ESTABLISHED 1890 lay4I Aw AR Aak Adh IA-A&W AM AEM I MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVIL No. 71 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 5, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT' IS DISCUSSD[ FREELY SENA.TE EXPR ESSES {TRIOSITY OVEIR WIJEELER'S PART IN ALCOHOLIV P IS0-ING RESOLUTION INTRODUCED Thunderous Appinuse Greets Defense Against Charges Of Excessive Drinking By Congressmen (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-Both the j Senate and the House indulged today l in their daily dozen on prohibition. The Senate sent along a resolution, to Secretary Mellon inquiring among other things, what hand, if any, the Anti-Saloon league or Wayne B. Wheeler had in the decision to. poison industrial alcohol, much of which has found its way into the bootleg trade. 'The House gave thunderous lap- plause to a defense of its membership against a charge of excessive drinking{ and received a new crop of bills sponsored by the wets. The prohibition subject also got into a discussion before the Senate com- merce committee with President Dal- ton of the Fleet corporation and Chairman O'Connor of the shipping board at odds as to whether the dry- ness of American liners constitutes a handicap in their efforts to compete with foreign wet lines. O'Connor took the affirmative and Dalton the nega- tive, but committee members 'did not undertake to set themselves up as judges of the debate. The Senate resolution of inquiry re- garding poisonous alcohol was acted upon in the absence of its sponsor, Senator Edwards, Democrat, New Jer- sey, a wet leader. His colleague, Senator Edge, Republican, 'insisted on action and obtained it after Senator Sheppard, Democrat, Texas, a dry lonrlr har il darr ift Plrr ASKED BY RESOLUTION IMethods Used By Professors And Subject Matter Are Chief I U tWIZ ' i KIIIiJUZirlI2 ---%- Factors In Determining Difficulty Of Courses-Dean Effimn-er 'diter's Note: The foll'wiig is the second of a sries o interviews with Deln Joni R. and no execptional grades are forth. student finds easier to maste because re, Sie, comIng they are disappointed. They be can apply his cvery'5day 0$ vai:is 'SUB3CTD TV FR uTACK "O SEN4TOR At the regi.strat ion time preceding eac enzester a limited number of strz'ents in the Uvessty, honest con- feSsions revena, diligently scruini:zeJ the pages of the-University catalogue in a search for "pipe" or "snap" courses--courses in which one can get a good grade by exerting very little or no effort. Their friends advise them to take this and that course because it is a "pipe." These students fill their schedules with these reputed "goQd grade with no effort" courses, but as the semester progresses and they are forced to exert cffozt and as the semester ends I tHAPOENE CLSIIATD{LN az'e puzzled, but their friends console them with the assurance that the de- I I i 4 i i k 4 I paz tmcnt must havre "tightened up" on these particular courses. They sign up for more "pipe" courses, on this assurance, but are foiled again. In considering this phenoma, Deani John R. Effinger, of the literary col-r lege, believes that "pipe" courses es-t cape definition. However, he does think there are some particular courses which are easier for some students than they are for others, and naturally the student best adapted tot the particular course might be able; to obtain a higher grade with less; effort than the student who finds the course difficult to master. Previous training may have played the chief role in making the course easier for the one student than the other. Perhaps, it is this success that the one student achieves in the course with less effort that has given rise to the designation of some courses as "pipes," in the opinion of Dean Ef- finger. Then too, Dean Effinger feels, there are some courses in the University which are more or less difficult for all students to master. For instance, there are the more difficult science courses with their extra laboratory hours requiring exceptionally keen ob- servation, analysis, reasoning andt speculation from the student; and the higher mathematic courses requiring that he must have mastered numerous principles and retained in his memoryj many formulae. Some courses the Secretary Mellon POUA UOITWILL SPEAK FRIDAY, . s Will Rogers May Talk On Recent Trip Abroad; Theater League Is Sponsoring Speech IS SECONDVISIT HERE Will Rogers, popular humorist, willj appear her Friday night in Hill audi- torium under the auspices of the Michigan theater league. This is the second time that Mr. Rogers has been here, having appeared last winter, and he is personally very anxious to i 1 { i 1 r i J t t c 7 l r ieaaer, iau aeciaret ILb as surLu return, according to advance reports. to speak of poisoning poison." He added that he was willing that There is no indication as to what full information should be given, but his subject will be, but it is expected could not agree to the language of the to be entirely different from that of resolution. last year. It is likely that he will Defense of House members from the speak on his recent trip abroad as the charge made yesterday by Represen-, "special ambassador of the president" tative Celler, ,Democrat, New York, or on his political career as mayor of that members of Congress "drink and ' Beverly Hills. Last year he had a drink to excess" was made by Repre- great deal to say about the University. sentative Underhill, Republican, Mas- I itself and his impression of it. sachusetts, while the membership Mr. Rogers is a firm believer in the thundered its approval. development of aircraft and feels sure "I have been a member of this that there will be another war. In a House for six years and during that recent address he declared that this time I have seen but one member un- was the only country in the world der the influence of liquor," Mr. Un- that used air solely for oratory, andj derhill said. When the echoes of the also said that the next war will be in1 vociferous approval this statement the air., elicited had (lied, he added: "He is Since becoming mayor of Beverly no longer here." Hills the humorist has become inter- After this defense of the House, ested in politics, and will undoubtedly Representative Cochran, Democrat, 1 devote at least part of his time in Missouri, introduced resolutions pro- the appearance here to a discussion of posing repeal of the 18th amendment the political situation both at home and to permit the sale of light wines I and abroad. He spent three weeks in and beer. Russia during his recent trip to Europe and paints a doleful picture Nicaraoua Polcy of conditions there. He feels that . socialism there has "played out" and Boosted In House that half a million bolshevists are rul- ing150,000,000 peasants. (By Associated rressy ,I WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-With thel Hankow Concession Wheeler resolution demanding with- O . drawal fAmerican naval forces from Of British Invaded Nicaragua due to be discussed to- I morrow before the Senate foreign re-iBy Chinese Coolies lations committee, White House of- I licials today emphasized Presidest e Coolidge's intentions not only to pro- (By Associated Press) tect private life and property in that IANKOW, China, Jan. 4.--The Brit- country but to safeguard rights be- ish concession here, the scene Mon- longing to the Washington govern- day of a violent anti-foreign demon- merit as well. stration, was overrun tonight with The policy announced at the White thousands of Chinese coolies who en- House was supported by aresolution tered the concession during the after- introduced in the House by Represen- noon after demolishing all barricades tative Fairchild, Republican, New and entrances. V ,1r ,">i-i, 1i hnnOrder is beming maintained b Registrar Says Students Co-operate Well And All Work Should Be Finished As Scheduled OFFICE IS CROWDED "Students are co-operating well with the new plan for early classifica- tion, and everything should be over in the allotted time," Ira M. Smith, Registrar, said yesterday at the con- clusion of the first day of second se- mester registration in the literary college. The Recorder's office was crowded all day yesterday with students takingj advantage of the early classification period, which had been moved for ward from its usual place in examina- tion week as an experiment. Elections will continue for two weeks. A new feature inaugurated this year is the consultation hours to be observed by representatives of the various departments, during this week and next. A complete list, with the respective hours of consultation, is published in the supplementary bul- letin and time schedule of courses, now available in the Reccorder's office. There are sti1l lappointments open with the classification committee for next week, and students are urged to make arrangements this week, in the Recorder's office. The classification committee com- piles class lists for certain courses, and must be consulted before any such courses may be elected. Class cards are not to be filled out for these sub- jects. Juniors and seniors may classify in the Recorder's office any time before Jan. 15, providing they do not need the approval of the upperclass advis- ory committee because of combined curricula, or of the classification com- mittee. Sophomores must consult with the upporclass advisory committee, which is now meeting. Seniors and juniors are urged to meet with the committee1 before making elections. Freshmen may still make appointments with the committee on freshman elections at the Recorder's office. No dates are available for this week. Courses which must be elected through the classification committee are as follows: Astronomy 31; Botany 1 and 3; Chemistry 3, 6, and 15; French 1, 2, 31, 32, 97, 98, 102, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115; Geography 2; [Geology 2; German 1, 2, 31, 32; Greek 12, 32; History, 2, 4, 6; Latin Z, 4, 6, 8. Mathematics 1, 2, 3, 4, 7; Military Science 2; Physical Education for Women; Physics 35, 36; Psychology 31; Rhetoric 1, 2, 31, 32, 96; Sociology 51, 102, 111; Spanish 1, 2, 31, 32; Zoology 1, 32, 52. -f i I i and experiences. Finally, Deanr Efnger bele';es,i cannot be denied that soim, e' 5,; {SsOrs -re 'loe exacting thin oth(:.Wheo an exacting teacher gives a course ( in which there are -nhcrent dhificulties' it is apt to be a hard course. On the other hand, when a less ex';acting teacher is dealing with a subject more closely allied to the student's owni experience the course is undoubtedly less difficult. In concusion, Dcean Effinger believes that no matt er whatr the combination between teachr and subject any student will find more than he can do if he is willing to get all that he can. i( -- -- School of Religion Will Offer Five New Courses of Study During Second Semester SEMINAR IS ENLARGED1 Five new courses have been placed on the curriculum, and several new men added to the faculty of the School of Religion for the second semester, according to announcement made yes- terday.f Although it has been customary to r give a Seminar on the "Moral Issues of Modern Life," it has been enlarged this semester to include a greaterf range of problems and will be con- ducted by Prof. Arthur E. Wood of the ' sociology department of the Universi- ty. It is the intention of the school to bring representative men and womenc to the University who can discuss au-1 thoritatively certain selected social problems of the present day. The problems will be presented by the vis-I iting speakers one week and will be discussed by the class the following1 . , .:: ,<, ' ' ?: . IS F[INANCIAL SUCCESS Toledo has Largest House, With 2,623, In Audience; Grand Total Of 29,631 See Performances NET FIGURESUNKNOWN "Front Page Stuff," the 21st annual Mimes production, was presented in the last of three performances in Detroit, Monday night, before a large audience, bringing to a close the Opera's tour of the East and Middle West where 15 performances were given during the Christmas holidays. The "Michigan Opera Special," car- rying the 100 students who composed the "Front Page Stuff" company, ar- rived in Ann Arbor at 2:30 o'clock yesterday morning. During the 1926 trip 23,461 persons1 saw the Opera, making a grand total of 29,631 including the estimated num- ber of paid admissions during the one week run in this city. Toledo, with a record breaking audience of 2,623, af- forded the largest house of any city on the itinerary and set a higher mark than that of "Tambourine" last year, when the Saginaw audience numbered 2,582. Saginaw was second with an attendance of 2,525, while Detroit was third with an average of 2,052 for each of three performances. The average attendance was 1,801. At- tendance marks in the remaining cities follow: Chicago 1,834; Indian- apolis 1,264; Cincinatti 1,381; Cleve- land 1,870; Lansing 1,411; Grand Rap- ids 1,765; New York 1,327; Washing- ton 801; Philadelphia 1,372; and Buf- falo 1,100. The trip this year was a decided success financially, and the gross in- come, though not yet entirely com- puted, is running very close to that netted by "Tambourine" last year. The gross income for the Ann Arbor runi was considerably more than last year.I I Toledo, with an $1,173.50 increase over the 1925 showing, netted the. greatest financial increase this year. Grand Rapids also exceeded last yRANk L : SMT C HALLENESHERDI M beiiul, rs On4n .1 iTo Exercise Unlimnited P ower in iPassinl' Ol fi i a fia io s SMITH REIM'1NS SILENT (By Associa'td Press) WASH-FINGTON, Jan. 4.-Challenges of the right of the Senate to exercise unlimited power in passing upon the qualifications of its members werej heard today on the floor and in com- mittee rooms. The cases at issue were those of Frank L. Smith, of Illinois, appointed to fill 1.he unexpired term of the late WOL [INES CONQUER ARYLAND 392 51FOR FOURTH STRAIGHT WIN MICHIGAN FIVE CONTINUES TO SHOW STEADY IMPROVEMENT IN PLAY HALF SC6RE IS IS TO 11 Harrigan And Oosterbaan Score High For Michigan; Adams and Snyder Star For Southerners Michigan's basketball team gained its fourth consecutive victory of the season and won its final pre-Confer- enco game by decisively defeating the University of Maryland five by a score of 39 to 25 last night at Yost field house. The Wolverines have shown steady improvement since the opening game [of the season with Michigan State be- fore the Christmas holidays and prov- ed by last night's victory that Mich- igan will be represented in the Big Ten Conference competition by a strong team. Coach Mather revamped his team after an unimpressive vic- tory over Cornell college and develop- ed a five strong enough to defeat the powerful basketball squad of the Uni- versity of Syracuse. Maryland, ranked as a strong de- fensive team, met its match in the Wolverines. The first half was fea- tured particularly by the strong de- fenses formed by both teams, the scor- ing being unusually slow during the first 15 minutes of play. After the first five minutes of play, the score was 2 to 1 in favor of the Wolverines. Michigan had its first opportunities to score via the free throw route, but Harrigan failed in his first three at- tempts. Oosterbaan, keeping up the same pace he set in the Syracuse game, opened the scoring with a short shot after receiving the ball on a pass from Harrigan. Nine minutes of play passed before Oosterbaan scored his second field goal, bringing the score to a 4 to 1 count. Maryland quickly came to the front and took the scoring lead after Stevens raced up to the basket un- guarded and dropped the ball through the hoop. Faber scored another goal for the Southerners on a long shot. The lead changed hands three times within a period of four minutes, Mich- igan breaking away for a four point lead sifting through the Maryland de- fense and scoring on short shots just before the half ended. Michigan led the Maryland five, 15-11, at the end of the first period. Michigan opened the second period with an amazing offense and scored four baskets before the Maryland five could register a point. The Wolver- ines continued its rapid scoring pace until they had doubled their oppon-, ent's score. Coach Mather then called his reserve material into the fray, Martin replacing Oosterbaan for the first substitution. Adams, tall center of the Southern team, put a scare into the Wolverines when he sand three baskets in short order. Rasnick and Babcock were sent in for Chambers and Martin, respectively, and added speed to the game. When the game ended, Coach Mather had only one regular on the floor, Harrigan being the only man to play the entire game. Harrigan was the' outstanding performer of the game, scoring 17 points and being the most sensational floor man. Ooterbaan was high scorer for the Wolverines in the first half, tallying three baskets 1 and one free throw. Adams, the Maryland center, was high scorer for the visitors, with four baskets and one free throw to his week. Senator McKinley, and Arthur R. Included in the list of speakers and Gould, of Maine, elected for the re- their addresses are: "The Menace of mainder of the term of the late Bert the City" by Lewis Mumford, archi-i M. Fernald. tect; "The Rights of the Child," by Senator Binghm, Republican, Con- Miss Grace Abbott, director of the niCcticut, iterrted a prepared f Federal Children's bureau; "Hazards speech' by Senator McKellar, Demo- of the Modern Family," by Prof. E. crat, Teniessee, against the seating W. Burgess of the sociology depart- of Sit, to expiess the view that tre ment, University of Chicago; "Diag- oSitui onIa convemition had not in- i nosing the Flapper," by Eleanor Row < tendd o aInt unim d poto land Wenbridge, formerly dean oF t111d to uime power to women and professor of psychology the enate in givig it the sole right at Reed college and now examining to pass upon the qualifications of its i psychologist in the Cleveland juvenile members.x court; "Public Opinion and Crime,"' This contention drew fire from Sen- by Dr. George W. Kirchway, formerly ator McKellar as well as from Senator dean of the Columbia law school, one.! Walsh, Democrat, Montana. time warden of Sing Sing prison, and The right of the Senate to inquire at present professor of crimonology into charges that years ago Mr. Gould 1 in the New York School of Social bribed a Canadian premier in connec- VWork; "The Approach Through Labor tion with the railroad franchise was Legislation," by Dr. John B. Andrews, challenged before a Senate, elections E secretary of the American Associa- subcommittee by Frederick W Iinck- tion for Labor Legislation; and "The ley, chief counsel for Senator Gould, Roots of Poverty" given by Joel D. in the pmroceedings initiated by Sen-j Hunter, executive secretary of the Chi- ator Walsh of Montana. cago United Charities. In renewing discussion of the Smith There will also be a course on the case on the floor, Senator McKellar philosophy of religion, by Prof. A. S. said that as a result of contributions Woodburne, professor of ethics and to Smith's campaign primary fund by- philosophy of religion, Madras Christ- officials of public utilities corpora- ian college, Madras, India; and three tions the senator designate came to courses by Conrad H. Moehlman, pro- the Senate with "unclean hands" and fessor of church history at Rochester should be excluded. Theological seminary, covering the While the debate on Smith's case history of christianity. The first will continued, the senator designate him- be an outline of the history of christ- self mantained silence and still left ianity, the second the place of christ- the Senate in doubt as to when he ianity in civilization, the last a course I would come to Washington to present on the protestant reformation. his credentials. There was one rumor Enrollment in the courses for the around the corridors that he would second semester are to be completed delay until just before the session during the period for the election of ended, but this wet without confir- courses in the literary college, the In , ay h s at wrs. School of Education, and the Graduate ______n___ures school, after consultation with the E N G LI S H VISI T O R administrative committee in thesNGLI School of Religion office in Newberry F W l I TAA Vi UV DV r C i . . . . . t z 1 7 c z L E t r .] York, CwIicl called for te I ui con vuii 's ""cib 11'al-"" '- - hyll curience of that body with the ad- Chinese police and soldiers and al- year's results by a large margin, as hal. ministration's aims. though the banks and business houses Radi ogram Greetng did Cleveland. Detroit and SaginawI The chief interest this government closed at 4:30 o'clock the situation is both did better than last year, finan-OPERA MUSICd AN has in Nicaragua were given by the 1 not serious. Received By Little cially. All the other cities netted less OPER MUSCIA White House spokesman as the pur- When the coolies gathered at the Byincome than a year ago. The net IS CRITIC ALLY ILL ' chase -at a cost of $3,000,000 of a canal ( concession embankment, the British;President Clarence Cook Little was profit realized by the Opera company IN EASTERN CITY right of way across Nicaragua and the I marines, sailors and police all were ehas not yet been computed, but it is acquisition by treaty of privileges to withdrawn to headquarters inecoan- c eciintgreeint g fr m'ier expected to equal the figure set by Information late last night from S. establish a naval base in the gulf wof ihpiance with arequest by Chinese au- ainim grthigsfros, Unis "Tambourine" in 1925, and to comapre W. Gaffner, assistant general passen- Sonseca, on the west coast. No ac- thrte htte eal~ Ed alumni in the Phtilippine, IBolding a fvrbywt h ihrcr a be, n me osthe No te athorities that they be allowed to dinner in honor of Dr. Victor C. tavorably with the high record made ger agent of the Lehigh Valley rail- tual use has been made of either of the aaintain order today. American for. by "Cotton Stockings." road in Buffalo, indicated that the acquired rights, but it was made ap- es will land only if it becomes neces- school. The rmessage was signedby As in past years, the Opera coi- condition of Carl J. Lunquist, '27, of parent that the administration has no sary to protect American lives and George A. Malcolm, '06L, justice su- pany was most cordially received in Ann Arbor, a student orchestra me- 1 intention of relinquishing them. GergrAopecom,6ty.ustcesenji i t property. preme of the Philippine Islands. every city on the itinerary. Enter- her of the "Front Page Stuff" com- Of no less importance,itwsid-;timnwaafoedhecm n sated are the iterestsrepresented by The mesage read: "Michigan alum- tainment was afforded the company pany, is regarded by Buffalo hospital I prate Aeria in estmrent d in ha WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-Secretary ni assembled at Manila, P. I., at din- everywhere in Michigan by alumni. physicians as being extremely critical, private American investments ming um- Kellogg was undecided today whet-Iner for former Dean Vaughan trans- Members of the company visited the and that the crisis in his case is ex- ber, coffee, rice, frut and mining en- er the forthcoming statement of 1-it their gieetings and best wishes." capitol and other prominent buildings pected today. terprises, for the protection of which American policy regarding China I th __g _ _ss in Washington, and sightseeing trips Lunquist, who became ill in Phila- the government has assigned the na- would be held'up until the arrival in were arranged to Mount Vernon, and delphia, was removed from the opera 'al forces to Nicaragua. Washington about the middle of Feb- J=HOP INVITATIONS to Valley Forge, the League Island train in Buffalo and taken to the hos- ruary of Minister John MacMurrayom Pe-AREADY TODA y navy yard, and other historic points pital in that city when his illness de- LONDON.-The Evening Standard who has been called home from Pek- 1Ain Philadelphia. veloped into pneumonia. Daily re- understands that within a month Lon- ing for conferences. ports from Gaffner, who was with the don will be in experimental wireless The policy's statement will be in the Formal invitations will be issued BASKETBAL Y1 party at the time, show that today, telephone communication with Austra- form of a memorandum in reply to the from 2 to 5 o'clock today at a side DAS ETDLLL RXESULTS will largely determine improvement in lia and South Africa by the Marconi recent similar communication receiv- desk in the Union lobby to all holders Lunquist's condition. bean system. ed from Great Britain. It was said of J-Hop tickets by members of the Ohio university 38, University of "Every possible hope is being held today that Mr. Kellogg was endeavor- invitation committee, it was announc-- Florida 29. fout for Lunquist's recovery," Paul Prof, Cecil f. Desch, professor of metallurgicsl engineering at Sheffield university, of Sheffield, England, has s been secured to address the Ann Ar- 1 bor division of the Detroit chapter of the Aimericai Society for Steel Treat- ing, he'e Feb. 1S, according to Prof. William P. Wood, secretary of the lo- F cal group. Professor Desch is considered as one of the leading men in his field of metaliography dealing with the mic- roscopic composition of metals, and is one of the best known ietallurg- I ists in the world. 'le has written F numerous books ant papers. As the visiting lecturer, Professor Desch will deliver the annual lecture before the meeting ot the Institute of Mining Engineers which will be heldI in New York the week previous to his visit to Ann Arbor. SCOTT LEAVES ON SOU THERN TRIP credit. MICHIGAN Harrigan, r.......... Chambers, If......... McCoy, c............. Petrie, rg............ EEOosterbaan, "lg.... Martin, lg............. Rasnick, If Babcock, Ig........... Reason, rg............ W hittle, If............... Schroeder, c........... Free throws missed-I McCoy, 2; Oosterbaan, 1. MARYLAND Boyd, rf.............. LynkousIf -............. Adams, c .............. Faber, rg.............. Dean, ig ............... Stevens, Ig ........... Snyder, rf .............. Hale, If ................ Free throws missed- Faber, 2; Dean, 2. Oflicials:-John Schom FG FT PTS 8 1 17 2 0 4 1 0 2 3 1 7 3 1 7 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 2 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 18 3 39 Harrigan, 4 FG FT PTS 0 0 0 0 0 0 4 1 9 2 0 4 1 0 2 2 0 4 3 0 6 0 0 0 12 1 25 -Lynkous, 3; mer, Chicago t t t 3 1