ESTABLISHED 1890 - 4 iE I r tr19an 4:3t MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS VOL. XXXVII. No. 70 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, JANUARY 4, 1927 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENT' HOUSE BEGINS FIGHT l OVER NEW BILL FORI NAVAL APORITO CONCERTED ATTACK WILL BEi DELIVERED ON MEASURE IN BOTH HOUSES CARRIES $314,552,680 Naval Committee Members Favor Gun Elevation Equal To England And Japan (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-Drawing a barrage of criticism on the American navy from both sides of the Capitol the naval appropriation bill was re-! ported today to the House. The verbal shells were merely range-finders for concerted attack to be delivered when the measure, carrying $314,552,680 for activities during the fiscal year runs the blockade of big .navy men in both houses. While the bill still was in the safe harbor of the appropriations commit-' tee before the House met, a plan was brewing among naval committee mem- 1 hers to demand elevation of the guns of American battleships to equal the firing range of British and Japanese warcraft. That certain members of the com- mittee were preparing to ask Con-i gress to authorize gun elevation was disclosed by Chairman Butler, who declared that he would vote for the proposal although two years ago he led the fight to defeat the same propo- sition when it drew the opposition of President Coolidge. In the Senate during the day criti- cism of the navy was voiced from the floor by Senator Johnson, Republican, California, who demanded that it bej raised from "its woeful status," to ai parity with any other nations: One of the main contests on the ap- propriations bill, which will be taken up tomorrow bythe House, is expect- ed to center on its failure to provide funds for construction of three cruis- ers authorized by the last Congress. The budget failed to recommend such an appropriation and unless it is made at this session the authorization will expire July 1 and Representative Brit- ten, Republican, Illinois, a member of+ the naval committee, declared today he would make every effort to obtain} a grant of funds immediately.1 Under an agreement with Chairman Hale of the Senate naval committee,j Mr. Britten said the appropriationI would be obtained either in the House I or Senate and that the fight for its . retention in the bill carried into con- ference between chambers if neces- sary. i ;, ;a l Dean Effinger Warns Students Against L DHandful Of British Stands Off Attack Peculiar Requirements Of University' Of Infuriated Chinese Mob At Hankow d(sitor's Note The following is the first RITsesoinrewwt(ean(Jochn . (By Associated Press) I of anti-foreign demonstration of re- TinTer of the~e ofwiteturnn HANKOW, Jan. 3.-A handful of cent Months in China. American, and the Arts dealing with British fighting men, without firing a British and French warships have It is common for sororities and' I b shot todav heldinchaekcan nfi t been fired upon in the Yangtze river fraternities to warn their new fresh-I man pledges that the most difficult periods of their scholastic career heres at Michigan is their first semester iny the University. Survive the first se- mester, the theory holds, and the chances for falling by the wayside in! years of study here are not very signi- the remaining three and one-half ficent. Dean John R. Effinger, of the litera-I ry college, agrees in part with this theory but he feels that the other! periods in college have their peculiar requirements and difficulties just as# the first semester. However, he does feel that when a student ends his first year with scholastic success, his; chances for floundering in the remain- ing three years are not very great. "The difficulty in the first semester{ of college work," Dean Effinger says, "is that the student experiences a complete change of system. The freshman finds himself with a larger measure of independence than he has! ever had before, and he is likely to be thrown off his guard. lie might have a tendency to feel that if he isn't called upon to recite every day and isn't closely supervised he isn't going to be held to a final account. As a result he often takes his work lightly until the final examinations come and then he is rudely awakened to a reali- zation that he has not done justice to hEAVY iIRENEiNGV lOFFICIALS AT- T'ACJED FOR SETTIN% BAD EXAMlPLES. POISONED ALCOHOL ilT Congressmen hitrodnee Resolutions, Proldbiting Use Of Adulterants In Industrial Alcohol. (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-The coA-1 troversy over deaths during the holi- day season from drinking of poisoned alcohol reached both the Senate and House today as soon as Congress re- convened. At both ends of the Capitol the per- sonal conduct of members in the ob- servance of the dry laws was ques- tioned and before sundown the dis--f cussion had reached the treasury, where both Secretary Mellon and Lin- coin C. Andrews, the prohibition en- forceinent chief, issued statements. While Representative Celler, Demo- crat, New York, was accusing his col- league in the House of drinking to excess," Senator Edwards, Democrat, New Jersey, in a lengthy speech in the Senate, was condemning the "hypocrisy of some the representa- tives of the people who vote and drink." Celler declared members of both! U Uy . uii atit keUh UIeLAEI mob of several thousand Chinese coolies that attempted to charge into the British concession district of this city of interior China. Excited by anti-British speeches at a New Year's celebration on the banks of the Yangtze river, the horde of yell- I ing Chinese moved against the British I quarter. In their path were a few British policemen and they stood their ground when stoned. Twenty sailors of British warships in the Yangtze joined the policemen. They fixed bayonts to the rifles and they used their rifles as clubs in ex- changing blows with the charging mob but they did not fire. Marines, hastily landed, reinforced the little British party. SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 3.-The at- tack today upon the British conces- sion at Hankow is one of a long series while protecting.foreigners in the in- terior of China. Miesionaries have been kidnapped and much property of foreigners has been destroyed. The civil war in China has been productive of widespread violence to foreigners. Cantonese government of-' iciais have announced as a govern- ment prograin the elimination of ex- tra-territorial rights of foreigners, the abolition of the many concession dis- tricts of foreign governments, and the abolishment of control of China's cus- toms revenues by foreign govern- ments. The Cantonese, backed by Russian money and munitions and listening toI Russian advisers, have issued pro-I nouncements against British and other foreign imperialism. They includedI the United States in these pronounce- ments, in which they declared they wanted a 0 united China for the Chinese. f SENATE SPLITS OVER PLAN FOR TEMPORARY ADMiSSION OF SMITH IlDEMOCRATIC CONFERENCE OP- POSES SEA TING lDURING I\ QUIRY CITE NYECREDENTIALS Mention Election Of North Dakota Senator As "Proper Form In All Cases." (By Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Jan. 3.-A wide- open split over the question of tempo- rarily seating Frank L. Smith as a senator from Illinois while his cre- dentials are being investigated de- veloped today in the Senate. Republican leaders had hoped this might be done, but Democrats in con- ference found themselves in substan- tial agreement that Governor Small's appointee should be barred from the Senate until after the elections com- mittee holds a hearing and makes a report. Dean John II. Eiinger his work. After the first semester the freshman realizes what is ex- pected of him and what his responsi- bility is. "So far as inlellectral labor is in- volvod, the work -of the freshman is not so difficult as the more advanced classes because the studies pursued in the first year in college are more closely related to the courses that he has successfully passed in high school. (Continued on Page 8) ANNOUNCE It FOR NEXT Issue Complete Li Literary College For Class ~rurniii relikilI IFDITV 1I1III1IAQV i st of Courses in STwo Weeks fication. j ~~House and Senate "drink to excess" LCIN and called upon them to keep poison E C ONS START TODAY out of industrial alcohol to protect' those who "ape their betters." Second semester elections in the ;uig the day both Houses were literary college will be made begin-a AS DEPARTMENT IEAD ON PRE4IiSTORICbll nodyaoASI also called upon in bills and resolu- ning today and will contnue for two tions ttaecognizance of the indus- weeks, according to the schedule re- trial alcohol situation. cently inaugurated by University of-, SActingHead Of Forestry Department Explorer To Talk As Sixth Numberl Celler and Representative Britten, ficials. has Spent 1" Years On Faculty On Oratorical Association Republican, Illinois, introduced reso- Juniors and seniors who do not need Of University . Lecture Series } lutions to prohibit the use of any the approval of the Upperclass Ad- adulterants in the alcohol while visory committee on their schedules A heresetatie BackDemoratNewbecause of combined curricula or ir~- WILL SUCCEED BAIRD WILL APPEAR THURSDAYI", e tedBlacksDemocratNew Yok resented a resolution calling'regularities may make their second -on the treasury for its correspondence term elections in the Recorder's office Prof. Leigh J. Young, acting head Roy Chapman An :rews, well known Ion the subject so that it might be beginning today. Those juniors and of the forestry department, has been Asiatic explorer and naturalist, will forwarded to state governors so "they seniors who miiust have the approval of I appear as tue, sixth number of thej may direct the prosecuting officers of the committee may still make appoint- appointed as the director of the state aperah it ube ftemydrc hepoeuahhes meats with the members of the com- apone stedrco ftesaeannual Oratorical association Jecture all counties in which death has oc- metihtemmbr ftecm department of conservation by Gove. n series Thursday night in l tll audi- curredufrom the use of such alcohol to mittee, but these cannot take place proced aains al until next week as the faculty are en- Fred W. Green. Professor Young suc- torium. Mr. Ai rews will speak on proce gais all persons respon-ds "ed on ar.Prehistoric Lf nAsaBn hs1c ible for such deaths." gaged in consultations until that time. Life in sia and his le- Senato dwards introduced a reso- The elections of all sophomores Fifteen years of active service on ture will be illustrated with both still lution asking the treasury for copies must be approved by the Upperclass. the faculty of the forestry depart- motion pictures. of its correspondence on the subject Advisory committee, and juniors and me, fctyiof te fores eart- The speaksr has been identified with and especially with Wayne B. Wheeler seniors are urged .to consult with the ment, outside activities in research of excavations aini iivestigatiois irn the of the Anti-Saloon league. His pro- committee whether their approval is all problems relating to the practice 1 Far East and China ever since his posal was carried over until tomorrow necessary or not. All freshmen who of forestry, and an understanding of appointment as assO' C iiat raortoft . under the Senate rules while the have not made appointments with the problems of forestry in Michigan mammals of Ie Iastern lierispiee house resolutions were refered to its members of the Committee on Fresh- fit Professor Young to assume this at the Amini'ceii AMusomi of Natural ! judiciary committee. man Elections may still make them by post. His years on the faculty of the History in 114. Ue was born in calling at the Recorder's office, though University have been marked by his Beloit, Wisconsin, and graduated fromo none will be made during this tee progression from an instructor in 1911; the BelOt College academy in 1902. L e Br eCa mI to the acting head of the department Four years later he graduated from - governs certain coursestwil be in ses- to~~~~~~~ Fh Bcigha ftedprmn:', v"oV-1 o1I0 AkV Gn irnfPnmn w pn n Ui IV Mfl 1 1 fI LL RIimith, Smith Is Silent Smith, appointed to fill the unex- 1pAired term of the late Senator Mc- FuSCKinley, whom he defeated in the Il- linois primary last spring, still kept S-- the Senate guessing to to when, if at President Believes Importance Of all, he would present himself to take Department Merits Separation the oath. From Literary College Senator Deneen, Republican, Illi- nois, who returned to Washington to- DANA IS PROBABLE DEAN ' day from his state after conferences wihSmith and Small, gave little en- couragement to Republican leaders Sufficient funds for the establish- who had requested him to plead with i ment of a separate school of forestry the appointee to refuse the appoint- at the University of Michigan are to ment. They had told him to tell Mr. be requested from the state legisla- Smith that there was small chance of ture early in 1927, according to a! his being permitted to serve out the statement from President Clarence, McKinley term because of contribu- Cook Little. If the school is estab- tions made to his primary campaign lished Samuel T. Dana, director of by public service corporation officials. Northeast Forest Experiment Station By an apparently prearranged plan will be appointed dean, according to the Senate paved the waytoday for the President.I the Smith case by referring to the The statement issued by President elections committee the credentials of Little said in effect that this step is Senator Nye, Republican, North Da- thought necessary because of the ris- kota, whose election has been in no ! ing status of the forestry department way questioned. of the University in state and nationalIWhen Senator Nye presented him- (uetions in relation to forestry prac- Iself to take the oath Senator Reed, tice and conservation problems. For I Democrat, Missouri, chairman of the twenty years the department has been committee that uncovered the Smith practicn and its place has not been campaign contributions, moved that Srecognized by the state insofar as Nye's credentials be referred to the equipetient and housing is concerned. i cascommittee as a proper form Under the leadership of Filibert Roth,as for many years the outstanding figure The Misourian explained that he among foresters in the United States, ( had no personal objections to the ere- the departnrent achieved national re- dentials, but that it was a proper pro- nown for its activity on all questions cedure for a standing committee to relating to the private and industrial examine those of'all senators to de- practice of forestry. termine whether they were in proper "The conservation, reproduction, and form. eronomic utilization of forests for in- After a sharp discussion, the Senate J r t f t t 3 t i 7 : i c l - hieloit collg an iiiD'wett p ii I'(I UI1C5 UII U Ajkii ePAN-AMERICAN AIRin 1923. During this time three years A latloIandin0 earr rS-(i enw y spet1 s reresnttiv ofth ____ appointments may be made with them dustial, recreational, and educational i ferredt TRAaVELERS F'TEDAwereerex /ry A bureau of plant industry in the depart- Ip10111m this countryhe, *wei: as spe-; With the local automobile license rgarig teecuse.AcmltprosisnefthcresoesfSnar BY,1 LT.A FTEMl ALANS Iment of agriculture studying white' ial naturalist on 'the U. S. S. Alba-bra nIh hmbro omec list of these h e ycoegespis cotained lmnir nd a eracnetoramnofeconst ri rourse pine blister rust in Michigan, several tesoli ct~ oteDthEs building open for the distribution of~ oe (B soitd Pes ers a ietr o h a In Idies, Poreo ai Celebes. Fie ex-! 1927 license plates for the first time nouncement and time schedules copies the state," said the statement. Sroenatr (1ty~socited ress yeas as dirctorof te Sainawof which are available in the Record- "It is believed that the state right-Seao GUTML IY utmlforest, Eberwhite woods, and Stinch-! ploted Noirth Cotra il 111 n 1912 yesterday purchasers came in such ersofc.Iv will demand and provide the opo- author o a n .a f h G 3A -M A L A r b an -A . e rD ar G u e , m - ir i field s i tewo o d s , a n d t o sev e ra l is y e a rs in a s c m a y- a n d t e n e tu n e d l to th e n ited S t te s n u m b e rs a s to fo rm a lin e e x te n d in g e ' A n yf i nf r a i n r g a dne .e u - t n t o l s iPn h s f e d fr mwu db 1where le received his M A. degree in1 from the service counter to the centertieo appoint-; its Uies. onseraino Senate. eosAait hr ds ina- autanhsfelwfyrwoar- in their forest patnprjcslog~ 1913 trom Coumbia of the long Chamber dining room. aites no courseschanges my bose tural resources will Insure adequate; Discuss rived here yesterday from Salina Cruz, the Huron River. All of these thingsI In 913 he went with the orden ; The process of buying plates was I cured Iin the Recorde's office.i raw products to stabilize economic opened b Mexico, will rest and be entertained I have served to acquaint him with the Alaska exp diion to explore that~ facilitated by a system inaugurated by'jcniinivsiaio ftepo-caA until W ednesday before proceeding on problems of M ichigan conservation co n ty and uplon his et rn e was O O 0. MLeish local manager whereby contoll dradnau lc on diotions, rth e edcould th e nt sta e o h i 0, 0(ie( an a e g ve i o ki g k o l appointed leader of the A siatic ex e- those w aiting in line w ere enabled to illu r n nfsI n s ta lle d co emrol ofdtree rod u ct on dibo n thune r1 e eduRd tr p M a w h l t e fi e p a n s of t e d e n w h c o a e i f t r e a - d itio n s o f t h eo A m e ri a n Ma u se u m o f ! c o m p le te p a rt O f th e p ro c e ss, s u c h AunsI nt l e as SatjE ec tieeefretrtinofwatearasbyplnteit squadron will be thoroughly pae fteieg nwiht aehsftr e over- ton as the executive of the depart- NaturalHitr.H naiehsfstilngotbnkadceknbfre___________ ing, ethrno seadevelopme ntnt ensyo n~~~~~ reaching the desk where plates were gtepordvlpmnofheIngsi haulied forl the flight down the west a ment. He was also a member of the expedition i i.1 to Thibc-t, China, I issud. forest with its wild life as recreationalintoi coast of South America and thence to ( committee organized b the MichiganadBrehsscodt ot hn The office is open from 9 to 12 (Br soitdPes factors, in an highly industrahized th -ot Buenos Ayres. Academy of Science, which developed amd Mongolia in 199, and his third in o'clock in the morning and 1:30 to CHEYENNE, Wyo., Jan. 3.-Frank state, and the utilization of sites for i Majr Dargue, accompanied by Ar- plans for the Michigan land economic 1 1921, fron wihich he has ecetly re- :30 o'clock in the afternoon. Pur- C. Emerson, who came fresh from the summer camps and educational work Bank~ thur 1. Geissler, the American minis- survey. In 1922 he was in charge of tux edlto C ntr al Asia. vvwhee he chasers will also receive service to- University of Michigan with the de- am-c all of them phases of conservation tet ,made a formal call today on Pres- getting the survey started and or- founmld no ur e , millions of years night from 7 to 9 o'clock and should gree of bachelor of science of civil in which the University can and should At L ident Chacon and then went to see the ganizing the field work that marked old which are wor t ten thousand do- i the demand be sufcient, the bureau engineering in 1904 to help conquer serve the state. Research work and miitro frinafirtewrthe work of the survey lair, each, tny o~he rfimorta t dis- will be open eveigs hereafter untilI the West, today became governor of the training of leaders in these fields minister and other officials. Tonight Professor Young is a member of, coveries were mad e inl this trip, andven I the present rush is over. Wyoming. Hle succeeded Mrs. Nellie' will be necessary. The utilization ofIWri ttere was a ball at the American club the Society of American ForestersI the l cture '1iurtrday will concern _____________ T. Ross, the nation's first woman chief 1 wood and wood products should be! in Ann, ihooofteare.Michigan Academy of Science, Amer: Itself lrgely wth his last expedition. L DTS DAT executive. I ma~e the object of further investiga- represen The pr esident of the republic, with, ican Association for the Advancement I Mrl. Anrews has spoken here be- S Emerson, for eight years state en-I tion and instruction. Ibidn cabinet oficialsmembers f the di- j oforeenonthemaOratoricalalassociationon FOR OREGISTRA asONcatgineerREtookRTthe!oatheeof ookftce shortlyof"To sdorthis"Tthe tUniversityvehopes;op citytythis lo ai op a d a m liud f w l ifc h n rs cita d P i i m ,n-series nd eoiflers of the- Asso ation - I after noon at an inau ural ceremony next September to be able to establish ; Chamber cmrwere o the landing fl I ti-'al ilgcal honor society. consider htim oi, of the finest lectur- I Registration by graduate students !presided over by Mrs. Ross. In an; as one of its branches a new school' the week~ whem.ers, cs on ve. s heldrswhIwllbpea tissesgi eSpeake we th plnsarvd Aste He attended Columbia university; n h il pertiisao.H, will be made from Feb. 8 to 12 in the address, the new governor bespoke' with S. T. Dana, now director of the Iepnl A mm r i a nsai r c ldco vrct hec itoa n d ' tho y e arib e f rene t e r igwt h U nee n-s i neaoitime ntth i s e x p l r a t i n sUe r v e d o f f i e s odt h e G r a d a tetc h ooii n n -xt ho" n edtf onc o n t r u c i veeh o u gtfa n d N o r t e a s t rnhF r e s t E x p e i m e n s t a laddbfr h eiwn tntesity of Michigan to study forestry. He' iu tie It,.ntAvec thvc nCia elHli a nonedysedy nelgn lnig n roie it sisha.M.Dn sse i v ausc citizens mingled their cheers with the ' was graduated from the literary col-! in 193 nd is a fellow of the New1 at the office of Alfred H-. Lloyd, dean I co-operation towards enforcement of dily qualified as a scholar and an Bank wil strains of the Star Spangled Banner. lege in 1909 and received the degree York Acadenmy of Sciences., of the Graduate school. i "all our laws." executive to take charge of this work. I program of master of science in forestry in! -re believes in service to the state andI tary of tI SOCIET Y INSIGNIA 1911,n COM MIT TEE CHO OSES CIT Y AS SITE FO R STATEitsfaroasuehtwthdqaeLanm AS E neigthe United States forestry 111( financial support, the school under or and A K D FOR J-HOP ervice as technical assistant he work- TUB ERCULOSIS SANATORIUM COSTING $500,000i his guidance, will set a standlard for Finance ed one season in Medicine Bow forest ---fthe; state and I most earnestly hope, ( ger of th All fraternities having booths at tho ' in Wyoming. In the fall of 1911 h ln o iecntto fhe I i xete.htcosrcio ieist ebyteR-for the country as a whole." 1pany; IR new 500000Mr. Dana was radated from the J-:paerqetdb h omte eune oteUiest sa n e 5000state tuberculosis sans- begin within a few months gents for'estry school of Yale university in Aresioe to sened in a picture of their crest to structor in forestry. He was promoted 1 rorT h'~used ini decorations, to Harold M. to assistant professor in 1918 and as- tcriumn in Ann Arbor, announced du- In investigating the advantages of Although it is very probable that the' 1907. HeI enteed the United States I Kyer, vc Philpott, 608 E. Madison, before Fri- sociate professor in 1920. Since 1923 ing the vacation period, ar-c expected to proposed locations for the sanatorium1 institution will be under the control; fomestry service and remained in this I Building daT, Jan. 7. lie has been acting chairman of the! be pt in full swring soon, with the1 it was found that the presence of the I of the Regents, it will be maintained department of the government until 11.frsr eatetIfteUiest.IH P T R A D S c t a d - S e e a__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ch an g e of g overn m en t n tI the in a -I h os ital and th e U n iversity facilities ap art from th e U n iv ersit y; af as anapi-ttafn(l rin th e o ld w r eo n ge a - ! Cy hunred inhabitants ofa thel lonely is- guration of Fred W. Green as goviern-in general would be invaluable in low- vidual unit and will also have no di- tistical work connected with the hum-I landroetd idi heotrHbi r ipsdo nNw ersca. e-n costs and facilitating treatments. et connection with the Umniversity her supply of the army. E e passed a hungry New Year's day. Many BeoraI s, ityefAnAro - slce Opportunity will be given for nmore hospital, according to Senator Green, - ___ dlays ago theiy hoisted signals of a a ers Beor C ub a st by a col iin ,1te given full ; p actial wiork for nurses in the Uni- the secretary of the committee. BI1~x e L First s food shortage *but storms preventedreI power to choose foliow\vim: a considera- I veiity training school amd the insti- Frm he- B c et ive T m lesfor re- r lief parties from lauding on the rocky tion of several oher locations, with I tution will receive the benefit of their Fo u standpoint of the Universi- i ~ ~ 'Iaalb cos.Papers upon "Studies on Cholester- the proximity of the University hos- services. ty itself the new sanatorium will be an P ittsburahs 48 To 2.avaoficebit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __t ._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o l" a n d " C lim a t e - P la n t s o i l R e la tio mn s p ita l a s t i e d e te r m in i n a c o . T holo , e p rt m d i aier i e fcma deot h e i c l s h o l i , a t r h t l o x e t m d c l s r i e f o i o t e m d c l s h o n g iv in g e x a m i n a the credentials but permitted Nye to take his seat. This as suggested by Senator Rob- ,mocratc leader, and was ap- by both Senator Reed and Ashurst, Democrat, Arizona, f a pending resolution which in Smith at the .door of the sion of the 'Smith case was y Senator Caraway, Demo- kansas, who warned, Senator publican, Pennsylvania, that not coerce Southern senators )rsing Senators-elect Vare of ania and Smith by threaten- avestigate - the Negro vote in h. Hers WiM Speak uncheon Today ngs of financial institutions Arbor will be described by tatives of various banks and and loan companies in the noon before members of the r of Commerce meeting at :ly luncheon. rs will tell of their plans for n in the future and explain ue to the community. Robert ashier of the First National 11 preside, while others on the include H. H. Herbst, secre- he Huron Valley Building and sociation; E. C. Todd, diree- manager of the Ann Arbor company; John Kirby, mana- e Washtenaw Industrial com- ussell T. Dobson, Jr., vice t and secretary of the Ann rust company, and Charles ce president of the Ann Arbor and Loan association. dules For Final minations Ready semester examination schedu- the literary college will be e today at the Recorder's was announced yesterday. The tions will begin on Monday.