4r 'TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1927 THE MICHIGAN DAILY PA7GE TflREII ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ ____ _a - -," I~U CUDL I8 i DLAYACTIN I GRATIN OFvinced him of the good which could 3 LE I L.BARB UR CHOL RSHIS ccidental education applied to chosen' E representatives, by themr translated ITEAMS B [S VME WB BK ction on the granting of the LeviI President Emeritus, the Peieto notrso evcadtknbc L.Barbour scholarships for oriental, the University, the Dean of the College to their own places of residence. ! IRIGCA.-Before leaving Leningrad for, home, A. X. Cook, 'secretary of the Brit- ish Miners' Federation, left this writ- ten vow on the tomb of Lenin: "To Lenin's teaching, to the tremendousl Iwork begun by him, I shall devote all Imy strength as his loving disciple. 'Hail the Soviets! Hail the revolution." SPatronize Daily Advertisers. ______ Iwomzen at the University will be de- of Literature, Science, and the Arts, One hundred ninety-two teams, rep- layed because of a cablegram received the Dean of Women, and the Dean of resenting 'the schcols enrolled in the from the Barbour Scholarship com- the Medical school. The character olf MNichigan High School D~ebating lea- mittee at Pekin, China, it was an-( the candidate, her physical condition, gue, will resume hostilities after the nouniced yesterday at the office of! her scholastic attainment, her fitnessj holiday season on Jan. 141, accordingDecan John R. Effinger, of the literary! for University work, including the to announcement of Prof. G. E. Dens- college. ability to use the English languageI ainore, manager of the league. The The cablegram asked the MichiganI for study and classroom purposes, .next group of dlebates will constitute commiiittee to delay action in order ! marked ability in some special field, the third round of the preliminary that 1,9 applications -which are being i and her desire to return to her native series, forwarded from Pekin will be given land for service after suitable prepara- The date for the fourth and final conlsieration. tion shall have been made, are 'thel round was. announced as Feb. 11, by, Twenty-five scholarships are grant-' chief factors considered by the comn- Frofessor Densmore.) ed each year, and of this number from; mittee in making appointments. "Resolved, That the United States 8 to 10 are granted to new students. The late Levi L. Barbour, formerI government should own the Coal These scholarships yield $800 per an- regent of the University, is the donor M~ines," the the question that is being num and University fees. They are of the funds which provide for these studied and contested by the debat- awarded annually upon a basis ofj scholarships for oriental women. Mr. ,ers. Teams are given opportunities to merit by a committee consisting of the' Barbour's contact with the Orient con- uphold both sides of the proposit ion( in the course of the preliminary srI111C111lllilillltllllll1111ili111IUl11llllllllli 11 jes. Over 3000 high school pu- pils have made an intensive study of?-_ the question in preparation for the contests. ''emperature!%. Patronize Daily Advertisers.'Thrisawyttel Our reliable Thermometers give accurate information.l MAY NCAVOY- "TEROAD TO0GILORY" Hamiloioedy - Fberbachi & Son Co. C'omiedy 200-202 EAST LIBERTY ST. "OE XVTl' INI W \IT': RZA E -111#191lfli11it1111illllli'11t~ll11ttltlli!!1i11111llil yii LONDON.-An agreement has been signed in London for funding the P'ort- tiguese wear debt to Great Britain. Iii - a iNWSHWN - NOW SHlOWING .. .-.. (l - .., .. ggat\e..V - - 0 U -YC';I '1ED AH RYEtV a t1 lt1 11wlitllillttlt1t11tllttl 11t11N 1t1 ttt1tH t1' e I Good Home Cooking The best meals in town--that's Tuttle's. Food that is selected and prepared in the best way, and served with the utmost care. T U TTLf4E'w1S 338 Maynard i J11 Read The Daily "Classified" Columns I' : ; /; ' :. f / A = , . ,.. , All Boxed Holiday Stationery 1-=3 off Best quality liuen 'and other finishes of choicest gift stationery--Highland Linen, Crane's Linen Lawn, Whitin~g's, Hurd's, Hampshire and other well known brands, in note paper, letter, cards aind other frequently used sizes. All paper is clean and unsoiled as the day it left the factory. These boxes sold at prices ranging from $1 to $12 before Christmas. Here i's your opportunity to save one-third or7 the best that is made. MML17 Nickels' Arcade 330 South State Street O ®R OI L L The Typewriter and Stationery Store r . .. . " _-- M n fational institution rm Cost to OWWtt COLLEGE SHOPS IN THE PRINCIPAL COLLEGE CITIES. ANANOUNCING OUR GREAT ANNUAL 1;1 Mli Winter Sate The sale' that comes but once a year-Men's, Young Men's and Boys' Clothing, Furnishings and Hats reduced! The radical reductions from our low regular prices makes this a sensational selling, event ! In fact, an unequalled' buying opportunity for you! ENTIRE STOCK OF BROWNING KING Suits AM r% 41L lop A u Overcoats Drastically Reduced and Placed in the Following Low Price Groups- $3350 $4350 and a Few at $38.50 and $48.50 $5 50 I E i i i4 i i I I i i I I I ', : . I I i ill All Blues included! All sizes'! Stouts, longs, shorts, regulars! the many remarkable values ! Comne early for first choice of Extra Special! Broken Lines of FINE SUITS Taken from All Higher Priced Groups Small Group of Very Fine OVERCOATS Sharply reduced to assure immediate disposal $63050 Entire Stock of Fancy SHIRTS ! - _ __ __ - __ .. 43, , n