SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PACE SEVEN WEISSMULLER SWIMS FASTEST 100 YARDS IN MAN'S HISTORY, 4 Assoned Prcss) for human beings to "break" 50 sec- NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Johnny Weiss- onds for the 100-yard dash. muller, lanky aquatic star of the Illi- According to Dean's report, Weiss-! nois Athletic club, was credited today muller was timed by six watches, withswiniming the fastest 100 yards two of which snapped him in 49 3-5.' in history. This was revealed when The other four caught him in 49 4-5.! the Amateur Athletic union received Since the performance was made! telegraphic requests from Charles A. in a 20-yard pool, it cannot be offici- Dean, I. A. C. official, to recognize a ally recognized as a world's record by, mark of 49 4-5 seconds, made last the International Amateur Athletic night, and bettering Weissmuller's Federation, which requires a pool not own accepted world's record by two less than 25 yards long for record- ane one-fifth seconds. breaking performances. Nevertheless, A. A. U. authorities stamped the it will be recorded as an Americanf 'performance as one of the most re- "20-yard course" record and recog- markable in any branch of competi- nized as the fastest for the distance. tion in years. It had been consider- Weissmuller's previous mark for this ed "impossible" by swimming experts size pool ws 51 2-5 seconas made in -. ~ 1924 at Omaha. His accepted wor'ld's record of 52 seconds flat was made at San Francisco, Aug. 10, 1925. KHARKOV, Ukrania.-Ivan Zaybev, known as the Ivan the Terrible, lead- er of a band of desperadoes, charged with more than 100 murders, was con- demned to death. Subscribe for the Michigan Daily. 1 5 , Il SUNDAY DINNER Constant value-every day, every week-is offered you in our luncheons and din- ners. Good Home Cooking The best meals in town-that's Tuttle's. Food that is selected and prepared in the best way, and served with the utmost cate. TUTTLE'S 338 Maynard Agnes McIntyre COINultig Costumer Resolved, That in 1927 our high standards of workmanship shall at all times be maintained. Dial 4882 218 Nickels Arcade You are here to be Served We are here to Serve Let's get together. Rea Dining Room 1236 Washtenaw COLUMN CLOSES T3 P.M. ADVERTISING J l; a _: i ' A quality of food not passed, a variety for all tastes, and service that is always willing. sur- LOST LOST-Black loose leaf note book- medium size. Please return papers. Call Leschinsky 4890. 75 LOST-Gray silk scarf with black initial "R". Reward. Call Roth. Phone 21336. 76-76-771 LOST-A blue overcoat and suit coat in the Michigan Union bowling alley on Thursday between 9 and 10 p. n. Call 4151. 75 LOST-;-A small black leather note- book, somewhere on the campus. Contains valuable notes. Call AL- FRED KRELL, 3540. 74-75-76 LOST-Gold leather change purse, containing bills and some change. Lost on east side campus. Call Mary Alice Moore, 7117. Reward. I ~74-7 5-76 LOST-6 months old police dog,grey with white breast. No collar. Call 8758. Reward. 74-75 LOST-Theta Chi fraternity pin, dia- mond shaped, pearl set. Initials on back. Call Black, 7365. 73-74-75 LOST-In Ann Arbor, black leather traveling bag, Dec. 17. Contained books, strong box and clothing. Locked. Reward. GEO. T. FRUITT, 1923 Geddes. Dial 8717. 73-74-75 LOST-Somewhere between Michigan Central Station and Liberty street, a light brown traveling bag and contents. Reward. Dial 7669. V. 'MOLAN. 73-74-75 LOST-Wednesday, a brown bill fold containing check, sum of money and license cards. Finder please notify P. MOLINAN, phone 4339. 73-74-75 WA-NTE) WANTED-- Sudent n dyfamily was ings. Call 8794. 76-76-77 WANTED--Young men not in school to work full time behin c ounter in restaurant. Must b" fast and neat. 1108 South UniversitN. 74-73-76 WANTED--Theses to typo. Reason- :l)1 prices. Call M. V. Ilartuff, 9337. 7 5 WANTED-Instructori wish's to rent room in p~rivate home. Box 14:a, Mich. Daily. 7374-7 WANTED STUDENTS to know that Sam pays from $5 to $25 for oal s"its and oercoats. 121 E. ANN %DIAL 4306 tf F0UVNTAFI EN I NR I Eleven-thirty to Eight Are your records important? If not 1 . ',i V k .D'.d° d. j } -- ----- t 'M Aviation Gasoline s' rrv r This is the fuel that the War and Navy Departments specify for use in government airships, the one place where absolute dependability is paramount. They must have a fuel which will give perfect performance under all conditions, particularly at extremely low temperatures. Why not, then, take advantage of your Uncle Sam's experience and use AVIATION in your car? Your petty annoyances will disappear and winter driving will be a pleasure The cost per gallon is a little more, but the wear and tear on your car and disposition make the cost per mile much less. Aviation Gasoline Is Sold in Ann Arbor by i1 j I t7 I I 11t ------ t Chicken Noodle Soup Choice of: Fricassee of Chicken Home-made Biscuits Baked Honey Ham Raisin Sauce Candied Sweet Potatoes Breaded Veal Cutlets Cranberry Sauce Vegetable-Creamed Peas and Carrots Lettuce and Tomato Salad Hot Rolls and Butter Dessert-Choice of Home-made Pie Cocoanut Cream Pudding Ice Cream Tea, Coffee or Milk Have you tried our famous Hamburgers lately? They're great! Drop in :after the show-tonight! BILL AND MERT'S CAMPUS LUNCH 338 STATE STREET Week Starting JAN.9 Sunday Eve. J . Most Significant, Most Tremen- dousD rama of Modern Times CHANNIN- TU POLLOCK's inE ENEMY First Time in Any Michigan Theatre. POPULAR PRICES - Played by this Theatre's very capable stock organization, the Wright Players. Only the regu- lar admission, 75c-50c, will be charged. Seats now, by mail or phone. I The Michigamme Oil Co. .oo'J. I _._. Read The Daily "Classified" Columns ..~. lri i f !!!!!1!11!!!!!!!!16!!!!ltlf ld fll!!l!1!!!!!tl Iltlli! fi !l lllllli0!i !!!!li131!! Beg. Sunday., ARRICKJ" . 9 .:.' Wi. B. Friedlander Presents FRANCES STARR E In a Smashing Comedy Success® "T HE SO E LF"1 t Arthur Byron, Donald Meek and a Great Cast Nig~hits 5th' to $2:4. Wed. and Sat. m-.4 4>, to *i.00. ll l i!l~r 'r llll l~tr lilill1fliliilll r lrtr t litt! ll l ttrlri rrrat ; . I i I- Don't Forget That LOST-One black leather note book and a copy of Gulliver's Travels in Literary Building. Kindly call R. HELMS, Dial 8117. 73-74-75 FOR SALE FOR SALE-Flute-new sterling sil- ver. Cundy-Bethany-Boehn-system. IWill sell for less than half price. Call 21260 after six. 75-76 FOR SALE - Ford touring. Tires good, starter, in good running con- dition. $20. Jo Chamberlin. Dial 8117. 75-76-77 FOR SALE--Latest model RemingtonI Portables. A few used machines also. Phone 3489 for free demon- stration. tues-thur-sun TYPEWRITERS-All makes, sold, 4 rented, exchanged, cleaned, repair- ed. Largest and best stock to be ob- tained anywhere. 0. D. MORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade. Authorized deal- er: Phone 6615, L. C. Smith & Cor- ona Typewriters, Inc. tf CARS FOR SALE One of those easy riding, light upkeep Franklin, closed cars. A-1 condi- tion. New paint and A-1 tires and battery. Dial 8950 or evenings 5267 for demonstration. tf FOR RENT FOR RENT-Single or double room with garages. Extra well furnished. Phone 5359-732 S. Division. ' 75 FOR RENT-Large front room for ! two or three boys, Single desks, real beds, shower baths,-plenty of beat and light. 423 Packard St. 75 FOR RENT - Strictly modern six room furnished house for rent, available Feb. 10th. Phone 21248. 75-76-77 FOR RENT-Five room heated apart- ment on corner of Detroit and Kingsley. $50 a month. Phone 7595. 74-75-76 FURNISIED HOUSE for rent. One block from campus. Occupancy February 15. Address Box 149. 74-75-76 FOR RENT FOR RENT-Suite. Warm and light. 612 Hill St. Phone 6637. 74-75-76 FOR RENT-Large, newly furnished room for girl. Phone 7595. 74-75-76 TYPEWRITER FOR RENT Some food machines all makes. They are in good condition. Rider's Pen Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur why make them? If they are im- portant use a Record Ink. This is the only kind of ink we sell and the only kind which works well in your fountain pen. Many worthless sub- stitutes are offered under the cloak of the name "Fountain Pen Ink." Ask us, we will show you the dif- ference. Rider's Pen Shop. sun-ties-thur. NOTICE NOTICE-Satisfaction guaranteed on all our printing and developing. 24 hour service. Swift's Drug Store, 340 S. State, wed-fri-sun NOTICE-Startling offer Tuxedos Pressed-Fifty Cenis. We call and deliver any time. T. I. Lyons 515 E. Wiliams, Dial 5516. tues-thu rs-sun-tf WE carry a full line of Scheafer Fountain Pens. City Pharmacy. 74-7 EAT Home Cooked Meals. Prices very reasonable. IUder new manage- ment, single mealsror by the week. Try ours at 1333 Washtenaw. Phone 21980. 73-74-75, NOTICE--Have room for two regular boarders at our table. Dial 8632 or call at 435 Thompson. 73-74-75 GARAGE for rent for small car. 425 South Division. 73-74-75 NOTICE--We repair all musical in- struments at Schaeberle and Son Music House. tf NOTICE--Complete line of Radios, and Loud Speakers. Authorized Radiola dealer. Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf NOTICE-Pianos and Victrolas for rent. Schaeberle and Son Music House, 110 So. Main St. tf SPECIAL I Seventeen jewgl, Bulova Wrist Watch, square model. Only $25.00. The Watch Shop 1121 S. Uiv. tf NOTICE-Student Tailor Shop, 721 N. University, across from Hill Audi- torium. Re-opened under new management. Cleaning, pressing and altering. Ladies' work especi- ally. Phone 8040. c-tf s ANN ARBOR CARPET Cleaning Works. Rugs Shampooed. Phone 6513. daily-tf To see best of 50 lines clothing drop card to 1103 E. Washington. Phone 6365 evenings. $22 to $30. tf Our rapid turnover, insures a fresh stock and you secure the best qual- ity at a moderate price. 0. D. MOR- RILL, 17 Nickels Arcade, Phone 6615. Dealer: L. C. Smith & Corona Typewriters, Inc. tf FOUNTAIN PEN REPAIRING In keeping with University customs we specialize, employ experienced penmakers who can repair your pen correctly. The only penmakers in the state. If your tooth was in trouble you would go to a skilled dentist, not to a blacksmith or grocer. Give your pen the same considera- ti on.sun-tues-thur 0 ll lllI IlllNi flillll ll fl lllll lllillllllilfilll!IFljllitllfit illll 1'lfl I tl f 1 Ql Second and Last Week (1.0'Nsghs, 75c to $.5( C ' ' h ter W ed . a n d S at. M a ts. -ha rSe to $1.5 Lafayette Blvd. at Wayne St. Tel. Cad. 1100. "Detrolt's Newest and Most Comfortable Theater." The Most Brilliant, Beautiful and Artistically Satisfying Operetta, as Well as the Most Successful One I in the History of the American Stage. Messrs. Lee and J. J. Shubert Present for a Farewell Tourj "The Musical lit of Ages."-ew York Times. BLOSOMTIME" READ THE WANT ADS I . r . .rr °.. . r., e:-rr. .r rrrrrrsrrrrrrrr, .rrrrrrrrr. r. .r rr. .rr. ;q i ft WORKMANSHIP That is uncomparable, service - that is prompt and efficient, and clothes that are fresh and i n f . 7 ' AT I-- I ; .9 9 M I