NUA7RY 9, 19-27 THF .n-M ?C I-TGA r N ASST SfILY_ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ Af iv "y ; v ; '!. .z 1 ,; s . , L b4°f _L:v ki , thO~l ''7r L d ~eFI1 1I J ' 1 I f.v ~DM~f ~cbeule Games ForflIf'lrMUIIT 10 [TEN rniin~wrr I~§icb1I1 Tourney AIVL JIC tuu s rf1 i"' of the regular TODbasF BS-A~ l____ ~ut{1'i, tanen w xiiibe I' Committee's Plans include (lab I:lieOutdoorrrO x Ol spoacorin toih .11 tigsc"ulc L. At 4 0 Otoo potenthusiasts are plan- And Enlargenient And (fWoens rie d :~'Ain ha GOicron iP1 ning an outlet for their enthusiasm inj Of Women's 110ld;0(vs. hltathe formation of the Outdoor (club.I START SP.'.(, Phi Sig na Sigmal The aim of the club will be to hand WNORK TOSAR IN l.. lt ? !:.1?: , an d Phi Gamma together these people and give them il,; vs. Zcne1C1..'There will be no: all the opportunities for. enjoying thet *Women's athletics at Michigan aiae 1;iitscr ofpportufl~ties for practice I winter sport season. soon to asume new impetus (and pros- gms sthese xwere completed the Thjis etn o h lbwl tige with the erection of the prop)osedl li 1,,' Tbeheldfdrstming e omingcuweek ln Lel~ hose a~l he mproemet C anyone who is interested in any form Palmer field, plans for which a"re now, Ac{,frcing to Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, o udo pr sugdt on being contemplated by a conin; < le ofj of the Law col and chairmlan of the The exact date of the meeting will be six faculty members. The (~oii3t5- i'OcU.tztY . rl~lijt tee, the structure wil I turnproramtha~ hs ben uiln~i beniee o th naureof clb iuseannounced soon. W. A. A. is sponsor- tiiegthe oganiztion nd olers ahleti so far includes the purchase of tho than th typical field house. The com ingteoanzinadofrsthtc 1)"oert onFouteeth i rel etwen nite'~doe no inendtha itsho lihonor points for participating in the pio )cty n oureenh sret btwen n.1t- ce nt iten tht t soulx winter sports. Fifty points will be the present headquarters aoli tho s utll 1 'd Dr. Mailrgaret Bell, professorofhng.Icnetinwhtislu the required landl, and $r,0 wl pT ia clcain is the elective outdoor class an-, i 'Americans HaIve istaken Conceptions (only half as much work to do." c n + /7 + a ("I do not like the motion picture ITur ke l ecar es e Student son of tile Shiek'," she cotntiued. I V. WY. GROUP )To DISCUSS PROBLEMS OPCIiRACTER , '---~ atingF,x but fronm that of setting, it is " Do You Keep Dates with Yourself?"# ''~" l'~''~'V stll laYut oweer, onta~wallwrog. o oe oer oes into the w'ill lbe the subject of the Y. W . assci- S , ofTuz 1 _, ,c.,.(;i I1,('y,, o <1 he .-. :O ~tu Li-pr vedesert. Venturing into it is likte you ation (laymeetinrg which will take \ioh~dei, auht r f Cucali'~o tO 10 ill i public, people have" people going to the North Pco le ...y1)lace at 4 o'clock tomorrow ini New- ?,nlyofcus the desert is d ,;rry hall undler the leadershiap of Mrs. " re ceand hof counre nmdcAasr ovey hl ian < tci the Turkish arm-y anad a t;gn i. of conduct to seek a masqu "o.Evntenmai rb aefr-Dorothy Wuip. Programs, for the f l- graduate stuldent. in the I nc c>.sitv thae z sii ic to a'w their prayersandd; ed to remain at the very edge of th1e; lowing two weeks have been prepared nortto seestr. . a Sands." as follows: Howard McClusky of the fr fthis smse.Before Shez no make public (jemzonstration off y Mann Ar-or Miss Mouhziddlen enydea!vnr-; their devotion." American impressions, however, are; School of E~ducation, will discuss "Do ed o crret sme f he als imres Haeis, ooareothr ~~fnot the only ones that are wrong Miss; You Make Snp Judgments?" oi Jan. simus lecuhiar to Americans. ouhzidden confessed, for she expect(,(' 17, and Prof. Robert Angell will talk " ipao mpesos I will ex-1 to 'find Americans resembling the'on "Where Do You Get Your Attitude?" "Tuc is becoming' more and more plain0 this word harem before you ask characters in the wild west movies. Jan. 24. w esternJized 2' she volunlteered, "her me a bout it ." said Miss Mouhidden, "It cities are lik e western cizties, her cloth-- is !1lD 11 lEotiad1a1i1place111 where a man l 10E tl i!Ekee3 fs1i1hist3 es like western clothes5, everywthere wives-but is a court, just like the~uL the wtestern is supplantting th r'"Dort of Loui 'XIV of France. tej em vi atsar h at cns have greatly misused the Amrd, . developing. 'Turkish people have e 'r nd it is impossible to consider the u d yE en n u c eoemvi as h anegigv mzicninterpretation since'turkey /S nd yEv nng L neR bcoemvie fansthet s"a e sisr enterainig thm tht atan Crn 11 110 ,~er a staunzch upholder of-' / dlate entertained Amrica us." paolyga zy. =late Koran allots two wives w"2 . One of Miss Mouhidden's most start l- to eachz believer, prvdn"i asteB tyS o ing~~~ saeetwacncrigte cX (Onse~zt of his first wife to marry!=~ ,stance of dance orchestras in her na - again. 'his custom is dwindling or 2 -- tive land. "'The Girl Friend' wailed !possibly the consent is lacking.YoFunanR mBe til I ytesxpoe fTi1s iz rAmerican wtomzan may wonder wby a_ = onan'omBalf ehestras makles any foxtrot a thriller Turkish wife wvouldl give her consent = - have penetrated only so far, howeeve=, ;ant vwoman, "Why should I be foail = -P , be utilized for grading, surfacingand '.lt boug-h r') deinite drft of heuwhcur ni ~ isEtrFgge for 'Turks are still faithful to the r -e X02;g1 to my husband be married to 4raiing'. The remaining $f 2r,.,0 'oposed field house has been drawlwic meets Satparday mornings. lgion of the past and Mlmmedansu a seco-d woman? So that I will have Woodward at slot ~IGHU1 JAINUARYSALE - iegiining iTis to $.30 - ' MONDAY e ie Tt fAINEES - = January 10 P1,AYitO0USE ( of()( _ DRESSES _ ( 2~re '= z/ 11ors a igh for I1) Moth,.7 New' York Shoiit ek i I.cai jrja at to AID R39.75 bFollowing is a list of a:tiles which will be offered Ala12.5t 5.5Vle 2Tuesday at the special price of $5. Many of the articles - . One $10.75 Gou TE D mentioned are worth two and 'three times this price. C~ One $6.75 Group Jy JOIN\ HY3MEI (Author of "Gast Is Wesit") andI,1tl ('hE. )TVI" The Stry f aBlidw-odand aim bler,- Whooii Disguisedac nDacnIBesthe Audienc r _Jersey, Frocks Blouses - e~ SS'meaters 'Scarfs - - Roaring and Shouting with Laughter SSkirts l Kimonaas _.- MAIN AT LIBERTY SSport jackets Lingerie CHAS S. 'Shop of Personal Service" oxn GET $3.50 silk an _No Charges - No ApprovalsG= garment .... - $3.50 wool u ___________________ ______Nr~l °r a lEi~ l t4 - i911~~tllai11lIII ~ ilII I IIW kII1lIt rv aa. wvwmsan 've/ aos'vev' : PVYr r'as'9we6a'srYiY'-paY++lV4RW+ W 'M ~/t ' I ~El~IA'1 iR'SUJJ Our sincere our stocks pro opportunity "fc your wardrob4 "in-between" are some of models in loy for ny occail rAV~frw~v' +~lv + vsr I I pja attempt to clear ovides an unusual )Y you to replenish e for the coming season. Included the very newest :ely materials and ion. ANN ARBOR 4 -0-0 r;'tr /T M ' %7 f I-...TME OUM1,+ :QF A .ddsgw r -, Sf fl- - rw:,Y, (. i rr rr fir.. . . . .rcoe .r r., , .r~v, .orrr,. .r.,s. .o.. ~~,r.,erg. ,. .: ..r .. . . -. r. . , . .. ,. , MILLEN ESTA'TE -jEMENT SALE: ! Look at T h-se Wonderful in Underwear rd wool union suits ..n..suits. olunion suits col union suits ]bargain s - hi t'c'd, graceful action C _5-Kodazk makes the movie. Movies the JEasy% Eastman Way On the ice in Winter, acj apl afiflg down South-no matter where, everyr se ason youl.1 want movies. Cine- Kodak makes them and Kodascope repeats the story at home. ' Here are the itAigi~gts on this Eastman outfit: Cinc-Kod'i1I3mae movies; is hand-hold, spring motor operated-;, gh onl 5 pounds loaded; w/ith an f.6.5 lens at X70; with the faster f.1. lc ls :o0. Two finders with each camera for s Ihting at wasliclit or eye leiel. Kodlascope C projects mn.,-s; lectricalty operated, plugged to any house outlet.'. rice _'{; o. o Screen io. A com-- plete outfit for i4o. r r Spring Frocks Make Their Bow Spring Frocks ake t1 eir debt-Charning crea- tions taking thcir inspiration from the daintiest sea- son of the year-.--frocks displaying the inimitable touch of Paris in their extreme loveliness. Com- pose-the new effect approved y Panis arnd New York-appears frequently when two or three colors and" two fabrics combine to give a frock its chic. The two piece mcde still occupies a prominent place and many trim little Jackets arc findeing their way Into Spring wvardrobes. Jersey comes forth agtain in nteresting new weaves and patterns. Woolens j I Ai yI THEE In'# A $4.9 all weo gyarment .. $3.00 all woc garment............ $;1.75 cotton union A garnieat :. ... $ 2.00 woolpants $2.00' eacti.h wool rest $2.00 e ach. cotton pants IE r ~ each. each . wool pant union suite $3.19 I1,29 S.79c 69c N. THE REST THE Children's union suits, $1.00 V Alues............ Children's vests and pants, 50c v'alues .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. . Children's all wool union suits discount ..............."..... . Children's all wool vests and pants $1.09 value ............"..... . A Fine Line Corsets and Pink and White-25 % 50c brassieres at Corselettes Discount in each ........................ $1.09 brassieres in pink and white at....................... 35c 69c ._. i t .> MEN! KEEP WAR THIS WINTER AND DON'TG TO THE DOCTOR Munsing, union suits, best on earth, $3.50 value, a to sell, Per Jganent .1 $2.50 men's suits, garment ..... cotton union ....$2,19 Men's $2.00 suits, Garment ... cotton union such as frisca and crepella sake added pocpuLarity from new weaves. Priced $15 Lit. (SE CON-' _ILOC %) Sale on Men's Silk's Hose, Special B.V.D. and Men's Wool Hose. Sale on Outing Flannel, Blankets, Dress Goods, Etc. Batts,