PAGE TWO THEW MICIAN DAILY SUNDY, ANURY , 027 . an _ n ~ n FOOTBALL MEN HOLD' Candidates for Michigan's next foot- ball team met yesterday afternoon in the 'Union for the purp(Ise oft"gettin7g acquainted and keeping in touch with each other." This meeting was the first of a series of similar gatherings, to be held throughout the wintev. More than 35 men attended'. In thel n~ext meeting a different'' grouzp will gather for intimate discussions. Line- coach 'Tad" Wieman has sent out let- ters to sixty men, asking them to m; et; at different times in the year. Coach Fielding 14. Yost talked to' the men about- getting and keeping in condition. "The success of ata. he said, "depends on the coaches _ t.- ting the players to do the things they should when the whistle blow;,. For,; after all, it is the individuals t hat make up a team and everything conts yHCAGPOLICEGEJ. a,#1 , 7Ai -trod uce SALT VAS IL (YPI raP nmanufact3 a onflin .' to I andt 'lls the ii i. l) ;.O Scrvice All afternooni i~ REA--L HOME-COKED CHICKEN DINNER With All the Fixin' s One Dollar in th1U\U ~ e V)'-'7rall talaY . <:i' it*)~i' x ' ill uno' zi s 0 011eti "N, at. I h!.li 1.1'° ttax Ii i ('11iijgpjr lPS.~ m l V W I N h l h < C I Eo a l ' } 1 .?:; :{! ' i ,I y e a i C' tA S I) 2) ii :- r e t u rn i ;o t h ~e c ,ese{I. Int E:? of 1i.11it1119 the cohili- split between 'a'a 3G ,~.i011701M ite O x ecetpt s state. 1:3 the pcosialaw provides, he would _ - J- O-&OPERIQ old sf',temof ra the eon liIes and I lk A~ ('111011 Up. A 3KITCHENETTE 11's a ('Oood Miee to Eat ~~." *L4t sj p.. .._ D e (1 civesof 01 1 heChicao apolic e force a ix ring ot ttheir Ilew ri a- chine guns, li, Wth Laa ea a received i1 c0 e a, l~at l iti ,,. 14 Xitho:;iL Iri:you yoiii=,g ( oiots." cn't Slfi t i a mnother [bird tSirotats (of her "nnwl ed ol7 o au o area tu¢ Ih 1Phone 474- 4744i a'lI 1nt 2 On them."{}_'2i1- x11ii1 i ({)odrlVle gatsof Chi "The condition of m~en, therefore, ice; and Ambassador Suod Bey of rTun- determines considerably the slieceSi; !key, both stationed here, exchanged of any athletic team," he continued,' ratifienwtot -y l7, ig aue of a t 1r--at v ~f "and you can't get good condition frienr ship ei w t bl (Vi Tn W' STARTING TODAY.} " . ic < The Most Remarkable Engagement in the Historyg of the Majestic Theatre! Old Man Of 'the Screen 1NOw Sltow,,4at I:f--:2-5:--:O)- i Chiildren, 25c Adunlts, :fit'* W Ieek ay .Malhwe 'e.-1(} - e--4t in : F; SHOWING 46 1 ? i t A yRT > ~f()DAY I A NDI PAI{A rorNT ('CHARACTER ACTOR t x9 ' p,.. i,. ., The Crand r; 'a .a FOR a , ' -; , h i ^'a R Aq, ,qqlmw /p I You nven9 x .,,, , , . 'P :. .r drama UNt r al 'A q -Mh U AF% ] _f i:. :y A_ ti d r 1 t. ' '. Y t' r; R r Ay / t <: , . X r Palerson Oil ife stage, (IN PERSON) America's Most :beloved Actor. - ~In Associationi with HARDEE KIRKLAND -1h1- WM. C. DEMILLE'S Brilliant Sketch "THE MAN HIGHER UP"L IBy SIwcial1 l ernilssion of, Jesse L. ]Lasky A. woman's daring couirage when her baby is in daiiger- the jewel pageant; ile nmost magnificent scene ever produieed "---the Rioman festival where a cowardlylhusbanid gives a feast for ,a lie-the pursuit by the armed cojst~tbulary -and a smashing climax as thrilling as the screen can give. It's Wonderful! A Tghine-toes i f A J r.ry l 4V Nz- ........ 7 44 ,. , F; ? ' r. . ,d s,1. L: y ,. ! ; 1' Yiy . e i ! 4(F S (. 4( f fi f I jt { J1 _. 4 f .." 11 _______ l~I1~j1 I.. 73 'S /. it ~,$ 01 *;t~ ' V I Il 6it~ K ~2~ ~4j .~t .'.\ 'a. a 'i'{ _ V +.I r : t .l Y Y r ... wr , ' ,, =JI s i I t c 7 , L h. ,_ . B !..t V . 4' ..' K t . ; Y I; a .vUERTH I -Also- LUiO LN PATHSIE RIEW L90 I 111