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Speaker Explains Use Of Colloquial
Terms In Ills Own Works
Gi On Subject
There have been 150 revisions or
translations of the Bible since William
Tyndall first made his translation from
the copy of Erasmus, and within the
last 26 years there have appeared 30
new translations, declared Prof. Edgar
Johnson Goodspeed, of the University
or Chicago and the University School
of Religion, speaking on "Why Trans-
late The New Testament?" yesterday
in Natural Science auditorium. Pro-
fessor Goodspeed then explained why
there was need of revision today and
how the scholars of the present age
were more capable of doing the work
than those of several centuries ago.
The Bible of the fourth century was
the Latin book, he stated, and then it
was that Tyndall made his transla-
tion for the common people. Although
Latin was the prevailing language
among the educated people of the per-
lod the cominon populace were unable
to speak or read the language and so
they could not appreciate the Bible
as written in that language.
Says Bible Is Improved
There are three answers to the
question as to why the new testament
should be translated so many times
ini recent years, Professor Goodspeed
explained. At the present we possess
a better Greek text from which to
make a translation, he said. All of
the editions appearing up to the time
of that of King. James were based
either directly or indirectly on that of
Tyndall, which itself was translated
from Erasmus' third edition of 1522.
Erasmus himself had no really ancient
manuscripts from which to work.
Where he knew eight manuscripts
modern scholars know perhaps 4000.
he stated, and many of them are so
acient that they go back to the third
Seholarsldp Better Now
And along with a greater number of
ancient manuscripts which aid the
modern scholar, goes a better know-
ledge of the Greek language. In the
14th century no one knew Greek in
England, and the students who desired
a knowledge of the ancient language
had to go to the continent, Professor
Goodspeed continued. Even Erasmus
had, to go to Paris to get Greek, and
it was just beginning to appear in
England when Tyndall made his
translation. Professor Goodspeed con-
trasted this condition to that existing'
today when there are more professors
to teach the language than there are
positions to be offered them, and
brought out the greater .opportunity
that exists for scholars wishing to
make a translation to become more
thoroughly acquainted with Greek.
Mentions Papyri Collection
The last factor that he mentioned
as beng a reason for recent revisions
is the discovery of the Greek papyri,
of which he stated that the University
hld the largest collection of any
American institution. These tend to
show the Greek "off his guard," de-
picting the life of the common people
in their relations with one another and
society as a whole. This, he said, is
important because the colloquidl Greek
of the time is the kind of Greek in
which the new testament was written,
and so the finding of the papyri
changes the perspective of Bible trans-
lation. It should be .translated into
colloquial English inasmuch as it was
first written in colloquial Greek, he
Explains Reasons
Professor Goodspeed then explained
his reason for making a translation
of the new testament himself. There
are more readers of the Bible in
America than any other country of the
world, he said, and although the
English copies are good, the colloquial
languagetof the two countres varies
enough' to justify an American ver-
His translation was widely attacked
when it appeared, beingcharacterized
as "jazzing tte Bible," and "tampering
with religion," he declared, and cited
one instance that brought a great deal
of criticism. It was the disappear-
ance of the word candle from any-
where in the New Testament. This,
he explained, was due to the fact that
,the original Greek text nowhere men-
tioned the word, and that what was
meant, and which better conveyed the
idea, was a shallow oil lamp.
Approximately 1175 automobiles are
operated in Ann Arbor by students, it
was shown by figures compiled yes-
terday in the office *of the Dean of
Students. Of the 1275 applications
which were made out by students, 100
have yet to be turned in. Very few
applications were made out by fresh-
men, those which were accepted being
from residents of Ann Arbor with
valid reasons for the driving of a car.
The number or cars was divided
evenly among the different classes.
Ford cars led all the rest in number.
It was announced that late applica-
tions for the use of cars would have
to be filled out at the office of the
Dean of Students, where they would
be turned over 'to the student com-
mittee for decision.
President Little To Address First
Year Men At Informal
Meeting informally, members of the
freshman class will gather at 7:30
o'clock tonight at the Union for their
annual class reception. Preparations
for the event have been completed,
according to William V. Jeffries, '27,
acting chairman of the meeting, and a
large turnout of first year men is ex-
The occasion offers an unusual op-
portunity, in that each freshman pre-
sent will be enabled to meet President
Clarence Cook Little personally, fol-
lowing a program of speaking, enter-
tainment and refreshments. In add-
tion to President Little's address,
there will be talks by Ben Friedman,
'27, captain of the 1926 Varsity eleven,
Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of
the Union, and Paul Buckley, '05, new
general manager of the Union. Fried-
man will speak on "Athletics As An
Activity." Mr. Buckley will present a
short outline on the policy of the
Union for the coming year, and John-
son will explain the advantages and
opportunities offered in Union activi-
Entertainment for the evening will
be provided by Kenneth C. Midgley,
"28L, who will play several xylophone
selections. Members of the Varsity
cheerleading squad will also be pres-
ent to lead thegathering in Michigan
I and class yells.
Immediately after the talks have
been concluded, the freshmen will
greet President Little, and the remain-
der of the evening will become infor-
mal, while the members of the class
have a chance to become better ac-
quainted with each other. Cider and
doughnuts will be served.
Due to the extremely large group
expected, formality in the Union as-
sembly hall will be waived during the
speeches, and the gathering will be
'seated on the floor, in order to ac-
commodate as many men as possible.
New Evidence Tends
ITo Implicate Millerj
(By Associated Pres)
NEW YORK. Oct. 4.-Evidence was
introduced in court today, intended to
show that one of the last official acts
of Thomas W. Miller as alien prop-
erty custodian, was to take $15,000
"plum" from the governmental tree,
into the hands of Adna R. Johnson.
Johnson is the man who wrote the
letter relieving to Richard Merton,
German metal magnate, the $7,000,-
000 proceeds of the American Metal
company stock, impounded under the
Trading with the Enemy act.
Miller is on trial with Harry M.
Daugherty, attorney general in Presi.
dent Harding's cabinet, for conspiracy
to defraud tlf government in permit-
ting approval of the metal company
claim. Johnson was a special assist-
ant to Daugherty.
The climax of Johnson's testimony
today came when United States At-
torney Buckner took him for cross
A letter was introduced from Miller,
whose own resignation was to become
effective March 15, to the attorney
general saying that he had appointed
Johnson as a civilian lawyer to assist
the government in suits involving
alien property claims brought against
it by the Equitable Trust company of
New York and Sigg Fehr of Ohio.
The prosecutor sought to show in
questioning Johnson that in fact the
fee was a mere present and that no
real work was really expected in re-
turn. The witness admitted that "a
Dr. Ellen C. Potter, Secretary
Pennsylvania Welfare Work,
To Speak Thursday
President Clarence Cook Little and
John A; Lapp, Chicago, president of
the National Conference of Social
Work, will be the principal speakers
at the opening meeting tomorrow
night of the 'Michigan State Confer-
ence of Social Work at the Union. The
subject, "The Place of Social Work in
the Modern World," will be discussed
by the wo speakers.
Dr. E)len C. Potter, secretary of
w~lfare work in Pennsylvania, will
give an address Thursday morning.
A discussion of developments in wel-
fare work in Michigan will follow this
Will Discuss Negro Migrationt
The speaker for the Thursday after-
noon session will be Charles S.
Johnson, editor of "Opportunity" and
co-author of "The Negro In Chicago."
'He will discuss inter-state migration
of the negro, giving particular refer-
ence to this state. Immediately after
his speech a discussion will be led by
Charles Campbell, division of negro
welfare and statistics of the state de-
partment'of labor and R. T. Lansdale,
oo-director of the Detroit negro sur-
Thursday evening and Friday morn-
ing a consideration of social work in
cities and rural areas will be held.
Some authorities who will speak at
these meetings are: Prof. S. P. Breck-
enridge, of the University of Chicago;
Prof. Eben Momford, of Michigan
State college; William J. Norton, sec-
retary of the Detroit Community
union; C. C. Stillman, director of the
Grand Rapids Welfare union; and
Prof. C. R. Hoffer, of Michigan State
Probation To Be Discussed
Francis H. Hiller, of the National
Probation Association, New York, who
recently completed a state wide survey
of probation in Michigan, will present
the results of his findings Friday af-
ternoon. At the same session, Shirley
Stewart, attorney of Port Huron, will
speak about the. program of the Mich-
igan state commission of inquiry into
criminal procedure.
Plans are being made for 60 wel-
fare workers from all parts of the
state to attend the sessions at the
Union, All meetings of the confer-
ence will be open to the public. The
organization, which has ,its headquar-
'ters here, is the medium of informa-
tion and education on social work in
this state.
Three bands will furnish music for
the Michigan-M. S. C. game Saturday,
it has been announced by Gordon
Packer, '28, drum major. The Varsity
band will be aided by the M. S. C.
organization, which will accompany
the teant A Ann Arbor, and the United
:tates Marine band, which will give
a concett in Hill auditorium Saturday
night. .
Field arrangements are nearly com-
pleted fqr the occasion. The M. S. C.
band will appear first on the field, fol-
lowed by the Marine band and then
the Varsity. Each will go through a
series. of drills while the others re-
main standing at attention and will
conclude the musical part of the pro-
gram by uniting and playing the "Star
Spangled Banner" while the flag is
being raised. Most of the paradin
between halves will be done by the
two guest bands.
The appearance of the band at- the
contest last Saturday marked the first
time in years that it has appeared at
the opening game, and also its first
performance under the direction of
Norman Larson.
1VANSTON, Ill., Oct. 4.-The fac-
ulty are remaining firm in their de-
cision to abolish the morning chapel
services at Northwestern university
despite the petition signed today by
more than 1,000-students. Overcrowd-
ed condition of classes and lack of
adequate accommodations were given
as the reasons. The Daily North-
western and the Purple Parrot, pub-
lications which gave out reporters'
assignments and transacted business
Dr. Glenn Frank'
Who, after one year as President of
Wisconsin university, has made public
a new plan for the higher college edu-
cation which is expected to radically
change the present system.
Robert P. Lamont Gives $100,000
Refracting Telescope For
Use Of Party
After ffteen years of laborious and.
tedius preparation, Prof. William J.
Hussey, professor of Astronomy and
director of the Observatory, will rea-
lize his desire of establishing an as-
tronomical observatory in the South-
ern Hemisphere, when he sets out
Oct. 7 on his expedition to South
Afrca expedition is being financed~
by Robert Paterson Lamont, '91E
who has given large sums to the Uni-
versity before, being chiefly interested
in astronomical researches. Only re-
cently he subscribed $100,000 to the
Women's league. Mr. Lamont financed
the construction of the telescope
which is to be used aththe new oh-
servatory. The Lamont refractory
telescope has been designed and con-
structed at the Observatory under Dr.
I-ussey's supervision, having been un-
der construction since 1911. The La-
mont refractory telescope has a clear
apperture of 27 inches. This is the
largest refracting telescope that has
ever been sent on an astronomical ex-
pedition. When erected at Bloemfon-
tein, the capital of Orange Free State,
where the station will be located, this
will be the largest refracting telescope
in the Southern Hemisphere. The tele-
scope is valued at more than $100,-
Explains Purpose
"The purpose'of the expedition," de-
clared Dr. Hussey, "is to observe the
double stars. This department of
astronoily has been somewhat neg-
lected in the Southern Hemisphere,
and it will be the aim of this expedi-
tion to supply needed observations in
this field."
Originally Dr. Hussey intended to
build the station either in Australia
or Argentina, but later decided that
Africa would offer greater facilities
because of its proximity to Europe.
Three years ago he made to trip to
Africa to ascertain the expediency of
the change; he found conditions fav-
orable. "The station," Dr. Hussey
stated, "will be built on Mt. Leeuw-
berg, which is in the vicinity of
Bloemfontei, being the highest ele-
vation in that part of the country, if
the roads leading to it are good; other-
wise we will use Kopie Allen, which
is also nearby, but not quite as high."
Rossiter Will Assist
Dr. Hlussey will be accompanied on
his expedition by Dr. Richard A. Ros-
sliter, assistant professor of astrono-
my. They expect to reach their des-
tination about the middle part of No-
vember. They intend to remain there
at least a year. The astronomical
world, especially the double star men,
will watch the development of the
work of these men.
Applications for the new permanent
cheering section will be received again
from 9 to 5 o'clock today at the Union.
More than 50 seats were disposed of
yesterday, indicating that students are
taking advantage of the new plan
whereby they can obtain seats in the
choice cheering section even though
Suggests Two Year Course For Those
Who Merely Want To Be
College Bred
MADISON, Wis., Oct. 4.--Educators
are approaching the test of making
university graduates something more
than specialists in circumscribed
fields, or stone-houses of purposeless
One of the first laboratories for de-
veloping greater and more useful en-
joyment of advanced education will be
the University of Wisconsin, where an
experimental college, a sort of uni-
versity within a university is being
set up.
Dr. Glenn Frank, the youthful jour-
nalist and educator, sat in his ofilce
and unfolded for the first time some
new ideas, unusual thoughts and con-
clusions, grounded in his first year's
experience in the presidency of the
Discusses Mass Education
"Mass education has produced new
problems in university education," the
writer ventured. "What do you con-
sider the dangers of present teaching
methods and what do you consider the
challenge to teachers in the great edu-
cational institutions ?"
"The student in the average uni-
versity is today in danger of faling
Victim to either of two dangers- the
danger of suicidal smattering or the
danger of suicidal specialization," he
"The challenge to educators is to'
devise ways and means of insuring
to students both the advantages of
broad, cultural background and the'
advantages of intensive specialization
Su ests Two Year Course
"This must be doner I thinkb
concentrating our attention on the
first two years of collge as a period
to be devoted to the conquest of a cul-
tural background and the development
of a general, intellectual technique for'
finding one's way about in modern so-'
ciety. I do notbthink this can be'
achieved today by turning students
loose to take a series of parate stu-
dies. Some radically new approach
to this problem is necessary, an ap-
proach that may mean the complete
scrapping of the present curriculum."
"How would you begin to search for
the task that leads to solution of the
problem," was the next query.
"No one of us knows just what that
approach should be," he said. "Some
bf us have our guesses, but they must
be ruthlessly tested by experiment.
That is why we are setting up at Wis-
consin, an experimental college of 20
students to try a wholly new approach
to this part of higher education.
Expects Cultural Background
"A time will come, I think, when we
shall find a formula for these two
years that will produce for the aver-
age student actually more in the way
of coherent cultural background than
the average student now gets out of
four college years."
The question of the growth of stu-
dent bodies and control of their size
then was brought out.
"It is not fantastic, I think," Dr.
Frank said, "to suppose that a time
may come when universities will grant
a degree for these first two years that
will satisfy the mass of students who,
without sustained intellectual interest
simply go to college because they orj
their fathers feel that they must bel
college men. This would mean a
healthy exodus from our colleges at
the end of two years of those who
otherwise impede the work of the bet-
ter type of student.
Will Improve Preparation
This will, in the case of the better
student, give us men and women bet-
ter prepared for the stiff and search-
ing work of the highly specialized
years to follow.
"What do you, as a university presi-
dent, think of all this discussion about
drinking and alleged lack of individual
restraint among students?" was the
final question.
"It seems to me that nine-tenths of
the discussion of the morals and man-1
ners of the present college generation
begins with a false assumption--
namely, that a college community is
essentially different from the ordi-
nary community. It isn't. A college
community is simply a cross section
of the American community-of the
American nation."
In accordance with the provision in
the constitution and by-law of the
Interfraternity council, which calls
for a special meeting the first Tuesday
in October for the election of new offi-
cers, the first meeting of the year will
be held at 4:15 o'clock today in room
304 of the Union. The business sched-
uled includes the election of a presi-
dent, secretary and treasurer, and the
selection of the judiciary committee.
Every fraternityinthe council is
requested to be represented at today's
meeting. In compliance with the
group arrangement within the coun-
cil, which was decided by lot two
years ago in order to provide for the
regular rotation of officers, the presi-
dent of the council will be elected
from group three this year. The sec-
retary will be chosen from group four
and the treasurer from group five.
In selecting the judiciary commit-
tee, the council will nominate five
alumniland five faculty members from
which number one alumnus and one
member of the faculty wijl be appoint-
ed to the committee. Representatives
of groups one and two will also be
appointedto the committee which has
a membership of nine, including an
alumnus and faculty member from
last year.
The council will meet next week
again for the consideration of the
initial business of the year.
(By Associated Press)
ROCKWOOD, Tenn., Oct. 4..-An ex-
plosion in the Roane Iron company's
mine here today trapped approximate-
ly 33 men underground and more than
eight hours later the state of all but
five remained undetermined. Rescue
parties were organized as soon as pos-
sible after the explosion and frantic
efforts were made to reach the scene
of the blast, some three miles back
from the entrance.
With one man known to have been
killed, three others injured, perhaps
fatally, grave fears were expressed for
the safety of the remaining 29 miners
thought to have been working in the
shaft at the time.
Company records showed about 33
men were working in the entry, but
a definite check had not been made
That the explosion was severe was
Indicated by the finding of the uncon-
scious form of a miner lying beside
a dead mine mule a mile and a haf
from the scene.
At least three expert rescue crews
of the United States Bureau of Mines,
were sent here from adjacent points,
bringing equipment to permit explora-
tion in the vicinity of the blast. Work-
ers described the mine as very gase-
ous, but the extent of the damage had
not been ascertained.
The explosion, the cause of which
had not been determined tonight,
rocked the mine about 10 o'clock this
President And Wife
At Masonic Rites
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Oct. 4.-President
and Mrs. Coolidge were guests of hon-
or at open-air services conducted here
yesterday under the auspices of the
Masonic Grand Lodge of the District
of Columbia. The exercises, which
the President has attended annually,
were held at Tmplni tsh. Munt
All members of the class of '30 who
have not yet secured their Frosh
bibles, the handbooks published each
year for first year students, are urged
to call for them at once. After Oct. 9
all membersofsthe University, re-
gardless of class, may get the hand-
book's. Men students will call at Lane
hall, and women at the University Y.
W. C. A. in Newberry hall. Only
slightly more than half of the thirty-
dlve hundred handbooks printed have
been distributed as yet.
The Frosh bible contains all the
school songs and yells, as well as in-
formation concerning all campus acti-
'vities and religious organizations. It
is designed to permit the first year
men to take an active part in the
football pep meetings.
Constitution And By-laws Provide
Assembly To Elect Leaders
For Council
Mississippi Reaches Highest Level
Ever Recorded At
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 4.-Goaded to new
rampages by phenomenal autumn
rainfall, the rivers and streams of
four states have continued into Octo-
ber the havoc they wrought throughout
last month.
Illinois, Missouri, Kansas, and Okla-
homa were counting flood losses to-
night with hundreds of families home-
less and many channels threatening
to unload new tides of raging w'ater.
Beardstown, Ill.,, residents who
spent many days of September bolster-
ing anIllinois river levee in the face
of rising water, saw their efforts made
vain when a 30 foot break in the dyke
admitted to the city flood waters
which filled the main street and swept
the southern section of the city to the
level of the river.
Five Hundred Homeless
Five hundred families were home-
less tonight and many of them were
expecting aid from the Salvation
Army, which sent relief from Gales-
Danville, Ill.,, experienced the worst
flood in 13 years when the Vermillion
river drove lowland residents to the
housetops where they were rescued
by police in boats.
The Mississippi reached the high-
est fall stage ever recorded at Alton,
Ill., and floods. in the Missouri and
Illinois river about St. Louis, near
their confluence with the larger
stream, made many homeless and
covered thousands of acres of corn
and orchard land.
Over most of Kansas and Oklahoma
flood conditions were less severe than
on Sunday night, with the waters re-
ceding but many streams ha not yet
returned to their banks. Four lives
were taken by the flood in Oklahoma
Tracks Washed Away
Tracks were washed away and high-
ways submerged inmany localities,
particularly in Illinois.
September rainfall records for the
middlewest, compiled today by the
weather bureau, show a great excess
of precipitation from western Ohio to
central Nevada; most notably are
Springfield, Ill., where 15.16 inches of
rain fell during the month-almost 12
inches more than the normal amount.
The record in Illinois in September is
20 inches at Monmouth, Il., establish-
ed in 1903.
France May Ratify
Debt Agreement
(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Oct. 4..-Oral reservations
to the Washington debt agreement,
which would not affect the validity of
ratification as far as the United States
is concerned, probably will make their
appearance in the forecoming frank
discussion of the debt settlement.
Approval of the debt agreement now
has definitely become a part of the
government policy, according to the
best information. Premier Poincare,
who was opposed to the arrangements
completed by Ambassador Berenger,
because of the absence of a guaranty
clause has been persuaded that it will
be necessary to ratify the agreement
in order to have a good effedt on the
financial situation.
He is ready to accept the ratifica-
tion with reservations, which may fig-
ure in the official journal without be-
coming a part of the acts of ratifica-
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Oct. 4.-"The most thrill-
ing experience I have had since the
coronation of King George," was the
way the Rt. Reverend Arthur Holy
Winnington-Ingram, Lord Bishop of
London, today described his arrival in
Chicago and arrival to the station to
his host's home in a motorcar flanked
by motorcycle policemen. Thousands
applauded the pastor of Great Brit-
ain's royal family as he proceeded to
the home of Bishop Charles B. Ander-
The Anglican divine forgot his 68
years of age, a sleepless night on the