . ; ' ; S. Parker Gilbert, Director Of D~iwes IDENIND OFAEV eparations Plan, Returns For Rest' !DR. HOWARD, '04, WRITES NEW BOOK DE LINGe WITH 'iaclioma rwas prevalenat o t a PERSO.NAL EXPLOITS WHILE CAPTURED B BANDITS bandits, declares the doctor. He cesti- that eye disease and that 1,000,000 of Dealimg with thc 10 weeks during which he was kept the captive of Chinese bandits and depicting the rhvard Av enue Iii 1)aa etroit Is To Be1 Widened 'Il; irogi iniingliarn By 9t J~8~koot Strip fWIL L COST $50,000 il ( 'y Associatedress) I4ASIN, JIIu. 10.-The State Ad- I it ai,;.±.;°.'_'1'1ld t oday directed ]Y'ankF, ~cgrsstat e highway coin_- of-way 1o1'WiderWod ward area r throgh irnughni.Anl S-fo{A st-'il ot f < pav em n t wI h,11 eb co n stru cted'. -1 , r sc , r ~ , _o [ i r l k 1 o 3 T u Ie IRirlxningham nvariesin wid: h, iht :: much le ss than 100) fe-t. The es2 miatedl cost of the additional right-oi'- way 'Was lilaced at $50,000. The hig;hway department had beenl casked by some l'esidents to make the route 150 feet wide. The last meeting of the Students' Pre'Css club for this semlester will held 11 a wveek from tomorrow night instead of tomorrow night as announiced be- fore the holidays. The Great Lakes~ maniager of the United Press may ad- dress the club. TALLAHAIII^,SSEEFla.-The *Florida Supremel- court has decided to dispose dIefinitely of the question of the legal- , ,fty of horse racing in Florida. Subscribe for hc Mihigan Daily. i AT THE DETROiT THEATRES'! S S Sihts, 7-c to $2. >®0 THEATR! t. md t1;i-N The Most Brilliant of All Oper ettas~ B LOSSOMTIMWE Ilya aed on in1cidlents in the Eifo of Fraim Schiubert hi : Sn~~Iiig toiuedy Success "THE SHELF" ifbItI AlItr Byroii. JDonaid Meek and a Greet Cast ~IG HT.lS -PLAYHOUSE 7T I s, hurs., Sal. (}e can(I Vic IlI us a ight for 1(0 lltntlhs <7wy:T[or i- ;iaok wit i Langlhter "ALIA. S THE DEACON" horrors of their tortures, Dr. Harvey J1. Howard, '04, of the Pekin Union jMedical college afaculty, has had a book published, "Ter. Week:, IWithi Chinese Pandits." it v, P . Commenting on the means o'f trans- ortation, Doctor Howard "aTd, o andits always lcdCl xtra Iio1'~1 a >i .n their forays were constanat ly onth hok-outt for good young lior,-s. [t was of no us>e for farmers to 1.,e1 aluable animals. If a amrhn- cuned to own ahgga de11;1 he~' !r;" 11x(! ceard that te hlmll ere iN-11t, e neighborhood; he wionld thusl a Eng" needle into bo 1: eye s of hii:; Morse in order to 11;1it 9i bThehe eits complaied bitterl y of Itis piSa" txe." For the beandits, Doctor Howard ells. thle W~orld is comnpoSed of five co 7111" S. China, Russia, Amierica, rC t i i and Japan, although seine of hemi argued as to the exist- i ,to, ai)l:Uc ecalledl Denmiark. .a ~~sint his first niht wit h 2 ~ redi sDToctor Howard lays enm- 'ei 1 the amiount of ophurismonk- ;: Hyte.le says hie had nioticed matopum:-nol~rs who camne into gheion. hospital for treatmenit were <<'l~ae and >ickly. Hle was there- io) o orip rscd at the robustness or' 1 In> Ibandit smokers., from three to four m~illion blind in one eye. One youtng bandit," narrates D~oc- tor T howard, "dieplayed a tiny bIlc~V .;pot oni caceh forearm near the elbow. :These spotns were black pigment: wiich had been inserted under his skain with at needle and indicated is profession as a bandit." '11he book, "Ten Weeks With Chia- ese Batndits" is COi sale at local bool.- stores. . , .1 d 1 ' f. . :4 .- j . r . Doctor Howard was visiting onl the 12 ranch of Maj. Morgarn Palmer, in nl Heilunschiang province, China, in the 1c summer of 1925. On the night of July h 19 Major Palmer was awakened by the c+ worried farmers of the district wvho reported that for the second time in- six weeks, a band of criminals had settled in the outlying sections of the Palmer ranch and were proceedinig to (evastate the countryside. Palmer promised help and tried to get a small detachment of Chinese soldiers quart- ered on the ranch. Failing in this Pal- mner then decided to lead out a party of seven, includinig Doctor Hlowardl and attempt to scare the marauders away with a few random shots. Inasmuch as there were 72 well armed men in the bandit's group, they couldn't be frightened away. In the skirmish that followed, Palmer 'was killed and Howard was taken captive. The bandits with alarming speed set, about to tear down all telegraph and telephone wires, put in a demd for ransom money, and made their cape tr) their mountain rendezvous with great efficiency. Al a ., "r; S. Pa ker Gilbert Dircector--general of the Dawes reparations' plan. and Mrs. Gilbert, are snapped in Washington.' Mr. Gilbert is home on his first vacation since he assumed his duties. __ ... ..n .r y y ._,, .. yy 6" r" 1) ISTINCTIVE $6.90 $6.90 532 Pairs Men's an~d Women's Quality Oxfords 215 Pairsn Men's Black. and Tan Oxfords 31 7 Women's Straps Pumps Oxfords 'O OT WE AR $6.90 i f BS, 7x (I y 5s s w t A 14t wwI Now, , I ae af I] - 2 dtP-3:35 Adults, 35c t~tlt t ll-'Il if' T'ida y's ?V ae's II LLIA ) HAMILTON -InI- '.JO LY TfARS" iI 'tiis and lomals r. 1111 ..... 'N~ghts A dint 5, "Oc II I I 6 p t. 11El!f 1 IM:IUlUj l tFn. , .._ Ua aswrr----.., " *-+i -.ii. rr enrr . - , I The J. Murphy, Boot Shop 12 NICKELS ARCADE fig -Thursday-' DON JUANIS THREE NIGHT"S" f oiaiiig'--( l" . ''X GA iB7 an.13 OHN -Sttnda- "TH LADY =IN ERMINE" Ii °FIESII A'ND THEIV'-oig )' I ___________________________ .__., ......,.. , , ... ...........w.a~ .. ,........,..,.,. .. ..,...w.... -... . ,.... , .. . .. . I)onlt Forpot Yl uiat -own 5 R yy Jall. 41 loaal, 6 10 :.4 Uy ti A, y a +, R. t° 41 Q ml Hf b ! 41 ii 4 ' a' ' { i4 1 i #i 11 '. 'm ry. J'4 ANY ARILU I TR NOTHINGREERVED! 4 _s - - - MRSOmw AllrM m A