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January 09, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-09

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CDISCSSESGoldkette's Recording Orchestra And.
Royal Canadians Will Feature J-Hop
u Aw. Lu AE IE K I 1~

. .. ---




Introduce Resoution in House Calling
For Withdrawal Of Forces From
Latin American Soil.
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-In marked
contrast with silence mantained at the
White House and State department
today, the administration's Nicaragu-
an and Mexican policy was discussed
in the Senate and House with frank-
ness, not omitting charges that war
with Mexico might be the ultimate
In the House, Representative Hud-
dieston, Democrat, Ala., introduced a
resolution calling for withdrawal of
American forces from Nicaragua after
he had assailed the government
course on the floor.
Cool~ige ;supported.1
At the other end of the capital,
Senator Curtis, the Republican lead-
er, and Edge, Republican, N .LJ, ral-
lied to the defense of the Coolidge
policies, replying to attacks by Sena-I
tor Reed, of Miss, and Heslin of Ala.,
and Wheeler of Mont., Democrat. Cur-
tis advocated giving:Secretary Kellogg
an opportunity to be heard by the Sen-1


Jean Goldkette's original Victor- Canadians, making the second, con-
recording orchestra has been selected ' secutive appearance of this orchestra
as the feature orchestra for the an- at the J-Hop. Within a week or ten
nual J-Hop, which takes place Feb. days an announcement will be made
11, it was announced today by Warren regarding the third orchestra.-
A. Wood, '28, chairman of the 1927 Favors for the Hop will be dis-
.J-Hop music committee. Organized tributed in about two weeks. For the
by Mr. Goldkette for the opening of women, the favors are coincases of
the Graystone ballroom in Detroit, ,pigskin, with an inside coin, container1
this orchestra has been a popular at- and a mirror in the pocket. For the
traction there -ever since. It first men, billifolds of pigskin with a sin-
came into national prominence as the gle fold inside will be provided. Both,
official dance orchestra of the Detroit the coincases and billfolds are in na-
News radio station WWJ. tural color and of the same material.
From the Music Box in Cleveland The favors, tied with colored cord,I
will come Guy Lombardo's Royal hold the program inside.

Professor Fra yer Declares First Year
Enrollment Will Be Taken Care
Of This Week
With 1500 of the 4800 students of
the literary college completely clas.-
sified, officials concerned are pleased
with the results obtained in the first
week of elections, and believe the ex-
periment of early registration inaug-
urated this year is a proved success.
It is pointed out that the number
who have taken the first steps in clas-



Discussing the proposal of
Gov. Fred W. Green to put all
state educational institutions
under one board of control, Presi-
dent Clarence Cook Little stated
"We are willing to carry out
the wishes of the people of Michi-
gan and the legislature. What-
ever they decide will receive our

North, Eiserman, and Sauer
Make Trip To Galesburg
For Contest


Women And Children Proceeding To
Shangliai On Warships; Local
Troops Powerless
(By Associated Press)
LONDON, Jan. 8.-At Hankow,
where the foreign residents, partic-
ularly the British, have been en-
dangered for the past week by the in-
flamed populace, there appears to be
a temporary improvement in the sit- i
uation. A similar outbreak, however,
has occurred at Kiukiang, about 140
miles down the Yangtse river from
Hankow, and from both places women,
and children have been taken aboard)

sification is considerably larger, and'
Fomirili :Nuner Of Extra Series WilI that most of these will finish up the!
Bring Russian Organization first two days of this week.
To 11 Auditorium. Work To Continue
- - Second semester classifications will
SOKOLOFF LEADS 13 MEN continue during this week in the re-
corder's office. Appointments for theI
Iclassification committee and the up-,
As the fourth number of the Extra perclass and freshman advisory com-
Concert series, the Russian Cossack mittees may be obtained in the same
chorus will appear in Hill auditoruim office.b Departmental representatives
tomorrow night under the auspices of will be available for consultation at
hours stated in the special bulletin,
the Choral union and the School of issued at this time.
Music. The organization, now on its Prof. William A. Frayer of the Ills-
d n rTt~i f Ii nitit ig a- n v.R +,

Michigan's first intercollegiate de-
bate for the 1927 season will take
place tomorro wevening when, the
Knox Varsity team will meet that col-
lege at Galesburg, Ill.
The team leaves this morning and
consists of Walter P. North, '28, Lyle
E. Eiserman, '28, and Russell D.
Sauer, '28. The men speak in the
order named and will have the nega-
tive of the qu-estion: Resolved, That
I fhn EZ2.a -...+hj'L A - ,+ lu.. I

ate foreign relations committee be- warships and are proceeding to
fore passi g judgr ent, while Senator Shanghai.
Edge challenged the opposition to de- Communications from Hankow re-
clare that it did not believe in thee main slow and uncertain, and the out-
principle that the United States gov- come trembles in the balance. Latest
ernment should protect its citizens' press dispatches received in London,
in a orein contry bring the record only to Friday night,
in a foreign country. in hrihgvrnet
Although Secretary Kellogg had a but the British government had a dis-
lengthy conference late in the day patch this morning indicating that.
with the President, declining later to the British counsel had arrived at an
disclose whether the Nicaraguan- agreement with the Cantonese foreign
Mexican sikuation had been discussed, minister, Eugene Chen. By this agree-
nothing further was said regarding ment the British concession was freed
it at either the White House or the of Chinese soldiers, and the conces-
State department. sion patroled by natives under Brit-
The administrition's last words on ishI control.
Nicaragna was the White House There is an unofficial report that i
spokesman's declaration yesterday, the foreign powers have agreed to re-,
backed by precedents dating back gard as an act of war, any attempt on
through many an administration, that Shanghai, and still another report
throgh any n aminitraiontha that the Pekiiig government is plan-'
a government's first duty was to pro- i ol n the oren conces-
tect its citizens and conserve its rights ning violation of the foreign conces-
by any requisite means. Sion at Tientsfice had little news
No further word was forthcoming, today of the incident of the Kiukiang,
either as to the open break between I but admitted that events seem -very
Senator Borah of the Senate foreign similar to those at Iankow. Press
relations committee and the Coolidge dispatches report that when the meet-
Slander Seen. ing took place, the gunboat Wyvern
On the House floor, Representative wns bel edto preserve rron its in-
Huddleston prefaced the introduction tended to occupy the British conces-
to his resolution by a declaration that sion there. The women and children
the United States "was deliberately were taken out of Kiukiang on Thurs-
and consciously drifting into warwe tay.
with Mexico," and that an alleged A.mong in a n y reports coming
Bolshevist tendency on the part of through revenue sources, one states f
the Mexican government constituted that Chinese crowds occupied the
an "intentional slander." municipal buildings, the premises of
"This sending of American inarines British firms and private residences
to Nicara u,"the Alabama represen- at Kiukiang, and that the Chinese
tative said, "and this giving out of troops were powerless to maintainl
contemptible statement that Mexico' order. The custom officer took refuge
was a Bolshevist nation and that she aboard an American warship.
was seeking to control central America _ _ _
for Bolshevist purposes is not acciden- NOT D M CH GAN

second tour or the country aut ma- 'tor ,y department, chairman of the the Eighteenth Amendment Should be
ing its first appearance in Ann Arbor, freshman advisory committee, finds Repealed Immediately.
has been highly praised wherever it the early registration plan is working The debate will be a no-decision
has given concerts. The greater part out well with his group, and all contest. The discussion will take
of the program, as has been announe- freshmen should be taken care of be- place before a combined meeting of
ed, is Russian in atmosphere, but the fore the end of the week, he reports. the noon day luncheon clubs of Gales-
encore numbers are usually given over "The plan as we are working it burg.
to the rendering of a different type out this year," he said, "is a success, The team has been meeting twice a
' of material, thus displaying the versa- and has been in the nature of an ex- week for four hours in the intercol-
tility of the group, composed of, 13 periment for the bigger project to be legiate debating class where a round
men, led by Sergei Sokoloff. attempted next fall, when, a more ex- table discussion of the question is:
Reports of the press have likened tensive system of freshmen advisory held. G. E. Densmore of the public
the singing of this body to the sound groups will be inaugurated." speaking department with Wirt King,
of an organ because of the quality of Thirty Faculty Aid 27L, are coaching the teams.
the rendition and the peculiar type of With 30 faculty men meeting, on an
Russian music which requires a average, six students every hour they Da*i ocs l
finesse which would be spoiled by have consultation, the hundreds of 1.) v oiCes lea
over-emphasis. first year men are being accommodat- - Soldiers
Particularly praised among the ed rapidly. "Of course," Professor For Needy
numbers in the repertoire of the or- Frayer pointed out, "the advisors have
ganization which are on the program I their regular classes to attend to, and ! (By Associated Press)
of tomorrow night are Moisseeft's can't give their full time to the con- WASHINGTON, Jan. 8.-Saying
"Serenade", the anthem "Legend of sultatons" "that he wanted to make one plea
Christ", and the stirring "Volga Boat- Students entering; the Univesity "which I know would appeal to the
man Song." Selections from the for the first time in February will be women of the country if they were
operas "Prince Igor" and "Bandura" taken care of in a separate period of familiar with real conditions," Secre-
will also be given. As is the case classification, Feb. 10-12. At this time tam o War Dwight F. Davis said to-
with most Russian singing choruses the freshman advisory committee will day that many American soldiers and
there is a number of basses, but the again meet for consultation. More their wives and children are living in
falsetto of the tenors is said to pro- than 100 new freshmen are expected shacks unfit for human habitation
duce tones which are at times almost to classify. One-half of the army personnel, he
soprano. The work of the Cossack The present system of individual told women attending a luncheon of
Choir has been 'ompared by many conferences with the faculty men in the Women's National Republican
with that of the Ukrainan chorus al- their own ofices has proven more sat-club is ivn eit in tes rn
though there is a great difference in ;sfactory, Professor Frayer said, than I these war-time shacks hastily con-
numbers of voices. the old arrangement of meeting the structed for temporary use.
Extra single tickets for the concert students in a classroom. "Their spirit is wonderful," he said,
are available at the office of the School "especially the women. But we should
of MusicDR. ACKH WILL not neither in justice or in decency,
-j require them to live under such con-
In several posts are sick which
BELIEVED TAKEN I;-- are being cared for in hospitals of
"TILE 'NEW EUROPE" WILL BE flimsy frame construction, in constant
Apprehension of a man, believed to j SUBJECT OF LECTURE. danger of a horrible calamity.
have stolen a fur coat from the Sigma ___I_"A beginning has been made within
Phi fraternity about three weeks ago, Dr. Ernst Jackh, founder and presi- the last year to remedy this deplor-
was made by Cleveland police late'I Priti able state of affairs, but it will re-
Friday, according to reports from the dent of the Institute ofPolitical quire constant effort for several years.
S ror police department.ences, Berlin, and vice-president of I urge you not to permit a slackening
Cleveland police trailed the sus pect the German League of Nations union, of the effort to improve our army
on the strength of information sent will deliver a lecture on "The New Ihousing which I have not hesitated
from Ann Arbor Friday morning, and Europe" on Tuesday, January 11, in to call our national disgrace."
placed him under arrest later in the Natural Science auditorium at 4:15.
day. Several Ann Arbor authorities Dr. Jackh is speaking in the interests;Business Calls Are
left for Clevelap d yesterday, and it of the International Relations clubs
is expected that they will return to- that exist in many American universi- Made Across Ocean
day, accompanied by the suspect. He ties.
will be arraigned before court as soon The lecture will partake of the na-
as possible. ture of a review and interpretation of (By Asso: iated Press)I
- The suspect had been employed as European events beginning with the NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Outbursts of
a chef at the fraternity four years ago, chaos of the world war and ending wonder and cracklings of static,
and it is believed that he entered the with the installation and initiatory which yesterday ushered in the new
house during dinner hour. work of the League of Nations and the trans-Atlantic telephone today gave
World court. The settlements effected way to "regular business."
'E an Prices W'ilI by the various important treaties and Sixteen conversations, nine fromi
ia P i Iethe future results that may be expect- here, and seven from London, took
R seAfter Feb 25 ed from them will be the feature of place between 8:32 a. in. and 1 p. m.,
the talk. New York time, not one of which was.
I Dr. Jackh was brought to this hampered materially by static or fea-
Applications for the 1927 Michi- country under the auspices of the tured particularly by comment on the
ganensian will be accepted at the rate Carnegie Endowment for International weather.
of $4.00 until Feb. 25, at which time Peace and is making a tour of Ameri- The average length of today's cafls,
the price will be advanced to $4.50, it can universities. according to the American Telephone
was announced at the 'Ensian office; and Telegraph company, was between
yesterday. "-I- - . .five and six minutes, costing the con-
Statistics -on the senior section of British Financier To versers between $125 and $150.f

A pot of creosote which members
of the forestry department were at-
tempting to heat was the cause of a
fire in the court of the Natural Sci-
ence building at 11:15 o'clock yester-
day. The can which contained the
creosote sprang a leak and immedi-
ately ignited, sending flames the
height of the building and filling the
corridors with smoke. There was no
Answering an alarm from 1811
Washtenaw avenue, Henry Nezorgh,
of the Ann Arbor Fire department,
slipped on the icy pavement and was
struck by a truck. He sustained pain-
ful bruises, but no fractures. The
damage to the house was slight.
Include Intensified Program. In Public
Health For Those Unable To Be
At IResgular Sessions.
At the repeated requests of health
workers in the state, and for the con-
venience of those who are unable to
leave their duties long enough to at-
tend the regular Summer session
courses, there will be introduced in-
tensified work in public health in the
form of week-end institutes, is the
announcement of Edward H. Kraus,
dean of the Summer session and dean
of the College of Pharmacy.
These public health institutes have
been arranged for each Friday and
Saturday for a period of six weeks,
beginning July 1. There will be a se-
ries of lectures each day of the in-
stutute, presented by both professors
regularly at the University and other
speakers prominent in public health
work throughout the country. It is
expected that, although this is the
first year of such a plan, more than
75 health workers will attend the
Univeristy each of the week-ends.
Each institute stands as a unit, so
far 6s the subject matter discussed is
concerned, although there -is continu-
ity in the course as a whole. This is
done so that the workers can attend
all, or only a few of the institutes,
without any particular loss.1
The lecture titles cover asnumber of
different subjects in the various fields
of public health endeavor, including:
diet, statistics, mental hygiene, rural
sanitation, nutrition, public health ad-
ministration, tuberculosis, public
nursing, child health, skin diseases of
public health significance, degenra-
tive diseases, periodic health examina-
tions, modern trend in group health,
dental hygiene, life and work of Pas-
teur, factors responsible for crippled
children, and infant mortality.
Among the speakers who are listed
from out of the city are: Dr. W. J. V.
Deacoi of Lansing; Dr. L. L. Lums-
den of Washington; Miss Mabel
Bragg, assistant superintendent of
schools at Newton, Mass.; Dr. Henry
F. Vaughan, commissioner of health,
Detroit; Miss Sally Lucas Jean of
New York; Dr. L. Kiefer, in charge
of the department of health under
Gov. Fred W. Green; Newton Edson
of New York; and Dr. Victor C.
Vaughan, formerly dean of the Medi-
cal school here and at present at
A fee of $3 will be charged for each
of the six institutes.
Northwestern Will

-Name Coach Jan. 15
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 8.-Selection of a
successor to Coach, Glenn Thistle-
waite as head football mentor at
Northwestern university will be an-
nounced Jan. 15, Kenneth L. "Tug"
Wilson athletic director, announced
Wilson declared that he has re-
ceived applications from all over the
country, but that final action would
mnot be taken for a week.
lte asserted that Jack Ryan, Herb
Steger, and Tim Lowry, who were
assistants to Thistlewaite, doubtless
would be retained, but headded that
not definite appointments would be
made until the new head coach had
been named and consulted.
Rumors that Chief Brady, veteran
trainer, might also leave Northwest-
ern to accept an offer from another
institution, were denied by Wilson.
"Although we regret very much to
lasoe Coneh Thistleaite andD nn the

Gophers Unable To Equal Offense
Of Rangy Visitors; Count
1S To 10 At Half
(Special to The Daily)
MINNEAPOLIS, Jan. 8.-Michigan's
efficient band of basketball bucaneers
vanquished Minnesota's crew by a 31-
20 count here last night. The Wol-
verines held the lead throughout after
the first five minutes of play. "Benny"
Oosterbaan, Harrigan and Captain
Chambers led the Wolverine attack.
Oosterbaan achieved high scoring
honors with 11 points. Otterness of
Minnesota took the second place in
scoring with 10 points.
Coach Ed Mather did not make
a change in. his lineup until only two
i minutes before the final gun, when he
sent in Reason and Rasnick to replace
Harrigan and Chambers. Coach Tay-
Ilr shifted his Minnesota lineup fre-
Shoots 6 Out Of 7
Harrigan established a probable
free-throw record for the Minnesota
floor when he dropped in six shots out
of seven attempts. The Wolverines
counted eight out of 16 tries from
the foul line. Minnesota netted four
points in 10 tries,
Harrigan commenced the scoring
for the evening when he dropped in
his first free throw attempt. Otterness
put the Gophers in the lead with a
field goal and two foul shots. Tanner
boosted the Gopher total to six points
with a shot from under the basket.
Harrigan dropped in another of his
foul shots and Oosterbaan followed
with a field goal after dribbling the
length of the floor.
Chambers Scores
Harrigan continued to drop in foul
shots and Oosterbaan looped two
more field goals before the half end-
ed. Captain Chambers broke into the
scoring column with a field goal and
a foul shot in this/period. The score
at the half was Michigan 18, Minneso-
ta 10.
McCoy, lanky center, got into ac-
tion in the second half and scored in
three short baskets in rapid succes-
sion. Oosterbaan netted another field
Otterness, Strand, and Nydahl were
the outstanding Minnesota perform-
ers. Coach Taylor yanked Captain
Mason and Otterness near the close
of the final period, as the Gophers
must meet Indiana here Monday. Sum-
mary as follows:
Oosterbaan.............5 1 2
McCoy .................4 0 1
Chambers...............2 1 1
Harrigan...............0 6 1
Petrie ................. 0 1 2
Reason.................0 0 0
Rasick.................0 0 0
Otterness............... 4 2 2
Nydahl ..................2 2 1
Tanner.................1 0 2
Mason..........1 0 2
Strand ................. 0 0 3
Gay _ .............. 0 0 2
Tuttle . ................. 0 0 1
Chapman............... 0 0 0
MacKinnon ............ 0 0 0
Stark.................. 0 0 0
Officials-Kearns, Schommer.
Public Fund Swells
From Sugar Excess

(By Associated Press)
HAVANA, Jan. 8.-The public works
fund may be swelled by approximate-
ly $5,000 000 through fines assessed
against sugar mills which violated
the sugar limitation law last year, it
was stated at the treasury today. The
law imposes a fine of $5 for each sack
Eof sugar above the limit produced by
I Investigation by the Treasury de-
partment indicated that many mills
exceeded their limitation while others
fell somewhat below the official maxi-
mum figures for 1926.

Regist ration for the Uimon all cam-
pus bridge, chess and checker tourna-
mrents will continue until tomorrow
night, whemnian announcement of the j
teams and their date of playing will
be posted on the main bulletin board
in the lobby of the Union.
M-any have already entered each of
the contests, Dalton D. Walper, '29, in
charge, said last night, but it is urgent
that as many more ^s possible enroll
at the mai desk in the lUnionl lobby
before t omorrow night, so that the
winners of the four loving cups may
be the true champions of the campus
in their respective fields. Should the
iumber of entries warrant, a consola-
tion liridge tournament will be con-
ducted by the committee.

E. TY. Booth, INanager Of Grand Rap-!
isPress, t cm-uiT o Illness.
(By Associated Press)
GRAND RAPIDS, Jan. 8.-Edmund
W. Booth, editor and manager of the
Grand Rapids Press, died early this
morning at Butterworth'hospital. Mr.
Booth's last illness had been a mal.tter
of days, although he had contended
for years with a most trying malady!
of the stomach. On several occasions
in the past decade Mr. Booth's life had
been all but despaired of. Each time
he showed remarkable vitality and a
fortitude which seemed to carry him
back from the very brink.
Just a week ago dlr. Booth was at
his accustomed duties in his offic,.

le became aware, however, of indica-
TO tions of recurrence of his, fo rnem'at-
FR A YER TO TA LK " "m fhsmr
Itacks and upon advice of his physician!
BEFORE SEMINAR went to the hospital at noan Sunday.
______ It was deemed biest at that time that
Closing the lecture series for the he remain there for a time for obser- I
first semester on the School of Re- I vation.
ligion seminar, "The Moral Issues of Late Sunday afternoon a severe
Modern Life," Prof. William A. Frayer hemorrhage occured which brought on
of the history department will discuss critical weakness. On Wednesday
the "Regional Ambitions of Italy" at,, Mr. Booth received a transfusiou of
4:15 o'clock Wednesday in Natural blood from his son Ted, and the fol-
Science auditorium. lowing day he comnmoented optimnisti-
. The public is invited to the le- cally on his improvement. A turn


the yearbook which is now being pre-
pared for the engravces reveal t hat
200 more senior pictures have been "
filed this year than last, making a,
total of more than 1,800.
Armenians Flee As

Attend U.S. Meetings
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 8.-Montagu Nor-
man, governor of the Bank of Eng-
land, will come to the United States
w thin the next fortnight, it was ledrn-
ed yesterday, for a series of confer-
ences with American bankers.

(By Associated Press)
NICE, Jan. 8.-Hundreds of acres of
the finest hillside vine-yards on the
Riviera were destroyed by the recent
Following the Roquebilliere disast-
er, which cost 24 lives, three other
mountain sides have fallen into the

Quake Sh akes Earth

(By Associated Press)
Madison-Indiana 28, Wiscon-
sin 23.
Lafayette-Purdue 35, Ohio
State 27.
Chicago-Illinois 27, North-
western 23.

While no official information is
(By Associated Press) forthcoming, it is expected in Wall
LENINAKAN, Armenia, Jian. f.-- s raet that he will wind un the $00 -


came in his condition late TFhursday



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