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January 05, 1927 - Image 5

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The Michigan Daily, 1927-01-05

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JANUARk~Y 5, 1927



, p7x
a. , r

+di 'lilSs.iI+l

an ; pC ±d-Due f MAYT0 0PflLzII dTfOtl _3 IA '' O TINIIESQo. ANoAdva .L i wsit Y W ON TE N Y
6t .{; s :'?: ~ni~ritz o 'Taa r

R .

I] s; ition Of GAMESAR SCHEDULED !Chorus Tryouts For
)te In Cleveland"T PEOUIMETJunior Play Changed

Sororil iCS, (lormnitories

andl zones;


t'lYil! Keep Przes l o1IcPD ~ lb
d %ids (OfPhyseal Eilce-Owit
pal;roul2.ghut Sp l,
Rlegular baskt ball pract'c(e \will be
gin I tomliorow vlren 11 wtVr:'±,r. l wht
c('NMCIto ardtiiDate in te'ass lb. '
h~etb~all are' reqestedl to conic(ut. This}
sear a fnew system111Is 1)EI~g w:i1l.el nut
in tbhe tormarton of nterla s(X-eals
and there will be two class teams in-
stead of just one as formrly.
All academic students wvill play on
iieparate teams from the major phys-
real education students, although they
wil _araicL together. 'Ths experi-t
inent is being tried out because of the
many c onmlaints received by the de-
partment 0f physical eduaton to 01"2
effect that it is; no ue for academic
womcn to comec out for the class teams
because of the professional students.
It is hoped that with the inauura-
tion of this elan more women will
show interest in basketball practices.
A separate series of ames will beE
played off giving an academic chain-
paonsip team and a major ham-
pioniship) team.
All seniors and juniors who expect
to play basketball are asked to report
at lHarbour gymnasium at 4 o'clock to-
morrow and the sophomores and
freshmen come at 5 o'clock. Class
managers will be elected at this time.
Offer Life Saving
Course To Students
All University women who expect to
take the: examiner's test which is to
be given the latter part of this year
in swimming are advised by the do,-(
partinint of physical education to take
the life saving course which is to be
offered every Thursday night at the
Union swimmhing 1)001 andI which is
to begin tomorrow night. At this time
tryouts will be given. All those wo-
men who are interested in class swim-
ning teams are also asked to report
at this time as part of the time will
be devoted to more complete organiz-
tion of regular class teams.
At 7 :10 o'clock every Thursday nightI
beginning Jan. 13, there wil' be a spe-
cial class of (diving for all those wo-
men who wish to learn the elemen-
tary (ives. There will be ain instru-
tor at the pool on Tuesday mornings
from 8 o'clock to 10 o'clock. All w-
men wishing instruction can obtain
it at this time.
hBegular meeting o the fencing class
will be held at 4 o'clock today in the
p~arlors of Barbour gymnasium.
Orchesis will meet at 8 o'clock to-
night in Sarah Caswell Angell hal.
Second chorus tryouts will be held
from 4 to 6 o'clock today in Sarah
Caswell Angell hal.
The Y. W. C. A. cabinet will meet
at 4 o'clock tomorrow in Newberry
Any student who desires to teach
diving on Thursday evenings at 7o'
clock is asked to call Aileen Miller,
'27. 7817.
Newcomers section of the Faculty
Women's club will meet Thursday at.
2:30 o'clock at the clubhouse. All
newcomers are cordially invite. I
Announcement has been made of I
the marriage of llelen Beey, '9,to
Mr. G. D. Swander on Sept. 16, 192,
Announcement is made of tne en-
gagement of Cecelia Dolenga,28, to
Carlton F. Wells, of the rhetoric de-

-?During the holiday weeps the A'um- total staff num'oers 120 awld ci ,>
nae council office devoted their e'ntir e are women, a marked cqntrs-1 t 'ft.
time to the preTparing of circulor 1(,t- Daily where -womeu are gc~l
tern sent to° all Michigan women who numbered in both business a-1d eitos-
are not life members of the NWomen's ial offices by men.
league. Several thousand letters were As the Texan is a dciily 111021I
sent cut urging irmnediate subs,. ip- paper a large staff is uie c :>a tsoi
tion to the league fund and eml:,basi~z- the many (duties of gel .I.o ;i ,i'
ing the fect that this was the last of- per may be lperlior~zed \x
fer. This letter is to be followed iup fering with the 'studies o
each center by the local comi-1tee h ers of the staff. UJo z
!who will personally call on till Mich-, sue editor, three are suec2I,
igan women who have not taken out ers, 11 are society write!,,s, oe
life memberships. being society editor. hia .i
In Ann Arbor, a large committee metE 36 reporters ;and eight asaK
yesterday in Alumni Memorial hall to j-_
f lay its final plans for the drive which LEDSDE1C , ii ~'
will be carriedl on in this city during L N0RI" a- .
the next ten days. It is hoped that by
I Jan. 15, when the council will ho01d its (By> Associated Press)
mid-winter meeting, An-n Arbor alum- OKA MACT. Ahhii['
naeOKAOAAtog will be 100 percent members of , amnes of a numuber of popular oz a
I the W~iomen's league, officials were on the Dcnwc nt'c(
Separate committees are working in the tgeierai cit ation hel( rei:.-t
I with the wives of faculty members not in: Oklahom a, gils. Mabel 1a lz t'
otherwise connected with the Univer- the ticket. She had a. plu lit a t 0,-
sity, and still another composed of in- 299 for the office of coinl rli'0
terested men are trying during the! charities and correct-istowi'
next ten days to get life memberships was seeking re-election. 11ecr I'fomaunifrtei ies t i trbueeo;h'a(it
from Ann Arbor women who are es-16 years she has been act ivie i ,. '-
e pecially interested in watching this far work, in _a number of Mcianwhicoehtettsaease asre>wtot aay


universzLv or t exas -are tii omen n. tl

'zm !il Engs~ae. ithe annual league has-
;trr.:::' t.. . , 1. )l tourran..41i t be 1 7 , today,!
forwhich idate fire gins av be
";:{ c hT i u e t v 2 i > Z c .: : 1 l y:::: h e to u r n a m e n t w ill b e pI la y e d ? off o ,2
... ..a scheme simailar to that u2.ed(Iill t:e
1 oc ke 'c2n ,st. namlely, teamn;sc sehed-
uled at certain hlours will be mlat clh,,d
'~against others at that hour until 12nal
ly one team 'becomes victorious and
ineets the other successful teams'
. hich were scldl(:d at differenr t
Toda-y's ga,es ,,are i nedin the
~ ol owingmae: At 4 o'clock t tams
: belonging to League 3, zonie 6 vs. E
Beta Phi and zone :10 vs. Alphai'1)5pi-
' Ion Phi. At 5 o'clock tho following
v ;~)J teams of League 4 will p~lay: Alpha
(Garnna Delta vs. Newberry residlen.e
~' ~' ~andl Sigmia Kalpa. vs. All ha X i lDelta
At 7 o'clock tomiorrowi the tcam of
~ ~%' ('uren's hail will play that of Al-
liha Epsilon Iota. ri 4ese two te~ams
1 fZieong to Leaguie 5.
/ ~' ~ AMn e. Calli-Cu2rci, Metropolitan opera!
r l star is the first woman to be awarded'
a membership in the Breakfast club of:
Lwos Angeles., Calif.
l,("it ion holmd by M\iss Frances -
T ''1t(l2r is anl unusual one for a°
tialB She is registrar of the School
f ed icinie of Western Reserve Uni-
t, eisil y v. hick is situated in Cleveland.

31.rs. Lucia Antes illead
Because the American Legion object-
ed on the_ ground that her views wert
too radical, the lecture on internation.
al peace scheduled to be delivered b3
Mr's. Lucia Ames Mead, at Atlanta, Ga.
recently was forbidden. Mrs. Mead is
a nationally known lecturer and an.
thor andl is vice-president of the Na.
tional Council for the Prevention o;
WGar, andl once conducted adult classe.
in studies in 19th century thought jr
Mrs. Mead has been especially active
in the movement for a League of Na-
tions, and is the author of a nutmbei
of books. Her husband, Edwin Doal+
Mead is also a well known lecturer ant


to call the Alumnae council office if
they will be able to assist in the call-
ing this week.
Mrs. Ida Watkins, known as the
"wheat queen," has an estimated yield
of 50,000 bushels from her 1950-acre
farm in southwestern Kansas, which
will bring her about $60,000 for the
Mrs. N. F. Lydon, o'f Laurel, Neb.,
is reputed to be the best farmer in that
state, having had no crop failures in
27 years.

: x

x f
f'lesk 3£',11i()IiIli F.: f .y' s'sin allSizes andIstyles. Just the
tliiiig fu' the 'st-ideutl 's :"_.. . Latfie Michigan iwall calendar.
Iline 4744 - 5.,'' - ~ ' y ?oue 4741




in every


- And by the way
- If you want to get the best dairy
products~ throughout the year. I
Dial 4101
"The Home of Pure Mille"
January Sale of FIA

a MSCin _mnwcason..a.

- ln fu sn ns na na in ..

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~ 8,




Affording many worthwhile saving
opportunities in smart apparel
necessary for college activities-
Also in things for your home or
roo-n. Blankets, beddings, rugs,
curtains and lamps.

undo. btecly iti is your clodlhes.
T'he, clet.,,g and pressing of
suits 0o °d::sses is dhe biggest
probjlem any m or woman
en count-lrs.




?aitroimize Daily Advertilsers.


' Imny I'ie. tJA.].Y
~1 ot igilealMost Tre mcii
doii~ ~mann 'wt; Moern rimes
Phydby this TilmrsVery
ct aabi art' c k r;,zimfoii, the
t,9ightAPlayers. Only the regu-
t2.r a% .iiion1)1,,-)c540e, will be
Eharge1d. Seits now, by mail or


U A 7J
Make no mistake-this sale is one of

those opportunities that

"knock but

once." An opportunity to procure a
very fine fur coat-Seal, Mink, Marmot,
Rat or Opossum-at almost half the
usual price. We have applied the prun-
ing knife drastically in a sincere attempt
to clear our stocks of these coats for the
coming season. All are beautifully


We have established a service
that accommrod8ates everyone.
WVe ordy need a trial to prove
to you t ne supreme quality of
our work.
Our Press JBu'ldir- station' is

C Qi.e largest selling9
' quaality Pencil
6 i the wosrlc
d1egrees Superlative inqality,
the world fambous

t~' :'11. Y J, L.
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! C,, {Z -. . r :, ,r i'te
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$ 13950-
Values $167.50 to $325
(Our annual after Christmas
Sale on- -I women's apparel
is nowv in progress.)

open e- vcnin's until


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