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January 11, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-11

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 76






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By Associated Press)
IN, Jan.v10-D~r .Julius




who was minister of
es in the Marx cabinet, "The British Labor Miovemaent And
rged by President vonI The Genieral Strike" Is Topic
urg to for mra n wm n - " a io l n
arg o fom a ew m- I Chosen By IKennethi Lindsay
nstructions are to in-
possible, all the hour- WILL TALK THURSDAY '
rties, from the national-
he democrats, or failing ,
o form a small coalition B Seaking o eenubject, e
ent with nationalists I British Labor Movement and the Gen- 1
In the event of failure eral Strike," Kenneth Lindsay, promi-
ident will make the ul- nent in the ranks of British Laborites,,
ecision. ! will deliver a lecture at 3 o'clock'
Thursday night in Natural ScienceI

President Little, Prof. Henry Riggs,
And Dean Nortimer Cooley
Also To Talk

Bringing together the leading high- auditorium under the auspices of the
way engineers of the country as well nn nrrOnn ,Round Table club.
as of the state, the. 13th annual con-I In his talk, Mr. Lindsay willdiscuss
ference on highway engineering held I TO the attitude taken by the British work--
under the auspices of the college of Iingman toward the failure of the re-
engineering of the University, will SP AK ABO T fl cent general strike in England and
open a four day meeting here start- Uwhat he thinks the effect will be on
ing Tuesday, Feb. 15, in the West ;the Labor movement. It is expected
Engineering building, according to the r Errnst Jackhl Is Founder And Head that he will throw some light on the
plans of Prof Rodger L. Morrison, who er recent political developments in the
is acting head of the highway en- Oferan Institution For Labor party, such as the campaigning
gineering department in the absence political Sciences. of Oliver Baldwin, son of the Con-
of Prof. A. H. Blanchard who is in-i servative Prime Minister, Stanley
vestigating conditions in Europe. - IS AUTHOR OF BOOK Baldwin, for a Labor candidate.
Brings Engineer;s Together Mr. Lindsay is one of the few Ox-
The purpose of the conference is . Eford graduates who have allied them-
to biring tgte authoritative en- Dr. Ernst Jackh, founder and presi- sle ihteLbrcuedrn e
together dent of the Institute of Political selves with the Labor cause during re-
gineers for the purpose of discussingent years. While at Oxford he helped
the problems and developments of ciences, Berlin, and a member of the found the Oxford University Labor
various phases regarding the indus- German delegation in Versailles, Ge-club, was first Labor president f the
try such as the administration, or- noa, Locarno and Geneva, will deliver Oxford union, and a rugby "blue."
ganization,. financing, drainage, foun- a lecture upon the subject "The New He was the first Labor candidate to
dation and maintenance of highways. Europe," at 4:15 o'clock this after- contest an Oxford seat, doing so in
According to the tentative arrange- noon in Natural Science auditorium.March, 1924. This was in a by-elec-
melts made by Professor Morrison, Dr. Jackh is i America on the nvitaion. In the general election he con-
thei list of speakers includes Gov. tion of the Carnegie Endowment for tested the Harrow seat, again as the
Fred W. Green; President Clarence International Peace, and is speaking first Labor candidate. Despite his de-
Cook Little; Prof. Henry E. Riggs, in the interest of the International feat in the Parliamentary elections,
head of the department of civil en- Relations clubs established by the in 1924 he was elected to the Council
gineering; Dean A. N. Johnson, of the! Carnegie Endowment in many Ameri- of Stepney, a burrough of London: At
engineering college of the University I can colleges. present he is chairman of that group.
of Haryland; Frank F. Rodgers, state Besides having been connected At present Mr. Lindsay is making a
highway commissioner of Mi higan; closely with the developments that lecture tour of the country, having
Dean Mortimer E. Colley, of the en- have taken place in Europe since the been brought here for that purpose
gineering college; and Thomas H- beginning of the World war, Dr. Jackh by the League for Industrial Democ-
MacDonald, chief of the United States has been a student of the changes racy.
bureau of public roads, Washington, that have taken place as a result of
D. C. the treaty negotiations which have
Registration for the delegates will been frequent. Ile has also followedD ensmore
be held in room 348 of the West En-I closely the developments in his own orDe bold
hisor owne
gineering building, about 10 o'clock country and has written two books,gs Or
Tuesday, Feb. 15, after which the men "Kiderlen-Waechler (the f o r e i g r
will be escorted on an inspection tour ministers' intimate documents) and ClassOnJanuary2
of the highway engineering labora "The New Germany."
tories, other engineering laboratories The lecture is one of a series on Tryouts for next semester's inter-
and the libraries. In the afternoon,Trotfrnetsmatr sie-
DanA N. Johnson, of the Uniersiy different subjects that Dr. Jackh is collegiate debating class will be held
Dean A. N. Johnson, of the aUversi delivering in different universities of Jan. 22 at 9 o'clock in room 302 Ma-
of Maryland, will addresstho assem- the country under the auspices of the son hall, according to G. E. - Dens-
blage o "The Construction an. aft Carnegie Endowment for Internation- more of the public speaking depart-
tenance of Concrete Highways.Aklad Pc ment. oftepbi
the lecture, L. V. Belknay, aOceanA mme.it yu r
county engineer, will lead the discus- All men are eligible to try out for
sion on construction, while B. C. the class who are eligible for secondI
Tiney, maintenance engineer of the mAirplane semester activities. The speeches will
Michigan State Highway departmentq iean be limited to five minutes with a
will be in charge of the discussion on E onquersChla warning at the end of four minutes.
These t ks will be a discussion of
mintenancSchedule Smoker Mountain Heights some p ase of the following ques-
_____tio:deslve, hatleisatie re
A smoker, scheduled as one of the tion: Resolved, That legislative pre-
features of the conference, will be (1y Associated Press-) scription, disapproval, or prohibition
held at 7:30 o'clock on the opening SANTIAGO, Chile, Jan. 10.-Another o secific doctrines, theories, oredata
night, in the banquet hall of the American aviator has conquered the .
Union. At this meeting, Professor Andes, one of the world's highest and educationaliinstitutions are contrary
Riggs will speak on "Special Libraries most perilous mountain ranges. to the public welfare. Members of the
and Collection of Historical and Sta- Flying from Beunos Ayres, Argen- public speaking faculty will judge
tistical Material." Prof. Ulrich B. tina, naval lieutenant George T. Cud- the tryouts. Mr. Densmore requests
Phillips of the history department, eihy alighted at the Bosque air station prthat a p :4y out soud
will talk on "Pioneer American Trans- at 6:25 o'clock this morning.I present at 8 :45 o'clock Saturday
port," and Theodore Gary, retiring The daring airman used the same morning for the purpose of arranging
chairman of the Missouri State high- machine, a single seater, in which his he speaking order.
way commission, is expected to speak comrade-in-arms, James H. Doolittle,
on "Modern Pioneer Transport." As;flew from Santiago, Chile, to Beunos an F S d t
yet, no word has been received from Ayres, -last ptember.I
Mr. Gary, but it is expected that he Lieutenant Cudeihy was the word'sri Are Fims ed
will send in his aceptanc-e shortly. record holder for seaplane speed un- .F
Englneer..Manager To Speak til the Italian, Bernardi, snatched the
In the morning of Wednesday, Feb. crown from him in the Schneider cup Plans for the "Floating University"
16, the conference will hea William race. trip around the world for 1927 are now
W. Cox, engineer-manager of the St. He is in South America to prove the announced as complete. Mr. A. J.
Clair county road commission, Otto superiority of American air craft by McIntosh, who organized the univer-
S. Hess, engineer-manager of the Kent demonstration. sity trip around the world now in
county road commission, and Allen progress; has arranged for the trip
M. Williams, engineer-manager of the At with the Cunard line. The success of
Ionia county road commission, each of the plan has justifid chartering the
whomwillgiveaddrsses Er n t Auraniig a, which is a modern oil bun-
A business meeting, for the purpose iagOnal 1Entrance ingstam built in 1924 and equipped
of presenting reports and electing o with modern conveniences including
cers, will be held in the afteMon. Ainouneement was made yesterday forced draft ventilation. The Aura-
The annal banquet of the Michiganby the building and grounds depart- nia will leave New York Sept. 21, 1927,
Association of Road Commissioners, ment of the completion of the decora- returning in May, 1928, after visiting
is scheduled to take place in the even- live plan for the State street pedes- 27 countries.
ing at the Union, and will be address- trian entrance to the campus diagonal The plan is to make stops of longer
ed by President Clarence Cook Little, walk by the installation of a set of duration in several of the important
Dean Mortimer E. Cooley, and Gov. California redwood benches. countries in the Far East, and also in
Fred Green. The benches, which were chosen Berlin, Vienna and Paris. The usual
Five meetings will be held during from drawings submittedd by the land-j undergraduate courses of study will
the last two days of the conference. scape architects for the University,l be offered and emphasis will be given
The program for this part of the j were specially constructed to coin- on courses suitable for graduates of
conference will be announced later. plete the circular effect of the en- secondary schools whose parents wish
trance already containing the Ham- to give them a year before entering
-AWK11E YES BEAT ilton memorial fountain. college or business.

l l

(fly Associated Press)
MONTREAL, Jan. 10. - Seventy-
seven victims of the fire and stampede
in the Laurier Palace moving picture
theatre yesterday, most of them
children, are awaiting burial. All the
dead have been identified and of the
30 injured the majority have recov-
Bred sufFiciently to be removed to
their homes.
A general mass will be sung in the
Church of the Nativity, Hochelaga, to-
morrow morning, by Mons. le Pailleur,
Dr. Within the church the bodies of
many of the children repose. They
are of the poorer classes of the city,
and the celebration of a general mass
will save their parents the expense of
a funeral-service.
An inquest began by Coroner Mc-
Mahon was postponed until Thurs-
day after two witnesses had given
their testimony. The fire, court will
hear the case tomorrow. The proprie-
tor of the theatre, Amen Lawand, and
three of his employees, are under bail
pending the investigation.

Special Miessage To C'ongress Takies
Stand Oni Central Anmerican (Crisis;
L ays Bare Facts
(By Associated Press)t
WASHINGTOsN4, Jan. 10.-In a spe-
cial message to Congress today,
President Coolidge minced no words in
telling where he stands on the Nica-
raguan crisis.
Laying bare the facts which underly
the government's policy, the Presi-
dent told House and Senate that he
was acting not only to preserve
American life and policy, but to pro-
tect the interests of "this govern-j
ment itself," whether assailed by in-
ternal strife of "outside interferences."
And he made it plain that the gov-
ernment is convinced the "outside in-
terference" comes from Mexico.
The President detailed how the
Sacasa faction, seeking to upset the
Diaz government, which has beenf
recognized and supported by the
United States, has been armed withj
munitions from Mexico, some of
which bear evidence of having come
from the Mexican government itself.
Throughout his message, which was
sent to the Capitol by messenger and
read by clerks in both houses, the
President emphasized the inclusive-
ness of his policy to protect "all"
American interests. Americans, with
their lives and property; the rights
of the United States government in its
treaties providing for a Nicaraguan
canal route; the rights of a naval base
in the bay of Fonseca, and the stabil-
ity of Central America all are includ-
Taking direct issue with Chairman
Borah of the Senate foreign relations
committee, who contends the Sacasa
group is a legitimate constitutional
government of Nicaragua, if there Ibe
any, the President detailed the event,
which led to direct recognition of
President Diaz, to show why the
'United Etates considers it the con-
stitutional government of Nicaragua. "
The reaction of Congress was one
of grave attention. In the house, Re-
publicans rose and applauded and
there was some applause on the'
Democratic side. The Senate listen-
ed in silence and it fell to the lot of '
Senator Borah, as committee chair-
man, to move for the printing of the
message as a public document. Mr.j
Borah had no comment to make, he
said, since Secretary Kellogg is to ap-
pear before the foreign relations com-
mittee Wednesday.
Farm Relief ComesI
To Fore In New Bill'

- I


(By Associated :'ress)
LANSING, Jan. 10. -Leigh J.
Young, director of conservation,
assumed control of the depart-
ment today, with the determi-
nation to maintain much of the
present personnel and to open
every division to public scrutiny.
"I have no intention of mak-
ing any changes in personnel at
present," Mr. Young said. "My
first task is to become thorough-
ly acquainted with all the phases
of this work."






-I ____________________.----------------______

America Will Protect Lives Of
Citizens; Navy And Marines
Ready At San Diego




Little Chooses Group To
First Two Years Of
In University




Would Have Campaign

Finds Committee .5ake Tnvesti-
gation of Pennsylvania Scandal

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-A thor-
oughgoing investigation of the sen-
atorial election in Pennsylvania last
November by the special Senate cam-
c paign funds committee, is proposed in
a resolution introduced today by Sen-
ator Robinson, the Democratic leader.
The resolution was referred to the
committee on audits for a recommen-
dation as to the amount of money the
campaign funds committee may spend
and when that report reaches the
Senate, friends of Senator-elect Wil-
lam S. Vare will open their fight to
have the inquiry conducted by the
elections committee as is customary.
The investigation into the election
of Vare, who already is under Senate
fire because of the heavy expenditures'
in his primary campaign, will be on
the basis of charges of fraud and !
j corruption, charged by his Democra-
tic opponent, William B. Wilson, in a
petition of contest filed with the Sen-.
ate Sautrday.
After the Robinson resolution was
introduced, Vice-President Dawes sub-
mitted to the Senate a letter from
Governor Pinchot, of Pennsylvania,
saying that he could not certify that
Mr. Vare had been duly chosen sen-
ator by the qualified electors of the
state because he was convinced that
"frauds committed in his interests
have painted both the primary and the
general election."
Poth Senator Reed, Democrat, Mis-
souri, chairman of the campaign funds
committee, and Senator Reed, Repub-
lican, Pennsylvania, who is leading
the fight for Vare, declared that such
a certification of an election by a
governor of a state was void.
The Pennsylvania senator added
that Governor Fisher, who takes office
this month, could give Vare a new
France Fears Influx
Of U. S. Automobiles
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 10.-France is dread-
1ing what is termed the "coming in-
vasion of American automobiles." It
is generally taken for granted that
this year or next, American car man-
ufacturers will start in earnest to sell
their wares over here.
There are many signs in America
that are interpreted here as "presag-
ing the evil day." One of these is the
sharp competition between makers of,
i small cans. The French feel that
I some or all of the light car makers
will need to expand their markets in
order to maintain the low cost of pro-
duction and that with lowered. prices
I American cars probably can outsell
the French in their own territory, re-
gardless of the high tariff.
Legislature Will
Finish Organization
I (By Associated Press)
LANSING, Jan. 10.-The legisla-
ture was expected to finish its organi-
zation tasks tis e ok and ettle i selfr

Appointment of a committee to
make an investigation into the first!
two years of instruction in the Uni-
versity and the consolidation of cours-
es requested recently by the Board of
Regents was made yesterday by Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little. Dean Al-
fred H. Lloyd of the Graduate school
was named chairman temporarily and
Registrar Ira D. Smith will act as,
The committee will make a special
investigation into the present require-
ments of the first two years of college
work, and the possibilities of reor-
ganization to eliminate too frequent
presentation of courses taken by only
a few students and also to eliminateI
duplication in the courses given. A,
general survey of these two years will
be made by the committee with this
in mind.
Wisconsin has attacked the prob-
lem by establishing an experimental
college in connection with the univer-
sity, under the direction of Prof.f
Alexander Meiklejohn, which will give1
the students for one year a complete
course in ancient civilization and for
the second year a course in a modern
civilization, without other academic
work. The students will then be given
full junior standing. President Little
feels that a thorough investigation
will be more fruitful of results here.

(By Associated Press)
PEKING, Jan. 10.-Agitation againt
foreigners is'spreading rapidly over
interior China and their condition has
become precarious.
Dispatches from foreign officials at
Hankow received today stated that the
British were removing their mission-
aries from all places they could reach
j in the provinces of Huteh, Hunan, and
Se Chwan in the Yangtse river basin
and from Fukien province along the
Concessions Taken Over
The nationalist government has
taken over tmeporarily the adminis-
tration of the British concessions at
Hankow and Kiukiang, cities on the
Yangtse where coolie mobs incited
by anti-foreign speeches and propa-
ganda a few days ago tore down Brit-
ish concessions barriers and swept in
riots over the foreign section. Amer-
ican and British women and children
placed aboard river steamers to es-
cape jeering have arrived at Shanghai
to receive the protection of White res
idents there.
The Canton soldiers of the national-
ist government, unpaid for months,
have become surly and foreigners ex-
pressed little confidence that they
could be controlled. Transportation
was sought to Hankow to convey more
American women and children to
Shanghai, following those who de-
parted last week.
Urge Foreigners To Return
Officials of the Cantonese, or na-
tional government, which began its
drive for a unified China last spring
from the southeastern provinces of
Kwangtung and Kwansi were endeav-
oring to induce foreigners to return
to their concessions and resume busi-
ness, but with little success. The
Cantonese were reminded t h a t
throughout their successful campaign
over a large portion of China, they
had secretly, under Russian tutelage,
issued official proclamation of intent
to abolish all foreign concessions.
Business at Hankow was at a stand-
still. Foreign men declined to reopen
their business places until develop-
ments gave theta more faith in the
promises of the Cantonese to pre-
serve order.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-Furthe
precautionary moves by the Wash-
ington government to insure readi-
ness of its naval forces to protect
American lives in China, should the
need arise, were disclosed today at
the navy department.
The cruiser Huron, recently reliev-
ed as a flagship of Admiral William
commanding the Asiatic fleet, and en
route to Puget Sound navy yard, to
be decommissioned, was held at
Guam, in readiness to pick up the
marine detachment there for service
in China, should it be called for by
Williams on his arrival in Chinese
waters from Manila.
Is Precautionary Measure
It was reiterated by Secretary Wil-
bur and Major Lejune, commandant
of the marine corps, that the Huron
was diverted purely as a precaution-
ary measure on the initiative of the
navy department itself. This was
confirmed at the state department
where it was said that no request for
naval forces had been received from
the American consul at Shanghai, the
point where attention of various pow-
ers is now centered due to the size
of the foreign population and the
fears, exprssed in press dispatches,
that the anti-foreign demonstrations
might spread to Shanghai.
To Reorganize Battalon
Steps taken to reorganize at San
Diego, California, a marine battalion
available for instant movements in
any direction have formed another
element of the precautionary meas-
ures taken by the navy department.
It was emphasized, however, that
mobilization of the battalion was or-
dered for the purpose of having ready
a force for quick transportation, eith-
er to Guam, or direct to China.
Tax Collection Fight

Will Bebin Today
Today marks the opening of the

, ,

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-The per- Postponement until tomorrow night
plexing farm relief question which has of the final date of registration for the
puckered the brows of legislatoys for bridge, chess and checker tournaments
more than three years will be thrust to be held by the Union has been an-
forward with renewed force tomorrow nounced by the committee in charge,
when the House agriculture commit- headed by Dalton Walper, '29. Due I
tee begins consideration of the newt to a misapprehension on the part ofl
McNary-Haugen bill, many in regard to an entrance fee,,
The siutation has been complicated the committee in making the post-
by the lack of the unanimous endorse- ponement emphasizes the fact that
'nent from leading agricultural organi- there will be no entry charge. The1
zations of any one measure and the registration was originally planned to
predicament in which this places close last night, but by holding opena
members of Congress led two House the date the officials believe they will
committee members today to com- give many students a chance to make
plain. ' their entries.. ,
The complaint was precipitated by Judging by the number of men now
j the appearance before the committee entered, the tournaments are expected
of L. J. Tabor, president of the to be the biggest and most successful.
national grange, who asked the enact- yet held. At the present time there"
ment of the Atkins debenture bill. are 100 teams signed up for the bridge
Itournament with 50 entries in check-
!,ens and 25 in the chess matches. Pair-
DA TA ON ILLINOIS s nhado*'i'''dp
DA T. ON LLIN IS .ings will be made tomorrow and play,
CANAL IS OFFERED will begin Thursday with individual
notices being given the contestants.
(By Associated Press)ilOn account of the large number of
WBASHINGTON, Jan. 10.-Volumi- ;entries the committee has decided to
nous data purporting to establish the hold a consolation tournament for the
right of the state of Illinois to con- unsuccessful bridge players and has
strut a canal connecting Lake announced that each member of the
Michigan and the Mississippi was of- winning team of this group will re-
fered by the defendant in the lake ceive a bridge set.
diversion case when hearings were
resumed today before Charles E. HOP BOOTH HEADS
Hughes, special master appointed byjMUST GE T grU
the Supreme court to receive testi- MGER
With the presentation of evidence by I A copy of the J-Hop rules and reg-a
the defense, in behalf of the Illinois t ulations must be signed by the stu-;
sanitary district and the state of Il-" dent in charge of each booth, fratern-
linois, Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, ity and independent, and turned in to
Mississippi and Louisiana, the litiga- C. E. Robinson, '28E, frong 2 to 5
tion enters upon its second stage, the o'clock Thursday afternoon at the
complainants having concluded their Union, it was announced by the com-
testimony. ( mittee yesterday.
As its first witness the defense I It was further announced that in-
called Prof. James Elton James, of | vitations for the J-Hop must be se-
Northwestern university, who supple- I cured immediately. These can be se-'
m ntla hi- , mamnenn Pxvi h thi i ro I.. ,,,, r U i' T-fn T o v,-n '92R _ , 0.

LAFAYETTE, Jan. 10.- Using an
effective short passing offensive in the(.e
first half that bewildered the Purdue (By Associated Press)
offense, Iowa piled up a 28 to 8 leatl DETROIT, Jan. 10.-Four state
tonight at the half that was too parks in that section of Michigan's
much for the Boilermakers to o upper peninsula, called IIlawatha
come in the final period and( Iowa land, may be purchased by the State
_ mfnn th f F.> ESQ av n a Qh - -- - p of te n dinn4.

lakes, and copper and iron mines fill-
ed with ore of unknown quantities.
Ninety per cent of Michigan's remain-
,ing forests parade their greenery
within this district, protecting what

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