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January 07, 1927 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-07

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* ------- _

Local And Naval Authorities Concede
30 Chinese Demands In Efforts
To Avoid Clashes.
(By Associated Press
LONDON, Jan. 6.-For the first
time since its creation as a little Eng-
lish city on the Yangtse river in 1861,1
Hankow appears to be slipping from
British control into the grip of Chin-
ese nationalists. After a night of un-
relaxed tension, the outgrowth of the
anti-British activities in the Yahgtse
region, all the British women and
children in Hankow were taken
aboard vessels for Shanghai, whilel
the men of the British concession were
concentrated in two buildings.
Late dispatches from the Hankow
district indicate that the situation con-
tinues most grave with the local Brit-
ish naval and civil authorities strain-
ing every effort to avert clashes and
yielding to the Chinese to an extent
which a few years ago would not have
been dreamed of-all because it is
realized that the smallest provocative
spark might start blazes of uncon-
trollable nationalist disorder.
Police Disarm.
Following upon the action of the'
British in withdrawing their marines
on Tuesday, all the volunteer policeI
forces have been disarmed and the
Chinese population left free to cir-]
culate at will in the British quarter.
The British are relying on the pledge
of Eugene Chen, the Cantonese for-
eign minister, of full esponsibility
-for law and order withiff the conces-
sion. Chen has insisted that the Can-
tonese military forces will be able to
maintain order in the district which
the British police guarded until a few
days ago, provided the Chinese are not'
All business in Hankow is at a
standstill.' The voluntary military Or-
ganization of the British community'
lhas been taken aboard British war-1
ships in the river and British subjects
have been warned not to venture on
the street. Meanwhile the 'nationalists
are tightening their control. BritishI

Wiscon sin JeadDecriesInJ erference
With Freedom Of Faculty
(By Associated Press)
MADISON, Jan. 6.-A teacher's
opinion, however widely it may differ
from the politicalwbeliefof the state
chief executive, cannot be made the
subject of university discipline at
the University of Wisconsin, President,
Glenn Frank declared today.
Governor J. J. Blaine and United
States Senator-elect, recently attacked
as a "hodge-podge of lies, half-truths
and misrepresentations," the tax cate-
cism issued by Professor Ford H.
MacGregor of the university. Presi-
dent Frank said the governor's remark
carried the implication that Professor
MacGregor had two courses open-
either retraction or resignation fromj
the university.
"In the absence of Professor Mac-
Gregor taking either of these courses,
the governor implied that the duty of
the president of the university was
"As long as I am president of the
university," President Frank said,
"complete academic freedom will notf
only be accorded to members of fac-
ulties, but will be vigorously defend-
ed regardless of the pressure, the pow-
er, or the prestige that may accomp-1
any any challenge of this inalienable
right of fellowship."
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis Of Harvard Will
Direct Simpson Institute; Also
Professor Of Medicine
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, assistant pro-
fessor in the Harvard Medical school,
will come to the University to accept'
a position as director of the Simpson
Memorial Institute and professor of,
internal medicine as a result of action
taken last night by the Regents. Dr.
Sturgis was named by an unanimous I
vote of the department heads of the
Medical school, and according to a re-
port received by President Clarence
Cook Little, will come to Ann Arbor
in July.
Funds for the Simpson Institute
were contributed by Thomas Henry
Simpson of Detroit last year and the
Institute was completed early this


rif11. THREE TIES Sh'E

Governor's Message
Proposes One Board
For State Colleges
(By Associated Press)
LANSING, Jan. 6.-Gov. Fred Green
today laid his program for the im-
provement of the state and its insti-
tutions before the legislature. VIis
first message to the state's legisla-
tive body indorsed the pre-primary
convention idea, recommended the





DFcAT OToR IEASURES st i f boards which govern
proposedi making the state's superin-
F ril To osserride Cooled-e On inson tendent of public instruction appoin-
Praopw-sal~s 1 ar -hase Of tive, and advocated a return to the
New Airplanes three-man pardon and parole commis-
sion rather than the present single
(By Associated Press) commissioner.
WASHINGTON, Jan. G.--"Big navy" "We could improve our present ed-
men of the House today forced through ucational system materially if we put
an appropriation for another huge the Normals, the University, Michigan
dirigible for the navy, but were un- State college and the College of Mines
ircegble inr tho other aterpte to under a single board elected by the
successful in two other attempts to, people. I would also put the selec-
over-ride the wishes of the President tion of the superintendent of public
and the bud;et bureau. I instruction under a single board elect-
After the Louse by a vote of 132 to ed by the people."
69 had adopted an amendment to the
naval supply bill tb provide $200,000 f} T F PfIIfl 1
for initinr itil fi i i


California Mayor Expected To Devote
Part Of Talk To Discussing
Political Situation
Will Rogers, well-known cowboy
humorist and recently elected mayor
of Beverly Hills, California,\will ap-
pear here. tonight in Hill auditorium
under the auspices of the Michigan
Theater league. This is the second
time that Mr. Rogers has been here,
having appeared last winter for the
benefit of the Women's League build- 1
ing fund. After his visit last year
the humorist was very anxious to re-

Bi-Pairti'san M c.isve Is Sponsored By
Senators Curtis And Crist
(Py Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 6.-A bi-part-
isan farm relief bill, sponsored by
Senator Curtis, of Kansas, the Repub-
lican floor leader, and Representative
Crist, Democrat, of Georgia, was pre-
sented to Congress ted ay in an effort
to break the long deadlock on agricul-
tural legislation.
I. was presented in the Senate and
I House coincident with the resumption
of the consideration of farm legisla-
tion by the House agricultural com-
mittee, which voted to sidetrack dis-
cussion of the McNary-Haugen bill
until next Tuesday, and to take up in
the meantime the Aswell bill, a meas-
ure which omits the provision for
a equalization fee on agricultural
products with which to handle the sur-
plus crop problem.
Both Senator Curtis and Represent-
ative Crist described their measure
as designed to meet obpections raised
against pending proposals. It would
provide for a federal farm board and





Principal Discoveries Of Dinosaur
Eggs And Skeletons Uncovered At
Base Of Flaming CUff
Telling of dinosaur eggs millions of
years old, and of skeletons buried


i 11"11La1 trc 11Ltn asiz uc on oo a ter gw An- i j!r "i" .. w
turn, according to reports, and at that appropriations up to $250,000,000. The
ship thrice the size of the Los An~ ~Ttime admitted that it was the first duty of the board would be to insure
geles, it def>ated two other amend-j college audience he had struck that "reasonable profit over cost of pro-
ments which would have increase( caught his best jokes. duction" on farm commodities by de-
the navy's airplane strength. One of - There is no indication as to what laring an emergency when one ex-
the proposals, which wvere sponsored Six American Warships With 400 his subject will be at this appearance, ' isted.
byhepr esetals, w i ns , oee norg i M arines Are Ordered By Nary F!but it Is expected to be entirely dif-
by Representative Vinson, of Georgia, Mrie Aedrey T ferent from last year. It is quite
ranking Democrat on the naval com- Department To Guard Capital fm at ea. It is
mittee, would have increased by more recent trip abroad, which he made as [Nfl
than $7,000,000 the fund for purchaseK LOGG DEFENDS IV"the special ambassador of the pres FO
of new ,airplanes. DFN S M V'"h'pcalabsao ftepei
of ne airpanesdent," or on his political career as j
Lost By 14, Votes (ByAssociated Press)f mayor of Beverly Hills. Last year he
It was voted down 05 to 80, while WASIIINGTON, Jan. G.-Six addi- had'a great deal to say about the Unii-
the other Vinson measure to appropri- tional American war vessels were pro- versity itself and his impression of it. --
ate more than $4,000,000 to provide ceeding tonight, or preparing to sail Believes InAircraft Opening Finials To Start Monday, Jan.
75 planes for the new carriers, Lex- Mr. Rogers is a firm believer in the 31; To Extend Two Weeks Until
ington and Saratoga, was lost without at once, to reinforce the squadron al- development of aircraft in the United Saturday, Feb. 12.
a record vote. ready in Nicaraguan waters under the States, for he believes that the next
The fight over the dirigible, on an command of Rear-Admiral Latimer. war, which, in his opinion is sure to
amendment by Representative Beg, They carry an expeditionary force of come, will be fought in the air and INCLUDES TWO SCHOOLS
Republican, Ohio, waged for more 400 marines and consist of two cruis- that "You will either have to go up inI
than two hours and produced the first rs area the air or dig in." America is the only Examination schedules for the first
test of streugth of the measure. Ii ?rs, three destroyers, and a sub Ga- country in the world at the present semester in the Colleges of Engineer-
adopting it the iouse i-sreg ar de(d the nine tender. time that uses its air solely for ora- iiig and Architecture have been ar-
Piesident's wish expressed in his bud- Orders for dispatching of this com- tory, he says. - ranned, and will be distributed from
get message that appropriation for the plement of ships and men to Nicara- The humorist bases his belief that I the secretary's office in the near fu-
two dirigibles authorized last year be giia were issued by the navy depart- there will be another war on the fact I tur~e, according to Miss Camelia B.f
held up pending exp(erimient with all- gto were iuwa that all European nations are now be- Cren, assistant to the secretary.
metal airships, ment today without, it was said, any ginning to hate us as they have hated eThe examination lriod will last two
When the fight over the dirigibles request having been made by Admiral each other for years. All the Euro- weeks, beginning on Monday, Jan. 31
and airplanes dragged through the Latimer for reinforcements. The 4001 pean powers are endeavoring to ma- and ending Saturday, Feb. 12. Four
afternoon, handlers of the bill reached marines are to constitute the legation ; neuver now to have Germany on their hours are allowed for each examina-
an agreement under which another rI Nanaga the where side during the next conflict, he be- tion, there being two periods every
impending battle over the navy's a a illieves. day from 8 to 12 o'clock and from 2
impndngbatleovr te iaysit was claimed, they will relieve men Since becoing mayor of Beverly to (C o'clock.
cruiser strength was postponed until from the cruiser Galveston. Forecounsnsn1y rofnebothtlec'urk.
tomorrow. The conflict will center I At the state department, Secretary Hills, the humorist has also become For courses having both lectures
about delerm ination of several nmemni ,- Kellogg was quoted as understanding interested in politics, national as well and quizzes, the examination hour
hers to over-ide the desire of Mr. the steps which the government is as local, and he will undoubtedly de- will be noted oi the schedule as the
Coolidge that no appropriation be takig n the permission ac vote at least a part of his time in his time of the first lecture period of the
maolde now t foraconstruciaoft i eeting n 'teprisina-apaanehr oaFicsino
made now for constrction of three lcorded the Diaz government in Nic- appearance here to a discussion of week. For classes having quizzes
cruisers already authorized by Co-, ai.aga to buy arms in the United the political situation both at borme only, the time of examination is recog-
gress. States but stated this did not con- and abroad. He spent three weeks in nized on the schedule as the time of
rState a state th di o ton Russia during his recent trip to Eur- I the first quiz period.
t . p ope, and paints a doleful picture of Places where the examination will
The ships in dispute are part of administration toward its soveriegn conditions there. He feels that so- Ie held will be determined by the in-
eight light cruisers voted in 1924. Two nepghbor.p, i b cialism there has played out, that the structor in charge of the class.
of them are nearing completion and oe people, it was pointeout children are being taught revolution All classes meeting for the first
appropriation has been made to start the department, might cat ine in the 'schools. Half a million bol- time in the week on Monday will have
three more. In addition, Chairman vention, but it was clear thata w shevists are ruling 150,000,000 peas- their final examination on the follow-
Butler of the naval committee has the government had a very vi in ants there, he believes. lug dates: eight o'clock, on Wednes-
introduced a bill for authorization of terest in the civil war in progress inirge Sale Reported . dae.:feigtt o'clock;
10 additional cruisers. ipjipnoa 1 osniiaaq -LrgeSal Reortd Iday, Feb. 2, from eight to 12 o'clock;
ts.n Tickets for the performance will be nine o'clock, on Tuesday, Feb. 1, from
The debate today crowded the gal- AmCrican interests, ere was noin- on sale at Wahr's bookstore and at the eight to 12 o'clock; ten o'clock, on
leries and brought more members to tention to depart from the settledI box-office of Hill auditorium. The
the floor than at any time since the policy of seeking to stabilize condi- bo-fieoIil uioim h uesday, Feb. 8, during the morning
opening o the sesin. A nme tions in Latin-America. Not to have second balcony, which is priced at 50 period; eleven o'clock, on Monday,
na offihr sdssir wive afforded the Diaz overnment an op- cents, will he open to general admis- Jan. 31, from eight to 12 o'clock; one
Asstaofficerta dtheir a obin-iv asorden secure arms for its de- sioneand the other seats, which are o'closk, on Saturday, Feb. 5, from two
Asitn ertr oga oi-Iportunzity toseueamfoit de- priced at $1.50, $1.00 and $.75 are re- tosxoc'l~tw 'lc nWd
son of the navy remained in the gal- ;fense while permitting its adversaries, rv O t to six o'clok; two o'clock on Wed-
le tt the Sacasa liberals, to do so, it was served. Officers of the Michigan nesday, Feb. 9, during the morning
ery throughout the discussion. said, would be to reserve the policy Theater league, sponsors of the p session; three o'clock, on Tuesday,
of years' standing. frmance, report an unusually large Feb. 8, from two to six o'clock; and
lunney Contracts The department declined to state advance sale. four o'clock on Thursday, Feb. ,10,
" whether the instructions issued to -Ffrom eight to 12 o'clock.
To Fight N xtFall RweahrdiaF S U G D T
F RaALatimer not to allowIOWNER URGED TO I 11 classes meeting for the first
Sthe liberal forces to use the neutral PROCUR L CEN ES time in the week on Tuesday will have

ages ago in the quicksands of Mon
golia, Roy Chapman Andrews well
known naturalist and Asiatic explor-
er, delivered the sixth of the series
of lectures on the annual Oratorical
Association lecture series last night in
Hill auditorium.
The vast country, more than half
as large as the entire United States,
was first explored by the expedition,
which was sent by the American Mu-
seum of Natural History, under Mr.
Andrew's direction, in 1921. Seeking
to establish the theory, held by Os-
Smun 23 years ago, that central Asia is
the cradle of the human race, the
party of 14 Anericans, with its Chin-
ese assistants, went from Pekin to
Kalgan, a distance of 140 miles, by
rail, and then proceeded 700 miles
further into the trackless wastes of
Mongolia by motor and caravan.
Mongolia Oldest Land.
The Gobi, a bed rock desert that
covers a large part of Mongolia, was
the location of most of the excavations,
I although the grasslands which sur--
round it were also explored The
principal reason for supposing this to
be the location of the origin of man
is because it has been a dry land con-
tinent for the longest period of time,
the speaker explained. Years before
America and Europe rose above the
level of the sea the region of Mongo-
lia was high and habitable. This
fact, added to the knowledge that
Mongolia is approximately the cen-
ter of the land area of the world, Is
the chief reason for befieving that man
first existed there. Mr. Andrews be-
lieves that the findings of his expedi-
tion establish this point more firmly
than ever before.
The principal findings of the party
were at the base of the Flaming Cliff,
so named because of its brilliant red
color, and it was here that the dino-
saur eggs, the first ever uncovered,
were found. There was no design on
thq part of the excavators to find these
eggs, in fact they "were not even sure
that dinosaurs laid eggs," Mr An-
drews said, but, by accident, while
digging for other remains, one was
uncovered and later two nests, one
of fourteen and another of twelve,
were discovered.
"There is no doubt as to the fact
that these remains are actually dino-
saur eggs," the speaker explained,
I "because tiny dinosaurs are actually
I in two of them." Near one of the de-
posits was found the skeleton of a
small animal of this species that was
I evidently feeding upo, the eggs when
I overtaken by a sandstorm and buried.
A picture, showing a restoration of
the scene twenty-five million years
ago, was shown by Mr. Andrews.
Many of the specimens were dug out
in large blocks of rock, and the ex-
plorers were not aware of the nature
of their discoveries -until they were
removed here.
' Among the most important of the
other remains discovered were those
I of the largest mammals ever to ex-
ist, the mammoth. Parts of one of
these beasts were found standing up-
right where the animal had evidently
been caught in quicksands ages before.
Remains also of large carniverous
beasts were found, and pictures were
F shown of the remains themselves and
also of imaginary. restorations.
In the area explored, were also
found innumerable evidences of-a pre-
vious civilization, both In the Nean-
derthal and Paleolithic ages. The
similarity of these remains to thoe
found in Europe from about the same
, periods establishes beyond doubt, in
n the opinion of Mr. Andrews, that the
n civilizations of both continents had a
common source, or that the inhabitants
I of on ware mere1 invadersfm nithe


flags on the municipal buildings have Dr. Sturgis who was born in Pend-
been replaced with the Cantonese em- leton, Oregon, 1891, received the de-
blem and all other Union Jacks have gree.of bachelor of arts at Washing-
been hauled down. ton university and of doctor of medi-
Try To Force Fighting cline of Johns Hopkins Medical school
Behind the scenes, however, extrem- in 1917. During the war he was as-
ist agitators are trying to force the sociated with Dr. Francis Peabody
fighting by such nmeans as th.e demands and Dr. Joseph Wearnn in cordio-
on the British counsel, drawn up by vascular work. From 1920 to the
representatives of laborers, farmers, j present time, he has been connected
merchants, students and soldiers of j with the Harvard Medical school. He
Hankow, for presentation to the Can- I is also an attending physician at the
tonese government. These demands 11Peter Brent Brigham hospital where
include an indemnity for Chinese al- t he has served as house officer and as I
leged to have been killed or wounded sistant resident physician, and' at the
in Monday's disturbances, withdrawal Huntington Memorial hospital.
of the British gun-boats, and an! According to a report submitted to
apology to the Chinese government. the- Regents, Prof. Henry E.dRiggs,
The demands were couched in the head of the civil engineering depart-
form of an ultimatum insisting on ment, has been invited to act as en-
compliance within 72 hours. While 'gineering counsel to the legal depart-
some fresh reports give no indication ments of the St. Louis-San Francisco
whether these demands have the ap-1 railroads and the New York -Central
proval of the Cantonese authorities, railroad system. While the prelimi-
others announce that the demands nary work which Professor Riggs will
are already in the hands of the British I do will not cause his absence from
consulate, having been presented with- the University during the present
out awaiting the government's ap- academic year, it is expected that
proval. later, when he will be asked to ap-
pear before the Interstate Commerce
commission, a leave of absence will
UNION TOURNEYS be necessary.
I Approval was also given to theI
TO BEGIN SOONIcourses outlined in naval aviation
isome of which were inaugurated with
All-Campus Bridge, Chess And Check- the government ground aviation school
Atl-Crtliu Brdg, Ces AnTCec-, last November. In addition to the five
er Tournament To Start Tues- lecture courses which are now being
day. given by Lt. L. G. Marshall, and Lt. C.
I D. Williams, seven other courses were
Actual playing in the all-campus included in the program for naval
bridge, chess and checker tourna- aviation which is receiving govern-
ments, under the auspices of the ment co-operation.
Union house committee, will 'com- I
mence next Tuesday, it was announc- ! ELE\V1TONSC GIVE1
ed yesterday by those in charge of :I V
arrangements. Registration, which NEWN TDIFFICUITYIV
opened yesterday, will continue
through next Monday, and may be
made by any member of the Union at School Of Business Administration
the main desk in the lobby. Pairings Courses Only For Seniors j
for the games will be posted on the -
mai bulletin board in the lobby 'at Students interested in courses of-
the close of registration. The tourna- fered by the School of Business Ad-
ments' progress will also be recorded ministration are experiencing difli-
on the board from day to day. culty in making those elections. The
Plans are also being made for all- Business Administration school urges
'campus billiard, bowling and pool those students to consult the bulletin
-tnunaments. which will be held at I which can be obtained at the dean's


(By Associated Press)
ST. LOUIS. Jan. 6.-Gene Tunney,
world heavyweight champion, today
agreed to defend his title next Sep-
tember against any contender selected
by Tex Rickard, promoter, for what
was declared to be the largest guar-
antee ever made for a fight.'
Rickard, who caie here last night
from New Yo-., announced after a
conferenceYz ka Tunney that the
champion would sign a contract this
afternoon. Tierms not revealed, but
it was understood Rickard plans to
stage the fight in the Yankee Stadium
at New York on which he holds a

zone established on the east coast'
as supply basis Gould be so construed
as to permit him to intercept ship-
Inient of arms from Mexico intended
for the Sacasa armies.{
(By Associated Press)
CHICAGO, Jan. 6.-R. J. "Duke"
Dunne, former University of Michigan
-ootball captain, and son of Governor-
Dunne of Illinois, was tonight named
is football line coach for Harvard

January 15 is the last day on which
automobile licenses may be obtained.j
According to a report made at theI
Chamber of Commerce Wednesday an
average of 500 sets of plates a day
are now being issued. Those whof
have not yet obtained their licenses
are urged to do so early, in order to
avoid the last minute rush.
BATTLE CREEK.-Edgar A. Goff,
president of the Michigan Aeronautical!
association has been selected by the
'Ypsilanti Chamber of Commerce to di-1
rect an air meet to be held in that city
July 2, 3, and 4.

their final examinations on the follow-
ing dates: eight o'clock, Saturday,
Feb. 5, from eight to 12 o'clock; nine
o'clock, Thursday, Feb. 3, from eight
to 12 o'clock; ten o'clock, Monday, Jan.
31, from two to six o'clock; eleven
o'clock, Friday, Feb. 4, in the after-
noon period; one o'clock, Monday, Feb.
7, from eight to 12 o'clock; two o'clock,
Friday, Feb. 4, in the morning ses-
sion; three o'clock, Wednesday, Feb.
9, from two to six o'clock, and four
o'clock, Thursday, Feb. 10, from two
to six o'clock. Of the special classes,
Drawing Two will meet Tuesday, Feb.
11. E. M. One and Two will be examin-
ed on Tuesday, Feb. 1, and C. E. Two
on the same day. Shop Two, Three,
I and Four, will have their finals on
Wednesday, Feb. 2. A1 .E. Three on
Thursday, Feb. 3, while E. E. Two A
' 1 I11 h.ve its examination on Mondav,

Give Special Attention To Lecture Material Presented
And Do Not Rely On Text, Is Advice Of Dean Effinger;

Wll laV '.a".*.*v1,-'.'*- - - -U y i I 1 t AJ *L 1 *S ,
i Feb. 7. Surveying One and Four will j other.

Editor's Note: The followinP is the thi'd
of a sern'- ante:mOi\emvs irth D ean ,J olhn IZ
J'ITv1n er of -th c1 c c o iteratufre Scienrce
anl the Arts dealing with student 1ro1lems-I
Can a student who consciously fails
Ito take notes in his lectures "get by"
in a course by depending solely on his
-1 1-t v 9 Trh ,

text and paying no attention to the
lectures, the student who merely plans
to 'get by' is giving little thought to
his own real interests.
"Any student who comes to collegeI
is making an investment of time and
money. Ordinarily, people try to se-
cure as large a return as possible on

have theirs on Wednesday, Feb. 9. All
of authorities and by presenting his of these last named will be held from
own well considered opinions on the two to six o'clock. Examination hours
subject under discussion, he gives the for these courses may be considered.
student much more than can be found as irregular periods, provided there is
within the covers of a text assigned. no conflict with the rest of the sched-
To disregard all this is obviously the ( file.
height of foolishness. x
"The mere taking of notes is, of I 1-4"n I T- d I

Expedition Mapped Region
After concluding his discussion of
the prehistoric phases of the country,
Mr. Andrews showed pictures of the
present inhabitants, and explaining
that commercial interests always fol-
low explorations, said that outsiders
were now becoming commercially in-
terested in this almvost completely


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