PACE S~IX THE MICHIGAN DAILY SUNDAY. JANUARY 9. I ,, ,_ "" .°...: ..we .. [i IAOOOMOO rue 3 4 S _ "''o, TWO YEAR CONTRACT TInverase Of $10,000 Over Previous Pay Sets New National League Salary Record SALARY SET AT $40,000 (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, Jan. 8.--Rogers Horns- by who came to the major leagues eleven years ago with a paltry $500 price tag attached to him, today sign- ed a two year contract with his new employers, the New York Giants, at an annual salary understood to be $40,000, the highest in the National league. Thi sum is ten thousand more than Hornsby received for piloting the Cardinals to their pennant in the world's championship last year. This is ten thousand dollars less than the figure Hornsby demanded as manager of the Cardinals and over which the split resulted and caused him to be released to the Giants for Frank Frisch and Jimmy Ring. Hornsby will captain the Giants as well as play second bade for the 1927 and 1928 season. His position as field leader, ranking next in authority to his recent manager, McGraw, was stipulated in the contract. It streugth- ens the belief that Hornsby will suc- ceed McGraw when the leader is ready to release his reigns. If the generally accepted figure,for which Hornsby signed, is correct, the new Giant infielder will receive more than his manager, McGraw, and will be next to Babe Ruth in the Thigh salary rank of major league players. McGraw's managerial contract is understood to call for $35,000, but as vice-president and stockholder in the club, the leader profits to a much larg- er figure. Ruth's salary is $55,000 for several years and his new con- tract, starting with the 1927 season, is expected to be even larger.S Bill Carrigan, after ten years absence from baseball, is reported to hae been lured back to the helm of the Red Sox by a $50,000 salary. Hoppe Gains Billiard' Championship After Remarkable Playing (By Associated Press) NEW YORK, .Jan. 8.-The familiar, ~figure of Willie Hoppe held forth at the top of the 18.2 balkline billiard! world again today . in the glory of a remarkable triumph. Topped from the pinnacle two years ago by Jake Schaefer of Chicago, the 39year-old veteran came back with a brilliant finish to pull the mantle from the shoulders of Eric Hagenlacher, i defending title-holder, in a heart- breaking final block sprint, 1,500 to 1,387. The match ended early today after three night's play. For five hours the two players last night gave a masterful exhibition. It was not a battle for spectacular strok- ing. But for sensational runs and high block averages, the match never had been equalled here. Hagenlacher fought to overcome the challengers' 160-point second block lead and Hop- pe battled to hold on. Only six innings were required by Hoppe to complete his triumph, but in those frames he crammed one of his greatest displays of tenacity and versatility in his 26 years as a star. Twice Hagenlacher more than wiped out the advantage which Hoppe had piled up Thursday night with Mara- thon spurts, and twice the veteran, refusing to be shaken off, went out and won back his lead to close finally with a clinching cluster of 41 for the I crown. Hoppe regained a crown he had pre- viously held over an almost unbroken stretch of 17 years. Schaefer, who dethroned him two years ago, lost and won back the title with Edouard Hore- mans of Belgium before finally suc- cumbing to Hagenlacher less than a year ago. Hagenlacher turned in an average of 109 2-5 for the nights play against )83 2-6 for Hoppe, while the latter's match average read 44 4-34 against 40 27-34 for Hagenlacher. Judge K. M. Landis Rests After Hearingj (By Associated Press) CHICAGO, Jan. 8.-Confronted with the greatest problem of his baseball' regime, Commissioner K. M. Landis rested up today after his strenuous inquisition of 37 players named in the 1917 scandal by Charles "Swede" IRis- I berg and Chick Gandil, former Chi- cago players. These two collectors of the Chicago hlite Sox pool for the Detroit Tigers that year were the only witnesses re- turned home tonight. Against the testimony of Risberg Fraternity Tourney HARRY HEILMANN 'Michigan Swimmers j To Start Tomorrow' ATo Compete In Meet' Interfraternity basketball tourney 6Coach Matt Mann, Varsity swim- will start tomorrow night with a co-; thm mentor, announced yesterday plete schedule of 72 teams listed. thgnank squad who wl ati- Play wil start at seven o'clock by aM1 higantaksquad game between Theta Xi and Theta cipate in the A. A. U. meet at the De- Kapp Nu.Sixten 'ac' roit Yacht club next Saturday. Coach Kappa Nu. Sixteen games have bers n Mann has entered men in three events, ass iged to be run off the first.nightjthe 220 yard race, the relay race, and Regulation basketball rules will beinthe Penthalon in frce, each team furnishes a timer Darnall, Wagner Samson, and and scorer while the referees will be Seeger Waner, aset and caredfor Segercompose the quartet that will caed Gfo by the itramuraldepart represent the Wolverines in the 220I ment. Games will consist of tenrmi- yard event. Coach Mann will enter sion between. two teams in the relay, the teams in- sio:btwen. eluding Darnall, Wagner, SeegYer, Games will commence no later than {:i..Samson, Watson, Beiment, Hubbell, ten minutes after the scheduled time. . Sasn, a atte Teams not ready for play before that Spiodle, and Batter. time will be immediately declared forfeited. The winner of the tourna . :~ Man:to:copete:in he Pentalon ar .ofe.d.Th*.n.r..>e .rn-Samson, Walitas, Batter, and Bailey. ment willbe awarded a large basket- Following the meet at the Detroit ball-mounted plaque. Harry L. Samu- Yacht club, the Varsity tankers are el, field supervisor of the intra-muraliahslated toengage inanstherse slaed o egag inanother meet un- department will be in charge. der the auspices of the A. A. U. at the All class A teams have been divid- Harry Heilmann Detroit Athletic club. Indiana univer- ed into 12 groups. The first team of Star outfielder of the Detroit Tigers I ach group is the one seeded from and for several seasons one of the ponewit for the Wolverines whenthey last year's contests. List of class B American League's leading batters; come here on Jan. 29. teams has not been completed as yet. who has been called by Judge ne~ cThe Wolverine tank squad has been The groups of class A are as follows: saw M. Landis in the investigation ofe drilling daily at the Union pool since Group I: Theta Xi, Theta Kappa Nu, the alleged "fixed" games between the the resumption of classes in the Uni- Phi Beta Pi, Alpha Delta Phi, Sigma Chicago White Sox and the Detroit versity last week, and Coach Mann isl Delta Kappa, Theta Chi; group II: club in the fall of 1917. expecting his men to be in good condi- Tau Epsilon Phi, Phi Mu Alpha, Delta - ,tion for the meet at the Detroit Yacht4 Kappa Epsilon, Gamma Sigma, Alpha TO STAGE SWI FINALS club on Saturday night. The relay Tau Omega, Alpha Kappa Kappa; teams are being given considerable group III: Sigma Nu, Tau Epsilon Beta Theta Pi and Delta Upsilon attention by the Michigan ,mentor, Rho, Phi Kappa Psi, Phi Delta Theta, with victories over Theta Chi and and to date have shown up well. Phi Delta Epsilon, Delta Sigma Delta. Sigma Chi, respectively, in the semi- Group .IV': Kap-pa Nu, Phi Sigma, finals of the interfraternity swim- The semi-finals in water polo will Delta, Hermitage, Sigma Alpha Epsi- ming meets, are scheduled to compete i be played on Monday also, and the lon, Phi Epsilon Kappa, Acacia; for the league championship tomor- championship game will be played a group V: Phi Gamma Delta, Delta row afternoon in the Union pool. little later in the week. Sigma Phi, Kappa Sigma, Phi Rho Sigma, Phi Mu Delta, Phi Sigma Kap- pa; group VI: Phi Chi, Alpha Sigma Phi, Delta Tau Delta, Delta Upsilon, Sigma Phi, Zeta Beta Tan. Group VII: Sigma Alpha Mu, Phi Try our shop for our next haircut. Kappa Tau, Theta Delta Chi, Triangle, Phi Lambda Kappa, Trigon; group Six chairs and six excellent barbers VIII: Beta Theta Pi, Phi Kappa Alpha,( Sigma Pi Epsilon, Delta Alpha Epsi- lon, Chi Psi, Psi *Omega; group IX; give you real service. Phi Kappa -Sigma, Nu Sigma Nu, Sigma Pi, Phi Kappa, Phi Beta Delta, Sigma Chi._ _ Group X: Lambda Chi Alpha, Sigma Zeta, Tau Delta Phi, Alphamen, Alpha Kappa Lambda, t hi Lambda Phi; Group XI: Delta Ghi, Xlpha Omega, A rcade Barber Shop' Phi Epsilon Phi, Delta Rho, Tau Kap- pa pshon,Theta Kappa Psi; Group 6 Nickels Arcade X1: Ohi Phi, Gamma Eta Gamma, Alpha Chi Sigma, Delta Sigma Pi, Delta Phi. PLANNED BY RICKARBf (By Associated Press) New York, Jan. 8.-With the heavy- weight champion, -W T uney,and THE WORLD'S MOST PERFECT DRY all of the outstanding challengers ex- SOLVENT S UBY US cept Jack Delaney, under lock and1 EXCLUSIVELY key, Tex Rickard today began to make public his plans for the elimination T T'1 bouts leading up to the "title" match LADIES-Be assured that when you send us your in September in the Yankee stadium. daintiest garments they will receive the utmost care and The promoter disclosed a programI workmanship in the hands of experts. calling for two additional indoor Gens ith hand of prts. shows, fguring heavyweights, and ajGent'sS cleaneda pressedafrt third outdoor, all at the stadium, the I class condition, $1.50. first, a "semi-title," inMay, the sec- one, also a "semi-title," in July, and! PHONE 4I91 AND W E W 1L CALL the "titne" on or about Sept. 15. gel'1 V~VA~. Originally Rickard planned on two big outdoor shows but the unusual wealth of heavyweight material has caused him to change his plans. Bouts in which Paul Berlenbach r will meet Jim Maloney and in which Jack Sharkey will oppose -Paolino, s o mpan the Spaniard, or Knute Hanson, will probably furnish the material for the first major elimination test arranged 1 for early in March in Madison square. Th e Ho me o' E n i Paolino and Hanson are matched C. H. Schroen, Mgr. 29 South Fourth Ave. to meet Feb, 7 as a preliminary when Berlenbach must dispose of McTigue on' Feb. 28 to remain in the running. 1* '4 3 i. , FOR OUTDOOR SPORTS SKIS, TOBOGGANS, SHOE SKATES, HOCKEY FOR THE GYM Basket Balls, Hand Ball Outfits, Gym Shoes and Everything in Athletic Equipment 17 oath verslty enuo A q w CLUBS Suits Next to Arcade Theater I #: :: 4, 771 THIS WEEK 0 M Lly ,Jan aa'ry 41 'A T I I' '"Oth -tc) "oth i. y + . sit o'lte for one d'ollar Xwo : : ,. E,. f.. t ;.;ACV f :iv 1 n t , ' ' ' ' k , > ems r 4 I Y Our annual Dollar Suit Sale opens Monday morning. About 100 garments includ- ing a f ew overcoats a n d topcoats are offered at thirty -nine - fifty with the privilege of buying the second garment for one dollar Including many Hickey-Freeman suits -- values $40 -- $60 ALL ERHW17 IOUSTE IU 4 ','~ I ,, II [r y 'Y:: Po .f t ,ss$ . " r d A er Pratt T WGnER&COMPRW for Wen sSnce 1g4X 332 Stat Y- jVA. ; '