rUEBDAY, JANUARY 4, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY_____ ______ PAUL 3L:VMP! PITCRSA CCEPTED PRESENTS FROM SOX (B~y Associated Press.) DETROIT, Jan. 3.-Frank Navin, president. of the Detroit club, believes money was presented to Detroit pitch- esr by the White Sox for their work in defeating the Boston Rced Sox in a series toward the end of the 1917 sea- son, which virtually eliminated Boston from the race that year.E On Sept. 19, the Tigers beat the Red Sox in F enway park, Boston, 5 to 2 and 1 to 0. On Sept. 20 aniother dou-. bleheadter wats scheduled but rain pre- ventied the second game. Detroit won the first, 1 to 0. In a statenment Mr. Navin voiced the' belief that the Tigers were given money by the White Sox collectively for their work against the Red Sox, who wr not mathematically ousted from th-e race for the pennant until the Tigers administered the three de-{ feats. According to Navin, it was common during 1911.6 when Detroit was in the' race for the liecnnant, for officials -of! the Boston dclb 10 induce pitchers to pay to "b~ear clown" on D~etroit. It was considered fair, for the rewards were for winning. The White Sox, who were-( in the swne lpositionl in 1917 thatI of the transactions came, Navin said. INauss' testimony convinced the com- missioner that there was no ir egu- larity in connection with the transac- tion. Dauss, Navin said, testified he had received a reward of a financial na-: tore from the White Sox bcause he hadI defeated the Red Sox on the after- noon of Sept. 19, in the second game o;' a doubleheader, 1 to 0. Tormmy Armour, professional at Washington, l). C., was, winner of the second1 Annual Long Beach Open Golf TOTS~ AT PM. ADVERTISING A for derw:K > t Nf)TI~'h> hats cleaned and l)lOc ked. All hinds of shoes cleancd, dyed and 'pa i i'~ d. Sat i~iaet ion gimrtii~teed. A N N A l~ 11011 S1lOP~ ~~25 1. IAIkrly. c-Tues.-Thurs.-Sat. chiampionship. to $2,500. The purse amouinted l --- I %7 ' &UC. Exclusive Lamsrs and Patterns OW&H.1922 HITAUE& RDNC. METROPOLITAN OPERA Hou-sr BLDG. 1NK7'ca~c e ROelioilFain.8GSo te mks gand to revise tcr withilhldobcectionabie 'chet Ilihttan iThis coiunmii closet at .3 1'. AM.dte te "iced- d, .Cal IIfor .John _MeCurry, 8267. ___________________ ' i ' in- publication. N li e r any cltr cnt t t ic .70-71-'2 NO T I 1-i . .. t iP ii4 ..4 '', 4 ii4 1ivell initime inr the sarl'044liilsertli.Cal1. .W gae,~I2 i CASH RATES - 0-7-7 V 1et cents per reading line (on the hasis of: ANIE S',DN tknwha. five av'erage words to the line) 3 cue or two ATu. TDNSt nwta in setions. Sai 1 pys fromi $5 to $2 for old i N ine cents per reading ilie41for ill-ce ornlor e !an vecat.ISeventecen Jeve , IilV ns inisertions. s1t n v ro t.J ,.1 i ('ash classihieds received at fthe 1Daily ofihce j 121 E.ANNS DIAL 4306 1Watch, seuare 11 t'i. Ui 2'0P in The Press lintilding on Maynard Street. tf The 'V'tch S op 11,21 S. Ui. t CONTRACT RATES I- - Special standardized rates given ontan p0:1'i INT('1 e rIhpo- otT tOl F(N TAIN L'EN !I-\K ict robls, $5.00. Shoieln& o - I ~ ~ ~ ~, Mu1siC loltre, 110 S.ii t i MI CAL1 TI2PNOI BANJOS.............$1-)up VI2A ENOR BANJO STYLE FOR RENT-Desirable single and dhou-; ble room for graduate women. 2E blocks from campus. Dial 8006. 70-71-i2' Some good machines all makes. They} are in good condition. Rider's Pen Shop. 315 State St. sun-tues-thur Are your records important? If nt.' why make them? If they are im- portant use a Record Ink. This is the only kind of ink we sell nd the only kind which works well in your fountain pen. Mnany worthless sub- stutes are offered under t.~te cloaik }of the name "Fountain Pen IniR." Ask uis, we will show you the df di-ference. Rider's Pen Shop. ' sun-C ues-thugr. I' 1 1,T _t 2-_Studrent Tji r ~).Shop, 7? I . lTnivei'sity, a(111'( "s from I i!!A d- a a ll-1v. lie-8040. c-I 613. d1",-1 D~etroit St. Lot wno o itiPiiiittS- zgl'alhilg afld tyl)~\ '~j0 i- clas:s work>. Quick s nt'vice. 1-,,, e:t pricer. lDial 8683. ricn TwUC IANT Ant@ V~nTHEWANT ADS tihe Tigers wyere inrd91 6,feltc prvleg} ed I PH iILADELPHIJA-1511i uwL INU Iblk~ helped them by beating the red Sox. As' lt as 12,G og au s w s ellill111111111111IIIII Illl lol IlateIIIIIIIIIIasillii1921,tllll lltllGeorgellllllill DaussilliiiliilsillllIIH wa summoned to appear before Commis-i ioner Landis to whose ears rmors- r> " .. 4.4. k4. ::14. splendid studenit tours un~ tier the expert management of an old established age-cy. 44 --m 64 dlays of unequalled inter < ;j t Qtand, England, Ho- Adak ; anci-aelgium,Frarnce,GCertnany, . , swit.zeriankd and Italy. June to Seaer~r $45up- Scpttnmbcrt$485-up.I ' TOURS 3 225 FifthAV'., N.Y - ' Mrs. Robt. C. Angell ,- 0 RS l(ay3PhAnT S 2-Pant SUITS- >- TTH DTRTTH TRSEspecially tailored(2 Our regular theE ERITTEAR college models in the NSILE ~ghts .oo - in th latest colors and patterns PLAYHOUSE 50C an I 750. at Trhe Cot ey that lias P G Iltstln mdl a ughaSeceond 6 ,ad GRISTSMAS FANTASY --'$3.5ad 37 0- By3 Mile. CasS'ti, Thayer 1-oei. , M\iss irieker, i-. at .. Miss Bonatelle and the Studeits oftheDanucing i®prced t school and thei Chitdreii"'lDraniatieSeholni OITIVELY ONLY- T30.00Eand $37.50 / To close out, we ghltS Time 1 have marked TheMusical Hit of Ages 1t Night, 75cto $ ,0; wo opular Mats., ,r r ) o a sK25 S u its Gili ARRICK ,S e o 1.0 a 4 fOne par of Pants ,at. Mat.,soc to $2.c)at SPCOND AND) FINAL; WFEKESpcaTilrg .H. WOODS PresentsSpcaTilrn LOWELL SHERMAN 9 at IN "The Woman Disputed" I= o B3y Denison Clift with Ann Iarhding Toques at 75c/F+ $~25.00- Shuber t- Lafayette Cadillac 8705 1 tarner Bros.= Those who know the~ great values recived ordinarily at CORBETT'S will The World'sBetAoath Present realize at once the greater values offered at this sale. This is your chance_ of Lovers- to get a specially tailored, college cut suit or overcoat at unheard-of values. 0 DON JUAN" - MCRET' V1 1 E '=COLLEGIATE SHOP= The Marvel of Marvels -I 2;I5 sharp-Twice Daily-S:j5 sharp ES T Matiiiees-50c to $.ce 1 16 ES LIBERTYST I,vening-5Oc to $:50 PusIT- Pius Tax -11illillllllll11llllll~ lllilalilllt~ ~ Ig11I llllI1111 IIIII~ 1IIIIl1II111tIH i1F11111111N lllllllllllllll ________________________________________________ I- NOTICE - iStart g oIor Tluxedos PIrex:;ed-4i'iiy ~ N FVt ci oi dIAlver anytimlue. T .iyn i E. Wiftlaj-s h(Dial .it-tf Tro)see best of 50 lineti(tt x ';"iu:2 di7 o card to 1103 El. \Vashintg! ona. l1i 0:165 ceenngs. $22 to3 ti0 D1 V ILI IS Atomizers, work:best. longest. AWe lha.rethem. City P'har. WANTE D--Stnudrnts who like good hot y. Il : g t'. to know we die- liver between 9 :20 and 11:;7(I. Al. BAINIECU , l -,Dial 4-111. c-Ties.-'l'hiirs.--Sat. NOTICE---New;- V iol or Ot'i 110ho0 lcr('O( "~ort' Christmasi. A" cpacki for s1aipnn ni hclS c rie &Son Music House. 110 So.. 'MNain. c tf.1 HEALTH-I Begin-) whe n you phn W~uerthi Acade. tues-ti lnns-spat-tif N\OTICE----1 ha re us ('0me1 and demroni- strate the oew en et; ,fl l1_'t4 hi:' typewriter. 7 ,,,~o:±": J for any depnrt ment, e(' e cia I, medical, etc. tilt'S -th U rS- ,sat-tir " J. _- - --e. } 'ky t - -. t t $O HAMNANRW CHPArAD{S on srl " b~rig detre i far-ff ongoiaseekng he onesot riimve an. astyea he atonshe th th firt dnosuregg, etimte Andrws hadsthe hir Asitic xpeitio,, is pi'tyconistig o Hill Auitoriu Wintr Including Florsheims and All Women's Styles