0 e SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1926 THE MICHIGAN. DAILY PAGE. SUNDAY, OCTOBER 3, 1926 PACE SEVEN I an e clln.aft an a d hei III f ll ~ f "OCi" FIO T9fll wie rought down Oklahoma backs o u wh++1 9 ,_o had evaded the rest of the se- I1I~f~ ~ !IL O~ ~flL~ERIdE ndefense.aIn the third periodowL M iot Pc aschigan pilot ended"'a possible' r' ta dagerous forward pass. 1 A11 1i statislics roeveal Itue greatness of 1;i, I ng lhog otu o i Capftaiin Imity Friedman of flt, Michi-' -isnatog o pt i guni eleven a tii o'i 1.111- eat in usua l tstiard, was inevertheless good j (Continuedl from page one) hee y eysterd~lay at Ferry field be- enough to gain most of the 260 yards1 Pucklwartz, Substituting for Fri tw(ecit the WlerincPres and the Okiaho-! negotiate(I via the aerial route, and1 man at q1ua8rter,. oIened a long pa maAgis he was on the throwing end of tyro of ing attack in the last four mina the four tosses which resulted direct-j to play. Greenwald faked a line bi Th1on e icinleadrcarrta ied the1y into touchdowns. Three of his five (andl threw a 16 yard pass to Puc b~l onfiv ocasonsfora ota gultkicks after touchdown passed between! wartz, who hugged the sidelines,c W'i 22 yards for an average of more the posts andi over the bar. shaking off two tacklers, cut back fumlbled the pass 'from cent er, but re ;~~r~s~~t ORi>\ covered 8alld spirted the left side. ofrG ____t Ste field to carry the ball over thelu ft I F~~VOR lineforSthPlast oint,)grinI17d { a "e d- utes s lut t 'kl- anid lto final score t,7 42 to I a 1 1 Shelby 1 Weoissing er (capt.) iMeyers I-lemir~ckson I Strack -Da vidsoin Peri~ry . .McClain Danford Bowianl 3 -X1'X 1,'F-8 teo rtuain If You are aZ telehoneuirherc c di w tr 3 the \(- l r i, 1)th;l _r_ 1 m r \t'i,t . ,rir I ,S u y o m \e EUP ill11 e charged. usar. , j~~~~es. ~ ~ ~ h Niligii(1) lii cihigain I )aitv r.5 sthe ihto__________________________ Po.elassify all xsanrt.; ncl, unonc.a;)ro'rira e ce Ie. Oositerba3iain iugand to ree.rr 1, 1hl ibli iiabr:.~ , me. Thieenig 'lis coltumn closes at a311 - Mtate prced-1 vt~( l~g. Palmeroli lg inietim t. fotiec f n errorust he FOR Sil f - ('herole t',i:'url tc} 920 -C ''i1O l1CASH RATES 1.s£da ]nee . r+ g. Dewey Ten cents )? r reading line (ltine basis of soresSatr,deonaleie five av erage V#)Vcls to) taelc eu) for onre or tto ireS, engl ine andl body firt ca ir.t. Gabel insertions. ,tE' L.e. jFlora Ninae cents per reading line for three or more $50.00. Dial 77:;4. 6 nr erti ins. .q-1). Friedman (capt.) Cash classifieds received at the I )ailv otfie F) 1147011V ovaand case t. AIV;I 111. A.i l ler e P 3llt']lrsi lodit lr err .\i nyni 0 :treet. aioltelie itoafrsho CONTRACT RATES as 0t° ).~',v(.iOa r'.h. ich ISpecial :standard ized rates U ,en onlapp lica- ya 6"'aI .E f h. VTyear. (all' !r54. LOST Pn n~ a. . ,S P[la1.14 5 ('a 1 4 18.G-7-8 'WAT D--Yonga nTd haty n, I1a loo ( P iio1 El)-t le at it tin a.]i tita AtplyCan Huse suetwt aNt i aTohus.udet cbifoiflers- eticAd. 827sk. ri. Iewtal.35ia. 1. tanrfour yards each time11he.took the DIIl. This averag.ewa made event though on the two timles lie went through the center of the line he failed to gain because of the cornpIarative 'weakness of the Wolverine forward wall. In the second quarter Friedman tore off his longest run when he retfurneti Perry's kickoff 22 yards to the 35 yard line,.lHe also ran lhack four of the Oklahoma quarter back's 'kicks for a Coa f4 ad ,a vrg f m r than 12 yardis. Under instructions he ler~nttedh several of the high spirals to fall to the ground lwbefore Pickingj them up, but this was a matter of cant ion on the part of the coaching staff to avoidl unnecessary injuries. On the defense Friedman is recog- the center of the field and crossed the 1line for a touchdown. I On the kick forma ntioin for lt1, iextra l l i t t. r , iV101P,21C1cL IIfOUSE": )TEMBERSIIIP LISTS NfUST 1 E READY 'TUESDAY All organization membership jlist for the Students' directory jshould be handed in by 5 o'clock Tuesdlay at the office on the see- ond floor of the Press building. In ordler that these lists may jbe exactly accurate, it 'is sug- gested that each house presidlent make out his list today and post it in -a conspicous place for the members to verify. The lists must be typewritten and ina- a-phabetical order. J i I i i I i - ,f t f I t t t t poin aftr tochdon, 1ucklaz t. bsi)5itut itns-Greentwald for Mil- 4V 1 leitatrtuhowlukwrz1r, Oade for Gabel, Bahbcock for Rich, 1 *Grinnell for Pommerenning, kin-- for FO T T1-Automatic Pencils which we O oStt me t'Davidson, Ileston fo .otrban, ;c-. sell at a low figure, 4.r to$1.0ta IY ttenb ur , 40 14 Cy for Ra dnich, l tep for track, work as well and last as long eastthe Nickerson for Oade, R~oden for Flora, I..bet. Rider's Pen Shop. (1 Rose for Grinnell, HI. Webber for Ga- COLUMBUS, Oct. 2.-Ohio State de- bel, Nicholson for Dewey, Ho6ffman for I F YR1IE N'I' feated Wittenberg today 40 to 14 inl RTicfr Nickerson for Palmeroli, M1Veese -i the opening football game of the sea- for 14. Webber, Patterson for Radnichj State St. Phone .5767. 1-2 son in the Ohio stadium before 23,000 Kratz for MAeyers, Harrigall for.,Hes ; ROOM TO RENT-Single. 118, 12th fans. The Wilce meni developed a ton, Nylan. for Oosterbaan, P. M1cClain: St. Phone 7845. 5-6-7 powerful attack in the first half and !for Bennett, Puckelwartz for Fried- ;FOR RENT-Single or double room. the second team took the field. Wit- man, Babcock for Greenwald, Retdding 520} E. Ann St.V 5-6-7 tenberg; scored twice in the last qluar- for Danford, Squier for Nicholson, FOR. RENT--Dombie room, $2.50-. each] ter. and time Ohio State first team was Touclhdowns-Mvolenda (3), Puckel- mxian, $4.00 single. Separate beds. returned to check the onslaught. wartz, Oosterbaan, Greenwald. PointsjPon70.5- j FORD Tourin.-, 4 now\ tires, good enl- G12 5. g inle. Reatsonatble. 517 E. Jdsc St. Dial 21588. 5-4-7 WNE)-lxeine coloredi cook GRAPF' .JU ICE and ssweet cider. Call i le li osit ion with fraternity. Ex- R. E1. Wagner. 'Telephone 95 34 or t)Cei t ini biscuit 'and pastry work. 22413. 4-5-6 D~ial 77*26. 5--7 FOR SALE --Ink is the life blood of; WANTEMI-Student to wheel itnvalid yourFoutai Pe. Yu wll lwas-(to classes. Apply 727 So. State any get the right kind at Rider's Pen time Saturday, Siunday or Tuesday. Shop. W'e sell no ink substil ut es or 5-6-7 kinds which clog your pen and mnake it useless. Your pen aninIcii spe- WANTE)-])oble dIecki beds wtih or ciahlist . know;s. tf withfout mattress. 800 Lincoln. FOR SALIE-Latest model Remin gtoni Phone 3986. 5-G Portable types :tol rs. All mnakes of WANTE1l.I)--Oriental house boy to reb~uilt typewritecis for sale or remit. Ii xhnef.bad'n Phonte 3459 for prices and easy!ro.Cl 52 - terms. C.o.(13______________________ FOR SAL;' --o ur S curin=;, starter, (tax: inl excelein condtion. $45 cash. ('all 2 064. 5-6-7i 6 AUTHORS! Don't hold that. Story or Play in your trunk w~aiting for some Editor or Producer to knock at your door and ask you Co let him read it. H-E NEVER HEARD OF YOU! New ideas in Stories and Plays are in demand now as never before. MnIurer, Wittenberg fullback, madte the feature run of the game,* a dlash of 62 yards for a tonthdown. after touch(idcfn-Friedmrian (3),' Puck- elwartz. 'Safety--Flora. Field goal= Strack. f FOR IRENT FOR RENT-Suite, $8; (clou')Ie room, $6 ;.one and a half blocks from cam- p us. 612 Hill St. Phone 6637. j 6-7-8 FOR REN T-Two rooms, slingle or .double; one-half block from r bus line., 1507 Morton Aeve. 6-7-81 FOR, RENT--Pleasant front suite, al- so front single room. 736 So. State. Phone 21777. 4-5-6 ROOM for rent at 309 So. 12 h. One half block from campus. Write c.1o Dr. Stryker or call 9610. 4-5-6-7 -A T f~ ' ~i LOST-All desire to promote highly colored pens, necessarily made of celluloid, at a great sacrifice of sta- -bility to attract the eye and assist the advertising. Our penst are made, almost without excep~tion of P'URE VEGETABLE GUTM RUBBER, the most st able material ever found for fountain pens.. Rider's Pen Shop. WA NTEM1-Stutd ents to sell fastest selling life insurance on market. Write to B. N. Garrod, 'Whittaker, Michigan. "4-5-6 WANTfED-_-Roommat:e to share, large front room. 1216 11'. University Aeve. Reasonable. 4-5-6 WANTED- Students t o no~v that we have a $5.00 pen which is unequalled at the price. Call for Wahls new $5.00 pen, any style of point and in three colors Mlurd Rubber 1-lolders. Let your stories or 'plays sell themselves. They may be worth thousands of dollars to ,you. We have taut hundreds of authors on "Easy Street." Why can5t we do the same {for you? W'rite for Further Information. The Rialto Service Bureau 229 West 42nd St. - - New York, N. Y. Homebuilders Our service guarantees to "make you a satikfied home builder. To every prospective homue builder our nmessalge means a saving of many dlollars. A service which gives you practical adlvice as well as time and labor-saving ideas on every phase of hotme building prob~lemls. We ]so furnishf personal sup)ervisiont in connection with the purchase and construction. of your home. Our Mlans are as comn- plete in detail as it is possible tot secure from amy other source. Don't4 take a chance on being shrewd enough to 11a t the building game. The builder who workzs from a piture and floor plan uncontsciouisly does the owner and his own best interests an linjutstice'. Why not take advantage of this service that we offer you? {gall at office for full plarticulars.- Ann 1Arbor Home Builders, Inc. a 4018 First 'National Banik IBIlg'.phlaI l 318 ad 7 4(08' Riader's Pen Shop. tf NOTICE NOTICE-TYPEWRITERS of all the jleadinig makes, sold, rented, ex- changed and repaired at prices con- sistent with good quality' and work- manship. Best service department in Ann Arbor and one of the largest in the State. 0. D.. M ORRILL, 17 Nickels Arcade The Typewriter & Stationery Store Phone 6615. Established 1908. 2-3-4-5-6 EXPERIENCED piano and pipe,organ Jteacher. Emma Fisher Cross, for- !Imer fac'iilty member 48chool of Mu- sic and pupil of tLeschetizky of Vienna. ",Studio, Apt. 8, 610 E. Lib- erty. Phone 3566. 1-2-4-6 IMF- J/ f .. ... C-27b A- ALM IMN A l CONCERTS I I U. 5M INE BAND v m