PAG~ P oI THE MICHIGAN DAILY " IJND AY, JANUA RY 9, 192-4 Published every morning except Mondayj during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications.C Mlem )ers of Western Conference Editorialt Association. The Associated Press is exclusively en- titled to the use for republication of all newsE dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this paper and the local news pub-E lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,A Michigan, as second glass matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- master General.t Subsc"-iption by carrier, $3.75 ; by mail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nardl Street. Phones: Editorial, 4925 ; business 21214. 3 EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925; MAN AGING EDITOR SMITH H. CADY. JR. Editor......... . Calvin Pattersoni City Editor............... .Irwin A. Olian News:Ediors......... IFrederick ShiLic' NewsEdiors.........Philip 'C, fro k,, Women's Editor........ Marion Kubik Sports Editor............. Wilton A. Sinm son Telegraph Editor ........... . ris Zw ln Music and Drama ..... _Vincent C. Wall, Jr. Night Editors Charles Behymet Ellis Merry Carlton Champe Stanford N. Phelps Jo Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith James Herald Crssam A. Wilson Assistant City Editors, Carl Burger Henry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Maron ndesonReporters Mario Andrson Paul Kern Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball Jean C'impbell Milton Kirshhaum Chester E. Clark Richard Kurvink. 4 Clarence 1,delson G. 'I homas M~cKean Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick William Enmerv Morris Quinn Alfred Lee Foster James Sheehan Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr. John Friend Sylvia Stone Robert Gessner William Thurnau Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik Coleman 3. Glencer Herbert 1?. Vedder Harvey J. Gunderson M\arian Welles Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski} Morton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow f BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD Advertising ................William C. Pusch Advertising............ .Thomas Sunderland Advertising............ George H. Annal le, Jr. Advertising............Laurence J. Van T1uyl r Circulation................T. Kenneth Haven Publication ............ ...John 1H. Bobrink Accounts.......... ...... Francis A. Norquist Assistants George Ahn Jr. Ray WVachter Melvin H. Baer J. B. WoodC D. M. Brown E.sther Booze Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith Harvey Talcott Nance Solomon Harold Utley Florence Widmaier the university which employs then teacher is a state(,mintl: iained'c instii- tion should not alter the case. The1 views of the governor oil eononi(-al questions in pariticu lar are more lil~elv to be prejudice0 the ii theoy are sc},nd. Surely a proc f':-or, sorvihf , sas he does a center where free and new thought ought to be encouraged to a greater extent than in any other kiind of inl-l stitution, lharthe rigi;t to c>;l°expre's-t Sion as he sees fit! In defend lag P lrofes so aC re;,or. the Wisconsin head made it clfear that1 he would not tolerate any i!erferl ee with academic freedomrt1)y the gover- nor or anyone else. It was a cour- ageous move on the part of President4 Frank, and apparently a complete' surprise to Governor Blaine. A BAL TALE Tea ring along the diagonal at about 50 per, the Ann Arbor fire department pulled up in front of the Natural Sci- ence building with much clanging of bells and blowing of sirens, yesterday morning. The University fire 'whistle blew itself hoarse. For t here 'were flames shooting above the roof of the building. It looked for a while like organic cvolution would be laid aside for a few weeks. Anidid lae ln'ave 'firemen heitate? "No, not t bit of it. ~Tey rushed I MUSIC GK5HANYS EDRAMA- --I_______ SB O ~) OK SergeiS'daii 11 rdtnti t ____________________ AT BARGAIN PRICES * 1= - rpTHEODORE ~ROB'EIRTS4 I Folwni h aeo il!o- ranother comedian of the moviesa Fiction General now on tour in legitimlate variety w~ill t 4~ dl iappear in Ann Arbor. ?1r. The odore BigrpyTrvlEtJ Rberswill enyI'tc rI amIat the Majestic j= 1ive Vo/lu1mes for $.0At H lfPrice beginning Sunday thorutgh \ednes- = i'! $.0Hl And if the RogErs gu-al-lriat E LB R ANSF RB O B Y R technique , ffamous error hi s years in ithe Foilit'3 and the concrt stage te- Rober , eternal tricks with a cigar = m are as well known to his fans. As an t - actor Mr. R oberts's facial expriessionis I We Are Showving MYanly z pri betl es:tby ha ietioer Fe n Groups of Books at Greatly UVH that profession that truckles so con- ReduceUd.Prices -sisteutly to the brand manner, to aI AT BOTH ENDS OF THE IAUGONAL IbeauTiiel hack in favor of dranmatic talent, to the trite and obvious have I=- succeed d so eminently. 1 111111111111x11111111111111I111I 1111U 111111111111111111U 111i1111111111111t19 Will Rogers is America's greatest arounid like inadmnen, trying~ to find the humorist, his own publicity agent ad- j WfKato the building'. What -'we steed, mits, and so does a large portion of nsteadl of well-(narked exits, is easily- the audience, that heard him here Fri.- found entrances for that building. day night. "My appearance is neat,*** lut not gaudy," lhe slaid, "and my face Finally some 13. and G. boy found the is what you would call practical, not door, and they followed. In the open pretty." All of these things form his couirtyai-d they came on the fire. Some own viewpoint of imnself, forestry student had been experiment- Some may say that the simnple abil-; ing, trying to creosote some logs. And ity to entertain an audience of thou- alnrost managed to creosote the build- sands for three hours is no sign of ing. greatness. And others mnay say that * the humor is a slapstick of words--- I CONSERV ATION" a barrage of "wise-cracks." How Just when we were so proud of Pro- tiresome, they may say, to listen to fessor Young being made Conserva- an uneducated funny-man ridicule tire tion director of ?Michigan, here his governments, the institutions, aohd the own boys in the Forestry department peoples of the 'world. start burning up buildings-and new But when one says that Rogers is ones at that. only a capable entertainer a-nd a*** humorist one tells only a half truth. Yvhat .v,ill we do when they get this It is granted that his things are given! Forestry school here? They'll burn us in a funny 'way, but it is to be remem- out of all our best buildings. It would bered that one cannot judge the im-i be all right if they would do their ex- port by the carriage. There Ilies be- perimenting in the Economics build- hind all of the things that he says ' ing, or Mason hall. the essence of American life and the* * life of the world, burlesqued just n, (,,wr t S 01,I OF BEID enough so that an audience enjoys thej But the worst feature of the whole portrayal of its fads, foibles and fan- thring was that we weren't even out o; cies. All of his remarks 'onl politicsj bed (it was 11:15) when the Univer- and current news hawse the stran~ge! sity fir~e whistle blew. The whistlc faculty of getting to the heart of a beving our news "beat" for the Daily thing and extracting therefrom, at a ' we felt we ought to get there as fat single stroke, the one peculiar phase ,as possible. We sure did. that stands the event forth in all its*** iprtance or its ridliculousness. 1 1)['A I FIRE, DEPARTMENT : - And it is for this that he stands. Please Don't Matke Paths On Tli Half satirist and half humorist, the Campilus. Importance of the satire so far out-!** weighs the importance of the humor 'Thte fire department member~s aiF that when one speaks of him as the ' '0w ex-ofhiclo students in the Fores~i world's greatest humorist one tells school. half a tale. And yet one cannot clas-*** sify him. It must suffice to say that "SATE THlE UNION!" he is one of the most clear-thinking PEAR~ TIM, (not the lost daug)- men in America today and that lie has Cougratulations on your public spiri ~the ability to tell people what asses' in takinfg over the Women's Leagur they are and make them think that it IBuil =ng Fund. Anybody 'who cat is a joke instead of the grim truth. ,;et 1_ .14 out of the studonts aroun( ________________ here for one chance in tein thousam Ii IPORfTIONMET.I for fifty-yard seats they know the, i di 1' SUNDAY, JANUARY 9, 1927 Night Editor-CARLTON G. CHIAMPE CENTRALIZED CONTROL In his nmessage to the legislature, Governor Green recommended that the control of all educational institutions of the state now vested in the Board Regents, the agricultural board, and various other bodies be consolidated into one central commission elected by the people. This suggestion, very interesting to everyone concerned with education i ' In blocking reapportionment of the membership of the Hlouse of Rep- resentatives, maniy Congressmen are violating the constitution which thecyC have sworn to uphold. This "supremes within the state, is soundly grounded law of the land" defuritely requires upo th deiretosecre reaerthat reapportionment "shall be made"1 economy and coordination in admin- according to the respective popula-tion istration. Developed so that the ac- of the states after every census. S n~'e tivities of the various institutions will 1920 following the last census, Con- not be hampered by too remote con- gross has failed to do this lespite the trol, the plan promises to increase fact that eight states should have the purchasing power of money spent from one to three more repre entar- on education. tives and that all states should havej In perfecting the details, it is prob- either one or two less repre sentatives. able that a study of the plan in other Under these conditions, there is nro!l 'states would be valuable. With so acceptable excuse for failing to Doss much at stake, everything should be the McLeod reap~portionment; bill considered which would give the state which has been introduced by a rep-r the best available version of the idea. resentativo of this state. Until such In the legislative processes neces-1 a me'asure is enao-,ed, inillions or' citi- sary for the creation of the board, the tens un gr'owlg; industrial centers representatives of the people of the such as Detroit are being giosal, dis- state will, of course, be given an op-I enfranchised, 'while other states are portunity to express their opinion being given more than their propor-I upon the proposal. With a favorable' tion of representatives. Such neg-lect decision by them, the University not only d~est roys true representation! should be very willing to come under in Congress but also in the election of, the jurisdiction of the new board. the President h: the electoral college. . won't get, ought to 1)e able to get' something for that co-ed tea room they want put up. * * * The U. Hall Spokesman sent a clip- ping from the Daily classifieds 'which read as follows: "LOST--One black leather note book and a copy of Gul- liver's Travels in Literary Building. ." "Guess CGulliver has been going some lately, to lapse into the verna- cular," says the spokesman. I1APLE M4ICI "'['le home- of 1 ure milk," otherwise knowrn as the Ann Arbor Dairy, ad- vert ises i))aple mnousse. How can ia place be pure that. admits having mice grouind the establishment? May- be Timn could tell you, Timothy. Tiny.I 1 .i-: r I',C{,AMFi{(ON T~j11 M11ITNNEPPOLIS MINN JAN 8S ROLLS U S A AM MASCOT OF BASKETBALL TEAM STOP -WILL. HAVE GREAT STORY FOR ROLLS STOP SAW YOUR APPEAL IN YESTERDAY'S DAILY WH IICH IS5 0N A LL NE'WSTANDS HERE TIM t s s STILL LOOING FOR WORID jOnce again the B. and G. boys ex- pressed a desire in the Bulletin that they be Introduced to some work. Well, another nice easy job would be for you to set the library clocks. They're more than ten minutes fast. !Maybe the idea is to give everyone lots of time to get to class after be- coming discouraged about ever get- ting the book. 'Not T'.(o Mentionl rTear ('id D)eai' Tim, yBAAtweeon the onion sales and the women's league building, ever'ybody e n the campus has something to cry about. EnjAYEsS r. A good cry like that ought to be! worth a dollar or so for t~e League Fund. How about it, EnjAYEsS jr? After bearing Will Rogers' descrip- THE FACULTY ('-NCER'F The Facult y concert wllh h was to y have been presented ths afternoont ini Hill auditoriumn at 4 :15 o'clok has been inde11initey uostpoured. q Post miors are usually painful amnd bo ing, ard although sacharine conmnents are usually the order, they have little of siicerity. This year,, however, the success of "Front Page Stuff," the twenty-frst annual Unioni; opera preseniited rin thirteenl cities by Nimes was ex--eptioel ; and the re- v ie ws were sulhici:it y cuausiastic to; mer-it the folowing lpetiiolr- lnid;iiajho1s 'ev--'"Firont Page Stuff" whieb a an seen at the 1Murat Sa turdNay night was tI hesct nmusical jcomedy Ithat the Tun ve sty of 4ichi- ganr has ever' brought lhre. Cla hiago'7°ihiaae-- crS atile students from the -University oft Michigan tur-ned thiirt ; tets intoolius o colr, , rythm in'jiniciy anrld dcing at the Auditorium at evening with there i- suit more than sat istfctrv to the H lar-ge audience that turned out to near and applaudl "i'i'ont P age St uff.'' HA'T iTIe YWa hing'on E ; eniuy' Star-- IProbably tihe best college, show this \e ae closi city has Qver sceen. Reduced Prices Th'ie Detiolt Free lPre,-"Front l I Spring Stock. IPage Stuff",' the 21Ist annual msical1 play by the Mlimes of the University quality and rig] of Michigan Union, presented atfr- Bringy- or 1 cliestra hal Friday evening has Cleanued and 131 nothing to fear through comparison I withi the best of its lpre~ecssois Itactory work. Ihas speed, iyth, coor, a nd it has no1) butrned swet I bee ntrust cii to (col2poent hands. Indeed, it is rather more fortunate ,Factory~ in the latter respect than the aver-age , 617 Packar st lip into college dramatics, disclosing1 several first rate performers and al jheroino in the person of Williamn E. 11 ______ Lewis; who wvas nothing short of caipti- fvoting--x'n (G. Shaw TIheC(int'iinafii Timues Star-As a student pr'odluction "Fmnt Page Strff" LE! d eserves only tire highest raise for all of its varied departments. It is t the best of its kind.D O T hey _New "fok 'ie-TcMimes of the University of Michigan present- [ A ed hei 21anual musicl conedy, "Fon PgeStuiff,'' before'c-alamge ari apprteeiamt iso atidi n cc At IheM o - i - poht an (opera house last ntighit.I TIhe production, one of the most pre- tentious seeni here in college dra-N matics this season, bought some dancing novelties to Broatdway with a good deal of fun. The i'himhdephaa Thcor- iarni the evident lack of limit or,''nrc Page Stuff" is probably time gratst -- college show to be presentedoiis season. The singing and idaaiehg arc combined with elaborate coltames to make an exceptional anatenr product' 'rie Celeland i ve: ---orgetting! for the time being the bass voices that Ar wnent with negligees, and remindimng1 ourselves only of the musc and dan- I 7 in ,it is a pity that E arl C arro ll, Flo Yg i l n e o h r a ' t a a few pages from the tricks of these C young producen's. As is usual in these J Icases the lyrics, music aid tiacig far' outshone whiat is given Cleveland audiences a top prices and labelled ' "The original New pork cast." laets j Grand(I Rapids Iess-Tnrnefui music, onds (f extraordinary steps, and clever act- 3fy.Ge inig, Interspersed with light comedy combined to niake "Front Page Stuff' a success at the Regent tiea- Beau'y ter Christmas night. Is C-su: has been privileged to hear tie lic'i-s ,, at Igari Union opera for many years, but ~ (lOe-elt it is doubtful if the audience Jtat1 jammed the Auditorium to the point of is necessitating extra seats under the balcony has ever seen a better' produre- ' With vrious mmsections adinterests RIDER SERVICEI ,LIDY r SALE :ng out all HATS at 5to make ready forI Every hat is fine in ;t up-to-date. hat in and have it' ocked. We do satin- No odor, no gloss, ats. ?w. music IUDE 5E IVI i: , A '.+E ;, I ;' %'" Hat iI a A for your Them-es and Theses. Puts more minutes in the day and insures better marks. A$10 payment secures astaerls Store Phione 7415j I THS MPUS Af% or _, %;Orona mington Portable Typewriter and thene some! After all is said and done-it is really the music which makes or spoils the dance. How many times have you heard someone returning from a private party say : "It was too crowded to dance well -but they certainly had wonde ful music. We have always realized that, and we know that a large part of Granger's popularity with the students is, due to Jack Scott's "'Wolverine" band. Their music is liked because they play what the students want-and they are always only too glad to have those dancing ask for some particular number. For pep, rhythm, and harmony we believe that Jack Scott's ten Wolverines are a hard combination to beat-drop in some time and see if you don't agree. A (0"Y Dancing Wednesday, Friday, Saturday. NO N-INT1ERTEN rF10 ACAD)EMIC FREEDOMI A fearless and highly commendable# According to a poilicy announceed r'e- stand was taken by President Glenn cently, Italy favors a policy of non- Frank of the University of Wisconsini intervention iii China anrd has so nF~di- seea asaowe esanhyfe ra ~iaz.Iay tdefended the academic freedom ex- would pose as the great champion of ercised by Prof. Ford H. MacGregor of human hiberily in this crisis, anld seek that institution after that freedom had the cverlasing f ir~dcip of tire been threatened by severe criticism Chinlese ul;atio~',he-;ts. on the part of the state's chief exe- A brief' examnination1, howeven', ds- cutive. Following the publication of1 closcs the utter hypo{ r isy ai:(l the in- a tax catechism by Professor Mac- sincerity of Italy's position. For in- Gregor, which- apparently, opposed Itne heei o rcdmiddpi certain certain policies of the state ad- I icy of no xintorveut;oi proposed by ministration, Gov. J. J. Blaine took that rnation when it. has somethingi to offense. gaLiI e Mderaa-rrimr The governor implied that Profes- Ther'e was notiig bh: roainded aibout its treatlmenit of (:reece or 7Tuir-ke,, or sor -MacGregor could take one of two- courses, according to President Frank, Austria. There is no0 policy of nona- either the retraction of the statement i inter Cez iou a i 'rntiiheud- in his cathechism, or resignation il ter°mrsgitin1 de111d srcreL ser'vr';c which Italy from the university. Whereupon, manandi;rne i lt~ 'cn President Frank, in no uncertainI exposal. terms, asserted the right of complete Whenthere' is nothing to gain but academic freedom, declaring that it thre protection of lives and property,I will always be accorded to members Italy would munch prefer to let the of the faculty and "vigorously defend- other nations do the 'work. If some- ed rgarlessof he ressretheone would ?propose a partition, Italy R - ¢ 4, e: y " P, . c r z S .: s* s r c'? are _ ,. n, f. !, yr 4 ,....t...a.... .... --I , . 1. ly Cu Dl). tSelected Qual. ills oifLively y, Fire andi Whose Value 'jnin4sl uat Our -tye Prices, - Iget fRnd E -Iti Kra IF- i ! I r i QUALITY Quality is built into a product at the time it is made. No amount of salesmanship, no highly glossed veneer or paint, no alluring ' ow jrice can give to a product that intatngible property we call Quality unless it. is put there by the nmanufacturer or builder. The buyer of Quality products knows that Quality means economy. Ile compute cost in terms of service rendered and satisfaction received, not in price paid. In planning the purchase of an A-A-Home, set your expectations HIGH. You will not be disappointed in the finishmed product. Try one and be convinced. ANN ARROR HOME RiIIIOFRS. Inc.