TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, JANUARY 6, 12 t OIRNLII SLETBUILT FOR 180 MILES PER HU Battle Ovr Naval 10 UH NAIST S'IICAppropriation Seen JBROMM1ASOFCR I (By Associated Press) HedO earietCoenA ie resident At: Convention Of Amierican Journalists ATTEND :TWO MEMOINS Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the' journalism department, was elected vice-president of the American Asso- ciation of. Schools and Departments of Journalism, at the convention held in r..... Columbus, Ohio, Dec. 28. Professor. . . . . .1 Brumm and Howard P. Jones, of the : , Journalism department., were Mich- :<: >. , :N~ . gan's representatives at the convep- ltion, later attending the meeting there of the American Association of Teacher's of Journalism which con- vensed Dec. 29 and 30. At the former convention a new {a« constitution was drafted and stand- ards of scholarship formulated. Action Was taken with the view of realizing closer co-operation between the Here are shown two views ot a 2'. toni Napier-Lion 500-horse fo v,;er.r schools and departments of journ- $40,000 racing car builtt for Capt. Malcolm Camnpbell, English racing (l1'i\T.. alism in the country and the Amer-, er, who expects to make threje miles Rm mite with it. lean Society of Newspaper Editors.- The latter organization, which- is coin- posed of the leading editors in the I AE country, has been . responsible for: Mrs. H. W. Cake is going constructive newspapter ideas and bet- '.loimy--i'rai~y aradtissm ethical standards in the profession. D.11' GrIV li' mga winbeglc ongt Professor Bruinm will address themeadwlbegdto et Ad-Craft club of Detroit at their ccON EX'~ltING NIGHT" any young women interested in a lunzcheon in the General Motors build--pesnlyc duteuaio l Ing tomorrow. His subject. will be ' - TI - ~-i-t,.r I T IV, ISIINGTO , .Jan. 5.-The $324,- 000 ,t00 naval app~rop~riation bill began its passage through the House. xith shoals in view ahead and the s A;, tieter hovering at the storm level., c ie(a1ldebate on the measure cen- { iabout contentions that the \Yt'Ishington arms conference had IA coed( ra 'dismal failure" which Should 1n0 longer lbe em em(o wcdI as a guide in navy building, _aeti that President (Coolide's foreign ;;olicv slioaldl not be supported at the c ;>t, of weaIkened naval defense. _ s ( b,,te progressed a widening' tende ncy appecared among members to disr rair the Pre'sident's advice to larega ,tor the present an appropria- ton for constructing three cruisers whooe authorization will expire nextj ,) uly unless funds are provided mean- , VIl~.' NATIONAL SOCIETYJ HONORS DEANDAY' Edmund E. Day, deani of thie 8h of Business Administration, was (le"t_ edI p~resident of the Ameiclan ais- cal association for the ensuing yea:, at the annual meeting; of that. organ a- z'ation held recently at St. Louis, M o. Dean D~ay left Siunday for t-e P a- cific coast where he will ;pend Ilie first part of a three month leavFe ca' ab~sence from the Urnversit y, Later; he will return to New York for a short time. Dean 1Day xwili sped(Itlileave of absence in the interest of the Lanra Spelman Rockefeller inemoril. PrinceShakes Hands ,. i ,, :a Oli.'VYiI' L ASSOCIATION ...... . . . ... . ............ I ........ ... I LEC'TUR E W ith 85, oO( Persons 1 i " ( t . E I EAST ST. LOUIS, III.-A proposed Northiwcsl Territory sesquii-centennialr rposit~lon at Cahokia, Ill., in 1928, has; b)een announced b~y the sesqui-centen- i] .iiaI commission hee. (By Associated Press) LONDON, Jan. 5.-()n the eve o;: departure of the Duke and Duchess 01 o jYork for their Autralian tour it was calculated that the Prince of Wales had shaken the Irtand of more than 85,- 000 persons in the last live years, .and handshaking was a strainl which no longer should he imnposed upon royal- ty. C ! 1 l , , i rxi TINAD RUIG -I "Dramatic Values in Advertising _____ Iumytu. IS CAS I o Copy.' prefer to travel in Europe ndc- alPANAMA.-Vessels passing through U r4~yWelyBry f~ednl~lthe epyupa the Panama canal in 1926 paid $23,- Plt Phone 3597. 001,540 tolls, compared with $24,290,- L___e___.____ 063 i 1924, the greastest year in can -________________________________________ WASHINGTON.-A meeting to con- sider reapportionment of the House of j Representatives will be held Friday .T HlE 0%FLUNK ! 20% of students were dropped las~t G EE-TRE' year because of poor scholarship. N.G EE=TEE IN Y'. U. had the highest mortality withj '30%-Yale the lowest with 12%. - Misdifrected effort is responsible for-/ Luncheon, 11 :30-1 :30 this condition. Overcome it! Don't . waste so many hours taking notes in- Dinner, 5.:30-7:00 longhand. Use the A. B. C. shorthand c2 tom, based on Prof. E. L. Trhorn- dike's Foundation Vocabulary., Special Parties b Arrangement. Easy to learn, written with A. B.C.s by not a strange symbol, mastered in E = about one week-enables you to take Phone 9646 205 South State St. 7-notes 3 times as fast-a great asset = . for scholastic success. Practical in;j journalism, business, court notes,_ sermons, lectures, research, etc.-tII111111I11 11II1I1111I1I1II11I1I1llIiII1I11lIIIIII: Don't waste precious time. Send for__________________________ a complete course TO-DAY! Only_________________________________ 20.A.. B. C. Shorthand System- 1552 West 42nd St., N. Y. Read The Daily " Classified" Columns I FREE DESCRIPTIVE~ BOOKLET -____ ____________ on REQUEST _____________ II Get your books and files in shape to start the New, Year. No doubt you have sheets to be printed and ruled for your record~s. Order them now and they, will be"'eady when you need them. We are equipped to do any kind of a job you may desire and long~ years of experience assure you the finest quality of workmanship. r Mayer--SchairerCo ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS ) OY Cui PINIAN ANDREW S found thrills and abisorbing advnuei ~far-off M ongolia, seeking the bones of primitive man. Last' year be astonished the scientific world and the world at large by tinding the first dinosaur eggs, estimated at from eight to ten million yearis. oili Andrews heads the third Asiatic Expedition, his party conlsisting, of forty-one men, seven motor cars and one hundired forty-three cam'els. Remarkable scientific findings :have been. madre' andi M1r. Andrews has~ caught the spirit. of romance in remarkably Sine motjimi and stilt pie- tures which will he shown during his lecture here. Be returnedl from Ikong olia in September, 1 32G Hill Auditorium 'Ifhursday, Jan- 6, 8 P. M. Reserved Seats, $1.00 Gen. Admission, 50c1 Tickets at Slater's Phone 45 15 1 12 South Main Street SLN ioaitrs-F--Iiiates---inderg>- -Oiiice Q0iiflitters Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I I I I I