THE MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, JANUATY , 127 University hospital was finished. Thel new building not only accommodated 650 patients, but furnished one of the Published every morning except Monday most modernly equipped buildings for during the University year by the Board in Control of Student Publications. every kind of present day medical re- Members of WesternCnference liri search that could be found in the Association country. Before it was in use a TPimonth, it was filled acid there was a_ 4 . * lIen . ment, ardize if he eradic T .-N D G. BOYS W XNT N)ME WORK ry Ford has given the Univer- som "standardization equip- which should be used to stand- the marking system here. Now would only give us something to ate Fords from the street. FMUSIC DRAMA - __________I'c The Rockford Players Due to the fact that the Rockford Players have been achieving such dis- tinct success that it has been decided to add Monday and Tuesday perform- titled to the Tte fr re>ublicati.n of al news disjatches cedited to it or nt ot herwise c, elited in thi., paper and the local news pum lished therein. Entered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as second class matter. Special rate of postage granted by Third Assistant Post- 'a'Post- General. Subseription by carrier, 375; by nail, $4.00. Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May- nard Sucet. Phones: Editorial, 4925; Business 21214. EDITORIAL STAFF Telephone 4925 MANACING EDITOR MIrH ACAD', E1tor ........ . . ( 1 in lan~r Et r is urs S-ors7t l rC3.,..... \itnA ipmi F ,;~aLa.......Vincent C W4ll. Jr Night Editors C1arles Behytwo Ellis:1 M hy C,.arton ;haiiiie Stanford N. Phelp~s o Chamberlin Courtland C. Smith James Herald Cssam A. Wilson Assistanit City Editors Carl Burger ACenry Thurnau Joseph Brunswick Reporters Marion Anderson Paul Kern Alex Bochnowski Miles Kimball Jean Caimpbell Milton Kirshbjaum larence Edelson Richard Kurvink. Chester E. Clark G. Thomas McKean Earl W. De La VergneKenneth Patrick William Emery Morris Quinn Wila mr rsAlfred Lee Foster James Sheehan Robert E. Finch Nelson J. Smith, Jr. John Friend Sylvia Stone Robert Gessner William Thurnau Elaine Gruber Milford Vanik Colemn 3. G leer HerbertW lesVedder. Stewart Hooker Thaddeus Wasielewski Morton B. Icove Sherwood Winslow waiting list. The old buildings were pressed into service as convalescent4 wards. The South department con- tinued in use. A great research hos- pital, The Simpson Institute, was added by private generosity and the Couzen's Nurses' home reared its im- mense structure against the skyline. Now a new building will 1e aded tos the group-another state institution. The committee could not have chosen a better location. Besides the advantage of the X-ray and experi- mental facilities which the University affords, will be the opportunity to train younM men, medical students, in the new sanatorium. The Medical School, besides its present high stand- ing, will have one of the largest and most complete hospital units in the, world, and the vision of supremacy, always Michigan's, looms again, in another field. THIS VOLUIMER INCIDENT 4 G-raiz ams - . 1927 Calendars G raihzams A t Both Ends of the Diagonal ;111111111tlllllllllf flttll[111NI11111iE111Nt1111111111t111111Il iU 111111111111111illill:1 01111l111I 1 1'9ltR ~ itt8 GII6tMk l i BUSINESS STAFF Telephone 21214 BUSINESS MANAGER PAUL W. ARNOLD+ Advertising...............William C. Pusch Advertising..............Thomas Sunderland Avertising ...........Laurence J. Van Tuyl Circulation,...............T. Kenneth Haven Publication!............. ..John H. Bobrink Accounts................ Francis' A. Norquist Assistants Geor e Ahn Jr. RayBWachter Melvin H. Baer J. B. Wood D. M. Brown Esther Booze Florence Cooper Hilda Binzer Daniel Finley Marion A. Daniel A. M. Hinkley Beatrice Greenberg E. L. Hulse Selma M. Janson R. A. Meyer Marion Kerr Harvey Rosenblum Marion L. Reading William F. Spencer Harriet C. Smith Harvey ytt FlNanceence Solomondaier Harold UtleyFlrne idar WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1927 Night Editor-JAMES T. HERALD THE FIRST MOVE Several years ago, a joint commis- sion of American and Canadian en- gineers and politicians recommended the construction of the Great Lakes- St. Lawrence waterway to the domin-: ion and the national governments as an inland waterway improvement beneficial for both. Last November, another board of experts pronounced the New York ship canal waterway, which has been more or less irration- ally support ed as a rival route to the St. Lawrence, im-ractical from an economic standpoint. It is not surprising then that the Hoover commission, investigating this problem, finds the St. Lawrence route to be the "only logical and econoni- cally sound route to the sea for the great Middle West." However, the re- port does more than recommend the construction of this waterway and the development of the power facilities- under appropriate agencies. As the first move, Secretary Hoover asks that negotiations be entered into with Canada in an endeavor to arrive at an, agreement on both the canal and water power development. With the inclusion of this definite recommendation for action backed up by arguments for the canal, it seems probable that this report will secure more satisfying results than its pre- decessor in 1923. Without Congress taking any action, the President, who is known to be favorable to the pro- ject, could direct the state depart- ment to open negotiations with the Canadian government. Complications for the expected par- leys have been seen by some observ- ers in the "Great Lakes water steal", by Chicago. It may be properly as-, sumed that Canada will be loath to' approve any waterway plan while the present case remains in question. The1 final agreement will probably have to. recognize this situation as well as the relation of New York state to thet project., Attack upon three unnamed judges of the Detroit recorder's court as a triumvirate made up of "one lazy psycopath" and "two political favor- ites of the underworld" by August Vollmer, chief of police of Berkely,; California, seems to have brought no little criticism of that investigator of law enforcement in Detroit. The principal objection to his report con- cerns his failure to mention specific men, and his departure from the cityI just after he issued the statement, also brought dissatisfaction. For these indiscretions or unfortunate incidents, whichever they may be, he has been roundly scored by the editorial writ- ers of Detroit newspapers. Whatever justification the criticism may possess, however, it is hoped that the leaders of public opinion will not close the incident with them. If the charges made are sound, the ap- propriate action should be insisted upon; if they are false, their falsity should be established in justice to all the judges on the Detroit municipal, bench. If the newspaper which praises its own former investigation of incompetent judges really regards its attitude as a criterion, it will not allow this opportunity to escape it. THE NEW FORESTRY SCHOOL If the legislature acts favorably, the University will have, in the fall of 1927, a new professional school, the school of forestry. A provisional dean has been chosen, and in view of the previous liberality of the state legis- lature, there is every indication that another college, to rank with the old- er professional schools on the campus. will be established here. Leadership in the field of forestry will not be a new experience for Michigan, for ever since Filibert Roth established the department here, it has held a place of recognized superi- ority. Now it probably will be among the first to be elevated to the promi- nence of a separate .college, and the pre-eminence of the study of forestry, in the state that once had the largest amount of standing timber, will be maintained. It is an altogether worthwhile pro- ject-this new forestry school-,and one which should be supported by every Michigan man. Reforestation is one of our great national problems; a state university should be the first to train men to face it. ABOVE BOARD * K ances to their week's program, their We see where the University is to Ann Arbor appearances on January 10 and 11 have been cancelled. try for a Forestry school next year. The company, which is now in its We know a boy taking forestry here, Wg15th week, has been attaining an ex- and he seems to spend most of his i time out in the woods choping down h u w warranted the increased program. trees. ~What would we do if they had iThe play which was to be presented a whole school here? (with Mrs. Richard Mansfield) was, Lawrence Eyre's 'Miss Nelly o'New If they did their work on the . Orleans, and was to have been given campus the way the eginers do now, Iin the Mimes theatre January 10 and and practice on our perfectly good 11 .Mrs. Mansfield opened as guest trees, where would our boasted scen- artist with the company in the Veil- cry go? (Answer: Into kindling wood ler mystery melodrama, "The 13th for the B. and G. boys to sell through Chair," which was held over for the the Official Bulletin classified section.) second week. The Players are now * * n p resenting Frederick Lonsdale's AN OPEN LETTER "Aren't We All?" to be followed by E. C. Pardon, "Miss Nelly o'New Orleans" and as Supt. B. and G. Dept. Mrs. Mansfield's closing play Barrie's Dear Sir, "The Old Lady Shows Her Medals." f In reply to your ad in the Daily A return engagement will be ar- Official Bulletin, let us advise you that ranged for later in the season, it is we can suggest some ways of keeping hoped, and Ann Arbor at least will your department busy, as you re- have the opportunity of seeing most quest: "Any orders for new equip- of the Michigan graduates of the com- ment contemplated during the current pany during the summer session when year will have prompt attention of our' a season of plays will be presented department if released at this time, under the direction of Robert Hender- as we are running extremely low on son, director of The Rockford Players.- orders and are in need of additional * * * work." (D. 0. B.) "The Woman Disputed" Well, you could put up a few new Probably the best imitation of1 buildings, in place of the Ec., Mason "What Price Glory" is "The Woman hall, etc. Disputed," now current at the Gar- Then you ought to start out a few rick with Lowell Sherman featured of them with shovels, and tell them to and the blonde Ann Harding and get a little bit of the slush off the Crane Wilbur in the supporting cast. walks. Perhaps a few high-powered The play itself is popular, and exceed- pumps would do some good. Or if you i ingly well done, and contains some only have carpenters in your depart- exceptional material in the minor ment, have them build us a few boats roles. Chief among these is Louise, and run a ferry service up and down Guinn, who after having been raised the diagonal. from mere "atmosphere" to a speaking Another little job that we have been part was selected to continue in Ann waiting to see done-optimistic, that's Harding's role for Saturday and Sun- us-is the building of a snowplow day nights, while that lady was re- that works. There ought to be some covering from the seasonal festivities. engineering professor that could ex- I Miss Guinn within a few hours notice plain to you that the principle of the presented a perfomance Saturday thing is to have a wedge-shaped thing night that had the finesse and grace of to remove snow, not just smear it a seasoned actress. around, and pack it down harder. * * * And if you boys are still looking for "AMERICANA" work after that, maybe you could clear At the Belmont, New York. up some of the mud you left at the mouth of each of your Radium mines A review, by Morris Zwerdling. on the campus. Minus elaborate settings and cos- If you get that finished, it ought to tunes and without the generally be spring, unless you get the boys to featured highly-trained d a n c i n g work faster than they usually do. So chru, yAm rin ed wencit chorus "Americana" billed when it you can start right in giving the campus grass a good haircut. And opened as an "intimate summer re- stick in a few more sidewalks, too. vue," still continues to fill the 1,200 (Signed) Rolls seats of the Belmont matinee and evening, with "Variety," the trade OUR WEATHER SCHIEDULE paper, predicting continued life on SLUSH. And sloppy weather. By request of co-eds with those new gray Broadway until well in the spring galoshes. Rain at times-whenever Above all, the show is good enter- inconvenient. tainment. It is not one whose chief * , purpose is to glorify the American IS THAT "MEDICINE" GONE? girl for itinerant butter and eggers, although the revue lacks little in Dear IHay---beauties, but specializes rather in get- Come on, come on, let's have the ting laughs. The chorus' part of the worst. With two weeks of nothing to show is dispensed with in the first do (?)( you ought to have the loviest scene with the presentation of speci- schedule in the world all worked out mens of all types of the show girl, for us. Let's have it. I'm all tired ranging from the Tiller to the Zieg- out from having to spend each night field dancers, thereby clearing the with a bottle of medicine (?????) to decks for the serious more correctly keep from getting a cold. The time is comic, business of the day. just coming when I can taste my food And, as to the sketches, J. P. Mc- again. But how about the weather? Evoy, the responsible party, has suc- * ** EnjAYsS jr. ceeded in crowding more natural laughs into his skits than can be Yes, we have been taking a vaca found, in any of the more elaborate tion from the weather bureau, but we girl productions. Everything from are back now and everything ought the eccentricities of such eminent to go fine from now on. During the members of the profession as Belasco holidays we went down to Washing- and the Shuberts to grand opera is ton to see our boss, Mr. Coolidge. He satirized. is a fine weatherman, and has had lots McEvoy's humor reaches a climax of experience. For years he has been in "Rollo and His Pa;" the attempts the best weather prophet in 7 col - of "Pa" to divluge the "facts of life" ties up there in Masserchussetts, by to his son seemed to strike home with heck. many of the older members of the * * * audience. Poor "Pa" was going fine, It took a long ' time to get money laying everything to the " law of na- out of the bank just before vacation, ture," until Rollo innocently asked for but we notice they take it in now fast an explanation of the precept. The enough. audience, just as it was set for the * * * grand exposure, was cheated by the ONIONS vs. TEAR GAS curtain. That carload of onions that Profes- Lew Brice, the chief funmaker, al- sor Hyma wishes to sell could be used though he is not very subtle, is fun- very profitably by the students, if the l ny. As for music, "Dreaming" and Student council (see Freshman hand- I "Why D'Ya Roll Those Eyes" lead the book for explanation of this body) pack. The ten or eleven girls (no would do its duty. iore) are all soloists, either dancers * * * or singers. What would be more within our If "Americana" ever hits the road, means and purposes than a carload off it's decidedly worth while seeing. The l onions? We students could then have comedy is clean and clever enough to oentertain, eveneifsinterpreted byva some defense against the militaristic entertain, even if iterpreted by a aspiration of the police force. second rate road cast, should the Shuberts choose to visit one of those things upon us again. If you want a Every student wcould carry a half I dozery ofsatue's orinaly tar-as spectacle, save your $4.40 for some- dozen of Nature's original tear-gas Ithing advertising a "cast of 150, in- bombs when attacked by the gas cluding an enormous dancing chorus." squad, could start pealing the fruit: But. if on like clever comedy, take Cne Supremte Creation for bobbed haira"d Created by a celebrated Parisian Master. Sponsored by leading women of society. A real neces- sity for all dressy wear-simple, practical and extremely beautiful. Let us demonstrate it for you. HOLIDAY HAT SALE We are closing out all HATS at Reduced Prices to make ready for Spring Stock. Every hat is fine in quality and right up-to-date. Bring your hat in and have it Cleaned and Blocked before going nome X., A^e uu+n saiirlr TIT" N I r; ti, 8-10 And of course our regular dances Friday and Saturday nights. ra er9 'I i ..__..______._. u -tl-".s aafl~,tM,. a' t a i' r4 "r/ / '.".A . .d,''Jaa''. 10',d ".a:°_. f° a"".o_"{ "Fy'M" /"..1?. a.i,':"'t1's?!~rsrw~r.,r:?t2"*Ssr' ^.ea.4-A.":'r Dance 9(av r smr ar®ii/is¢iY ~ ~~VirPa as a if bi6''aP"i3 t fi'+aka ar6rr ' iiias,'aGG " S :d < ,iiT ,.. ?: home. We do satisfactor3 odor, no gloss, no burned. Factory Hat 617 Packard St. PLEASI DON'T MAKE PATHS ON THE CA MPU y work. No I sweats. Store '~G o Phone 7415% Good I E Good M Home i MRS.I Eats Cafe 609 Williams St. 4Ps* s ravcr. c m cas mc s v4kf, 3 s '. 'deals - Good SI teria akes ress. Fcc .1 Our Motto Made Pies and C E. KEIDLING, Manag os, w 'w a;: ------- 11l 1 1 A Good Mountain for Lazy Bones I The beginnings of the term of Governor Green seem to indicate that he is going to fight the battle of poli- tics above board and in the spotlight, not behind closed doors and in politi- cal back-alleys. He has ordered the books of the state audited and the re- sults published, not only that the peo- ple of the state may know the condi- tion of the government at present, but also that he may know against whatf he has to fight and the uphill course that he must take. It is wise that such a course bef taken with the government of this state, and especially in relation to theI powers of spending money. Just as the stockholders of a company have access at all times to the books of their company, so the citizens of a state should have access to its rec-l ords. Too many times have. the body politic of states of the Union been left holding the bag after a wild orgy of secret spending on the part of state officials. Graft, secret funds and dis- bursements have shaken the faith of the state of Michigan and this policy of open spending and contracting should do much to encourage free and I easy intercourse between the statej and its people. This co-operation would do much to make this state one of the foremost political progressivef Ir 1' I A WISE CHOICE With the announcement that Ann Arbor has been chosen as the site for the new $500,000 state tuberculosis sanatorium comes also the realization of the vastness and magnitude of the great hospital unit which has grown up, almost unnoticed, and which bids fair to vie with the University itself in national reputation. ', i ; !! t f7'i oIl% i l ? '. I a'