-0 2- ESTABLISHED 1890 4 -Md a 14IA Av MEMBER ASSOCIATED PRESS rir s r ri wrn ,r ! wwew l VOL. XXXVII. No. 69 EIGHT PAGES ANN ARBOR. MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1926 EIGHT PAGES PRICE FIVE CENTS DO NATION OF AVIATION FUND-TO POPULARIZE1 DEPARTMENT- COOLEY DEAN DECLARES GUTGGENHEIM GIFT FEELS PATH FOR FUTURE IN FLYING OTHER SCHOOLS BENEFIT! $78,(H) Fund Provides For Professorl In Ae o autics And Finances Special hIvestigations 4n increase, surpassing records of past years, will mark the development and the popularity of the aeronautical department of the University in the, future as the result of the $78,000 gift recently awarded to the University by the Daniel Guggenheim fund for (3.y F . versities, it is an c(e promotion ofI aviation, believes Mortimer E. Cooley, dean of the College of Engin- eering. "The purpose ofI the fund," explain- ed Dean Cooley, "is to feel the way1 for the future ini regard to aviation,i and to this end, D a n i e l Guggen- heim established his fund. In dis- tributing awards to the various uni- honor to the Uni- Enpror Losing In Fight With Death, - .1 I - Emperor Yoshihito, above, of Japan, critically ill, and Prince Hirohito, eld- est son and heir to the throne, and regent since 1921. BULLETINJ (By Associated Press) J TOKIO, Dec. 16.-Yoshihito, Japan's 123rd emperor, was barely alive early today. Oxygen and stimulants were being used as final means to keep life within his body. His pulse and respi ration were irregular. Union Refund Date Is Announced Refunds for fully paid Union life members, as provided for by the amendments recently added to the Union constitution, will be made immediately after the lapse of two weeks of the second se- mester, it has been decided by the board of directors of the Union. These refunds will be made after the University has made any returns on the tuition of thos students who have withdrawn from the University. By the ruling th e Union will give $10 to those fully paid life members who paid that amount in their tuition last fall, and who have received no r eturn from the University on ac-. count of withdrawal. ALABAMA STIRRED ~IN [ALL-[ SENATOR IS AT VERDICT DOHEN#Y CASE F i r JIEFLIN INDiCATES THERE WAS AN "ARRANGEMENT" BFIORE FALL FACED JUDGE WARREN HALTS SPEECi Walsh Of Montana Says No 0 je tion Can Be Made To Way In Which ,011 Trial Proceeded F P H OR HOLIDAY JOUbRNEY f Extra Section For Students 174h1ng To See Performance Tonigh 4 Will Be Provided CHICAGO IS FIRST STOP Leaving Ann Arbor for Chicago at 1 o'clock this afternoon, the "Michi- gan Union Opera Special" will begin the first lap of its 1926 tour of the Middle West and East. In the vaca- tion itinerary which will consume the entire vacation period, "Front Page Stuff" will be presented 15 'times in 13 leading cities. Three Pullman cars, a dining car, and a baggage car comprise the spec- ial train which will carry the com- pany, and on the 21 hour ride from Grand, Rapids to Washington, D. C., a club car and a coach will form part of the special. One hundred men will be included in the personnel of the Opera company this year. This num- ber includes the cast, choruses, or- chestra, 10 committeem en, live pro- fessional stage hands, Paul Buckley, treasurer of the opera, E. Mortimer Shuter, director, Robert A. Campbell, treasurer of the University, who will represent the University on the trip, and Lester F. Johnson, '27L, president of the Union. In tie baggage car is carried the special built scenery and more than 60 trunks of costumes, trappings, and lighting apparatus. An elaborate program of entertain- ment has been arranged for the opera company by alumni in every city where "Front Page Stuff" will play. A SPAC.4HRUPllP Blames Low Quality Of Some Pictures To Demands Of Public On Movie Producers POINTS TOPOPULARITY "The moving picture may have limitations, but many of its limita- tions are the limitations of the mot tsef to which its appeal is made, " isl to w ih is a p a is m dId eclared Louis K. Anspacher, dramat- I ist and lecturer, in a speech given last night in Hill auditorium Mr. An- spacher, who was the sixth number of the annual Oratorical association lecture series, spke on the subject "The Mob and th Movies." "Sex and melodrama are the lowest common denominators of human emo- tions the world over," he declared, "And since the movie is designed to make a universal appeal it is largelyI based on these things." The speaker declared that the moving picture has a tremendous range, and that it willI go as far as its audiences will permit it to go towards art and more artistic development. With 25 per cent of the population of our own country unable to even read the titles, it is small wonder that the movie is on the pres- ent plane, he pointed out. Mr. Anspacher asserted that he a-l- ways welcomed the coming of the movie, even though his field is the I I] 4tc i t fc ti versity to accept an appropriation and thus become one of the pioneers in in- vestigating the future of aeronautics for the Guggenheim fund." Harry Guggenheim, son of Daniel Guggen- heim is the president of the group which regulates the supervision of the fund. "At present, the appropriations are small compared to what they will be if the quest of the fund proves sue- cessful," Dean Cooley pointed out. "For this reason, the professorship in. aeronautics which was granted to theS University, is limited to 10 years. After this time, if the University! shows favorable results in her work, it is probable that the Guggenheim fund will establish three or four pro- fessorships, and make 'large grants of money for further work in this Wolerine Captain Nurses Knee Injury MmIDWEST CONFERENCE LEADERS WILL MEET WOLVERINES TONIBHT CORNELL COLLEGE PROMISES TO BRING VETERAN TEAM TO FIELD HOUSE INJURIES MAY HANDICAP Chanmbers Expects To Play In Spite Of Wrenched Knee; Martin Suf- fers From Injury To Back legitimate stage, because the two fields are far removed, and while the moving picture can present physical l action very effectively it is practicallyI c i n s i; f c c 1 i l t i l connection. IThe company will make the train its useless in the line of psychological "Another notable work of the fund, headquarters except in Detroit, where development of characters along the is that it will finance any special in- the members will stop at the Statler plan of ideas. This fact drives the vet tosconcerning aeronautics, p~ii D 1 O Y haq rer xeti eriweedlopmies.T o hisractralongthe g oe thateineti-s, hotel.Inevery city but Chicago, legitimate dramatis into the legitimate provided' it is proved that the investi- New York and Detroit, where mem- field, and forces him to be more legi-. gations have merit. This includes any Bacteriology Professor Is Given Honor bers of the company will be free to do timate than he ever was. This, he special instruments, machinery, or For Distinguished'Service During as they wish, special entertainment believes, is a great advantage. material that is needed for the ex I 30 Years On Faculty has been arranged by alumni. The mob wants mechanical suspense periment. Following the performance in about physial issue rather than mental "The professor who is provided for Chicago tonight, the company will suspense about ethical issue, the by the apropriation made to the Uni- I SECOND E spend tomorrow in Indianapolis, speaker said, and this defines also the sitt, Althoughhewislns avail Announcewhere an afternoon tea danc. at the field of the moving picture. This fact scientist. Although he will be avail- Announcement was made yesterday Indianapolis Athletic club and a likewise accounts for the present co able for class room teaching, his main of the selection of Prof. Frederick G. dance after theperformance willbe, I lipew s outmores resntomt object will be to direct the operations Novy of the bacteriology department. dane.fte theCpeane iamon plots of movies, which involve the of the laboratory experiments, and the as Henry Russel lecturer for this gvn nCninttecmayIphysical triumph of the hero. speial instrment wxichns wl t s ro Mss otuerg f the will be the guests of the Sinton hotel Certain ideas in films are common, special instruments which will be year. Prof. Moses Gomberg of the at a supper dance to be held directly Mr. Anspacher pointed out, because bought by the grant," he concluded. eateto rai hmsr a h ayppropra mae toted department of organic chemistry was after the performance. Tea dances the mob categorizes its emotions. This The appropriation made to the Uni- ; the first recipient of the award last have been arranged in Toledo, Lan- versity by the Guggenheim fund $ 0year. sing and Grand Rapids, and LGrand they all work and the producers know totals $78,000, of which $28,000 is to Professor Novys work in bacteri-singandrand Rapids, adahabnd inrrand mhaktes fork. ntl asitide, b be used to complete the equipment of ology during the more than 30 years after the performance in the ballroom t the laboratory and the wind tunnel he has been a member of the faculty of the Pantlind hotel. ! haired lady reading a bible means a which is now nearly finished. 'l'he re~ Iqualifies him for the honor, ,which is After the Grand Rapids presenta- wandering son or daughter, and a malning $50,000 is to be used to estab- given annually to the faculty member tion on Saturday, Dec. 25, the coa- terpillar moustache with 'dark cir- lish a professorship for 10 years, to making the greatest contribution to patny will make the longest jump of pes under the eyestman a villain. be known as the Daniel Guggenheim scientific investigation.-I the trip, arrivig eariy Monday n e poae always he i f professorship of aeronautics. A member of the American Academy Washington, where, as part of thehe explained, because the majority of of Science, Dr. Novy has done re-'entertainment in that city, sight-see- the people viewing the show are poor. search work in,, many foreign litbor a.- , ing trips are planned to Alexanidria Music plays an immense part in the Universit SenatekgA moving picture theater, he said, and U tories and was a member of the na- and Mount Vernon. In the evening a mang pictre thatr hea and Discusses [ttles "tio"al commission to study the plagu ace will be given in the Washington many productions would appear gro- in California in 1901. Auditorium. Following a day in New tesque and insane without the musical Plan For Changes The fund was established after jiYork city, the company will move on effec.- Henry Russel's death in 1920, $10,000 to Philadelphia, where more auto In conclusion, Mr. Anspacher point- being set aside in his will for raising I rides have been scheduled, including ed out that the imnense popularity of At a special meeting of the Uni- the compensation of University in- trips to the Navy yards at League the movie, not only nationallybut in- versity Senate held last night Presi- structors. Since the sum was obvious- island, Valley Forge and other points ternationally, show s that is a great dent !Clarence Cook Little submitted ly too small for such a purpose, the of historic interest, arranged bly the power, and all young institutions have a plan, for the appointment of a con- Board of Regents divided the award alumni o Philadelphia. In Buffalo, been criticised-even Shakespeare's mittee of that body for the study of into two parts. Half of the amount the next day, the company will be en- plays when first produced. "It is easy practicability of a reorganization of was designated as a lecture fund, from tertained at the Buffalo Athletic club, to criticise," he said, "But many the first two years of the college cur- ;wvIh grants are made annually. and after the performance a(lance will things fight their way up from ap-1 riculum at the University with refer- Di)tingimshed service of any kind be, given at the Buffalo Consistory. proval by the many to recognition by ence to the development of a separate (,; ,1re part of a member of the Uni- From Buffalo, the Opera will move to the few." administrative unit. versity staff below the rank of pro- l)etroit, where three performances - In endorsing the plan that a coin- fessor is rewarded by the University will be given before the company re- LISBON.-Extensive damage was mittee be appointed to study and re- from the other $5,000. turns to Ann Arbor. caused by an enormous water spouf port upon the courses and curricula Advance sales of tickets in every which burst over St. Michael's Island of the various schools and colleges of city indicate unusually large audi- in the Azores. Roads and houses wer the University, the Senate in an in-Monarchist Clique ences this year. estroyed. a c r. c e ,k i l ! ' (ay Associated Press) Cornell college of Mount Vernon, WASHINGTON, Dec. 16.-The Fall- 'Ia., will play the Wolverine basket- )oheny oil conspiracy today stirred ball five in the second game of the enator Heflin, Democrat, Alabama, season at 7:30 o'clock tonight in the o a denunciatory speech of unusual ° field house. This contest will bring itterness in which he told the Senate together champions of their respective ts opinion of the defendants, the I-conferences since Cornell led the Mid udg and the jury. ?swest Conference last season while It was his belief, he said, that for- Michigan shared high honors in the nor interior secretary Fall would not Big Ten. ave gone to trial unless there had With Cornell promising to put a ann an "arrangement" beforehand veteran team on the floor, Coach E. J. or either an acquittal or a mistrial. >>Mather is undecided as to the Wolver- Ile likewise declared that the case ines' opening lineup, faced with the hould not have gone to trial before possibility of being without the serv- i judge appointed by the Harding ad- f 1 ices of his star letterman, Capt. Eddie ninistration, and paid his respects in ..........Chambers, and. Jim Martin regular )assing to the Republican party and { forward. Martin's back has continued he administrations of Presidents to bother him so that it is practically larding and Coolidge. certain that he will not start although The only reply that came fromany I Trainer Staads holds out hopes that enator was a request by Chaimtman he will be able to get into the fray. Warren of the appropriations commit- Captain Chambers is suffering from a ee, that eflin postpone the restof slightly wrenched knee which may s speech until some other time so keep him out of the game. If both shat the Senate should proceed with i men are kept on the bench, the Mich- ts regular business, and a sho t igan quintet will be seriously weak- Mtatenot bybSnaMons, ii ened, but as it stood late last night, ana, prosecutor of the oil committee, Chambers will probably start in his who said he could see no valid objec- , Eddie Chambers regular place though the knee will be ion to the manner in which the pre- Who may be kept out of the game a little weak. iding justice had conducted the oil with Cornell tonight because of a If Martin does not play, Harrigan onspiracy trial. wrenched knee. Chambers is one of will be shifted to forward to take his Senator Heflin pointed out that the mainstays of the Michigan attack place where he will be teamed with Justice Hoehling was appointed by and his work at guard is expected to Barley . Barley has developed rap- he Harding administration in which feature the Wolverines' play this sea- idly in the last week and has the call Fall sat as a cabinet member. son I for the place over Gawne and Nyland "So that all around we connect up who played at forward against Mich- he inference," he continued, "whether igan State . Petrie will move in as it has any effect or not, I am just ITrunning guard to fill in Harrigan's giving you the inside facts about it. place when the latter goes to for- "Doheny contributed to the cam- Moward. Captain Chambers will prob- paign fund of the Republican party. ably start at standing guard and Mc- I do not know of a single arm of the Coy will fill out the team, Jumping administration that was exercised to ilOUcenter. bring about punishment of these - In the event that Chambers is kept criminals. !hobs And 'eurry Will Lecture On out of the contest, Harrigan will re- "We cannot enforce the law and Research Work Accomplished main in his place at guard, playing have respect for the law if we apply During Past Summer I along with Petrie. Gawne will prob- it only to the poor and uninfluential. --, ably get the call at right forward and The greatest crime wave has come o CWETY IS HONORARY Barley and McCoy will fill out the on the country and now they will be f EO R Y team, according to Coach Mather. He encouraged when they read that the I also said that Nyland and Babcock biggest criminals in the nation have As representatives of the University are other possibilities at the forward gone out of the court house with a I of Michigan at the convention of the berth, while Whittle, a sophomore, and verdict of approval." I Association of American Geographers Benny Oosterbaan may be given .a Replying to a question by Senator I to be held at Logan Hall of the Uni- chance to play if the Varsity gains a Reed, Democrat, Missouri, Senator. substantial lead. Whittle is a prom- Heflin said he regarded Rear Admiral versity of Pennsylvania n their Ising candidate while Oosterbaan is Robison, who aproved the oil leases twenty-third annual meeting Dec. 28, not yet in shape for a full game as he for the navy as "just as guilty as 29 and 3e, Prof. W. H. Hobbs of the just reported Monday. Doheny and Fall." gelogydetp eogap dartmr K Dick Barker, athletic director af In the midst of these statements the mnt willlecture ci te research Cornell and former Michigan wrest- senator pointed out that he was speak- work they accomplished last summer ling coach, has sent a list of the men ing under the constitutional ibmunity I t.he convention of ti hono ary As who will probably start for the visi- which makes it impossible to call tors which included Kasch, star for- f sociation meets every year to discuss ward and Muilenberg, brilliant cen- members of Congress to account for the scientific events and relative pro- .b 1 ductive re scam'lr work of the members t yerlyijThesIowans have enhmpred When the Albaman had concluded, j who are seected on that basis. m by early injuries which have impaired Senator Blease, Democrat, South Car- Wednesday, Dec. 2, rofessor Mc- team work, but they are now rounding olina,'added this postscript: Murry wil give a lecture on "The into form, according to Coach Dean. "Mr. President, it is very natural Work of the Michigan Land Economic Either Adamson or Diekoff will play for people to follow precedent. Very Su'rvey." In the evening a Round- at forward along side of Kasch. Both likely this jury read in the newspapers Tfable discussion will be held on 1 are good men and have been compet- that a man by the name of English "Pioneer Belts" by the elected mem- I ing for the berth all through prac- (Judge English of Illinois )whose im- bers of the Association. tice with honors about even. Johnson peachment charges recently were dis- In a joint session with the American has been slow to round into form and missed by the Senate, resigned, and Meteorological Society and section E1may not start in which case McCul- that a great jury, a great deliberative of the Amercan Association for the l en will take his place. Hord will body, accepted his resignation as suffi- I Advancement of Science, Professor probably draw the other guard assign- cient, and if they did, perhaps they Hobbs will open the Thursday Symp- I ment. then remembered that Mr. Fall, too, sosium on Greenland by an illustrated Tonight's probable lineups: 'mad resigned." lecture on "The First Greenland Ex- Michigan Pos. Cornell pedition of the Unirersity of Michi- Barley .........L. F........... Kasch 1l 1Rs-TC EXPLORER ga.n" His lucture will be followed by Harrigan ......R.F........ Adamson A RT ACE CR E I the illustrated report of S. P. Fergu- or Diekoff TO RELATE CRUISE son, meteorologist of the expedition McCoy ..........C.......Muilenberg who will talk on "The Meteorological Petrie..........R.G......,. Johnson I Results of the First Greenland Ex- or MCullen Speaking on "The Cruise of thej peditin of the University of Michi- Chambers ......L.G...........Nord Morrissey," Capt. Robe't A. Bartlett, gan." Officials: Bechtel, Wittenberg, re- noted Arctic explorer will give a Uni- I eree; McCulloch, Springfield Training versity lecture in Hill auditorium, f OYC OF SM ITH school. Time of game: 7:30. Tan. 12, under the auspices of the C t E-FS r i i I formal discussion suggested that in B f__dHA_ the appointment of the committee time Buil sHu eA n Pesentshouldconeastohuge Army Yost, In Last Interview, States Evils Of Intej of the committees and the prop ortion-Is German Charge a te__mitead t 1Athletic Competition Still Remain ate representations with those deans At leiC m ettonS ilem i who are specially concerned. (By Associated Press) The purpose of this investigation; BERlLIN, Dec. 16.-Charges made of undergraduate studies is to de- in the Reichstag today that a secret Fielding IH. Yost, in concluding his In promulgating the idea that his- termine whether a gain in efficiency monarchist military clique is building I series of interviews, yesterday, de- tory tells us that nations have sue- and saving in expense might not be up a huge reserve army in Germany clared that "we have looked in the ceeded in democracy and civilization accomplished by avoidance of duplica- with munitions and airplanes hoarded s tion and unnecessarily frequent of- in Germany and Russia tonight faced past week or so at the evils and pro- in almost exact proportion to their fering of such courses as are very the Burgeoisie coalition cabinet of blems in intercollegiate athletics, and participation and emphasis on com- lightly attended under the present Chancellor Marx. in spite of the recent progress in petitive games and athletics, Coach curriculum. Philip Scheidemann, head of the sportsmanship and ethics these prac- 1 Yost referred to Greece as standing Social Democrats, whose accusations tices still prevail to a lesser or great- , alone, in her dlay, both in athletic rHILADELPHIA. - Frank Tinney, produced bedlam in the Reichstag, de- er extent. comedian, is under treatment in a manded that the presenit cabinet be "Their existence," he continued; prowess and in democratic pih "mnf -----------antfrofip~,, b~full value alsI ~1o iUse1nd drn nXaimnln5.S tat- E t ,r geology department. EXCITES SENATE ZOOLOGISTS TALK rcolle (y Associated Press) AT CLUB MEETING S iteOWASHINTON De. 16-Pinning In SpiteO Pry resstheir lest hope oil the possibility that ( At a metting of the Zoological P'!Senator-elect Frank L. Smith, of Ill. Journal club last evening, Prof. --will not accept appointment from George R. La Rue talked upon the good sportsman has respect for his Glovernor' Small to serve out the un- holdfast organ in the strigeidae based opponent. He respects time authomitiesexpired term of the late Senator Mc- upon his own obeservations together under vhom he is playing. Above allutKiinley, Senate leaders settled down with the opinions of other scientists. the good sportsman respects tie game tonight in a nervous attitude of He illustrated his talk with slides. he is in. Sportsmanship is remark-e watchful waiting. ( Prof. Peter O. Okkelberg of the able exemplified by the verses of News of the appointment caused a zoology department then discussed Berton Bradley: great flurry in Senate circles and the recent articles on the determination "'Der Lrdin he atte tat oeshope was openly expressed by leadersI of sex in hydra and embryos. "' Dear Lord, in the battle that goes o l atosta mt ol e on through life, of all factions that Smith would re--____________ fuse the tender. SENATE APPROVES I ask but a friend that is fair, As soon as the appointment became A chance that is equal with all in time known, Chairman Re d called a spec- ISUPPL Y MEASURE r r