THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGEl i EXAMINATIOiNS ISSUED1: Opening, Tests'1YiI1 Be Given Monday, Jan. 91; Closing Date Fixed As Saturday, Feb. 12. FOUR SCHOOLS ON LIST Schedules. for the first semester ox-! aminations in the literary college, School of Education, Graduate School,! and the School of Business Adm iin-4 istration wvere issued yesterday in the Recorder's- office. The examinations ' will last two weeks, beginning on Monday, Jan. 31, and ending Satur- (lay, Feb. 12,' there b~eing two periods; every (lay; from 9 to 12 o'clock, and from 2 to 5 o'clock. The comhplete schedule for the se sctlools follows, the time of exailna- tion being dletermined by the time of the first meeting of the class. Monday, Jain./ 31: A. MV.-Monday at 11; P. M.-.r1uesday at 10. Tuesday, Feb. 1: A. M.--Monday at 9; P. M.-Math 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 51. j Wednesday, Feb. 2: A. M.-I'donday at 8; P. M.-Ec. 51, 185. Thursday, Fe]). 3: A. M.-Tuesday at; 9; P. M.--Rhet. 1., Psychology 31. Priiday, Feb. 4: A. M.---Tuesday at 2; 1'. M.-Tuesday at 11. Saturday, Feb. 5: A. M.---Tuesday at 8; P. M.-French 1, 2, 81, 32, Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32,' M~ondlay, Feb. 7: A. M.-Tuesday atj 1; 11. M.-Socioiogy 51. Tuesday, Feb. 8: A. MV.-Monday at 10; P. M.-Monday ait 3. Wednesday, Feb. 9: A. M.-MondayI at 2; P. M.-Tuesday at 3. ' Thursday, Feb. 10: A. M.-Monday at 1. Irregular classes which cannot be examined as scheduled without canls-- ing conflict, will be examined at one of the following periods: Feb. 1, 2-5; Feb. 2, 2-5; Feb. 3, 2-5; and Feb. 7, 2-5. nBUCHAREST.-Rumors in Belgrade a of the possibility of former Crown Prince Carol's -ascending the Hungar- i Ka'hoeweedsrbdheeofc1i ially as Wild ,and fantastic. e GASOLINEFIRE1 AL . MS PARIS lPollack 'Addresses Political Science Meeting Recentlyv Dr. Jarres K. Polloc k of the politei-1 cal scioece partmieut was one of the speakers at Ithe an nuah meeting of the American Political Science associa- tion held in St. Louis during the va- cation pleriodl. The subject of his talk wa's "The Elections of 1926." Prof. Joseph It. Hayden of the po-I litical science department who is sec- ret ary-treasurer ot the organization was _re-elected to offie for the coming year. Other members of the faculty present. were Prof. Thomas II. Reed and Prof. Everett S. Brown. nong t le speakers on the three Jay progralm were ex-Governor Frank 0. Lowden of Illinois and the presi- U 'nt of.the or'ganiz.ation, lProf. eharles P0.OR--'t'he Italian government (Ie- >i ned in unqualified manner reports that lt~ is concentrating troops on the Jungoslav frontier. rShubert-Lafaette Cadillac 8705, i Warner Bros. P'resenit Thke World's ziO top as thie Prince s of Lovers DON J UAAN'" ANDI :i5 sharp-= wirvl( 5o -t 15 sharp AlatiliL eS--SC to $I.00' 1?ccuing-n'(to ' r,50 Plus Tax GR D A ES U E TD SG SN Wlea :ig in fl, near future to contin~ue 131T Ek 1, U A his work in the South. Involving a radical i partln'e fron-1, e Tj iin, ccrdn to Profes- -____________________________ the conventional type of al,;ar ('ap- lg r hs heavantages of READ THE WANT ADS orators, M. R. Diaz, grad., workig, ;ahihOeueI n the old under the (direction of Prof. W. Li. . ,sa.I o i oil lie sugar, Badger, of the chemnigil enginaeerig ~z esW;;i i.hngngtihe color ais / "; department, is putting the f inal touecd amlh as(oe es to the '"omp1letion of a new vn-vr ~? b oyas as an in- chine designed for the evaporation ofr :e ;-"'J"'mie ngnering at\ beet sugar juices. LieVjiw oiy&K'mto ?tico, and is andar d Give ifs thatnxtod cannot Lc ,s : Svas cd 1eus a roan, 44 n 99 \ir - ' -PARK AR-1RO COLLR y' i L A' in;;. imported English Broadcloth --:lie best in, collars ;4shirts that you c.. buy. .ZskYourDealer First photo received of a fire on i heGuis I 'I, esroying a reserve supply of I150,3000 gallonls a asl ,,I ai e en rmiles) and caushmg alarnm. 71 11 North University Ave. F icri 8805 :1 f MANILA.-Boycotting of all F'iiipi- ,.. nos who are friendly writh foreigners! and who work a,?ain st indepen(de 'ce ., was urged by Cen. Thomas M-,scairdo iaddressing the Legion of War Vot- >1 iI-' :" , i,%Till ..,Y i ... r .., fi . ., ,+'._~ _ v".'.r. ° E a:_1 2c'.r s~'-. ."xi^'. :ti .... a ii Mounted 4 t tr r ' :: A I gans. o 11 Cc: s . . * NOW $rOWiNC N ow a "t V® D e®4''9 MrY'r®'c!' ® 44'+'Ymide R d ctions vw w"« No iJanuary Sale- SILVERWARE QRAN ITE WARE' ALUMINUM WARE CUTLERY WHITSE ENAMEL11 WARE- PCYREXWARE .r V :.' ' " ,_ (4, . ' ' 'r 1,' ty: , i h ; ea Y1 9 r E : $. 1 s i S 4i { , ,~ : t . ) ' { '; i (_ ':1 ', . , E 41 You'll Soon Learn Why Gentlemen ]Prefer Blondes ! Make, your selections now fromn cur Stack and save money. f Qualiiv, Quantity and Paices Right. 310 South State St. Phone 5015 _._ a. f, , ., .:. TOM d Here's Thr K Q'~' venture, L '9. and LDS Is Blow Free rills and Ad-. aunhs Galore, Jollity! ° 'l./.A" I".rGI. "../.i.0.r.,J .. 'i..v"..o°~.P ., ..tis". .I. , .. .. '". . , ".« ' ' ., > rwrnacaaa wi Come Ibto.Crippen's \X/hcn you aice low'-Jr. ri c eroy _____.;, _ I 'I one of our delicious malte-d milks i ora other fountain specialpics. You know where we are, ri jht on the campus, and you cp drop in between classes or on your way from college. .. t, '- .'" , !: '- ' G a ¢ r., . $."5 r . t4 , Clutched in His Arms, '"*) Our chocolate syrup is unexcelled in' richness. In A oeiEer lopit cq e. a ~il~'s~ et-Ainirraisngthrill- that then Avor etyour woes- via ineturestory of fthe simiish .r i 2 3i1iin fcinimg ith dra ia, laughisv1# A'A f= L t k 64 1lwiiiAlong" iew Aesop A io-vclty F'able (roo Keith Vaude'iille Feature THE MASON-DIXON DANCERS '-SEVEi lPl I IACITS OF STEPS" wtihi XMICKieEY AM) ELSIE 1cf)'1{RY lw c 0 I 1 I