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January 09, 1927 - Image 8

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-09

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Publcation in the Dulletin is constructive notice to all members of
the University. Copy received by the Assistant to the President until
3:30 p. m. (11:30 a. ,n. Saturdays). Copy must be typewritten.
Volumfe VTI 1NAYV, JANUAR11Y 1, l1P27 Nidwt~r 7i)
Freshmnan Groups OQrgamNedl By 1Dean Bunsley :
The basketball gam.es scheduled for Tuesday, January 11, at 7:45, are
postponed until Wednesday afterno:.ni, January 12. Groups two and four
should be at Waterman Gymisiur, ready to play, at 2:00 o'clock; groups
three and five, at 2: 30; groups sevyen am! ntlne, at 3; groups eight andI
ten, at 3:30. This change in schedule aplieWs only to basketball, the other
activities will go on as previously scheduled,
Owrl (G.Drinvdf.

Fortia Literary Soeey :
The Michiganensian picture will not be taken
will please watch this bulletin for new a ppointmient ,

Monday. All memb~ers
irext week.
ihirhmi 31. Oldeni.

Cam pus Parking Privileges:
The 1926 parking permits have expired. New permits should be applied
for at once by all persons eligible to park: on the Campus and desiring to
avail themselves of that privilege. Dy the advice of the University Senate
issue of parking tags will be restricted hereafter to the following classes.
(a) Members of the various faculties with the rank of instructor or
(b) Administrative officers.
(c) Other members of the University staff who in the opinion of a
committee consisting of Mr. S. W1. Smith, Mr. H. G. Watkins, and
Professor J. W. Glover may "need such parking privilege for the
efficient performance of University duties."
} Shirley IV. SmIiti, Sccretary.
Freshmen Dents:
Pay your class dues at Dental Building Tuesday and Wednesday after-
noons from two to four.
Frank Brunnter, reasurIIer.
Senate Council f
There will be a meeting of the Senate Council at 4:15 P. M. Monday,
January 10, in the President's office. F. E. Robbins, Secretary.
Uniiversity Lecture:
Professor Dr. Ernst Jackh,- founder and president of the Institute ctf
Political Sciences, Berlin, and member of the German delegations at Ver-
sailles, Genoa, Locarno, Geneva, will lecture on the, subject "'The New
Europe" in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 P. M. Tuesday, Jan. 11.
F'. E. Robtbins.
Uniiversity Senate:
The second regular meeting of the University Senate for the year
1926-1927 will be held in Room C, LLaw Building, on Monday, January 17,
at 4:15 in the afternoon.
Order of business:
I. Annual Report of the Board in Control of Athletics.
II. Consideration of the, question of holding a convocation for the
presentation of degrees at thec end of the first semester.
John W I. Bradallun, Secretary of thle Senate.
To the Faculty of H ie School of Education :
There will be a meeting of the Faculty of the School of Education,
Monday, January 10, 4:15 P. M., Tappan Ilall. A full meeting is desired.
A. S. Whitney.
iDepartmenat of Library Science :
The following courses, 'not scheduled in the Announcement of the
Department of Library Science issuedl last fall, are to be offered the second
124. Circulation and Extension Work in Public Libraries. A study of
the policy and practice of the circulation and branch departments of public
libraries, including adult education, extension and publicity. Wednesday,
3, Room 110, Library. Professor Mitchell. One hour credit.
126. Special Collections. A pro seminary in the -developing of a uni-
vgrsity library, including a study of the bibliography of some subjects and
the methods of gathering a collection in that field, especially through auction
sales and the antiquarian and foreign markets. Problems and discussions.
Monday, 4 to 6, Room 303, Library. Mr. Goodrich. Twvo hours credit.
The hours for Course 202, National and Regional bibliography, have
been changed from Tuesday, 2 to 4, to Monday, 3to 5.
Win. ii. B ishiop, ibirarinI.
Public Lecture :
Professor P. Slosson will lecture Monday, January 10th, on "The Living.
League of Nations," at 4:15 in Room 2:31, AngFell Hall. The Tolstoy League
is arranging this meeting to commem- orate the anniversary of the founding
of the the League of Nations. Adherents as well as opponents of the
United States joining the League of Nations are invited.
Arthu r 1Birikrant.
Bureau cf A :utmets -P.0,IIlJS:
All candidates enrolled with the Bureau of Appointm ients whose names
begin with P, Q, R or S are reque;!ed to call at the)office, ltoonn 11!2 Tappan
Hall, for interviews this weeki Oflice h ouns for this purpose will be held
from 10:30 to 12:00 A N. and 3:00 to 4:0u P. Nid., Janary 11, 12, 13, 14.
1Tra~taret timeron.

hfnivcra~f44y Womnen:
I wish to remind any girs nwho are planning to rove In the iddlO of
thle year of the following rzles cntainedl in the I rouse Rgulai: 'At
the end of the first semester a student may go to a dormitory oe so'orit y
house without filling her room if she gives notice of her i nit lfour
weeks ber'ore the beginning of the second semester. Notice of her inl e-
tion muast be given al.t the ae timhe to the Adisers of wolin. (tilr
stadents must mak~le application for piermrission to move in f he oflice of
Advisers of' Wome~n and the landl . y four v.elcks before I Iit eginniug
or the second semester."
Alice C. Lloyd, ('lairnmzn, Avi -(,rs o 3 eri~.
(ix ii iEngiiceeing' SLu 4n
Professor John S. 'ri(y will lecture in Roo: 411, X'eS~ i, Tgm -
Building at 11t:00 A. .1. Monday, January Nth, and ii :00 A. N1. Tus(Ny,
January 11th. 1flislecture on Monday will be on Ealy line l over - a
his Tuesduay lecture on Canals of the 'Worl. 1.1 iii acs of i1:,,z eio
Civil 1'n nern^ngclass arc' requested to attend. Classs in all Cii i ng i-
neering subjects scheduled at these hour.; will be (ismisse. Students tak-
ing; work in ot hr departnonts at thee hours nut a"2 lge fr xcue a in
the usual manner, if they desire to attend.
feoprapliy 1:
All sections bring Lobeck's Panarama of Physiographic types to class
on Monday and Tuesday.
Trench ((ijnver sation, 116:
This course, not announced in the Annual Announcement for 192-1917,
will be given the second semester, prerequisi e 115. Tuesday, Thursday,
at. 3:00 o'clock, Dr. Cloppet.
I. P. Teie.
Choral Union shers:
All ushers are requested to report at Hill auditorium Monday evenng,
January 10th, for the Rssian Cossack Choir concert.
Please be at places of assignmnent not later than 7:30.
IV. A. 1avenport, Asst. Supt. Biltinns and 4Groudls; ep.
2)atheaaeal (Club:
Regular meeting will be held in Room 3201 Angl fail, on Tuesday,
January 1, at 8 P. Al. Profesor R. L. Wilder will present, "Some Recent
Discoveries in the 'theory of Point Sets." All persons intrested are cor-
dially invited to attend the meetings of the club.
Botanical Journal Clib:
There will be a meeting of the Botanical Journal club on Tuesday
evening, January 11, at 7:30, in Room 13173, Natural Science Building.
IPapers will be reviewed by W. _W. Tupper and Miss E. C. Woollett. F. G.
Gustafson will report on the meeting of the Botanical section hld recently
in Philadelphia.
i Bessie B. anuse, Seretry.
Aleeting of the Romance club Tuesday at 1:15 o'clock, Rtoomn 80, Mici-
gan Union. All instructors ml graduate students in Romance La~uag(s
jare inviteod to attend.
j Cw~oi;, porihalaiClub
The Sun day night supper meeting which was to le Red thi evenin ",
Sunday, January 9t, has been put over one week and will be hield Sndy,
January 16th. Further amrnnuneent will be mae later in the week.
A. ur If. JMlik, President.
P1, lilipine- Niebig ai Club :
There will be a meeting ci the I'llilippineAlichigan (li) today, January
l9h, at Lane Hall, at 33:30 P. TO. Every mnebr is urged to be preent. Dr.
Eva ("onlales will give a talk.
A nando i2'ola no, Ire sien.
jFaculty Womie's ('114:
There will be a chiarade party for miembrs at the Michigan mion
Thursday, January 13, at 3 o'clock.
Mrs. 4V iiia wouA. Fray er.
Garden Sect ion, Fatculty IWouen's Club :
lgMeeting scheduled for January 12 has been canc(lled. Te et meet-
igwill b held on February 9.
frs. Edwii C. (Godard
Faculty Women's Club :
I The Monday Evening Drama Section of the Faculty Women's Club
jwill meet at. 7:30 o'clock Monday evening at the club house.
Pauline I11al, Seret ary.3

D)elos Cr. Smith. '20L, who recently Sai ~ 2 e r, \ ila s S
handed in his resignation as United
State d5(ist riot attorney with offices
mul Detroit, will enter thme boar nd 1 " I agrse with, the ccu m ~ta n omenting on Dr. Pullin'
imvosl inerthouse of P. WV. Chapmannsuanncsar(ow.fit eastat ill25 years, men w
lia J Cotup_]a ny at Chicago, it has b)en'5,tiidrtid h oc
le n~.ithroug h radIiOs>on the (,M1,1,). L)Pt ilet nesai h oc
lereto tihe predictin 1hthU hi 25 ycr sun. Dr. Puplin, a well know
~j. ~ .TINPL an illlieabl IC&'iime aie, ng1ineer, delivered these sta
CONT 3 T ANTIO E. - Brusa Is to no onie can toll." ( _,. I ' d Pro" .\11 inl a lecture given before a me
become a caty of modern b~ha. 'Williams, ofthtie 11.. . earme:t scientists in Philadellphia la

The group picture for the Nfichilganensian will be tanken d Mo' 'Uy, Jan.u-
-iry 10, at 12: 00, at Stpedtings. B3ring- dlues. No one who hd'. ,gt, paid may
h in te picture. Rt ~~i,1r~ mt

NlCII'sEiclbu!Ci involved in Dr. Pupin's contentions.
The Mon's Educational Club will meet Monday, January 10, in Room "However," he added, "all these are
>04 otf the Michigan Union at 7:30 P. M. D~r. WX. C. Trow, of the Sc'hool of well known facts, and Dr. Pupin stat-
Educatlon, will speak on "Leisure Activities~ of Students in,!;1 Their In- I ed nothing new in his address, simply
structors." All meon interested in education are cordially invited. predicted."
J. 1I. Cooper, Presidenit. Excerpits from Dr. Pupin's talk
___________state, "the next 25 years wail not
I~:mui eers-, merely see men speaking to men all
i On Tuesday evening, January 25, there will be a joint meeting of the over the world, but the earth itself;
Detoit An Aror nd oleo sctins f te AnercdnSocetyof echni-and the sun, that great center of all
cetoit nner oatThe l os ~reoso h mrcnSceyo ehn-our terw-tial energy will be speaking
ca (gier a h lclub,Toe. to men by means of electrical com-
A dianer will be served at 6:30 P. M., after which D. S. Imb all, dean of munications, and men will understand
en i neering, Cornell lUniversity, and L. W. Vvallace, se(cret ary Am:erican the message.
E.agine'?ring Council, will speak. Will those wishing to attccnd !kind(ly 'phone "They are speaking now but we do
mny office before Tuesday evening? Transportation by bus mray be a rranged, not understand. We call their voices
0). W osom. static' and fading earth currents'
I and other disagreeable names. The
R.~appia Eapp a PI: moas of electrical communication.
Regular meeting Sunday, JanmuryJ, at 5:00 1'. '4 inloonu 309 which the coming generation will de-
Michigan Ufnion. velop, will be powerful instruments
V. C I~a@.rvN. in their hands for the study of the
t. (.lie iu~. electrical activity of our solar sys-
system; that study will decipher the
Phi ic lpo~ah messages which we now do not un-
I The Physics Colloquium will meet at 4:15 P. , Tesay anuary 11, derstand."
in Roomn 1041, New Physics Building. Mr'. Chas. Thomas will speak on
" oft X-Rays." All interested are cordially invited to attend. RA H 'ND D"
1{ . ColbEDy.EWA T D
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